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The Scam/Not a Scam debate storyline


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here is a rhetorical question... How is it possible the gtn can split a credit into a thousand pieces, while the end user CANT.


is that strange? That also means, it shouldnt be ingame from the first place.


Can I trade you and give you 0.01 credit?

Edited by Oyranos
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here is a rhetorical question... How is it possible the gtn can split a credit into a thousand pieces, while the end user CANT.


is that strange? That also means, it shouldnt be ingame from the first place.


Can I trade you and give you 0.01 credit?




this guy


That is a unit price. That means that is how much to are effectively paying for each individual part of the total sale. You cannot, in any way, only purchase part of a lot posted on the GTN. You buy the entire thing. Unit price is there for quick comparisons of price so you can determine which is a better deal at a glance instead of having to do long division in your head.


Edit: and just to be absolutely clear. I went and tested this. Its completely impossible to input non-whole number prices into the GTN.


Oh, and I know maths are hard, but 0.01 is a hundredth of a credit.


Seriously .... :rolleyes:

Edited by Dras_Keto
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I've lost over 1mil creds before because I listed a few items short of 1 zero. OMG! The buyer scammed me right?! NO! It was my mistake and the buyer got lucky!


Completely different. People pricing things insanely high are either buying currency or looking to dupe people.


My buying 3 Dragon decos over the weekend for 700K per is based on a sellers mistake or they (along with many others) had way more than they needed and was selling them to get rid of them.

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Perhaps no response is their response.


I hope so. While I find it distasteful that some folks prey on inattentive people, I'm concerned that any "fix" could have un intended and potential negative impact on the GTN.


I've made boneheaded mistakes before, and will again I'm sure. But I don't want BW or anyone to save me from myself. It's how we learn and hopefully change.

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Not sure you've checked on the GTN. Maybe it's different server to server. But people are putting up items for over 100k credits but the price makes it look like they are 1000.00 credits. Most of the mats prices on the list per unit show as 1203.19 but some of the mats per unit are shown as 120,319, and that may trick some players.


Simply solution.


Don't be illiterate.


Stop and consider the system's capabilities for a minute. When an item is listed at a price that is much higher than current market value the system can't tell if it is dealing with a foolish seller or a seller trying to prey upon foolish buyers. There is no distinction between the two. Therefore, the best solution is for the system to rely on the sellers not being stupid and knowing how to read. Being able to count the number of digits after a comma or decimal helps a lot too, but I think this fits neatly in with "don't be stupid".


The only real problem here is people are being stupid and when they realize they have done something stupid, they are getting all bent out of shape and instead of learning from the experience and moving forward as a person that is less stupid than they were before this happened to them, they are choosing to blame the system because their fragile egos can't fathom how they could have done something so ridiculously stupid.


And if the word stupid is offensive to anyone this has happened to, then you should see that as a good sign. It means you recognize how embarrassingly stupid the action was. The next step is admitting it to yourself and then you begin to learn from your mistake and move on as a less stupid person than you were before. If being called stupid for this still offends your sense and sensibilities then you aren't ready to own up to your own stupid mistakes and should probably just put me on ignore because I will continue to tell you how stupid you are for making this mistake until you learn to take responsibility for own stupid mistakes.


Call me cold-hearted or harsh all you want, but this is the only way I will ever view this situation.

Edited by Orizuru
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Possible News: more and more players leave the game after being scammed on the GTN


If more and more people are getting "scammed", I think I know why. With all the threads about it popping up daily, general awareness of the issue is at an all-time high. But the difference is that now all the smart, albeit dishonorable, people know that this is an easy way to earn credits, while the innocent victims continue to NOT pay attention to what they buy.


This just proves, as has been said so many times in these threads - you can't fix stupid. Whether it's inability to learn from mistakes or thread spamming.

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Completely different. People pricing things insanely high are either buying currency or looking to dupe people.


My buying 3 Dragon decos over the weekend for 700K per is based on a sellers mistake or they (along with many others) had way more than they needed and was selling them to get rid of them.


You haven't seen this thread, have you?

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Here's my suggestion.


Every time a person comes to the forums to cry about how they didn't pay attention to a GTN listing and "got scammed," BioWare goes in and awards all of their characters the "Illiterate" title. This title is always on, and cannot be changed for 7 days of in game time.

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Not for nothing but if one is doing so many daily transactions on the GTN that it's difficult to pay attention to the prices. To me that could point to them trying to work the GTN to their advantage too. Reselling. Cornering the market. etc etc Not so far off from listing something very high so people will buy it in error.


Should investigate everyone who makes a thread probably a few credit sellers at least. :p


P.S. Regardless I'm sure they will fix it so it's idiot proof (so to speak).

Edited by foxxecho
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I'd like to start with the fact there is no such thing a "scam" on the GTN, I'm just using the popular terminology.


Buyer/scammer sees ITEM X for 50,000 when ITEM X is normally 500,000. The innocent seller clearly forgot a zero since they had been playing all day and was very tired and not paying attention.


The buyer/scammer, knowing this is an error, buys the item for 50,000 and pats themselves on the back for a great deal they got and then also brags to everyone else about it, even calling the innocent seller a moron for listing it so low. Then, the buyer/scammer may use it or re-list it for 500,000, or ever 450,000, to make a nice easy profit.


"Oh, no, this isn't a scam! It's called bargain-hunting!" is what the buyers/scammers will say.

The buyer/scammer knowingly buys the item that is mistakenly priced so they "scammed" the innocent seller who had no idea of the error.


It's ok when it works in your favour, right? But when it doesn't it's time to cry bloody murder on the forums. The buyer/scammers are more than happy to take advantage of an inattentive seller but as soon as it doesn't go their way it's time to cry here playing a ridiculous "I'm the victim" card.


It's so, so sad.


It is a scam due to intent. I can run you down in my car, 20 year prison sentence difference, if they can determine intent.


Something I like to do is hit a category and arrange by lowest price, for those people cleaning out personal banks, legacy banks etc. People will sell stuff just to get rid of it. That's my undercutting technique for the one off stuff. A ton listed for 100K? I'll list mine for 40K and hope one of the professional GTNers buys it, else it'll sit annoyingly in my mailbox for 97 days, unless I just vendor the thing.

Edited by ItachiZaku
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Look what I just did! I scammed the GTN cuz a seller was tired from playing all day and wasn't paying attention!




Satele Shan's Boots for 99k when they normally list (Harbinger) for at least ONE MILLION??? Wow! I sure scammed this seller good!


Oh, wait, I forgot... it's NOT a scam when I get a great deal, right? It's only if *I'm* the one who's tired and inattentive then the seller is a scammer. So I guess I just got a great deal, I'm patting myself on the back, and now I'm here bragging about it.


Only sellers can be scammers, right?






When I search and see something at a low low price I can't be bothered to order the list lowest to highest, I can't be bothered to read that popup to confirm my purchase if I haven't disabled it BECAUSE silly I might miss out on a super sick sweet DEAL that some poor player mistakenly listed for too little!


So nerf the GTN so I can scoop up all those sick dealz and not take a second to make sure I'm not buying something for more than I want at the super low low prices I deserve.


Also in NO way should a feature be implemented to warn players they are listing an item below the current items average or the like that wouldn't be cool.



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I think you love this system, you may be benefited from it also and you so much passion supporting it. I give small examples but you love to hide behind the words... This system is bad, I never get scammed but its hard for me to sell my stuff, because it confuses my feature customers...


Maybe a few rant videos on YOUTUBE will make them listen.


since you as a player, cannot split a credit in a thousand pieces or a hundred of pieces... then gtn shouldnt do that. Its beneficial for scammers.

Edited by Oyranos
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Friend of mine had this happen to her too, something about the commas and decimals looking the same and these ******es are intentionally pricing things at exactly 100x their standard price to catch people. It's definitely a scam, but unfortunately the official response she got from support is basically 'deal with it'.


Guess I'm just lucky I've never had more than 2 or 3 million credits at any given time so it's difficult for me to really fall for these things.

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No response needed. GTN will only ever display either no decimal places for integer price per unit, or 2 decimal places for non-integer price per unit. GTN will also only display total prices in integer format.


With that in mind, you will never see a price per unit in the formats of:



Additionally, you will never see a total price in the formats of:



So that neutralizes the comma and period confusion argument.


From there, the only way it is possible to get screwed by the predatory posters (which is the accurate term for them, not "scammers") is to be inattentive.

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