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Why are the PvPers constantly complaining?


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Oh come on, you could have left the age insult in there... I was going to say eleventeen....


I have a sense of humor... I can handle nonsense. But when a group of people complain that they want more people to do that content, and then complain cause that person sucks, and then complains because said people don't want to help them in a PvP match.. Yes it's a little BS..


I thought better of it.


I would like to know what you are doing that they cite "you suck"? Usually there is no reason to cite a specific player for a match going poorly unless you repeatedly do something stupid, like leave the objective, let them cap multiple times, no call outs, etc.. Usually a frustrated player will just blame the team in general, not go after a specific player.


You have to play pvp to get pvp gear, no reason for any players to insult you for wearing pve gear if you are trying to get pvp gear.

Edited by Nickious
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PvPers want more people PvPing but I don't think they want it forced on you. Maybe I am crazy.


thats why they stealth and try to get you to flag by mistake on oricon. trying to force you to pvp.


the devs knew that this was a huge guild farming competition from the start. thats all that it is. it is intended to distract you from the fact that they arent making new content. now they have nerfed the pve side, the carrot is leading the players to pvp.....

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thats why they stealth and try to get you to flag by mistake on oricon. trying to force you to pvp.


the devs knew that this was a huge guild farming competition from the start. thats all that it is. it is intended to distract you from the fact that they arent making new content. now they have nerfed the pve side, the carrot is leading the players to pvp.....



I'm far from away from some of those PVP crusaders who goes on about how Bioware should bring more PVP content but thats absurd.

Edited by Nickious
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I thought better of it.


I would like to know what you are doing that they cite "you suck"? Usually there is no reason to cite a specific player for a match going poorly unless you repeatedly do something stupid, like leave the objective, let them cap multiple times, no call outs, etc.. Usually a frustrated player will just blame the team in general, not go after a specific player.


You have to play pvp to get pvp gear, no reason for any players to insult you for wearing pve gear if you are trying to get pvp gear.


Dying... mostly.... I'm using what skill I can to help.. Taunts to reduce damage to other players... Trying to focus down healers... Things you like actually need to do... But because I am so squishy and die by a sneeze due to bolster being such a screwy system, I get blamed... At least I was trying (which could be more then what some people are doing now)...


It was better when there was an entry level PvP set... at least PvE players could get gear and actually be helpful if all they ever did was PvE... But if all you do is PvE and then a system is put in place where you need to PvP at least some, It's a poor design,and the complaining that is being done is being done so for the wrong reasons..

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I'm not one of those PVP crusaders who goes on about how Bioware should bring more PVP content but thats absurd.


Oh people actually do this.. I remember right after launch before they changed it... You would be out doing PvE quests on a planet and people would be flagged and intentionally walk into your AOE for force flag you... Trust me, people are that absurd. If it was not happening, they would never have patched it...




Edit to add to the link of the original fix... Though I know this has popped up a few times since...

Edited by Psychopyro
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Oh people actually do this.. I remember right after launch before they changed it... You would be out doing PvE quests on a planet and people would be flagged and intentionally walk into your AOE for force flag you... Trust me, people are that absurd. If it was not happening, they would never have patched it...




Edit to add to the link of the original fix... Though I know this has popped up a few times since...


I was referring to him making the point that Bioware is trying to make this game more PVP centric.

Edited by Nickious
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I was referring to him making the point that Bioware is trying to make this game more PVP centric.


I think there is a half-truth to that....


While they have added PvE content it has been rather slow. PvE content also always requires resources. EA has never been known for throwing money into making something they don't have to...


Getting more people to PvP takes hardly any extra resources (hence cheaper). It may get a few more people to go that route, hence costing even fewer resources.


Face it, PvP for the most part is it's own content and requires little work on their end. While they know they can never ditch PvE, they know they can surely make the end-game more PvPish and save resources...

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I am aware of that... However I have no other gear except what my companion has, and that is 168/180 PvE gear as well. The problem is there is not an entry level PvP set anymore, so you're stuck with what you have until you get comms to actually buy the gear you need which takes forever and a friggin day due to the insane price of it vs what you actually get in a WZ.


And here you nail why I'll never pvp much on here right on the head.


It's not my favorite platform to pvp on by any stretch, so I can't really say I feel life I'm missing out, but the way it's set up is like. .. if you haven't been pvp'ing since level 10, just don't even bother.


Starting at 55? Lolololol.


You're gonna be nothing but target practice for hundreds of matches. All the while, you're going to be getting spite and mockery from anyone with the neurotic obsession with inspecting everyone's gear.


I can't think of a single good side to it.


Not one.

Edited by Uruare
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And here you nail why I'll never pvp much on here right on the head.


It's not my favorite platform to pvp on by any stretch, so I can't really say I feel life I'm missing out, but the way it's set up is like. .. if you haven't been pvp'ing since level 10, just don't even bother.


Starting at 55? Lolololol.


You're gonna be nothing but target practice for hundreds of matches. All the while, you're going to be getting spite and mockery from anyone with the neurotic obsession with inspecting everyone's gear.


I can't think of a single good side to it.


Not one.


<insert swearing here> So those is us who start PvP at 55 screwed ourselves over.


No wonder it feels like such a great divide between PvE and PvP.

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So I'm currently taking a class that primarily covers human psychology, currently we are studying cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, and group bias. One of our assignments was to find a real world example cognitive bias, and send it to the professor along with a written explanation.


I think I'll use this thread.

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If you're talking about complaints on the forums, then everyone does it regardless of playstyle. it's part of the whole "feedback" point of posting in the forums. If you want to sift through and quantify complaint threads by playstyle, I'll wish you good luck with that.


In a nutshell: people complain when things are not to their liking, and anonymous people complain with reckless abandon. Add to it that there are people who view the forums as an opportunity to OW PVP out of game and it's a perfect storm.


If it bothers you, just don't open the thread. 9.99/10 times you can tell from the title what's in store for you upon opening a thread here. There is also a handy "ignore" function, many of the threads that are framed as complaints are generated by the same people over and over. Put 'em on mute and be done with it.


A prime example: "Why does BW hate solo players that much?"


Why would anyone assume that a company actively "hates" or "dislikes" any part of their customer base?

Doesn't matter, start a thread and let the troll flames roll. Btw, notice that I used a prototypical PVE complaint thread as an example. Certain contributors then used it to sound off on other players and belittle contrary viewpoints while maintaining their own sovereign opinion as "correct." It's just the crappy state of internet communication manifesting itself as little more than juvenile schoolyard trash talk.



Edited by mokkh
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So I'm currently taking a class that primarily covers human psychology, currently we are studying cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, and group bias. One of our assignments was to find a real world example cognitive bias, and send it to the professor along with a written explanation.


I think I'll use this thread.


Did you need to tell us that we're now your metaphorical lab rats?

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Did you need to tell us that we're now your metaphorical lab rats?


I doubt any of the people that are invested in this thread are going to change based on my comment, so it doesn't hurt. Also I just had to write how its a example, I'm not running a experiment or anything lol.

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I doubt any of the people that are invested in this thread are going to change based on my comment, so it doesn't hurt. Also I just had to write how its a example, I'm not running a experiment or anything lol.


I was meaning "You're going to do this anyway, so why waste time and tell us?"

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So I'm currently taking a class that primarily covers human psychology, currently we are studying cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, and group bias. One of our assignments was to find a real world example cognitive bias, and send it to the professor along with a written explanation.


I think I'll use this thread.


Just don't forget us in the credits...

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..........................It was better when there was an entry level PvP set... at least PvE players could get gear and actually be helpful if all they ever did was PvE....................



But in truth, many of them did not take advantage of the gear and took the credits instead, thus gimping themselves and their team for their own greed.


I do agree personally however, I preferred those pre-bolster days.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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Yeah since obviously finding a few players in this forum as an example is a entirely accurate reflection of a entire community of players...


Wait! What :eek: It isn't? People generalize on the internet? Noes:confused: Say it ain't so Joe...sniff

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So I'm currently taking a class that primarily covers human psychology, currently we are studying cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, and group bias. One of our assignments was to find a real world example cognitive bias, and send it to the professor along with a written explanation.


I think I'll use this thread.

Where's your written explanation? If we're going to be guinea pigs we deserve representation, what are you saying about us. Edited by Falensawino
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The same people complaining about "bads" trying to conquest, are the SAME pvp'ers who plays on a PVE server.


PVP'ERS playing on a PVE server.


The Shadowlands is full of those E-peen players killing the same pve/pugs over and over again.

Players and guilds who came back from POT5, some says the server is dead (??) or because there you face real pvp'ers so you couldn't farm people?


JK, chill... Or not :)

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