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What galaxies did right and what swtor is doing right.


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swtor nailed combat, minus some pvp balancing issues it is loads more fun then galaxies.


But galaxies nailed space combat and exploration. the worlds were bigger, you can build homes in settlements, and you can leave the controls of your space ship walk around, then return to the controls and fly around in space.


swtor get dog fighting done in a fun way, I love the new pvp.


my 2 things I would change in swtor, is to add more exploration of large sections of the planet, allow space exploration, allow full control of my ship to fly where i please in a giving area.

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swtor nailed combat, minus some pvp balancing issues it is loads more fun then galaxies.


But galaxies nailed space combat and exploration. the worlds were bigger, you can build homes in settlements, and you can leave the controls of your space ship walk around, then return to the controls and fly around in space.


swtor get dog fighting done in a fun way, I love the new pvp.


my 2 things I would change in swtor, is to add more exploration of large sections of the planet, allow space exploration, allow full control of my ship to fly where i please in a giving area.


I hate to break it to you, but there is like 1 server left that has maybe a total of 20 people participating in space pvp warzones. The ''space update'' was a total waste for them in SWTOR and putitng further work into it would be a real waste of dev time. Clearly the player base didn't care for it (or at least the player base that was left in the game when they launched that).


They should probably just move on to other things. Also SWG > SWTOR in almost every way (except combat, yes swtor combat is better. Oh the collection system in swtor is fantastic) :rak_03:

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I played SWG from launch up until Rage of the Wookies and the NGE.


I agree Exploration and the ability to place your home almost anywhere was awesome. Having Big guilds that basically set up an entire town complete with Quests player stocked merchants and such was epic.


SWTOR would greatly benefit from a more open world to explore on each planet. I know thats a pipe dream but SWG was so massive maybe even to massive per planet. What bioware could do is release other areas of current planets that you simply choose to goto from the Orbital station or from your Ship.


Also with regards to GSF they really need to implement a PVE option for it. Basically Evolve the On rails Space missions with Free Room GSF PVE missions. Perhaps even group options for 2-4 other players. Space is a very unused portion of the game right now and it should be on par with the normal ground game for a MMO based on Star Wars.


I loved the launch SWG and I am currently really enjoying the 2+ year post launch SWTOR.

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didn't realize it was that bad, honestly the que is fine but why can I go to the controls in my ship and fly around and enter a dog fight, and have a friend in my ship run to man the guns.


It's not that bad. He's getting a tiny glimpse of the situation through a bit of colored glass and thinks GSF is doing badly because of his own personal experience.


On my server, whole guilds are dedicated to GSF and they're thriving, what with the new Conquest objectives based on GSF stuff.

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Is all taste.


Sandbox doesn't grab the masses, so while you may think open world is better, most don't agree, at least with their wallets.


And one bane of the SWG open world experience was the urban sprawl in a radius outside major NPC cities. Cities, which BTW we're mostly lifeless.


For me, SWG had incredible systems more than anything else, at least pre-cu. But those types of systems don't fit perfectly in a game like this. Best you'll get is a hybrid like strongholds.


Which is fine.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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I hate to break it to you, but there is like 1 server left that has maybe a total of 20 people participating in space pvp warzones.


Do you have solid evidence of this or is it one of those I had an angel come to me during my sleep and inform me type of evidence ?

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Do you have solid evidence of this or is it one of those I had an angel come to me during my sleep and inform me type of evidence ?


Several people in my guild not only (try) to participate in GSF still but are also ''in the know'' as far as which other servers are still participating in it. I don't have any legitimate numbers for you of course (only the devs do), but I CAN almost guarantee you that you won't get a queue pop for GSF. :)


It wasn't very popular at launch and has just died off since. MAYBE with the influx of returning players for this new update, they will try out the space content. But still doubtful.

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I don't know if would say that SWG nailed space combat, though I would say the version of space combat in SWG is superior to GSF....personally I think BF2 nailed space combat as it SHOULD be.


Space combat tended to drag on, more of the "chase your tail" sort of combat, and travel time and distance was silly IMO. Being able to target individual systems was nice, but for me I like combat that is a bit more twitchy and fast paced.


I would say, however, that SWG nailed spacecraft period.....the ability to walk around your personal ship was almost flawless....AND you could decorate it. At least those ships large enough to walk around in.


Still, I personally feel Battlefront 2 was superior.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Several people in my guild not only (try) to participate in GSF still but are also ''in the know'' as far as which other servers are still participating in it. I don't have any legitimate numbers for you of course (only the devs do), but I CAN almost guarantee you that you won't get a queue pop for GSF. :)


It wasn't very popular at launch and has just died off since. MAYBE with the influx of returning players for this new update, they will try out the space content. But still doubtful.


Maybe a server issue (yours), because it is pretty well popular on a couple of servers I play on!

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Also with regards to GSF they really need to implement a PVE option for it. Basically Evolve the On rails Space missions with Free Room GSF PVE missions. Perhaps even group options for 2-4 other players. Space is a very unused portion of the game right now and it should be on par with the normal ground game for a MMO based on Star Wars.



You've got it so right! People were completely pissed when GSF was only PvP. Newsflash for Bioware, most of the people are PvE players not PvP players. They blew it big time when they didn't make it PvE. Hell, even I would have played it if it was PvE. I do not PvP.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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I don't know if would say that SWG nailed space combat, though I would say the version of space combat in SWG is superior to GSF....personally I think BF2 nailed space combat as it SHOULD be.


Space combat tended to drag on, more of the "chase your tail" sort of combat, and travel time and distance was silly IMO. Being able to target individual systems was nice, but for me I like combat that is a bit more twitchy and fast paced.


I would say, however, that SWG nailed spacecraft period.....the ability to walk around your personal ship was almost flawless....AND you could decorate it. At least those ships large enough to walk around in.


Still, I personally feel Battlefront 2 was superior.


I agree with you.


SWG combat was ok, but not that great


It was the customization and the ability to invite friends aboard your ship with the ability to decorate it that made it fun and it that way it was pretty awesome.


I loved the ISD heroic where you had to find a pilot to fly your group into the ship. I would just sit back and hang in someones customized ship and watch the fight outside the window....It was cool

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You've got it so right! People were completely pissed when GSF was only PvP. Newsflash for Bioware, most of the people are PvE players not PvP players. They blew it big time when they didn't make it PvE. Hell, even I would have played it if it was PvE. I do not PvP.


I dont want to say....blew it big time, but i do feel that you are correct about the PvE/PvP thing


I like to PvP but not really a space pvp guy, I feel that making it space pvp really pigeon holes that game aspect to appeal to a small player base. Though I'm sure the people that play it alot really enjoy it, its done pretty well IMO.


Some kind of PvE thing would have been nice and not just warzones. Now that they have the capabilites to design space warzones, maybe they could create new areas that are just outside planets and add in some PvE baddies flying around.

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You've got it so right! People were completely pissed when GSF was only PvP. Newsflash for Bioware, most of the people are PvE players not PvP players. They blew it big time when they didn't make it PvE. Hell, even I would have played it if it was PvE. I do not PvP.


Or had options like 'queue PVP' and 'queue PVE'. I want to go flying with people, maybe shoot droid ships or something. Or enemy NPCs of the other faction.

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You've got it so right! People were completely pissed when GSF was only PvP. Newsflash for Bioware, most of the people are PvE players not PvP players. They blew it big time when they didn't make it PvE. Hell, even I would have played it if it was PvE. I do not PvP.


Could not possibly agree more. When I first learned that GSF was PvP-specific, I pulled a Frodo and yelled out at the top of my lungs:




SWTOR -- a game that came this close {...} to being great, but instead settled for very good.


Hell, why bother trying for an A+ when you can graduate with a B+ but with much less effort and way more sleep?



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You've got it so right! People were completely pissed when GSF was only PvP. Newsflash for Bioware, most of the people are PvE players not PvP players. They blew it big time when they didn't make it PvE. Hell, even I would have played it if it was PvE. I do not PvP.


I hope you guys at least realize that it would've taken up a LOT more ressources to create a meaningful space PvE with missions and an AI that was remotely challenging. IMO creating this would've amounted to creating a whole new game.

Edited by Knorlac
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Several people in my guild not only (try) to participate in GSF still but are also ''in the know'' as far as which other servers are still participating in it. I don't have any legitimate numbers for you of course (only the devs do), but I CAN almost guarantee you that you won't get a queue pop for GSF. :)


It wasn't very popular at launch and has just died off since. MAYBE with the influx of returning players for this new update, they will try out the space content. But still doubtful.


My server isn't even considered one of the "big" ones for GSF and, outside of like 2am to 7am (give or take) on weekdays, I've never, ever had a problem with queue pops.


To echo others, maybe it's just an issue with your server and you've got one with a lower pop/the weakest of all GSF players.



So while you have guildmates that are "in the know", I can tell you as someone "who regularly plays GSF" that pops are almost always a non-issue and during peak hours you're looking at multiple games running at a time here on The Shadowlands.


Which, again, doesn't even have a reputation as one of the "big" GSF servers. From my understanding, Harbinger, The Ebon Hawk, and Bastion are the ones that at least pride themselves on lots of GSF action.



Though honestly, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that any attempts at queuing done by yourself/guildmates have been at odd hours and much of the "in the know" come from folks with very little GSF experience making assumptions based on GSF's lackluster reception.

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Galaxies will always be the greatest mmo, pre-cu this is. Before Sony got sued and lost for changing the game to such a degree that it was no longer the same game. When I lost Creature Handler I left and went to WoW for the sole purpose of playing a hunter lol Love them pets.


I would still be playing Galaxies now if it existed in a form other than the emu currently out there. Which is good but still lacks alot.

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I dont want to say....blew it big time, but i do feel that you are correct about the PvE/PvP thing


I like to PvP but not really a space pvp guy, I feel that making it space pvp really pigeon holes that game aspect to appeal to a small player base. Though I'm sure the people that play it alot really enjoy it, its done pretty well IMO.


Some kind of PvE thing would have been nice and not just warzones. Now that they have the capabilites to design space warzones, maybe they could create new areas that are just outside planets and add in some PvE baddies flying around.


I agree... speaking as a relatively new player, I tried out all the pvp options in this game (atleast this game encourages it); I found pvp with your toons was fairly well balanced. atleast i didn't feel like a lamb to the slaughter in it, i could kill others, even if i was killed more than i killed others. At some point in time in the future i'll probably try it some more. atleast i'm not against the idea


Tried the fighter combat in this game, two times... think i collected 2 or 3 kills and was swatted from the sky 20-30 times. Now i'm not a n00b to fighter combat, i think i'm pretty good in other games at fighter combat. I was deadly in Battlestar Galactica Online, both with a new ship (got called a cheater) and with a built up ship. Just deadly. This game doesn't have that balance. As far as i can tell it has zero balance. You either spend $$ on the space combat or you pad the stats for the people who do (BTW: i AM a subscriber, i don't have an issue with spending $$)


No interest in ever playing GSF again. two times was more then enough.

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SWG at launch had one thing completely missing in modern MMORPGs


A over all sense of awe at the pure size of a planet


But when they introduced speeders the awe inspiring planets shrunk massively and wasnt long before people could cover a entire planet scope in mere minutes.


At release however, when the concept was player towns would have shuttle ports and to get around the planet you would shuttle from town to town, the size and scope of SWG was indeed awe inspiring.


beyond that though, I will take SW:TOR over every concept of SWG.

SWG crafting was to detailed and truely felt like a job rather then a game

SW:TOR crafting is simplistic and could use some extra details, but over all you dont need to spend hours just setting up harvesters and what not each day.


SWG graphics were honestly sub par even at their time. Other MMORPGs looked and played far smoother and with less lag.


SWG housing was a upgrade of UO but suffered greatly by house items creating lag around the house negatively effecting game play for all people (though I do wish we could display suits of armor in SW:TOR like we did in SWG)


SWG was Ultima Online slightly updated and with a Star Wars shell

But worse of all it was constantly redesigning and changing its core design because it was being rejected outright once players entered game. Million excuses by the game supporters for the different core game play changes but truth is the game suffered massive lack of subscription retention and struggled hugely to try and stop the loss of subscribers.


Combat upgrade, multiple changes to jedi paths, NGE, and more were all big item changes of the core design to try and stop the bleeding SWG always suffered from.


A very vocal but very small minority still support SWG to this day (and most of them will not play the game, they just like to promote it on forums ignoring financial reports and articles that contradict all their claims about the game )


The difference between SWG and SW:TOR is SWG never manged to stop the bleeding and sell players on the game beyond a very small but vocal minority of people (which ultimately were not enough to keep it worth running). SW:TOR also had to make changes but seem to have tapped into a desire which has allowed them to be profitable and growing once they removed many of the problem staff and brought in new devs and staff.

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I agree... speaking as a relatively new player, I tried out all the pvp options in this game (atleast this game encourages it); I found pvp with your toons was fairly well balanced. atleast i didn't feel like a lamb to the slaughter in it, i could kill others, even if i was killed more than i killed others. At some point in time in the future i'll probably try it some more. atleast i'm not against the idea


Tried the fighter combat in this game, two times... think i collected 2 or 3 kills and was swatted from the sky 20-30 times. Now i'm not a n00b to fighter combat, i think i'm pretty good in other games at fighter combat. I was deadly in Battlestar Galactica Online, both with a new ship (got called a cheater) and with a built up ship. Just deadly. This game doesn't have that balance. As far as i can tell it has zero balance. You either spend $$ on the space combat or you pad the stats for the people who do (BTW: i AM a subscriber, i don't have an issue with spending $$)


No interest in ever playing GSF again. two times was more then enough.


Okay, not to keep defending GSF (because it does have a chunk of problems, including how unforgiving it is to new players), but some of your assumptions/beliefs here are outright false. Namely?


No one is paying real money to "win" at GSF. How do I know this? Because it's not possible to make yourself significantly better at GSF. CCs in GSF do three things:


1. Buy some ships, all of which are literally equal in quality to non-CC ships (they just look different).

2. Buy cosmetic items like changing your paint job or the color of your lasers.

3. Turn ship req into fleet req (which means you're sacrificing upgrading a ship so you can buy a new ship/crew).


GSF, however, really is harsh on new players. The tutorial is AWFUL (teaching little to nothing of what you actually need to know to be a solid pilot), and in you very first game you can find yourself tossed in against a pre-made flying fully upgraded ships.


And a lot of it really is still skill based, but it's skill that's hard to learn when you get one-shot by a gunship or someone with a fully upgraded evasion scout obliterates you in two seconds. I'd really love it if BW gave some support to the unofficial GSF channel that exists on most servers (/cjoin GSF). I know at least us Pubs on the Shadowlands are more than happy to give people advice and help them get a feel for GSF.


Because GSF is very, very fun once you get over that initial hump. Once you understand the game, even flying un-upgraded stock ships isn't a nightmare. With that said, it shouldn't be on players to "stick it out" for a few games. There needs to be something to help newbies get a proper feel for fighter combat, and right now there isn't.

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Okay, not to keep defending GSF (because it does have a chunk of problems, including how unforgiving it is to new players), but some of your assumptions/beliefs here are outright false. Namely?


No one is paying real money to "win" at GSF. How do I know this? Because it's not possible to make yourself significantly better at GSF. CCs in GSF do three things:


1. Buy some ships, all of which are literally equal in quality to non-CC ships (they just look different).

2. Buy cosmetic items like changing your paint job or the color of your lasers.

3. Turn ship req into fleet req (which means you're sacrificing upgrading a ship so you can buy a new ship/crew).


GSF, however, really is harsh on new players. The tutorial is AWFUL (teaching little to nothing of what you actually need to know to be a solid pilot), and in you very first game you can find yourself tossed in against a pre-made flying fully upgraded ships.


And a lot of it really is still skill based, but it's skill that's hard to learn when you get one-shot by a gunship or someone with a fully upgraded evasion scout obliterates you in two seconds. I'd really love it if BW gave some support to the unofficial GSF channel that exists on most servers (/cjoin GSF). I know at least us Pubs on the Shadowlands are more than happy to give people advice and help them get a feel for GSF.


Because GSF is very, very fun once you get over that initial hump. Once you understand the game, even flying un-upgraded stock ships isn't a nightmare. With that said, it shouldn't be on players to "stick it out" for a few games. There needs to be something to help newbies get a proper feel for fighter combat, and right now there isn't.


that's fair. i'm too new to know how it works frankly. I didn't mean to imply the guys who dominate in it paid for those victories. I probably should have phrased it differently. It definitely was as frustrating as you portrayed though.


Seriously, i could pound someone for 30 seconds and not kill them. get shot at 2 times and i was dead. It was harsh... very very harsh. Sorta felt pointless really. That my experience was identical both times sorta turned me off to it. Whatever they were doing that made them so good wasn't apparent in the tutorial.


All i know is in pvp even though i'd be the first person to admit i SUCK at pvp in every mmo i play, i actually felt somewhat competent here... because even my character was able to kill people. the oposite was true in GSF. Seemed sort of a shame really... cause i like the concept. It just feels sorta pointless when at the end of a match you're looking at a kill/killed total of 3-27.

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