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Please Consider Adding a Solo Version of Forged Alliances


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Hey, I am all for tolerating people's differences, as long as those people are willing to adapt their habits and behavior to whatever environment they are in (this is my general world view, from games to politics about immigration and religious demands).

If someone gets into a game that is designed around the idea of people playing together, expecting everything to be soloable is not realistic.


Now, sure, lot of people play the game because it is the "next KOTOR", but, finding a group of like-minded people should not be that difficult, if there are so many of them.


I can understand that people sometimes behave like r-tards in groups, but, judging from my experience, there are very few of those "divas" or people incapable of waiting through a cutscene, especially when you say you want to watch it.


From a pugger's perspective, it happens a lot... And I'm generally considered a patient person.


That said, it may not be completely realistic to expect the devs to design solo-modes for the ops.. I'll give you that.. I can still hope for it though and I'd consider it an awesome move from Bioware. But realistic? sadly, probably not.


However, as Artemis said, the MMO genre as a whole is on a path to change. A MMO is not so much a game centered around cooperation being necessary anymore (and probably even less so in the future) and more about a game being played online, by a lot of people, at the same time. TOR especially seems less designed around people playing together in groups (At least compared to their current rivals) and more about people playing, however they want, at the same time, in the same place. GW2 is doing that even better though (While they seem to do a lot of other things much worse.), with optional cooperative play, rather than group play. I would not be surprised in the least, if this will prove to become the norm in the future.


That said, I will be sad, if there is at least not some way to play in proper groups. And I am all for hard difficulty-modes as well. It just shouldn't be a requirement for people to experience the stories..


Finally. Thank you for stating your opinions in an objective, mature and inoffensive manner. It is a delight having a discussion with you. :)

Edited by Lord_Robert
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Hardcore players are moving over to games that represent modern hardcore play, like the CoD and Battlefield series. The multiplayer online communities for these types of games is growing in leaps and bounds, while traditional MMOs have shrinking playerbases. Games like WoT and LoL are now ruling the day, while WoW continues to shrink as its hardcore base leaves the game.


Sorry, I just had to laugh at "COD being for hardcores". COD is the epitome of what is wrong with multiplayer communities these days. As to it growing, hard number that are not Activision PR are hard to find.

WoT and LoL are not MMORPGs, they are MOBAs. There is a huge difference between those genres.

But I suppose I can agree on the fact that a purely sub-based games are not doing as good as they once were (well, if we do not count consoles, where you basically have to sub to their service to even get online)

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Is it really that hard to use groupfinder and interact with other human beings 3 times?

*headdesk. headdesk*


Fyi....I run group content whenever I can. But I'd like to see YOU try to heal in a fp with excited 3yr old twins sitting in your lap. And frankly....after dealing with a-holes all day, there are times when I have absolutely ZERO patience left to deal wit some chump who wants to rush thru as fast as possible. I pay my sub just like y'all do. If you don't want some fp's solo friendly, then by all means....YOU use group finder. YOU play with a group. And YOU can get the FULL set of rewards and achievements. I'll play the solo version that doesn't give me all the special snowflakes, but allows me to stop and take kids to the bathroom, fix juice cups, dinner plates and other things that may cause me to be afk 15-20 times an hour. As well as look around, check out the scenery, and explore the area.



Now you go have several seats.....

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You're already getting FA solo mode, now you want ops solo too? Man when will you people ever be happy. Understand that maybe FPs might eventually get a solo mode. But it will never happen with Ops. Ever.


I think it would be so awesome to play ops with seven of your companions!

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Funny you should mention that, we are actually going to do that very thing! It is really important as we head into Shadow of Revan that players have seen the Forged Alliances storyline. Although we will certainly never force you through it, we want to make it so that if you haven't played through it, you have an opportunity to see the whole storyline, even by yourself if you choose!




You realize, of course, that this is only going to flame the fires of make everything soloable, right?

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I think part of the reason this issue is surfacing now is because the only way to get your "story fix" in the game these days is through these major planetary quest arcs.


Imagine if you couldn't get through your class story without doing some heroic 4's in the middle of it. People would freak, right? Everyone wants to see their class story and not have it hampered by the schedules, whims, gear and attitudes of other people.


But now, post level 50, the only way to see those BW storylines and epic cut scenes is through the remaining planetary story arcs. Everyone who finishes Imperial Belsavis gets to see the start of the Dread Master story. But far less people get to actually see how it ends.


Now we have this exciting new storyline and BW is acknowledging that they understand that everyone wants to see it. They are listening! That's a huge step in the right direction.


I'm not sure about ops and how to find a middle ground on that one. For an op, you want a story with an epic feel, which requires a lead up of multiple quests. But there's nothing worse than working your way through a story only to come to a gate that blocks your finishing of it. Next thing you know, days, weeks, months, etc can go by while you hope to find someone out there who wants to do it, when you do, in the style that you like to play, etc. Good luck finding a group for Macrobinoculars now, buddy! I still haven't finished mine, and I'm IN a guild of active people.


Brainstorming solutions to this problem is a great idea.

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Ahahaha... nvm, within a couple posts of Eric's... the and All FPS/Ops being soloable requests started.



Should everyone who thought it a great idea lie and pretend they didn't like it?


One strong indicator we can take away from your observation should be that the demand is there for solo content.


The sigh was unnecessary, but I suppose it said as much about you as it did anyone.

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Sorry, I just had to laugh at "COD being for hardcores". COD is the epitome of what is wrong with multiplayer communities these days.


Fair enough. It certainly wasnt a statement as to the quality of the community, only the fact it is growing rapidly.


As to it growing, hard number that are not Activision PR are hard to find.


Again, fair enough. No way to verify Activision numbers externally, so I would have to concede they could be inflated. Personally I think that is unlikely though.


WoT and LoL are not MMORPGs, they are MOBAs.


Sure, mentioned as leaders in the online gaming market, much like CoD or Battlefield, which also are not MMOs. The point was to make the case that MMOs are a shrinking portion of the online gaming market.


There is a huge difference between those genres.


...well, Im not sure huge would be the word I would use. But yes, MOBAs are different than MMOs certainly.


But I suppose I can agree on the fact that a purely sub-based games are not doing as good as they once were (well, if we do not count consoles, where you basically have to sub to their service to even get online)


...and part of that is hardcore players leaving the market for games that have a more challenging edge IMO. That left casuals in charge in my view.


Naturally I can see the points you make, I don't think your contentions are unreasonable. I also think you see the writing on the wall. I think that, however, keeping the status quo is not the way to go (that is not a statement as to the intent of your contentions), nor is throwing out MMO tradition completely. Story access is important, but difficult content is also part of the picture and should remain so.


Just my slant.

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Should everyone who thought it a great idea lie and pretend they didn't like it?


One strong indicator we can take away from your observation should be that the demand is there for solo content.


The sigh was unnecessary, but I suppose it said as much about you as it did anyone.


Whoa there...


Not at all, if you wanted soloable content, I am happy for you... seriously. You are correct, the demand is there... the threads come up from time to time.


Now, I happen to disagree with this line of thinking (mainly because I prefer the team content (FPS, Ops, etc). So, yes, my preference is that in an MMO that all content not be made soloable. Why? Because it reduces the number of people who are available to run in "team mode", reduces the necessity of teaming in general.


Whether or not you liked the sigh, is truthfully irrelevant to me. I did sigh (irl), because it takes the game in a direction I don't necessarily agree with. I didn't join an MMO to play with myself (:p). What it says about me is that I prefer team content (which is why I joined, and continue to play a MMO), and would prefer that the game not be made into a solo play game.


My original comment to Eric was that this will open the flood gates on these types of requests. Something I had hoped they would never do, as it gives precedent for those who like this style of play (solo) to constantly refer back to.


Look if you are happy with it... Gratz... no snark intended... However, I am not... and I do not feel I should pretend to like it. Nor, am I asking those who do like the change to pretend they dont like it (hey, different strokes for different folks , right?) .

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Funny you should mention that, we are actually going to do that very thing! It is really important as we head into Shadow of Revan that players have seen the Forged Alliances storyline. Although we will certainly never force you through it, we want to make it so that if you haven't played through it, you have an opportunity to see the whole storyline, even by yourself if you choose!




This is excellent! So when can will we get the solo version to play through? :D

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I am glad for this flashpoint being done in solo form for a lot of people who haven't done it.


I also understand that people would like more of the flashpoints and maybe some ops soloable.


I also understand the ones that don't because they like groups.


I seriously doubt everyone that would like some of these solo doesn't like groups but you are going to need to be honest, there are some people you don't want to group with because of their attitudes.


Honestly I would like the story ops to be done say with a group of two or three or even four because that way I can do them with my boyfriend and my guild. I am sorry if you find this wrong, but I am the type of person that sees no reason to rush through stuff and have to deal with people saying I can't believe you never done this or stuff like that.


Yes a lot of people are nice but there are also some people that (for the lack of a better word) act like jerks who you dont' want to deal with in a game. The idea of this is to have fun not make it so unenjoyable that you forget it is a game.


I understand your gear may be important but is it really that much more important than a person who would like to do the story version of the operation and get fussed at or yell at for wanting to take their time or not having what they think the perfect gear is.


My two cents.

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I remember the system from Dungeons and Dragons Online, where each quest have difficulty level that can be chosen before the quest start. Basicly, the lowest level is solo, and rewards in this level are also the lowest, more chalenging options requrie a partner or two...


I would like to see the same system in TOR, i'm not a big fan of groouping togeather... One thing is to find good teammates, second is to believe that they all have time to play the Operations...


Also, one of the biggest thing that i simpy love in TOR are voices in the dialogue. I dont want to skip it, but with the team, especialy if some of them already did this operation, it's something i must do :(

Edited by rumbur
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Whoa there...


Not at all, if you wanted soloable content, I am happy for you... seriously. You are correct, the demand is there... the threads come up from time to time.


Now, I happen to disagree with this line of thinking (mainly because I prefer the team content (FPS, Ops, etc). So, yes, my preference is that in an MMO that all content not be made soloable. Why? Because it reduces the number of people who are available to run in "team mode", reduces the necessity of teaming in general.


Whether or not you liked the sigh, is truthfully irrelevant to me. I did sigh (irl), because it takes the game in a direction I don't necessarily agree with. I didn't join an MMO to play with myself (:p). What it says about me is that I prefer team content [/b](which is why I joined, and continue to play a MMO), and would prefer that the game not be made into a solo play game.


My original comment to Eric was that this will open the flood gates on these types of requests. Something I had hoped they would never do, as it gives precedent for those who like this style of play (solo) to constantly refer back to.


Look if you are happy with it... Gratz... no snark intended... However, I am not... and I do not feel I should pretend to like it. Nor, am I asking those who do like the change to pretend they dont like it (hey, different strokes for different folks , right?) .


no, you prefer to have people forced to play with you, IF they want to see the story prepared for this game.

Is this your understanding of team play? People that have no other option than to group, form a "team" to see their stories?

And at the same time I bet you wouldn't want to have anything to do with the story -you just want to be fed with your comms.


no thank you, I'd rather see my Star Wars story with my character playing the star without your involvement.

If I wish to play with a team, I'll find like minded people, preferably in a guild. Hoping they will want play with me BECAUSE they prefer it this way, not because there's no other option.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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I would like to address a few points here.


I am glad for this flashpoint being done in solo form for a lot of people who haven't done it.


I also understand that people would like more of the flashpoints and maybe some ops soloable.


I also understand the ones that don't because they like groups.


I seriously doubt everyone that would like some of these solo doesn't like groups but you are going to need to be honest, there are some people you don't want to group with because of their attitudes.


Honestly I would like the story ops to be done say with a group of two or three or even four because that way I can do them with my boyfriend and my guild. I am sorry if you find this wrong, but I am the type of person that sees no reason to rush through stuff and have to deal with people saying I can't believe you never done this or stuff like that.


Yes a lot of people are nice but there are also some people that (for the lack of a better word) act like jerks who you dont' want to deal with in a game. The idea of this is to have fun not make it so unenjoyable that you forget it is a game.


I understand your gear may be important but is it really that much more important than a person who would like to do the story version of the operation and get fussed at or yell at for wanting to take their time or not having what they think the perfect gear is.


My two cents.


Scarlet, first of all a very good post. Yet I find myself disagreeing with you on your last point. Yes to me gear can be more important than story. But, that does not mean I am firmly against those who enjoy the story over gear. It seems you and plenty of people miss the important point that story in operations is in fact extremely minimal. There is no major cut scene except maybe one at the very end.


Another thing I would like to address is that I do not think it is fair to make the statement that raiders must remember that is just a game. That to me is a bit disingenuous because, the same can be said for those only interested in story. I mean it is saying "Oh you don't need that chest piece, it is just a game" to "Oh you missed out on one cut scene, don't worry it is just a game"


The same logic can be applied. Look, I do see where you are coming from, yes people are bad some people are impatient but while I sympathize it does not represent everyone. It is all very well to say that groupers have attitudes and they do, but it needs to be said that soloists have attitudes too. It is a two way street. Anyway good post.


And in what way could or would it ever do any harm to you, your chars, your play or anything else, to allow soloists access to operation story-lines?


I'm not saying it is technically possible, nor that ops should, by definition not have group-oriented mechanics. But I'd love for there to be a solo-difficulty on everything, where the mechanics centered around a single player with a companion, thus allowing said player to enjoy the story.. and maybe earn a a few comms (a few mind, one either a daily or one-off basis).


Why should that be a problem to anyone else? It wont alter the mechanics of the group-oriented difficulties and while it would take some developer-time to implement, on the other hand, it might make more soloists join or even keep the ones we have around for longer, thus providing a greater incentive (Read subs, and CC purchases) for Bioware to make new content for the game..


I simply cannot see how that is detrimental to group play or those players, like myself, who prefer to run instanced group content.


That is precisely why it is detrimental. You are taking valuable dev time away from creating new content. I'm sorry but to me you simply can't have your cake and eat it too. You see while you think it won't change mechanics, in fact it most certainly will because the bosses would have to scaled and redesigned, the puzzles would have be to redone and most importantly the AI for the companions which is rather complex would have to be redone to work with the player.


How long do you think this would take? How long do you think expansions and updates would be delayed because of this? Yes, I realize you pay your sub like I do and yes you have a right to content too. However, because this is an MMO you simply can't or shouldn't at least have access to everything group orientated if you not willing to group. The reason? Because if this because a staple that there is a "solo option" then that would make the incentives for group content less attractive. and thus less people would do it


I think it would be so awesome to play ops with seven of your companions!


Soloable content? Maybe. 7 companions? Not going to happen.

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I would like to address a few points here.




Scarlet, first of all a very good post. Yet I find myself disagreeing with you on your last point. Yes to me gear can be more important than story. But, that does not mean I am firmly against those who enjoy the story over gear. It seems you and plenty of people miss the important point that story in operations is in fact extremely minimal. There is no major cut scene except maybe one at the very end.


Another thing I would like to address is that I do not think it is fair to make the statement that raiders must remember that is just a game. That to me is a bit disingenuous because, the same can be said for those only interested in story. I mean it is saying "Oh you don't need that chest piece, it is just a game" to "Oh you missed out on one cut scene, don't worry it is just a game"


The same logic can be applied. Look, I do see where you are coming from, yes people are bad some people are impatient but while I sympathize it does not represent everyone. It is all very well to say that groupers have attitudes and they do, but it needs to be said that soloists have attitudes too. It is a two way street. Anyway good post.



Yes I agree it is a two way street. There are nice raiders and solo players that are jerks as well. If it was up to me everyone would treat each other with courtesy and respect, but enough on that. And thank you.

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I would like to address a few points here.




Scarlet, first of all a very good post. Yet I find myself disagreeing with you on your last point. Yes to me gear can be more important than story. But, that does not mean I am firmly against those who enjoy the story over gear. It seems you and plenty of people miss the important point that story in operations is in fact extremely minimal. There is no major cut scene except maybe one at the very end.


Another thing I would like to address is that I do not think it is fair to make the statement that raiders must remember that is just a game. That to me is a bit disingenuous because, the same can be said for those only interested in story. I mean it is saying "Oh you don't need that chest piece, it is just a game" to "Oh you missed out on one cut scene, don't worry it is just a game"


The same logic can be applied. Look, I do see where you are coming from, yes people are bad some people are impatient but while I sympathize it does not represent everyone. It is all very well to say that groupers have attitudes and they do, but it needs to be said that soloists have attitudes too. It is a two way street. Anyway good post.



Yes I agree it is a two way street. There are nice raiders and solo players that are jerks as well. If it was up to me everyone would treat each other with courtesy and respect, but enough on that. And thank you.

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So, yes, my preference is that in an MMO that all content not be made soloable. Why? Because it reduces the number of people who are available to run in "team mode"

So, you're saying that a good number of people would prefer to play solo if given the option? A big enough number that the people who prefer to group, would find it harder to find people to group with? You may be right...but in that case, why cater to the minority of people who prefer grouping?

However, because this is an MMO you simply can't or shouldn't at least have access to everything group orientated if you not willing to group. The reason? Because if this because a staple that there is a "solo option" then that would make the incentives for group content less attractive. and thus less people would do it

If less people would do it...then, so what? No loss. The people who genuinely want to do it still could. There's no downside to less people playing in groups, if it's something they'd rather not do.


I just always find it interesting that "If there were a solo option, everyone would pick that!" is used as an argument against having a solo option. Seems more like an argument in favor of it.

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Seems to be a very different mindset. Note, how Alec, for example says: "perfectly GREAT gear is handed over to you in the end of Oricon." Funny, 'cause I am worried my 156 gear with a 180 barrel is not enough to go to Oricon :)


As a new player, with only one L55 solo alt, I frankly have not seen any incentives to start on the Elite Grouping Content.


For example, to start Ops... nowhere it says that at L50 you would be bolstered if you joined an OP and it would be winnable in your L47 (or something) gear. When you are at L50, you are in a hugely exciting part of the game, you took months working towards! You are too wrapped up in the class story to pay attention to all the endless triangles that start popping on the Fleet, and that window of opportunity closes really fast between L50 and L55 to take advantage of the Bolster....


Once you finished Corellia, there is an extremely confusing situation with gear and content direction. It’s much better after Makeb when they added an actual quest pointing to Basic Gear, but on L50? Nothing to guide you at all. The only special thing about L50 is that getting your gear now becomes a proper mess.




Where are the carrots?


Lowbie PvP benefits are not advertised either (but conquests help that!), but it takes one quick visit to the warzone to see how incredibly appealing it is, and how great the payback is! Holy crow! Once you spend 15 min in a warzone and got out with 10 or so comms out of it and 0 death bill, it clicks. That’s your meal ticket to painlessly equipping your character for the rest of the progression to L55. Rock on! Give me more!!!!


Flashpoints? Uhm, what’s in it for me? Why should I invest my time in learning that? I am right now trying to do all the Flashpoints on my 3rd solo character, and frankly, I am not sure why I am doing it. It feels like such an unproductive endeavor.


I thought, I’d do it in a GF, then repeat when a few levels over to memorize it better…

I thought I’d see stories previously unavailable to me….

I thought it will give me good equipment….

I thought it will give me social standing for my solos (I play most of my chars in leveling with my husband in perma-groups)….

What I found out was….


1. My character is always pulled under-leveled. Blooming always. I start every FP feeling guilty because I think they think they will be carrying me and I am a cocky idiot trying Cademimu on L28.


2. Negative reinforcement/feedback only (they kicked you for under performing) After a wz, I get an MVP or two, I get my scoreboard standing, I know I did fine or should get my act together and think some.


3. Social rewards. Laughable, just laughable.If the Flashpoints and Ops are counted as Social interaction in the game, they should at least give you a lump-sum bonus to your social standing, as convo points are ridiculously low in proportion to the accomplishment of having to deal with the 3 strangers.


As of now, you can run dailies via GF till you turn blue in the face without ever getting any decent social standing. Just levelling with someone gets you unproportionally more social points. Leveling together is the only way to keep social standing on a level enough to buy social gear on the planets you arrive to.


4. Loot. What loot? You need to be geared better than what you get dropped off in the FP to go through the FP. The drops are also bound, so you can't give it to an alt or sell it for any kind of credits worth efforts. Add Cost of Death, and, if nobody waits for you, you can't also run a companion on the missions, so you lose that revenue stream as well.

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Funny you should mention that, we are actually going to do that very thing! It is really important as we head into Shadow of Revan that players have seen the Forged Alliances storyline. Although we will certainly never force you through it, we want to make it so that if you haven't played through it, you have an opportunity to see the whole storyline, even by yourself if you choose!




Can you confirm if we get this prior to 3.0 or within the expansion itself?

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If you bother to look, roughly half the community simply expressed appreciation for the consideration of making more content we could enjoy without having to deal with the whims of total strangers who only wanted to race through, or subject us to their narrow-minded myopic political beliefs, or expect everyone to serve their ego, or put up with their prejudicial racial obsessions, or make choices we wouldn't have made, or subjected us to an application process whereby they could approve our mods, or stand there, waiting interminably for someone to deem us worthy of their precious time. Then came all these loud elitist posts with their dismissive, better-than-thou attitudes urging Bioware to believe that there are too many ways for independent people to avoid being dependent on them, to avoid servitude, to escape those political biases and overblown egos.


What is the problem for you if other people wish to play independent of the vagaries of the group finder?


What is the problem if I don't want to be needy?


What good is there for anyone in belittling those who think differently from you, dehumanizing others, putting them down, dismissing them as weak or less-than-human? Why in the universe would you imagine that anyone would esteem people who did those things and why do you imagine we would not respond negatively?


Very good post I separated the question. I doubt you'll get an answer.


The problem isn't with interacting with people. The problem is in the requirement to interact with random people, even those who, from all appearances, truly and deeply dislike not only you but the horse you rode in on without the first clue of even who you are. I do not think playing any MMO should evaluate to or even be comparable with involuntary servitude.


So I anticipate the response that if I was already grouped with friends then I wouldn't have to put up with the random element. My response is that I should not be put into a position of dependency by a game whether it is an MMO or single player. Excessive social dependency is not healthy, and though every social human being is to some measure dependent on their society (you didn't build that ALONE), social dependency should not be imposed by our entertainment media.


Very good post to.


Trying to discuss this on here is like trying to bamng your head agst the wall. The players that have a "Group (Hive) Mind" are a lot like the players who complain that the normal planet quests are too easy and its all "tank and spank" .


TLDR, I think that interacting with people should be expected when you go play in a social environment such as online game.


. As such, forced group content is perfectly fine.


Now just to be clear i am not aiming at these two people specifically but everyone who generally agrees with thierstaments.


These types of people are similar to those who also don't care if a segment of people like "tank and spank" or "story mode difficulty" You can also see this in various post that rant about "casuals" or "dumbed down "


I asked a very good question which no one responed to in post #117 In a way they did though simply by opposing solo play .


By their silence the " mmo means group and guild" attitude. as well as the


"the best rewards should only be for insane mode players becase we are elite" show their true personality traits .


(FYI My normal response to that is insane mode is an Optional part of the game if you're doing it "just for the challenge" why do think you deserve better rewards than everyone else who choose not to or don't find that option "enjoyable" ?)


Attitude and thought process are generally evident


tt really boils down to they don't really care if you're being forced to be there or even if you're having fun being there all they care about is that they are enjoying themselves.


if someone is FORCED to be there to see the story or to get the "best rewards" they could care less until that persons gear or performance or whatever else is not up to their "elite" standards becase "everyone should understand the technical mechanics of their characters and strive to be elite like them"


If you had a system where you could use your full crew to make everything soloable and all loot was the same no matter what "difficulty" you were doing .


The group people and hardmode people could play their game with PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY WANT TO BE THERE.


It is a win win for everyone the soloers are not forced and the groups don't have to put up with people who would rather be anywhere else.


Which was really the point to my question in my post in post #117 when i was being accused of being selfish for my views.


Lets see who is the selfish one


My View and the definition I used offers - Freedom of choice for everyone _ people who want to solo can people who want to group have that option to . I believe people risk their lives everyday fighting for freedom. Thank you to anyone who serves you are honored.


Opposing views and definition - People are forced to engage in a practices they do not choose of their own free will. Either miss out on the story or group . that is a form dictatorship. not as serious as do what i say or die but still the same basic principle.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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That is precisely why it is detrimental. You are taking valuable dev time away from creating new content. I'm sorry but to me you simply can't have your cake and eat it too. You see while you think it won't change mechanics, in fact it most certainly will because the bosses would have to scaled and redesigned, the puzzles would have be to redone and most importantly the AI for the companions which is rather complex would have to be redone to work with the player.


How long do you think this would take? How long do you think expansions and updates would be delayed because of this? Yes, I realize you pay your sub like I do and yes you have a right to content too. However, because this is an MMO you simply can't or shouldn't at least have access to everything group orientated if you not willing to group. The reason? Because if this because a staple that there is a "solo option" then that would make the incentives for group content less attractive. and thus less people would do it


Alright, I'll give, it might be slightly detrimental to some of the many players. But please remember that you are not all the players. To other players, this would provide a huge benefit. Do they not also deserve the time of the devs?


As for altering mechanics, it would change them, for the solo-option only. Not for any existing difficulties. That, at least, is the point I've tried to get across.


Regarding time, then yes, it will take some time. But since everything but the solo-mechanics are already in place, far less so, than creating new content will. And to a lot of players it might provide them with content equally as good, if not better, than new content aimed specifically at grouping.. For far less work on the dev's behalf.


As for 'less people will group, if they don't have to': That is an argument about forcing players to act in a way that YOU want them to, rather than how they prefer to play the game. That is wrong in so many ways, I cannot even begin to describe them. And I do in fact enjoy grouping.. Would I do that less, if I could enjoy the story of ops on a soloable basis? No. I would still group up for the gear. In fact, I prefer running group instances to soloing. But I am not the only player on TOR and everybody has a right to play his or her own way. Would some people group less? Most likely yes and they have every right to do so. The way you or I prefer to play is in no way more right, than the way they prefer to play. And they should not be limited because of it.

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