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Please let us exclude warzones we don't want to play


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Immediately exit the warzone, and wait a few minutes, then re-queue. Hopefully by then the zone is on the way and you get another one. The chance of loading it is equal to the 8x8, so there is actually approcimate number of times they show up. Edited by DomiSotto
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My commando and merc leave arena instantly.

No use.

You get focused and die without getting a single medal.

On my sage I quit when I see an operative healer on the enemy team and no healer on my team.

Ridiculous matchmaking(2 damage dealers vs healer ,tank and 2 damage dealers yeahhhh funny)

I'd rather wait 20mins longer and get a real game. Thinking this game is wasting my lifetime and money and making jokes with me.

Can*t be that hard.

Other games can do it too.

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Or you could just play them? I despise AHG, but hey some people probably like it. Random warzones makes it so all warzones get played. Its fine the way it is.


To be fair though, there should at least be an option to queue exclusively for 8 vs 8 objective based PVP or 4 vs 4 TDM based PVP. They are two entirely different formats, and plenty of people seem to have a clear preference for one over the other. Some classes, such as gunslinger/sniper, are MUCH less effective in 4 vs 4 as compared to 8 vs 8, because melee DPS has a huge advantage over ranged DPS in that environment. It's unfair to people playing classes like sniper/gunslinger and mercenary/commando having their time wasted by being placed in a 4 vs 4 match that they are probably just going to leave anyways.

Edited by Volxen
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Or you could just play them? I despise AHG, but hey some people probably like it. Random warzones makes it so all warzones get played. Its fine the way it is.


No its not fine when you load into a 4x4 and you end up going through 8 people on your team before the game starts and starting with 3 or less because people don't want to do arena. Let those people have a way to avoid arena without having it affect other players that like the 4x4 matches.

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I peersonally dont play the 4vs4. when i get it i exit it. bioware is just wasting my time for something im not gonna play regardless of how hard they push it. even if they add a penalty for leavung i still would leave. im here to play what i enjoy not what biofail thinks i should enjoy.

Not to mention the team left behind doesnt always get their 4th person at least not in the first match. sometimes 2 of us leave and the team is really screwed.

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As a gunslinger, my average lifespan in a 4x4 is 20 sec. My team is better of with a chance of the replacement than with an assured 3 man composition. I tried pulling every shield I have up, hanging back, breaking LoS, running and DoTing, popping adrenal in off the start and telling th team mates to hurt them as much as possible while they are killing me... I even tried to place myself between the allegedly cheat columns on Tatooine. Either them were the wrong columns, or the sabres are made better nowadays.


Give me a strategy to try for a slinger in an arena and I will try it. Right now I am out of ideas save for the Exit button.


Sorry, I have spent enough arenas dead and watching my teammates die one by one in a sort of slow angst movie fashion, while desperately raking my brain for something I could have done differently to want to do it again. I'd rather earn my 1 point having fun.


even if they add a penalty for leavung i still would leave. im here to play what i enjoy not what biofail thinks i should enjoy.


Edited by DomiSotto
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As a gunslinger, my average lifespan in a 4x4 is 20 sec. My team is better of with a chance of the replacement than with an assured 3 man composition. I tried pulling every shield I have up, hanging back, breaking LoS, running and DoTing, popping adrenal in off the start and telling th team mates to hurt them as much as possible while they are killing me... I even tried to place myself between the allegedly cheat columns on Tatooine. Either them were the wrong columns, or the sabres are made better nowadays.


Give me a strategy to try for a slinger in an arena and I will try it. Right now I am out of ideas save for the Exit button.


Sorry, I have spent enough arenas dead and watching my teammates die one by one in a sort of slow angst movie fashion, while desperately raking my brain for something I could have done differently to want to do it again. I'd rather earn my 1 point having fun.




what spec are you running? you should be middle tree. you can drop that massive aoe snare/dot at will. roll twice. really, just drop that aoe on your healer and entrench on him. orbital strike there as well just for gits and shiggles. or if you really want to have some fun, drop that stupid thing wherever the opponent healer tries to stand and cast.


but all ranged classes require some sort of support from the tank ACs in the form of taunts, pulls, stuns, and mezzes, especially when you don't have the proper comp of a healer, tank, dps. only the sorc has an Oh sh*t button, and even that only works once.

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PVErs get to choose what they want to queue for.

We should get the exact same treatment.

Yep, perfectly said, and I agree 200%, and so will add my vote and voice as well to the op with a resounding yes, this would be a great idea.


In my case, I'm one of the folks who just don't like Huttball, at All, I just don't. So I leave immediately, because I can't just click a box that says exclude this particular wz. I would rather not leave, but the thing lasts like 10-15 min and I'm not going to spend that much time on something I really don't like. So yes I'm all for this as well, and as TheNahash indicated, it would only be fair.

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Or you could just play them? I despise AHG, but hey some people probably like it. Random warzones makes it so all warzones get played. Its fine the way it is.


How about no.


If it's PVE I can choose which FPs / OPs I participate in. Why is this not also true for PvP?


If Bioware are afraid that allowing choice would mean certain Warzones wouldn't get played very often, well then this should be a lesson to them. They need to research why they are unpopular and find ways to improve them.


Everyone has different tastes so I expect most Warzones would still get played. And if a few aren't popular then they should redesign / adjust them.

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Agree with this post so much.


I would happily pvp all day long on Alderaan/novare/original hutball map.


Just cannot stand the new hutball/voidstar and that weird one with the pylons, its just an auto exit every time.

Its such an obvious thing to give players choice in this regards.


Just like they do queue finder where you choose which fp's your going for they can do the same for pvp maps.


%100 am begging for this to be implemented.

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My commando and merc leave arena instantly.

No use.

You get focused and die without getting a single medal.

On my sage I quit when I see an operative healer on the enemy team and no healer on my team.

Ridiculous matchmaking(2 damage dealers vs healer ,tank and 2 damage dealers yeahhhh funny)

I'd rather wait 20mins longer and get a real game. Thinking this game is wasting my lifetime and money and making jokes with me.

Can*t be that hard.

Other games can do it too.


They should make a new medal. "Taking one for the team." You get it if you die in the first 10 seconds of a match (unless it's because you ran through the fire in HB). :D


I'd put in my vote (because our votes count darn it!) for letting us pick the WZs we (don't) want. As it is, I see a lot of warzones that start short handed because people quit - nothing against letting people quit. Just let them "pre-quit", and that way I want get a huttball (HURRAY), and then have 3 of the 8 people quit because not every likes HB (boo). I'd rather wait for the 8 that want it, or at least don't don't want it.

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How about no.


If it's PVE I can choose which FPs / OPs I participate in. Why is this not also true for PvP?


If Bioware are afraid that allowing choice would mean certain Warzones wouldn't get played very often, well then this should be a lesson to them. They need to research why they are unpopular and find ways to improve them.


Everyone has different tastes so I expect most Warzones would still get played. And if a few aren't popular then they should redesign / adjust them.


Because it isn't pve? Its fine the way it is.

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PVErs get to choose what they want to queue for.

We should get the exact same treatment.



I have a sentinel among other alts and since group finder was implemented in the game, outside of guild runs, I actually got 15 pops for a flash point as a damage dealer. The average wait time is 45 minutes and I gave up on the group finder with all my damage dealers. I queue as tank or healer. Tacticals do not appeal to me and if you want to do a parallel to the group finder, then you should get to choose your map but wait 45 minutes+ :D. Same treatment , right?

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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At least, I would like to see what I'm getting when the queue pops, so that way I avoid what I don't want to play and leave queue rather than eating two consecutives loading screens.

In case of an arena, that would be better since with the time wasted in loadscreens, the queue asigning another player to that team , round 1 perhaps already happened and it was a 3vs4.

Edited by wainot-keel
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At least, I would like to see what I'm getting when the queue pops, so that way I avoid what I don't want to play and leave queue rather than eating two consecutives loading screens.

In case of an arena, that would be better since with the time wasted in loadscreens, the queue asigning another player to that team , round 1 perhaps already happened and it was a 3vs4.


Or you could just play the damn map.

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