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Scoundrel teleport?


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Wow....you're a little crazy in the head huh?


Continue to pussyfoot around it; just proving who you openly support and stand with more and more. Plus you have yet to deny your own saying earlier, so... yeah. Time to confess there Sparky.


You either support and are Backing the Hackers and Cheaters


You admit that they are out there in the world.


It really is that simple.

Edited by RangKer
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why is everybody else around me + myself (teammates and allies moving normally and doing their abilities with no delays or anything but only my target "lags" why doesn`t everybody on my screen freeze and/or teleports instead of only my target vanishing off the screen for a few seconds?)


Because everyone has their own individual packets being sent. Usually the warping around is a sync issue with the environment. Like in the video the scoundrel rolls towards the sandbags. He probably got stopped for a half a second and had to readjust to move around them. On your screen it registered as him completely stopping but in reality he moved to the side and rolled again. The game resyncs and shows his current correct position.


Its similar to how if I'm on my shadow for example and I force speed away but someone leaped to me. Sometimes I get pulled backwards because on his screen I had not used force speed yet. Or if you pull someone but on their screen they hit the wall, so you see them get pulled but then they suddenly warp back. Its the game readjusting to the fact that he actually hit the wall.


Do some people lag switch? I'm sure, but most of the time its just the games garbage engine/netcode.

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Continue to pussyfoot around it; just proving who you openly support and stand with more and more. Plus you have yet to deny your own saying earlier, so... yeah. Time to confess there Sparky.


You either support and are Backing the Hackers and Cheaters


You admit that they are out there in the world.


It really is that simple.


I'm not pussyfooting around anything. I'm just pointing out that hacking isn't all that common. If it was we'd see way more people complaining about it instead of the same 3 people. The majority of pvpers will tell you the exact same thing. Hacking is not that common. Most "hacking" claims are from people like you who are just terrible at the game and do not understand the system mechanics. The only "hack" I've ever seen was speed hacking and that was over a year ago, and I pvp daily.

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RangKer. If you would have read my post, just below the OP. I said it could be purpuseful. But with only one suspect event, the sample is far too small to be conclusive. So it can and is probably simply lag. It happens.

I normally are under 45ms ping but, sometimes, the 5th hop in my tracerpath chose to lose up to 50% of my packets and causes me horrible lags. Since the router isn't under my ISP name, I can't do **** to fix the problem. So because I sometimes lose a lot of packet, and I can prove it through a TracerPath and many compilations made with PingPlotter, should I be sanctionned???

The same applies for every case of lag. You can't with a small sample judge if someone is purposefully lagging or not. Only a few hundred of match and a few thousand of events could be a good enough sample for that kind of judgement.

As for others kind of 'cheat'. I don,t deny there is exploits in the game. But most of the exploit called on the forums aren't exploits. They are simply class abilities or lag issues. Most of the hacks called here aren't hacks but simply bads crying. If one cannot post proof of their accusations, they are simply saying ****. Nothing more. If they can. I will look at the accusation and the proofs then judge if I can.

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I'm not pussyfooting around anything. I'm just pointing out that hacking isn't all that common. If it was we'd see way more people complaining about it instead of the same 3 people. The majority of pvpers will tell you the exact same thing. Hacking is not that common. Most "hacking" claims are from people like you who are just terrible at the game and do not understand the system mechanics. The only "hack" I've ever seen was speed hacking and that was over a year ago, and I pvp daily.


Please point out where I claimed someone was hacking, or that there is continuously hacking every second? PLEASE point that out. OH wait, that's right you can't. Cause I did not ever say anything of that sort.


I have yet to make a claim that anyone is hacking, exploiting; still waiting for where I have said it.


Unlike you who have been preaching that there never has been and never will be hackers, cheaters or any exploit in any game ever created in our life time or the next.

Edited by RangKer
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Oh look another one who openly admits that there is no such thing as hackers, exploiters, cheaters ever. Was waiting for you to respond as well. But if you notice, not going after those with skills - just those who openly back up hackers and cheaters supporting claims that they never have ever existed in any game what so ever; like you.


I've never said that hacks/cheats/whatnot do NOT exist. All I've been saying is that it's very unlikely that it's as massively rampant as certain people have been saying here recently. Plus, doesn't it seem awfully convenient that it's almost always the same few people saying how these supposed hackers are running wild? Logically, it just makes much more sense to come to the conclusion that it's either;


A) People who aren't very knowledgeable about the game mistaking class capabilities as "hacks"

B) People who can't accept that there are people better than them, and when they get beat, they cry "hacks". (There's one such person exactly like B on my server, I get hackusations from him on a near daily basis)


Hacks and cheats most certainly do exist, this is a video game after all. However, if they were as rampant as some people like to say, then don't you think that people who have been PvP'ing for a long time would most certainly have seen a fair amount of them? Most certainly more than one or two single instances.


I'm not calling you or anyone else liars, I just think you aren't aware of what's really happening.

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Still waiting.


Oh wait, I see that you are editing more of your threads and posts. Making them read and I quote you.


... No they never exist; it is idiotic to believe that they do, it is sore losers like yourself that believe that such a thing like a hacker or a cheater of any could ever exists in an online game, you just need to learn you suck, and we are all better then you. Stop believing whats on TV loser.


to suddenly this...

... very rarely do they show themselves, but though they are out there it is most likely a misunderstanding of the system's mechanics as well the abuse from other players; which as I stated before very rare.


Hmm. First you claimed they never existed at all, now you are saying they are rare and do exist. Ironic change of heart.

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I've never said that hacks/cheats/whatnot do NOT exist. All I've been saying is that it's very unlikely that it's as massively rampant as certain people have been saying here recently. Plus, doesn't it seem awfully convenient that it's almost always the same few people saying how these supposed hackers are running wild? Logically, it just makes much more sense to come to the conclusion that it's either;


A) People who aren't very knowledgeable about the game mistaking class capabilities as "hacks"

B) People who can't accept that there are people better than them, and when they get beat, they cry "hacks". (There's one such person exactly like B on my server, I get hackusations from him on a near daily basis)


Hacks and cheats most certainly do exist, this is a video game after all. However, if they were as rampant as some people like to say, then don't you think that people who have been PvP'ing for a long time would most certainly have seen a fair amount of them? Most certainly more than one or two single instances.


I'm not calling you or anyone else liars, I just think you aren't aware of what's really happening.


What I am stating is that both sides are idiots, but the No such thing as hackers in the world been running on the same topic for now 2 years; and the same 2 players have been feeding out the same thing.


"There are no such thing as hackers, nor with there ever be in any online game ever created, as everyone knows it is skill and superiority that trumps. Saying that there is Cheating and Hacking is just a way for losers to make themselves feel better. There has never been nor there ever will be Cheaters, Hackers or Exploiters in this world or the next."

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Still waiting.


Oh wait, I see that you are editing more of your threads and posts. Making them read and I quote you.




to suddenly this...



Hmm. First you claimed they never existed at all, now you are saying they are rare and do exist. Ironic change of heart.


I can't tell if I'm being trolled or you are so upset that you would go out of your way to make fake quotes. Either way....wow, just wow.


I can make fake quotes to!


I'm a troll.
Edited by Raansu
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What I am stating is that both sides are idiots, but the No such thing as hackers in the world been running on the same topic for now 2 years; and the same 2 players have been feeding out the same thing.


"There are no such thing as hackers, nor with there ever be in any online game ever created, as everyone knows it is skill and superiority that trumps. Saying that there is Cheating and Hacking is just a way for losers to make themselves feel better. There has never been nor there ever will be Cheaters, Hackers or Exploiters in this world or the next."


I've yet to read a post where I got the message that anyone is trying to say that hacking absolutely does not exist. While Raansu may come off a bit harsh, I think that he mostly has a valid point. He's right that a good portion of the time the "hack" claims are just inexperienced players seeing things they don't understand, or highly egotistical players being defeated by those who are in some way better than them. At the same time, yes hacking exists, but no it doesn't seem to be very common. I myself have seen a single hack and that was a very long time ago. So take that for what it's worth, but I think these 'hack" claims should be taken with a grain of salt and read with rose tinted glasses.

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I can't tell if I'm being trolled or you are so upset that you would go out of your way to make fake quotes. Either way....wow, just wow.


Sorry Sparky, you lost this debate; you're unable to provide facts and flip-flop worse then a Politician; continuous ninja edits to all your posts; as well claiming that I cried wolf.


Time to sulk back into your closet and continue to polish those poles for all your sensitive friends, i know your limp wrists are weak, try not to flail them about to much in such a hissy this time.




Edited by RangKer
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Sorry Sparky, you lost this debate; you're unable to provide facts and flip-flop worse then a Politician; continuous ninja edits to all your posts; as well claiming that I cried wolf.


Time to sulk back into your closet and continue to polish those poles for all your sensitive friends, i know your limp wrists are weak, try not to flail them about to much in such a hissy this time.





There was a debate? I was under the impression you were just an angry troll. By all means provide a link to the posts please.

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This is not a Teleport, if you pay real attention to the scoundrel buff bar you will see that he uses Scamper Sorry op but try to pay a little attention


No he didn't.

When you use the first time you get a Buff to use it again, right?

AFTER "teleporting" he still has the buff.


If he used Scamper, the buff would be gone.

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Triumph........lol I love catching trash talk from them regarding my posts.


You make long posts about hacking, then show up in war zones sporting 26k hp, and not even hitting 300k dam, on a focus guardian, in a full voidstar.


Of course you are going to attract trash talk.

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This QQ about lag switches and hacks is really getting old fast.. and from the same people all the time.


Get better at the game already and stop blaming others and things for your inability to play correctly..


Usually I leave your attacks alone... But they are getting old too

How is talking about lag switching getting old if it's true... What's getting old is you always denying that it exists... I have posted as much information, while staying in the forums rules, on how it happens and how they do it, in technical terms

I and many others are still waiting for you to give us a technical reason why it is impossible and for you to back up that claim with proof

I can only see 4 reasons why you continue to deny it is possible

1. You do it your self and are trying to deflect attention

2. You are ignorant and can't be bothered researching it properly and have just taken it as fact because someone else told you

3. You just like to troll

4. You have never seen it or can't spot it... So you don't believe

So which is it??

Don't accuse people of continuing to post about an issue that is real

Some of us can actually play, can spot them, do know the class abilities and can usually beat the person using them anyway... So not sure how that means we need to L2P better


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The only way you can tell the difference between unintentional lag specs and a lag switch is with Bioware's own internal monitoring software. Otherwise you are just guessing. Send in a ticket and see if the guy gets banned. If he doesn't, it probably is not a lag switch.


I don't think you understand how a lag switch works... If done correctly it is nearly impossible for Bio to detect it

If you only see the same players using it and not others... Do about 100 WZs a week against those same people... It becomes more than a coincidence... When it only happens against them and not others...



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Please, just stop. You have no clue what you are talking about.


Neither do you... Like I have said over and over... Go and research it... Give us a technical reason on how it isn't possible... Explain how Bio stop it... Explain how they detect it if done properly


I stated in my earlier post it is probably lag... But if it continued against the same person continually and not others... Then it was likely switching... Why are you so black and white on this subject... It exists... Even most of the adamant hack deniers say it is possible... Even if they don't believe it happens much


You accuse me of not having a clue... At least I back up my claims with technical information... All you do is find any post someone makes about cheating and tell them they can't play and it doesn't happen...


It's about time you backed up your attacks with some technical information on why it is impossible... "If" you can provide such irrefutable proof... I will admit I am wrong...



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Oh look, the same two people who flood into every thread claiming there are no such things as hackers, exploiters, gold sellers, cheater on ANY sort.


Wonder how much they get paid to repeat the same old tiresome lines? :rolleyes:


Lol... Yep... They are either ignorant or Trolls or possibly cheaters themselves... Still waiting for them to put up or shut up...



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You know how bad it makes you look when you call hacks upon someone that legitimiately just completely annihilated you?


It's pathetic. Instead of blaming everything on any 3rd party you can find.. maybe you should start with yourself.



Or do you really think it's a coincidence that all nameworthy players hardly ever see any "cheats" of some sort; And that a mouthy bunch seems to see them in every other warzone, really?

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