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BioWare, We pvper’s feel that we are ignored.


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BioWare, We pvper’s feel that we are ignored.


I can understand as this place must be a living hell and the only reason there is barley any response in the PvP section, as far as I can think of is u people do not know how to respond to this situation. Any major bad move will bring utter chaos. And it’s also hard to tell that u guys actually reading the forums or not but I can bet some of u guys do anyways but there are some thread that is already going out of hand and should had been removed but they still there, betting that it has been unseen.


Anyway for my part I hope this silence is worth it if u Devs. actually bring some good news on your delayed 3.0 announcement. Whatever is coming up there will help me make a clear decision on what I should do next depend on what that will be bring up and what your people planning to do further with the game.


What I really like is some more clarification; not like an announcement but in some way that sticks out that we / I can see that what priorities that has been / will be set in this game

Something similar to this thread post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7299143 that I respect that answer most of the common question back then.


That is all I have to say.


Ps. if this thread get post/response that goes out of hand – Remove it please (im not going remove it myself):jawa_wink:

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I honestly feel that for there to be big positive changes to pvp, the pvp community needs to change. Too much of it is toxic. The whole "red means dead" philosophy really turns the casual and part-time pvper away. Thus keeping the pvp population low, and as thus less of a factor in the game as a whole.


I think if this community was more positive, when they are in wz's, don't try to dominate or utterly humiliate the opposition (ie spawn camping, or drop down camping in wz's), useless taunting (esp in regs when it's obvious the team they are up against doesnt' have a chance). Meaning if these 2 things lessened or disappeared, if the good pvpers would help people along, maybe take people aside and coach them, then you are building a community of people, helping them get better, and as thus grow that pvp population. As as thus, better rewards, more money allocated towards pvp, etc...


IMO, one of the biggest things that's needed is open ended, customizable warzones. Basically, what I mean by this, is essentially invite only wz's, thus players could, as an example, make their own huttball leagues. Savvy pvpers could sell their time for creds and use those wz's to teach new pvpers the ropes, strategies, and help them with their skills in their particular class.


Outside of that, my main wish for pvp would be to remove the level cap, or at least lessen the level cap TO BUY the gear. Thus, as an example, a level 40 could start buying the pvp gear in anticipation of level cap, and be ready to roll when they pop said level cap. And yes, I understand that they can come to these forums and learn the ropes of how to cheese bolster, but having that as the expectation just isn't realistic. And changing the level cap to buy doesn't take much on BW's part.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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there are some thread that is already going out of hand and should had been removed but they still there, betting that it has been unseen.


I wonder which threads you mean.:p


Pvpers behaving the way they did on the live stream today don't do the community any good.


People are pissed off and we don't get ANY response. Wars start like this.


What do you expect? You get stupid answers (no cross server because it will kill the game's economy) from people who don't know how to play the game?


That economy answer... my jaw dropped to the floor when she said that. Unbelieveable... no words...

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What do you expect? You get stupid answers (no cross server because it will kill the game's economy) from people who don't know how to play the game?


Please, tell me this is a joke and no one said that. Please :(


edit: welp that wasn't a joke. There is no hope for good things to happen for pvp. Whoever told them that cross-server would kill the game's economy deserves to get fired.

Edited by Darkshadz
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I honestly feel that for there to be big positive changes to pvp, the pvp community needs to change. Too much of it is toxic. The whole "red means dead" philosophy really turns the casual and part-time pvper away. Thus keeping the pvp population low, and as thus less of a factor in the game as a whole.


I think if this community was more positive, when they are in wz's, don't try to dominate or utterly humiliate the opposition (ie spawn camping, or drop down camping in wz's), useless taunting (esp in regs when it's obvious the team they are up against doesnt' have a chance). Meaning if these 2 things lessened or disappeared, if the good pvpers would help people along, maybe take people aside and coach them, then you are building a community of people, helping them get better, and as thus grow that pvp population. As as thus, better rewards, more money allocated towards pvp, etc...


IMO, one of the biggest things that's needed is open ended, customizable warzones. Basically, what I mean by this, is essentially invite only wz's, thus players could, as an example, make their own huttball leagues. Savvy pvpers could sell their time for creds and use those wz's to teach new pvpers the ropes, strategies, and help them with their skills in their particular class.


Outside of that, my main wish for pvp would be to remove the level cap, or at least lessen the level cap TO BUY the gear. Thus, as an example, a level 40 could start buying the pvp gear in anticipation of level cap, and be ready to roll when they pop said level cap. And yes, I understand that they can come to these forums and learn the ropes of how to cheese bolster, but having that as the expectation just isn't realistic. And changing the level cap to buy doesn't take much on BW's part.


Lol no way


Bet this is coming from a pve server toon

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Lol no way


Bet this is coming from a pve server toon


and your point, pve servers are typically a lot larger than pvp servers. And yeah, so what if I'm from a pve server. You are pretty much the type of person I'm probably talking about.


And granted, if you're on a pvp server you choose to be there, gank all you want. But if you make a point to gank lowbies when you're full brut and run to nar-shadaa to get your gank on, then you hurt the point of a pvp server.


And how would what I said actually hurt the population? How would making your fellow pvp players better, how would helping them improve hurt? Newsflash, it wouldn't. But the problem is that a lot of people on pvp servers don't actually want good competition. They just want to get their gank on, and don't want people to fight back. They want to feel better about themselves and call themselves better because they rolled a toon on a pvp server for that so-called 'leet pvper status. When the reality is they couldn't even hack it on those pve servers.


And granted, there are still a lot of extremely good pvp players on pvp servers. But the really good ones actually understand what I'm talking about it. They actually want good competition, and win or lose, love a great battle and knows what it looks like when it happens.


And since the majority of pvp is not open world, other than the people that just want to gank lowbies, and it's objective based, then customizable wz's is a good idea.


But if you just want to stay on your low population server because your leet pro status and your epeen attitude turns people away and people migrate to pve servers, that's your choice. Enjoy your ghost town.

Edited by Anyakaschala
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Asking the community to change before changes are made is silly.


Large groups of people behave in predictable ways. There are entire fields of study devoted to it - you CAN change a community's behaviour for sure, but only by changing their environment. Standing up on a podium and saying 'hey guys, why can't we all just get along?!!' is the height of naivete.


So the environment that needs to be changed is the absolutely TOXIC mess that Bioware have largely created for themselves. Bad communication primarily - failure to engage and ridiculous PR blunders. A focus on things that irritated a bunch of people - the Cartel Market over improving old content, and stripping out existing PvP content (ranked 8s) replacing it with a model that many disliked. An apparent lack of understanding of their own game's mechanics.


So yeah, change the way that the community behaves? That's up to Bioware. And they've shown very little interest in actually taking the required steps. No profit in it.


Anyway, this thread is in the PvP forum. Most of us are acutely aware that means it will never receive so much as a cursory response.

Edited by Jherad
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Asking the community to change before changes are made is silly.


Large groups of people behave in predictable ways. There are entire fields of study devoted to it - you CAN change a community's behaviour for sure, but only by changing their environment. Standing up on a podium and saying 'hey guys, why can't we all just get along?!!' is the height of naivete.


So the environment that needs to be changed is the absolutely TOXIC mess that Bioware have largely created for themselves. Bad communication primarily - failure to engage and ridiculous PR blunders. A focus on things that irritated a bunch of people - the Cartel Market over improving old content, and stripping out existing PvP content (ranked 8s) replacing it with a model that many disliked. An apparent lack of understanding of their own game's mechanics.


So yeah, change the way that the community behaves? That's up to Bioware. And they've shown very little interest in actually taking the required steps. No profit in it.


Anyway, this thread is in the PvP forum. Most of us are acutely aware that means it will never receive so much as a cursory response.


I understand what you're saying, but part of the point of my suggestions, IMO, would help that attitude. Granted, in terms of player attitudes and basically feeling butthurt, I can't change that. The ganking attitude, people have to get rid of that themselves. I've played pve and pvp servers all the way back since eq days where it was free for all. And even back then there were lvl 50's in original eq that would troll the lowbie zones because they could.


I saw a difference in servers on WoW, played one where the ganking was constant and corpse camped a lot, left and never went back, played on different one that policed it's own, and ganking was rare, and definitely no corpse camping, or you'd find yourself getting corpse camped.


Thus, IMO, the attitude has little to do with the game, and all about the people. Why? truly dissatisfied customers leave and don't come back. People are in these forums and posting because I think they really like this game. love Star Wars, whether that's the whole lore aspect, or the play style, or any number of things. But if people really want to change BW's position on pvp, then changing attitudes is the 1st step because it will help improve pvp population, the number of wz's pops, ranked pops, etc... Trying to do what you can to help others, whether that's dueling in BH, or whispering a tip after a match to someone to help them.

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Thus, IMO, the attitude has little to do with the game, and all about the people. Why? truly dissatisfied customers leave and don't come back. People are in these forums and posting because I think they really like this game. love Star Wars, whether that's the whole lore aspect, or the play style, or any number of things. But if people really want to change BW's position on pvp, then changing attitudes is the 1st step because it will help improve pvp population, the number of wz's pops, ranked pops, etc... Trying to do what you can to help others, whether that's dueling in BH, or whispering a tip after a match to someone to help them.


Unfortunately, BW has a tendency to constantly chip away at the PvP players. They make changes that, consistently, drive players away.


1: They remove the OWPvP from Illum and players left.

2: It took them forever to introduce the PvP seasons and people left because of it.

3: When they were finally introduced, people left because of how badly they were implemented.

4: People left when bolster was introduced because it was poorly implemented and went live with an untold number of issues that the PTS testers warned them about and it took them months to fix.

5: People left when they got rid of ranked 8v8 and introduced 4v4 yolo. (People still don't play ranked because they don't like arenas.)

6: People still leave because of the neglect and bad decisions that BW shows to the PvP community (lack of new WZs, meaningful rewards, etc.)

7: People leave because the developers show a lack of understanding of game and player mechanics.


They PvP community is pretty jaded when it comes to BW and the developers because they consistently get the short end of the stick. If the community is to improve, then the developers have to be will have to do something to start bringing the quality players back. Getting one new WZ every year is not going to cut it.

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