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Ranked PVP QQ


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I know there are a lot of threads already about how sh*tty ranked PVP is. This is another one.


Dear Bioware,


For the love of 6 pound 5 ounces baby jesus please fix your solo ranked pvp. I really can't imagine it would be very difficult for you guys to sit down and implement some pretty basic changes.


1) 3 v 4s - I see this situation as inevitable, however; why the f do I have to lose 15 rating? You implemented a system to make a team gain LESS rating from 3 v 4 wins but you didn't implement the same thing in reverse? Please someone explain to me how that makes sense.


2) Match making- I really don't like going against a team of 4 juggernauts or 4 sorcs, there is no reason for it.


3) Hybrid healing specs. I mean seriously, all you have to do is tie the crucial abilities to a skill tree...am I missing something here? You nerfed dot smash so you have already shown that you have no issues doing exactly that, so why haven't you nerfed sorc hybrid heal spec?




Number 1 and 3 would take maybe a day to implement and would have huge quality of life changes in solo ranked, if you can find the time between recoloring crap for your next cartel market pack to have Bob in the basement write the code that would be greaaaaaaaaat. That is if you want my money of course. :rolleyes:

Edited by CommunityDroidEN
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Well the #1 reason hybrid healing hasn't been nerfed is because it's mostly sorcs/sages doing it, which don't have a stance. And therfore you can acquire and use any abilities in any of the trees at any time. So they can't just "tie an ability to the tree" because they already have. At this point, what they need to do is remove the 11pt and 21 point ''cap stone'' abilities in the talent trees and put them legitimately higher in the skill trees so that it's not possible to get them without being queued as a healer.


Or an easier solution would be to implement some kind of healer hybrid detection (like when someone has 11+ pts in a healer tree), that will then default you as a healer. That would probably get people to stop healer hybriding, knowing they will be placed against a real healer.

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Or an easier solution would be to implement some kind of healer hybrid detection (like when someone has 11+ pts in a healer tree), that will then default you as a healer. That would probably get people to stop healer hybriding, knowing they will be placed against a real healer.





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what you've just wrote... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul... Edited by Dacorianton
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I know there are a lot of threads already about how sh*tty ranked PVP is. This is another one.


Dear Bioware,


For the love of 6 pound 5 ounces baby jesus please fix your solo ranked pvp. I really can't imagine it would be very difficult for you guys to sit down and implement some pretty basic changes.



1) 3 v 4s - I see this situation as inevitable, however; why the f do I have to lose 15 rating? You implemented a system to make a team gain LESS rating from 3 v 4 wins but you didn't implement the same thing in reverse? Please someone explain to me how that makes sense.


2) Match making- I really don't like going against a team of 4 juggernauts or 4 sorcs, there is no reason for it.


3) Hybrid healing specs. I mean seriously, all you have to do is tie the crucial abilities to a skill tree...am I missing something here? You nerfed dot smash so you have already shown that you have no issues doing exactly that, so why haven't you nerfed sorc hybrid heal spec?




Number 1 and 3 would take maybe a day to implement and would have huge quality of life changes in solo ranked, if you can find the time between recoloring crap for your next cartel market pack to have Bob in the basement write the code that would be greaaaaaaaaat. That is if you want my money of course. :rolleyes:


a simple move will be nerf juggs survaibility because well 2 lives in ranked, make trhe difference, especially now we have a lot of dots, same with sins madness and sorcs, lowering the damage output from pyrotech and HEAVY nerf to operative healers, and than ranked will be funny to play ( and to lose)

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what you've just said... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...


If this isn't a troll, I don't even know how you are capable of connecting the neurons in your brain to use a computer. :confused:

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what you've just wrote... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...


0/10. Unoriginal. :)

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I know there are a lot of threads already about how sh*tty ranked PVP is. This is another one.


Dear Bioware,


For the love of 6 pound 5 ounces baby jesus please fix your solo ranked pvp. I really can't imagine it would be very difficult for you guys to sit down and implement some pretty basic changes.



1) 3 v 4s - I see this situation as inevitable, however; why the f do I have to lose 15 rating? You implemented a system to make a team gain LESS rating from 3 v 4 wins but you didn't implement the same thing in reverse? Please someone explain to me how that makes sense.


2) Match making- I really don't like going against a team of 4 juggernauts or 4 sorcs, there is no reason for it.


3) Hybrid healing specs. I mean seriously, all you have to do is tie the crucial abilities to a skill tree...am I missing something here? You nerfed dot smash so you have already shown that you have no issues doing exactly that, so why haven't you nerfed sorc hybrid heal spec?




Number 1 and 3 would take maybe a day to implement and would have huge quality of life changes in solo ranked, if you can find the time between recoloring crap for your next cartel market pack to have Bob in the basement write the code that would be greaaaaaaaaat. That is if you want my money of course.


This is a really good post. It really isn't that hard to implement and would make a huge difference. Alas for years your player base have communicated with you, but you ignorantly flat out IGNORE YOUR PLAYERBASE. Please 1 less new armour outfit in the cartel shop, and just do some BASIC quality of game improvements. L2LISTEN.

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This is a really good post. It really isn't that hard to implement and would make a huge difference. Alas for years your player base have communicated with you, but you ignorantly flat out IGNORE YOUR PLAYERBASE. Please 1 less new armour outfit in the cartel shop, and just do some BASIC quality of game improvements. L2LISTEN.
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This is a really good post. It really isn't that hard to implement and would make a huge difference. Alas for years your player base have communicated with you, but you ignorantly flat out IGNORE YOUR PLAYERBASE. Please 1 less new armour outfit in the cartel shop, and just do some BASIC quality of game improvements. L2LISTEN.


one less armor reskin * fixed

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I know there are a lot of threads already about how sh*tty ranked PVP is. This is another one.


Dear Bioware,


For the love of 6 pound 5 ounces baby jesus please fix your solo ranked pvp. I really can't imagine it would be very difficult for you guys to sit down and implement some pretty basic changes.



1) 3 v 4s - I see this situation as inevitable, however; why the f do I have to lose 15 rating? You implemented a system to make a team gain LESS rating from 3 v 4 wins but you didn't implement the same thing in reverse? Please someone explain to me how that makes sense.


2) Match making- I really don't like going against a team of 4 juggernauts or 4 sorcs, there is no reason for it.


3) Hybrid healing specs. I mean seriously, all you have to do is tie the crucial abilities to a skill tree...am I missing something here? You nerfed dot smash so you have already shown that you have no issues doing exactly that, so why haven't you nerfed sorc hybrid heal spec?




Number 1 and 3 would take maybe a day to implement and would have huge quality of life changes in solo ranked, if you can find the time between recoloring crap for your next cartel market pack to have Bob in the basement write the code that would be greaaaaaaaaat. That is if you want my money of course. :rolleyes:


Thing is - having read these forums regularly - I want to think that this post is a troll post, you wont believe how badly I want this to be a troll post . . .Hope it is a troll post


Otherwise we soon see the want for 'tactical' pvp WZ/arenas, as in turned based fighting, implementad with a banning tool, so I can banned the one on the other team that kills me more than once, or use a stim pack, or just put down more hours to learn his class.


God I hope this is a Trollpost


And that being said, isn't this an MMO by the way, the place where you group up with friends and do stuff !!?

What's all the fuzz about Ranked Solo Q!!!???


Oops!! My Bad, that rule only applies in PUG Q . . . so sorry ...:rolleyes:

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Thing is - having read these forums regularly - I want to think that this post is a troll post, you wont believe how badly I want this to be a troll post . . .Hope it is a troll post


Otherwise we soon see the want for 'tactical' pvp WZ/arenas, as in turned based fighting, implementad with a banning tool, so I can banned the one on the other team that kills me more than once, or use a stim pack, or just put down more hours to learn his class.


God I hope this is a Trollpost


And that being said, isn't this an MMO by the way, the place where you group up with friends and do stuff !!?

What's all the fuzz about Ranked Solo Q!!!???


Oops!! My Bad, that rule only applies in PUG Q . . . so sorry ...:rolleyes:


I am referring to solo ranked as stated in the post, I am not even sure what the point you are trying to make is? I am stating specific changes that would improve an aspect of the game that I enjoy, changes that are pretty much universally agreed upon. Are you going to pose a counter argument or just make random incoherent conclusions? How would implementing these changes turn SWTOR into a turned based game? How did you connect the dots on that one? :rolleyes:

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what you've just wrote... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...


come here mr. penguin. ah not gonna hurt you...:rak_03:

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To be fair as soon as you notice a hybrid healer you can target them.


The amount of players that can successfully pull off a hybrid healer and still stay alive is not that great so it would be easy to remember their names.


As sorcs/sages are very squishy they need to do everything in their power to stay alive, heal, bubble, los (dare I say heal2full and make them pay).


For instance I know when I play my hybrid healer I will be marked irrespectively if I am shown as DPS or Heals so I make sure that I control the battlefield and not over extend because a mis-timed bubble of shame could cause the team the loss.

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I don't get what's so hard about determining role based upon the level 30 skill tree point that is selected. You can only have one of them and for most healers this is their best healing ability.


And that being said, isn't this an MMO by the way, the place where you group up with friends and do stuff !!?

What's all the fuzz about Ranked Solo Q!!!???


It's supposed to be a SOLO ranked queue (clue is in the name).

Edited by Nothematic
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I don't get what's so hard about determining role based upon the level 30 skill tree point that is selected. You can only have one of them and for most healers this is their best healing ability.




It's supposed to be a SOLO ranked queue (clue is in the name).


At level 30 you have 21 points out of 46 so yes you can have more than one. Especially Healing Trance which is what really annoys folks.

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At level 30 you have 21 points out of 46 so yes you can have more than one. Especially Healing Trance which is what really annoys folks.


Then the obvious solution is to move 2nd tier abilities further up the tree by 3 points.

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Here is a question that me and snave both have, what makes solo ranked any different than a reg arena? I'll give you some time to think about it because there is one difference


not sure if serious or trolling, but...



  • matchmaking exists (by role: heal, tank, dps), and an offshoot of this is...
  • it prevent individuals from dictating the composition of their team from match to match (fancy way of saying no premades)
  • it's more accessible to weaker players (again, because of matchmaking)



those are things it does. I'm not saying it does them well. :p

Edited by foxmob
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