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Everything posted by Vorthaine

  1. I am level 60 assassin, I just started subscribing again last night, I go to my ship and the only quest in my terminal is the old dread lord quest i never did. Please tell me i don't have to go through old content in order to do the level 60-65 new content. That would be stupid.
  2. not going to waste time detailing my rig, here is a list instead. wow runs great! and here is a list of games that run great with settings maxed on my PC. MGS5: GROUND ZERO METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE COD:GHOST COD:AW BATTLEFIELD 4 CRYSIS 3 WARFRAME RIFT ARCHEAGE AGE OF CONAN THE SECRET WORLD CASTLEVANIA LOS 2 DMC DARKSIDERS 1 AND 2 TITANFALL I could go on but i think you get the idea. the frame rate on this game is terrible and choppy when i re-install it, i get some great gameplay for a few hours. I will check back in march to see if you have fixed your game bioware but i am done paying 15 a month for now.
  3. but only for the most hardest companion to get in the game. seriously I still don't have any custimization fro my xalix and my zavros because i have a windows phone and it does not have the authenticator for swtor. why can't we get more custimization with the expansion or at least allow the current custimization unlockable for all gamers especially your freaken subs!
  4. i think using double blade, or duel wielding or single light saber should all be preference and not requirement.. Like does an assassin really need a double bladed saber to back stab? seriously? and why do i need to roll a different character if i want to duel wield? that's dumb.
  5. was thinking it would be cool to have a planet where we can build garrisons and attack each other and rebuild. not sure how it would work but might be fun.
  6. lol you seem pretty hurt by what I said, learn to take a joke and you are the one who came to my forum posting negative stuff. Learn to take it if you are going to dish it out scrub
  7. Oh come on, it was funny, besides no one is playing this game, these forums are dead.
  8. not sure what else bioware can do WITH this game so here are some ideas. (i know you can't do it with current planets but) allow explorable planets, you fly around with your ship for rare resources and bosses that drop special loot. Or just add a huge generic area to a few of the current planets so I can fly my ship around in them. ****-pit view for all things space! (really is this that hard? free flight for me and my spaceship! -I want areas outside of planets I can cruise around and look at the galaxy and maybe get into a dog fight and have my companions man some turrets on my ship, i don't know would be really cool. new class? although i think you guys have covered your bases here lol not sure what a new class would be. Would love to hear some class ideas from the community. also still think a good expansion boss would be a GIANT FORCE EATING PLANET DEVOURING DRAGON THAT THREATENS TO CONSUME THE KNOWN GALAXY AND IS WORSHIPED BY A CULT OF ADAM SANDLER FANS FROM THE DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. GALALALAL GWAR! NOCKCKAKAKA PARMOOSHKA DEAL WITH IT.
  9. 2 pointless expansions in 2014. no one does galactic star fighter and housing was a cash grab. we already have star ships! will we get a new cgi cinematic and a proper expansion? ever? curious about the life of this game and if the movie can help it basically.
  10. how do you guys feel about a second mmo in the episode 7 universe or do we just stay in the swtor world forever? Some of us like to be current!
  11. as wow player I really enjoy invading other faciton cities and killing the faction leader, it's actually encouraged in wow and you can get a cool mount if you kill all of them. Why can't we invade in swtor?
  12. didn't realize it was that bad, honestly the que is fine but why can I go to the controls in my ship and fly around and enter a dog fight, and have a friend in my ship run to man the guns.
  13. swtor nailed combat, minus some pvp balancing issues it is loads more fun then galaxies. But galaxies nailed space combat and exploration. the worlds were bigger, you can build homes in settlements, and you can leave the controls of your space ship walk around, then return to the controls and fly around in space. swtor get dog fighting done in a fun way, I love the new pvp. my 2 things I would change in swtor, is to add more exploration of large sections of the planet, allow space exploration, allow full control of my ship to fly where i please in a giving area.
  14. Hey guys, please correct me if some of this stuff is in the game, I just started but from what I read and played this is my wish list for swtor. background wow player, still am, i would love to enjoy both games. wishlist 1.invade capital cities 2.two person mounts 3.flying mounts that go into space 4.actual space flying simulator where i can fly around and explore, instead of just queing for pvp 5.space ship invasion, where once a players spaceship is damaged I can blow it up or choose to dock it and we have to battle it out on his ships deck for bonus rewards. I don't care to steal other players money and loot, but maybe I get some bonus currency towards pvp gear? 6. combine the juggernaut and marauder class, it's just stupid to not be able to choose to duel wield. I have to permanently duel wield cause with 1 light saber my character is a useless retard. that's all i can think of right now. I appreciate any responses.
  15. killing off darth malgus was a dumb decision, you guys needed to leverage a good raid boss and do lots of forshadowing to keep players excited for what's to come. Also don't announce another expansion without a cgi trailer attached to it, it's just getting sad. Show you care about the lore and where the story is going and give us a good villian to hate.
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