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I'm interviewing Eric Musco live tomorrow (15th Oct) 7pm GMT+1


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To be quite honest.. I really disliked the most part of the interview.

It's filled with personal opinions from snave and while some of it is good content and a good bucket of water in the face of musco.. a bigger portion is just complete bull.


The best example, which kind of made me lol, is how wakalord would be the best classrep to ever exist.

No actual offense intended to wakalord.. but if he had been the classrep we would've had autocrit mauls in 2.4 and in 2.7 we would've ended up gutted into the ground.


As if Wakalord's presence would have meant everything he ever said would have happened? The hyperbole is strong.


Regardless, the point was the popularity contest put a lot of bad class reps in place. For some communities, it was somebody who made videos. For others, it was whoever was the whiner-in-chief.

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To this day I still think that the assassin community couldn't have hoped for a better class rep.

She put in the time, care, listening ear for others and most of all put it perfectly into words.


Call me a fanboy, whatever. That is my genuine opinion.

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As if Wakalord's presence would have meant everything he ever said would have happened? The hyperbole is strong.


Regardless, the point was the popularity contest put a lot of bad class reps in place. For some communities, it was somebody who made videos. For others, it was whoever was the whiner-in-chief.


so what? all the class rep did was gather the questions from the community.

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So a few people have asked me to post the youtube link of the interview I had with Musco so here is it. The VOD is also available





I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who came out to watch, your interest and support is definitely appreciated and I hope the interview was at least mildly entertaining.


Ultimately I don't really have huge hopes for PvP after this, things pretty much went how I expected but hopefully we'll begin to see some of the transparency that Eric said he'd like to have with the community.

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Ultimately I don't really have huge hopes for PvP after this, things pretty much went how I expected but hopefully we'll begin to see some of the transparency that Eric said he'd like to have with the community.


I don't think anyone does.

Edited by Raansu
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So, after SPAMMING the REGULAR Twich sessions full with PvP questions so that NO-ONE ELSE was able to deliver their own questions,

the PvP folks get what they want.


Lesson learned : If you spam the REGULAR Twitch channel long and hard enough, then you'll get what you want - as an PvP player of course. Everyone else gets nothinbg, of course. That's what it makes it so great being an PvP player : One gets everything ! All needed it enough spam. And the resulting loss of RL reputation because of that spam can easily be neglected becauise there is the almighty Internet Anonymity !/i]


Full Success !


What exactly was it that we wanted that we got?

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3 month out of 9 (January through September) is 33%. Right?


"I unsubbed for roughly 3 month this year. Compared to that, my sub was active all year 2013. Quick math that is 33% lose in revenue in 2014 compared to 2013." You were subbed for all of 2013 (12 months). If you stay subbed for the rest of 2014, it's 9 months this year instead of 12 last year (-25%). If you are unsubbed for the rest of the year from now, it's <= -50%. Comparing the first nine months of both years would be silly, and the only way you can get 33%.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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I'm gonna be honest, when he said that "things change" as if it was just natural for the industry - I could not disagree more. I've been playing online games for a long time, probably about 20 years now, and during that time I've never encountered a company that was less professional, engaging, responsive, or transparent as BioWare has been with SWTOR. That is not the industry, that is BW which as Eric's naivety suggested in the interview - continues to have no idea what in the hell is going on, or even the direction their own game is going.


To expand on that, a large majority of the "changes" have been brought about as an attempt to correct or diminish an earlier mistake. This is not a game evolving as it ages, this is a company trying whatever the hell they can come up with and if it doesn't work, then forget about it let's scrap it and try something else. Blindly fumbling around in the dark isn't the way to run a game.


But whatever can't say I'm surprised by what I heard. Nice job snave

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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I don't disagree that PVP has been sorely ignored by the devs in favor of utterly pointless investments. This past year alone, they funded Starfighter (which the devs consider to be PVP, it isn't.), Strongholds (which the devs consider to be important to PVPers, it isn't), and Galactic Conquests (which the devs consider to be important to PVPers, it isn't important to anyone) instead of something like Cross Server Queues, Reworking Ranked 8v8, OWPVP development, engine optimizations to improve large OW engagements, server merges/complimentary transfers for those on lower pop servers, etc.




While I agree with most of your post, this portion kinda baffled me when you wrote it. Last I checked, Galactic Starfighter ships are piloted by people, not computer AI. So technically it is PVP. Whether or not you play it is irrelevant. It is ulitmately people versus people. So to say it isn't PVP jsut doesn't make sense. I know a lot of people who really like Starfighter and have fun playing it. It may be a small part of the community that wanted it, but BW made that available to them. Heck, I have fun playing it every once in a while, even tho i mostly do ground pvp.


Galactic Strongholds conquest objectives have brought a benefit to pvp. when the week arrives that encourages people to PVP, the ques are popping much more often. The quality may not be as good, but it does expose more people to it. We all were newbies to pvp at one point, so that BW is trying to get more people into the Warzones through conquest events does more to help the pvp environment than hurt it in the long run.


And your blanket statement that Galactic Conquests aren't important to anyone is also very confusing. It has brought guilds together to work towards common goals. You may think they aren't important, but you don't represent everyone. The fact that you have so many guild partaking in this part of the game and competing with other guilds proves that it is important to some people.

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Ultimately I don't really have huge hopes for PvP after this, things pretty much went how I expected but hopefully we'll begin to see some of the transparency that Eric said he'd like to have with the community.


You did a pretty d*mn good interview for a Twitch stream and props to Eric for stepping up. However, in the end, Eric is only a Community Manager. He isn't a Dev and he isn't a shot-caller. So all he can do is what he did in the interview...pass along what information he knows in the most palatable way possible.


I think Eric actually achieved the transparancy he wanted. He has been pretty forthright and honest about all of the information available for PvP, has done his best to get the information out as soon as possible, and created the only real connection post-launch between the Devs and community with the Class Reps.


Unfortunately, the reality is that Bee-Dubya just doesn't give much of a cr*p about PvP anymore. It really is just in maintenance mode at this point. Bee-Dubya will do what they can to keep PvP churning; spot fixing bugs, correcting some blatant problems (like Yolo Ranked Qs), maybe adding a WZ once a year. However, all effort will just be enough to keep the systems active and functional so players that do PvP continue to login and hopefully buy CM garbage.

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While I agree with most of your post, this portion kinda baffled me when you wrote it. Last I checked, Galactic Starfighter ships are piloted by people, not computer AI. So technically it is PVP. Whether or not you play it is irrelevant. It is ulitmately people versus people. So to say it isn't PVP jsut doesn't make sense. I know a lot of people who really like Starfighter and have fun playing it. It may be a small part of the community that wanted it, but BW made that available to them. Heck, I have fun playing it every once in a while, even tho i mostly do ground pvp.


Galactic Strongholds conquest objectives have brought a benefit to pvp. when the week arrives that encourages people to PVP, the ques are popping much more often. The quality may not be as good, but it does expose more people to it. We all were newbies to pvp at one point, so that BW is trying to get more people into the Warzones through conquest events does more to help the pvp environment than hurt it in the long run.


And your blanket statement that Galactic Conquests aren't important to anyone is also very confusing. It has brought guilds together to work towards common goals. You may think they aren't important, but you don't represent everyone. The fact that you have so many guild partaking in this part of the game and competing with other guilds proves that it is important to some people.


GSF is not PvP.

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Just so everyone understands: Torstatus is useless for gauging server populations. The server-status that torstatus uses has nothing to do with population numbers, it's server loads (for servers with different thresholds) and server status only. If you want to convince me or anyone with a little knowledge that the game is gaining anything you need to use more than torstatus.



At any given time I am reasonably sure that if you log into the EbonHawk and run a lot of who commands to count the total numbers of players logged in (it can be done - I prefer to use samples but my samples wouldn't stand up to objective scrutiny) there will be more people logged in on Shadowlands. Along the same lines, POT5 will have more than Jung Ma and the Harbringer will have more than just about any server. I have done this in the past but just to satisfy my own curiousity.


Populations have not been going up at all on POT5, Jung Ma or the Ebon Hawk over the last 3 mos and I am reasonably sure that up until a couple weeks ago at least they were dropping on both POT5 and Jung Ma.

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Just so everyone understands: Torstatus is useless for gauging server populations. The server-status that torstatus uses has nothing to do with population numbers, it's server loads (for servers with different thresholds) and server status only. If you want to convince me or anyone with a little knowledge that the game is gaining anything you need to use more than torstatus.


I play on The Harbinger, Begeren Colony and The Bastion and I can confirm that this is indeed true. Begeren Colony and The Bastion have been dying this year whilst The Harbinger has been gaining players. The server status won't display this information, but The Harbinger is easily the biggest server in the US at the moment.

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So a few people have asked me to post the youtube link of the interview I had with Musco so here is it. The VOD is also available





I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who came out to watch, your interest and support is definitely appreciated and I hope the interview was at least mildly entertaining.


Ultimately I don't really have huge hopes for PvP after this, things pretty much went how I expected but hopefully we'll begin to see some of the transparency that Eric said he'd like to have with the community.


Great stream , great questions...

They are not listening!

This is strictly a cost issue for them they are not going to poor time and resources into fixing problems for 1% of their player base. They will sooner let hardcore pvp die. How many times did he say small portion of the player base.

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I thought it was a decent interview, Snave asked the PVP questions that have been mostly debated on this forum.

They weren't the best answers but at least it was (virtual) face to face and it's out there. Musco is definitely used to dodging bullets, made me wonder if swtor aligns with any political party.

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To be quite honest.. I really disliked the most part of the interview.

It's filled with personal opinions from snave and while some of it is good content and a good bucket of water in the face of musco.. a bigger portion is just complete bull.


The best example, which kind of made me lol, is how wakalord would be the best classrep to ever exist.

No actual offense intended to wakalord.. but if he had been the classrep we would've had autocrit mauls in 2.4 and in 2.7 we would've ended up gutted into the ground.


Lmfao. You're the biggest Xinika fan girl I've ever seen in my life. That guy was absolutely stupid in everyway possible. The only thing he did was cry about how Assassins and Shadows needed defensive buffs. Not only was he utterly garbage at the class he played as a main the only spec he played remotely good was 23/1/17 which was the most OP spec in game pre 2.0. Says enough.


Wakalord > xini*******, but of course because you got a 30 seconds fame trip in one his vids you're all over his nuts to this day :rolleyes:


Can you xfer to Bastion please so I can roll your face into the ground on a Powertech please

Edited by mori-
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Begeren Colony and The Bastion have been dying this year whilst The Harbinger has been gaining players.


I play on Bergeren Colony and I haven't seen any major decrease in population on the fleet to indicate its "dying". in fact I've seen a slight increase since the Galactic Strongholds expansion hit. PVP pops are very regular and I've had much more guildies on at the same time more consistently. Maybe its just the time slot you log on?

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Lmfao. You're the biggest Xinika fan girl I've ever seen in my life. That guy was absolutely stupid in everyway possible. The only thing he did was cry about how Assassins and Shadows needed defensive buffs. Not only was he utterly garbage at the class he played as a main the only spec he played remotely good was 23/1/17 which was the most OP spec in game pre 2.0. Says enough.


Wakalord > xini*******, but of course because you got a 30 seconds fame trip in one his vids you're all over his nuts to this day :rolleyes:


Can you xfer to Bastion please so I can roll your face into the ground on a Powertech please


This made me giggle :rolleyes:

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Lmfao. You're the biggest Xinika fan girl I've ever seen in my life. That guy was absolutely stupid in everyway possible. The only thing he did was cry about how Assassins and Shadows needed defensive buffs. Not only was he utterly garbage at the class he played as a main the only spec he played remotely good was 23/1/17 which was the most OP spec in game pre 2.0. Says enough.


Wakalord > xini*******, but of course because you got a 30 seconds fame trip in one his vids you're all over his nuts to this day :rolleyes:


Can you xfer to Bastion please so I can roll your face into the ground on a Powertech please


This is probably one of the top 15 butthurt posts in SWTOR forum history. You earned a slow clap.

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You clearly haven't read any of Mori-'s post . He cannot post without trying to insult someone else to make himself feel good.


He's channelling hatred so he can build 30 stacks of fury. No need to make fun of the guy simply because he is a real life marauder.

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While I agree with most of your post, this portion kinda baffled me when you wrote it. Last I checked, Galactic Starfighter ships are piloted by people, not computer AI. So technically it is PVP. Whether or not you play it is irrelevant. It is ulitmately people versus people. So to say it isn't PVP jsut doesn't make sense. I know a lot of people who really like Starfighter and have fun playing it. It may be a small part of the community that wanted it, but BW made that available to them. Heck, I have fun playing it every once in a while, even tho i mostly do ground pvp.


Galactic Strongholds conquest objectives have brought a benefit to pvp. when the week arrives that encourages people to PVP, the ques are popping much more often. The quality may not be as good, but it does expose more people to it. We all were newbies to pvp at one point, so that BW is trying to get more people into the Warzones through conquest events does more to help the pvp environment than hurt it in the long run.


And your blanket statement that Galactic Conquests aren't important to anyone is also very confusing. It has brought guilds together to work towards common goals. You may think they aren't important, but you don't represent everyone. The fact that you have so many guild partaking in this part of the game and competing with other guilds proves that it is important to some people.


Well said

GSF is not PvP.


You're a troll

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