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3.0 information today?? PLEASE!!!!!!!!


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They're quite capable of releasing most of the stuff you 'want' to see now, but they're not going to until they're certain and it's at the right time. The insanity of these threads is all the reason you need for why they won't release too soon.


Freaking out over a change in schedule for an announcement and people are braying for blood. So, why on earth would they open themselves up to rage exponentially more over the top by releasing info too soon and having to change it before it launches later this year?


If people want to blame someone for not getting info sooner, they can start by looking in the mirror.


I might agree with you if they'd ever tried to be more transparent with their development cycle as in release a road map in the beginning of the year with very basic information and update it continuously as things get delayed/scrubbed or confirmed with a disclaimer that things, especially further down the road, are still subject to change.


IMO people wouldn't be this upset about the delay if there'd been a steady stream of communication to begin with.


Sure, there will always be the vocal few who rage at every bit of info they give us, but again, as I have said in at least two other threads where you raised this issue:


They are not delivering the content free of charge and out of the kindness of their hearts. They are paid professionals. If they're concerned about a few trolls raging about X feature or the lack of it on the forums, or take this personally, they shouldn't be in this business or any business at all.

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The truth is that it's my fault that the announcement of 3.0 is delayed :( Tait passed my suggestion of AOE Force Choke to the team and they were so much fond of that idea that they decided to implement it. Thus, they had to reorganize their concept of jugg/knight for 3.0. It's definitely what happened :rak_01:


If anyone is curious what I dream about:



"Sorry about the mess" :csw_blaster:

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Personally, I think that it was a bad move to delay, If they had a plan to release info and start pre-orders by the end of the month they should of had everything in the works long before now.


I'm guessing they have a feature that they are trying to get into 3.0 but it's on the edge and they don't want to promise something and it doesn't make it then they have other issues, however they should be in late testing/polish now if they want to release by the end of the year.


Another possibility is that Star Wars Rebels comes out on Friday and then starts on the 13th and they either don't want to mix them or want the hype from Rebels to try and carry over to SWTOR.


Either way, completely holding back all information seems like a bad plan, given the "WE WILL HAVE A FULL REVEAL BY THE END OF THE MONTH" comments.


Is it the end of the world or the game? no. Am I going to unsub? no. Am I frustrated and a bit angry? yes.


When someone says they are going to do something they need to do it or give em an update worth mentioning, something to tide me over...a progress report and some details is what i'm looking for.


Their best and easiest course of action at this point is some images and maybe some info (videos take too much unless they are done), that would completely defuse the entire situation and keep people(most anyway) happy. But complete silence and a "I'm sorry" post doesn't do anything but look bad(even though it's a nice act) and fuel the fire!


agreed. the thing is they didn't even have to go into much detail. the could have just said a full annocuncement on the upcoming expansion has been delayed a couple of weeks but to here is a little info and at least given us the name of expansion. giving us the name wouldn't have hurt the process eric mentions unless there totally clueless and decide to change the name of it 2 days before launch ;p

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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!




If this is the case, why not release the information about the expansion with the information on the subscriber rewards released in two weeks or so.


Past experience subscriber rewards have never been anything great and a title, pet and holo statue is hardly going to make people happy with the delay. Its unlikely that anything you could reveal with the exception of new species and new class story and JTL style addition will really make any announcement that great that its worth the delay.

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Hey folks,



Thank you again for your patience with this.





Patience really really has run out. I don't understand how you guys think this is anyways o.k. after so many missed dates and pushed back announcements up to this one, on top of simply running an MMO without any new raid content in what's going to be close to a year.


I'm curious about how many accounts cancelled since this latest debacle?

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Patience really really has run out. I don't understand how you guys think this is anyways o.k. after so many missed dates and pushed back announcements up to this one, on top of simply running an MMO without any new raid content in what's going to be close to a year.


I'm curious about how many accounts cancelled since this latest debacle?


It's going to happen already... By tomorrow.

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Take your time with the expansion, dont rush it. if you need more time to even announce it, thats just fine. People will be patient. As long as you dont have EA in your neck going "YOU MUST RELEASE ON HOLIDAY!". I dont want anymore unfinished games. (polishing excluded ofc)
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This is a great question (or questions?), that I think are on a lot of folks minds. As you can imagine I can't go too deep into the rabbit hole in talking about our internal processes but I can give it a go.


In short, the process we go through internally to announce something as big as an expansion is actually quite complex and extensive. Although you are correct in that the end process may be a video, a landing page with some copy, etc. the process to get there requires a large amount of moving parts across multiple teams. Aside from just the assets and webpages there is arguably one of the most important aspects of these types of announcements, the game!


By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


I would caution not to read too deep into what I said above. It is somewhere in the cog of those moving parts that this delay happened, but ultimately our goal remains the same: to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!



I must say I'm poorly informed about 3.0 in all aspects like which year it will actually be released etc. But judging from your post here I interpret it as that you haven't even started working on 3.0 yet. From the sound of it you have no assets, code, story scripts or maps done or in the works yet. I certainly hope you don't intend to release 3.0 before the end of 2014 because it seems you aren't prepared at all to release before December 2015.

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I think its pretty clear to a lot of people on this forums that the expansion is not coming this year, no matter how many time they try to reassure people that it's still on track to launch this year...we've gotten so many delays/reschedule for major patches this year...time and time again. there's absolutely no reason to believe that the same wont happen with 3.0... base on everything that has happened over the summer with the other major patches...and as expected they continue to prove that they will continue down this road of delaying things, by delaying the announcement of 3.0 announcement.. and they even try to soften the blow of delaying the expansion announcement by saying they are "adding something really nice for subscribers", if you fall for that then you're a fool..subs always get something {cool to the Dev from their POV but -Lame to the playe base" with every new major expansion..them"[the dev]" trying to make it sounds like its something super cool... won't change the fact that they FAIL to keep their promise on what people really want know " information on 3.0.. just some basic information as other have already pointed out..but they cant even do that right either. :mad: Edited by Lt-Snake
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By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.


In the early days of SWTOR pre-release, this particular policy wasn't in place, and where it was in place it wasn't very well followed. Everyone remember the whole "you'll be able to kill your companion" announcement? Yeah… They announced it before it was actually in the game, and they discovered after the fact that it didn't work out and they needed to back away from it. So they said, "well, you can't kill them now, but you can put them in carbonite or similar". That didn't happen either. There are plenty of other examples from the pre-history of the game that point out the dangers of announcing anything specific at all before you're absolutely certain that it's not only in the game, but play tested at least once.


I mean, I'm pretty frustrated that the announcement has been pushed back. I don't have a very high opinion of the way that the development process is being managed (though I'll give them credit for improving over the years). However, I can't blame Eric or really anyone on the community team for this one. The developers just didn't get things in place and tested on schedule, which means that the community isn't (and can't be) in a position to commit to major things about the expansion. So they pushed the announcement back.

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By the time we announce we have to have a concrete idea of what will be coming in the game with the expansion, what types of perks we might give our subscribers, etc. Unfortunately with so many moving parts, we can sometimes run into the scenario like we did today. If we are not 100% confident in what we are going to put out, for a multitude of possible reasons, it can lead to a delay of announcement.

Are you saying that with less than three months to the expansion, you still are not sure of anything that will be in it? Given that the prequel flashpoints have been out for some time, I find that hard to believe. Why can't you just release the solid info now and then more later? As an added bonus, giving it out bit by bit might keep people excited longer.

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I really don't like to write this, I certainly don't. It is not some /unsub bullsh*t. But it is some constructive criticism and some stuff to reflect on while you try to get all the parts working.


How is it that, lately, Bioware has done nothing to actually impress me? How is it that, given the time we know that an actual add-don is on the way, I don't know anything about it except that it will involve Revan in some way? Bioware, nobody is expecting you to give us the full report. You don't need to give us the detailed patch notes, we don't need to know what pet we will get this time. That's bullsh*t. I don't play this game to gather as many pets as possible, so I don't need to know what pet will come. I'm not a sub for the past three years for pets and holo statues.


No, I am a sub for the story. That epic Star Wars story of which I am a fan of. But you know the worst part? I don't even have that. With all 8 classes on 55, I have nothing to do. I've raided TfB, SaV and Explosive Conflict time and time again. I'm grinding daily Hardmode FP's and Tacticals. I've been grinnding this game for the past 8 months, with only ~15 minutes worth of cutscene added with every patch. Forged Alliances was nice, but you can't rest now.


I'm an investor. I invest into this game by subbing. Most of the time because I love Bioware games and Star Wars. At the moment, that's the only thing saving my account from becoming a prefered player and returning in a few months, effectively denying you payment for 4-5 months. As an investor, I want to see what I am investing into.


Some people (who frequent this forum like vultures) said that we are only crying about this. Yes, we do. So what? It is ridicolous how this PR strategy is defended. How people critizising it are called haters. We wouldn't be on this forum if we'd hate the game. People are getting upset because you, apparently, like to stab the customers into the back on every possible ocassion. When you announced that there would be a full announcement by the end of september, I actually said: "Don't count on it." to my guild. And it happened exactly as I foretold.


How can it be that Blizzard can manage to create a much greater hype for World of Warcraft for a single patch than Bioware can for an entire Addon? I don't even ask for a cinematic, I don't need one. But they talk about addons, they release screenshots of the new zone. You don't do anything of the sort at even half the speed. I knew a new World of Warcraft expansion was coming from early 2014. 9-10 months before the actual release. I knew the first details (The overall storyline, some of the most important characters, all the new zones) more than half a year before the actual release. We are supposedly two and a half months away from this X-pack, and all I know is that it is coming and Revan will be a part of it.


Even League of Legends has more PR than you have. The new site about the Sion Champion rework proves it. A good teaser first, a better teaser second. From the teaser to the full release of information in less than a week.


You have, as far as I am concerned, one of the worst PR departments I have ever witnessed. I'd fire all of them at once (because they obviously don't know how the PR system works) and hire some new ones. We don't expect to know every detail of the expansion. Heck, I couldn't care less about the pre-order perks or the sub specials. At least give us a name, a short summary of the story, and tell us what new planets we can expect. Three or four screenshots of some beautiful scenery. We're not asking for the patch notes, we want 'something'. Until now, you have given us close to nothing.


And No, a short Revan teaser doesn't count. It didn't tell us anything new. At all.


...to get you as many details about this expansion as soon as we can!


No, you don't. You really don't. If you'd want to get us as many details about the expansion as you can, we'd know more by now. The locations, planet and overall story won't change. Don't even try to suggest that. If you'd have wanted that, you'd have started to drop out little bits of information today.


Harsh words, but they apply now more than ever.

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Wow folks, take a step back, breathe and chill out. What a glorious thing the internet it, where people can get worked up over insignificant issues.


This is a prime example of why they hesitate to tell us things in the first place. If Bruce had never said anything in the first place, there would be no reason for you to flip out when things change. If they had just let the teaser happen at the end of the stream without letting us know beforehand, it would have just been a neat little addition that would have been completely unexpected. Instead we knew about it beforehand which gave people plenty of time to build it up into something grander than what it was, which upset some folks. If they had not told us about the reveal by the end of the month, then this thread wouldn't exist.


I also don't feel like we can compare the 2.0 release to 3.0. Back when Makeb was announced, the game was in a VERY different place than it is now. They had recently made the switch to F2P, many of the features that are in-game now that make it a more complete feeling game were missing at the time, Bioware was undergoing administrative changes with the doctors leaving. Bioware needed to rebuild credibility with the playerbase, and announcing a major expansion helped with that. The game is not in that place any longer. They don't need the extended hype with this expansion to maintain players like they did with Makeb.


Sometimes things change. Sorry, but that's life. Some of you will have been around long enough to remember this, but many of you will not. We didn't always have the level of communication there is now. In the time before Musco, in the Reid era, or even further back, the Dahlberg era, the Dev Tracker wouldn't move. It would take weeks for a post to fall off the first page, not in a few days as it is now. Musco made it a point to increase communication with the fanbase because he understood its importance, having come from Torocast. I'm thankful we have the communication we have now.


Delaying the announcement doesn't affect me one bit, except for choosing to use my lunch break to type a forum post. The expansion will still arrive when it arrives, the announcement will happen when it happens, and players will still play the game.


In short - chill.

Edited by Tmanarl
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Wow folks, take a step back, breathe and chill out. What a glorious thing the internet it, where people can get worked up over insignificant issues.


This is a prime example of why they hesitate to tell us things in the first place. If Bruce had never said anything in the first place, there would be no reason for you to flip out when things change. If they had just let the teaser happen at the end of the stream without letting us know beforehand, it would have just been a neat little addition that would have been completely unexpected. Instead we knew about it beforehand which gave people plenty of time to build it up into something grander than what it was, which upset some folks. If they had not told us about the reveal by the end of the month, then this thread wouldn't exist.


I also don't feel like we can compare the 2.0 release to 3.0. Back when Makeb was announced, the game was in a VERY different place than it is now. They had recently made the switch to F2P, many of the features that are in-game now that make it a more complete feeling game were missing at the time, Bioware was undergoing administrative changes with the doctors leaving. Bioware needed to rebuild credibility with the playerbase, and announcing a major expansion helped with that. The game is not in that place any longer. They don't need the extended hype with this expansion to maintain players like they did with Makeb.


Sometimes things change. Sorry, but that's life. Some of you will have been around long enough to remember this, but many of you will not. We didn't always have the level of communication there is now. In the time before Musco, in the Reid era, or even further back, the Dahlberg era, the Dev Tracker wouldn't move. It would take weeks for a post to fall off the first page, not in a few days as it is now. Musco made it a point to increase communication with the fanbase because he understood its importance, having come from Torocast. I'm thankful we have the communication we have now.


Delaying the announcement doesn't affect me one bit, except for choosing to use my lunch break to type a forum post. The expansion will still arrive when it arrives, the announcement will happen when it happens, and players will still play the game.


In short - chill.


another pro-infernixx poster, defending bioware failure to deliver on their promise..

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Patience really really has run out. I don't understand how you guys think this is anyways o.k. after so many missed dates and pushed back announcements up to this one, on top of simply running an MMO without any new raid content in what's going to be close to a year.


I'm curious about how many accounts cancelled since this latest debacle?


Pushing back an announcement qualifies as a "debacle." Man, you need to get a grip. Take a deep breath and relax. This changes nothing, except the timing of the information we get. No big deal. Anyone who would rage/quit over something like this is going to have many many problems in dealing with people in the real world... especially in the workplace!

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No, you don't. You really don't. If you'd want to get us as many details about the expansion as you can, we'd know more by now. The locations, planet and overall story won't change. Don't even try to suggest that. If you'd have wanted that, you'd have started to drop out little bits of information today.


Harsh words, but they apply now more than ever.


There's a right way to announce and a wrong way to announce. Just putting out a text-only forum post labeling planets or whatever is not the right way to do it. They'd probably get flamed worse over that than they have for delaying the announcement. It's better that they get all their ducks in a row before the big reveal. We can all just be patient. The game is still not changing soon.


All we are waiting for is to find out exactly what we're waiting for.

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"First, I want to apologize for the last minute nature of getting you the information on the delay."


Let me be honest with this, there isn't any possible reason for me to do it in last minute if you actually care about people who are playing your game and supporting you from the release date. You just have show us that you or your PR department are absolutely don't care about us. I can't think of even one possible reason why you weren't able to go to the forum and post 5 simple word's "Sorry, the announcement will be delayed". This isn't something super hard or super long time to to this. It takes 5 min of your working time but you still didn't do this. 5 damn minutes... and now you are trying to pretend that you care about your subscribers. Be honest if someone would do the same to you would you believe him?


I will be honest with you. You are not doing your work! And when people don't do their work they are fired. So if you wan't us to believe that you are really care about this game and people who are playing it please find courage to tell us that you've made mistake and will go away from your position. I'm sure you can find job in another department and please let people who can take 5 min of their time to make announcement in time on forum work instead of you. It was nice to interact with you on forum but you've lost all the trust from us by this time. Thank you for your work but you should go. Please be honest with us and yourself.

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"First, I want to apologize for the last minute nature of getting you the information on the delay."


Let me be honest with this, there isn't any possible reason for me to do it in last minute if you actually care about people who are playing your game and supporting you from the release date. You just have show us that you or your PR department are absolutely don't care about us. I can't think of even one possible reason why you weren't able to go to the forum and post 5 simple word's "Sorry, the announcement will be delayed". This isn't something super hard or super long time to to this. It takes 5 min of your working time but you still didn't do this. 5 damn minutes... and now you are trying to pretend that you care about your subscribers. Be honest if someone would do the same to you would you believe him?


I will be honest with you. You are not doing your work! And when people don't do their work they are fired. So if you wan't us to believe that you are really care about this game and people who are playing it please find courage to tell us that you've made mistake and will go away from your position. I'm sure you can find job in another department and please let people who can take 5 min of their time to make announcement in time on forum work instead of you. It was nice to interact with you on forum but you've lost all the trust from us by this time. Thank you for your work but you should go. Please be honest with us and yourself.


It's a game company, not your girlfriend. Stop acting like you got dumped.

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Delays related to video game development?!? Unheard of! You'd think some of these people had never played a video game before, lol. If the biggest problem in your life is that SWTOR is pushing back the reveal for the next expansion a week or two, then kudos to you because you must have a pretty cushy, carefree life. Edited by JimG
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Why is it necessary to get the info now? i am not defending eaware and i pretty much know that 3.0 "expansion" will be as much disappointing as 2.0-2.10, the only difference is that 3.0 will have Milkman AKA Revan. So i know there will be more milking cash through Milkman and CM, for me it is not necessary at all to have to know it now which kind of disappointment they are bringing next. Or you guys are so ready to be milked until your last breath? Edited by BrintoSFJ
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