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So what perks are those who actually spent 50+ hours grinding to level 55?


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? :mad:


Nice one Bioware. Just flood the game with lvl 55's and made the whole "work to progress" thing a complete joke. I don't know what you guys were thinking.

Maybe they were thinking that games are something to relax with, a diversion from the stresses of real life?


Play isn't supposed to be work. I work when I work. When I play, I prefer to play.


There is little medical benefit to elevated stress levels regarding a game. Fixations on the alpha male stereotype do little when they result in strokes and heart attacks.

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It's a game, not work. I have seven 55s, all leveled the hard way. I'm not going to complain about this. I freaking love it, in fact.


^ This...


I have 19 alts, a few of which have been stuck at 25-35 for awhile... I'll get those finished and get 3 more to 55 as well by Dec 1st, loving every minute of this...



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? :mad:


Nice one Bioware. Just flood the game with lvl 55's and made the whole "work to progress" thing a complete joke. I don't know what you guys were thinking.


More people you can do end-game content with!


Shorter queue times because more level 55's!


More people with money to spend on the GNT! :D


Hurray! More people who can hit level 60 when the expansion comes out because they'll be 55 by the time it drops! YAY!

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? :mad:


Nice one Bioware. Just flood the game with lvl 55's and made the whole "work to progress" thing a complete joke. I don't know what you guys were thinking.


And you don't think those of us taking advantage of the XP boost have ever gotten to 55 the hard way. I have 4 level 55 characters done the hard way on one account and had 3 on the other account. Now I'm enjoying doing it the easy way since the planet and side quests are boring as hell after 7 times.

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Lol! So... yeah enjoying the game. Being first to do "x". Having fun with friends. Going through the multiple class stories. That... was all work. :rolleyes:


Surprised you didn't throw in the old, "players are going to suck now because they didn't have to grind to 55" crap.

Edited by Rafaman
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This is a legal "cease and desist" order.


The term "grinding (™)" is a legally registered trademark that is only applicable to first or second generation MMOs such as Everquest, Asheron's Call, Final Fantasy 11 and so on. The usage of "grinding (™)" to describe the lolwut leveling progression in current generation of MMOs such as SWTOR is strictly prohibited. Furthermore, such continued misuse may result in permanent brain damage and lost internet credibility.


*End legal order*

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Yea seriously I'd like a refund on all the character perks I bought to increase my XP for flashpoints, warzones, and space combat. Legacy emotes are going to be a joke since everyone will have it now. It's a slap in the face of those of us who actually play the game.
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? :mad:


Nice one Bioware. Just flood the game with lvl 55's and made the whole "work to progress" thing a complete joke. I don't know what you guys were thinking.

YOU win a larger pool of 55 players to do end game things with, like GSF, GF, FP's, Ops, PvP and a BRAND NEW CAR!!!! Grats man!!! :D

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I'd like the 5million credits back I had to spend way back when to get the rocket boots also, but I don't think that is happaning

and the 40,000 i had to spend to buy speeder piloting.


ive been here since day 1 and i still alts that arnt anywhere near lvl 55, they will now.

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50 whole hours to get to 55? Wow.


What did it take in WoW to get to max level, back in the day? Or EQ for that matter?


50 whole hours of eyeball-needling, finger-bleeding, ulcer-inducing, rote, boring, not at all story-driven, no-entertainment grinding.


Kids these days! GET OFF MAH LAWN!

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Yea seriously I'd like a refund on all the character perks I bought to increase my XP for flashpoints, warzones, and space combat. Legacy emotes are going to be a joke since everyone will have it now. It's a slap in the face of those of us who actually play the game.


actualy play the game.

actualy play the game.


mind - blown.


I didn't realize that "actualy playing the game" mean specifically going for things no one else has instead of enjoying what the game has to offer. I didn't realize that "actualy playing the game" meant that all the things you have enjoyed are suddenly valueless, just because someone else has them. what are you Bond villain or something?


as someone who has been playing since early acess who has had all class buffs for a long long time along with legacy lvl 50 and a whole lot of perks (including yes, buying legacy ones for my characters) I say - YAY! I can have even more alts now! I can actualy roll a bunch of characters JUST to see what those story options do that I didn't pick before and not have it take months. its AWESOME.


and like others said - more people at max level to play with! more alts that could sub in for guild raids! more of everything, more fun!

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The perk was months of 55 level gameplay and the fun that was available to be had.

You're welcome.


Ok, this is my first mmo, but even I have figured out how they work, so I'll summerize for those who don't.

1. content is released.

2. QQing ensues about how every aspect of it is too hard/unfair, generally by people who don't actually want to put in the gameplay to accomplish it, either by gearing or improving their gameplay.

3. nerfs happen.

4. Repeat QQing, now with added epeen rage.

5. Content is released. Repeat process.

Edited by errant_knight
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