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Dumb undercuts


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Looking at the new items selling on GTN I see A LOT of dumb undercuts...


Prefab MK-3 selling for 400k then I see a 50% undercut, then another 50% undercut, 2 people made the price drop from 400k to 100k. :confused: :confused: :confused:

They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:

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Looking at the new items selling on GTN I see A LOT of dumb undercuts...


Prefab MK-3 selling for 400k then I see a 50% undercut, then another 50% undercut, 2 people made the price drop from 400k to 100k. :confused: :confused: :confused:

They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:


Sounds like an opportunity to me. If you believe they are priced below market value, then buy them and flip at the price you think they should be.

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Looking at the new items selling on GTN I see A LOT of dumb undercuts...


Prefab MK-3 selling for 400k then I see a 50% undercut, then another 50% undercut, 2 people made the price drop from 400k to 100k. :confused: :confused: :confused:

They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:


I fail to see the issue. The market will guide the price. Those should get snatched up quick and then maybe yours will sell at the higher price.

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I am not saying this is the case, but sometimes it is pretty obvious that certain items are vastly overpriced and will not sell until they reach a certain balance point. A lot of people could be making the same judgment, and pricing accordingly.

The issue here is that while the content is fresh, there is no upgrade path and the mats already did exist in the system, this is not like augment kits immediately after 2.0, so it might be wise to take that into consideration before we lament on the undercutting.

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With the launch of 2.9, many crafters have a ton of mats sitting in their cargo hold.


Eventually the stacks and stacks of mats lying around will get used up, and people will have to gather new mats -- the prices will stabilize then.


It's also possible the 100k for the prefabs is a fair price, and that 400k was too high.

Edited by Khevar
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I am not saying this is the case, but sometimes it is pretty obvious that certain items are vastly overpriced and will not sell until they reach a certain balance point. A lot of people could be making the same judgment, and pricing accordingly.

The issue here is that while the content is fresh, there is no upgrade path and the mats already did exist in the system, this is not like augment kits immediately after 2.0, so it might be wise to take that into consideration before we lament on the undercutting.


I personally get a kick out of it when people start lamenting the undercutting. Mostly because I believe if the item is truly worth 400k, then the OP would have just hushed up, bought out all of them listed at 200k and relisted them all right away with the intent to double the initial investment. When the person lamenting the undercutting is unwilling to do this though because they are worried they may get stuck holding an item that won't provide a good enough ROI they are basically telling the market that it isn't really worth 400k at all, and might not even be worth 200k.


Which is why my typical response to these lamentations is the opportunity spiel I provided above. :)

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Dumb? The price would be dumb if it sold for less than the cost of materials. Any sale that has a profit isn't "dumb". Not maximizing every sale isn't dumb. It is pretty dumb to be upset at someone selling their goods cheaper than you do though.
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They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:
Who is the "They" who say this? Have you discussed your concerns with the players selling the items?


I post a lot of stuff on GTN without bothering to check the current prices. It's not that I care about the "quick sale"; rather, I post at prices I deem appropriate after weighing several factors. I set my prices where I might be willing to buy the item if I needed it. Sometimes, I'm "guilty" of undercutting. Sometimes, my price is more than twice the "current" price. The thing is, I don't care how fast an item sells.


Sometimes, I check the current prices on what I think is a big ticket item (1 million or more). If the price is below what I consider worthwhile, I still post my item at the level I want. I have three alts, each with 50 GTN slots available, whose primary role is selling crafted items, mats, and drops at the GTN. All they do is stay on their respective ships (or, now, in my utility-festooned Sky Palace), post sales on the GTN, and collect money from the mailbox.


In the end, everything I want to sell gets sold, and at the price I wanted for it. It may take a few weeks, but I keep crafting items, farming mats, and gathering drops, and I've yet to have any of my in-house GTN wizards run out of slots. Though, I do recall a particularly frustrating item that I wanted to sell for around 160k and others kept the price around 75k. It took a couple of months, but I eventually got my 160k for it.


And, yes, if I bother to check prices and see what I believe are some significantly under-valued bargains, I buy up those items and repost them. Because, if you want to control the GTN prices of items, then you need to ... you know ... risk taking that control.

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Typically when I undercut someone, I try to keep the price near enough to their price unless I have just one and want it dumped ASAP (which is rare.)


For example, I have an item that sells for around 1 million credits. I might undercut and throw it up at 975k - that 25k won't be missed too much. If I see someone else selling that same item for, say, 560k, I'll probably leave mine alone and not try to match theirs, unless they're "stacking the market" at that price and trying to set a new standard, in which case I hold off and see if it goes lower, or if it stabilizes back at the higher, older price.

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Buy them and resell them if you're so certain they're priced too low. Whomever listed them seems to be happy with the price they listed them at.


They may be happy but the other crafters are not. Undercutting by a massive amount is harmful, especially when you get to the point where crafting it is loss when putting it on the GTN, which happens quite often. Lower the price by 1 or 2k....fine, but people that do a near 50% cut? That's just being an *** with zero understanding of basic economics.

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Glad I cleared just about all the Mando Iron @ 6-8K EA, a couple of weeks ago...:rak_03: I am guessing I cleared about 5M just selling mats..



I stopped wasting my time with all but one prefab as there seems to be a limited number of Armstech/Armormechs and no one had the UWT mats to keep up. The rest? Everybody and they grandmama, selling that stuff, better off dumping it now. If I read correctly a lot of that stuff is legacy unlocks, so it's shelf life is very limited..

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They may be happy but the other crafters are not. Undercutting by a massive amount is harmful, especially when you get to the point where crafting it is loss when putting it on the GTN, which happens quite often. Lower the price by 1 or 2k....fine, but people that do a near 50% cut? That's just being an *** with zero understanding of basic economics.

Harmful? Don't be absurd.


It's not remotely harmful for anyone to sell at below cost of manufacture. The get away with it because they have a surfeit of materials. All you have to do is move to a different part of the market until they run out.


"Harmful" :rolleyes:

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Harmful? Don't be absurd.


It's not remotely harmful for anyone to sell at below cost of manufacture. The get away with it because they have a surfeit of materials. All you have to do is move to a different part of the market until they run out.


"Harmful" :rolleyes:


Yeah especially when there is a surplus of end products. I saw universal Mk-3 drop from over 500K to under 400K in the 30 mins it took to make my stack. I dumped and ran. Just wish I wouldn't have wasted as many grade 6 (especially the purps) that I did. The only profession I don't have is Armormech, and I haven't purged my cargos of Crafting mats since launch.

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They may be happy but the other crafters are not. Undercutting by a massive amount is harmful, especially when you get to the point where crafting it is loss when putting it on the GTN, which happens quite often. Lower the price by 1 or 2k....fine, but people that do a near 50% cut? That's just being an *** with zero understanding of basic economics.

How exactly is it "harmful"? Buy them up and relist them...there's no timer. They'll run out of resources or they've discovered a secret you don't know...either way, there's no "harm" being done to anyone.

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but people that do a near 50% cut? That's just being an *** with zero understanding of basic economics.

Sounds like they have a perfect grasp of a basic principle; sell for less than the competition and yours is more likely to sell. Sell for a lot less than the competition and yours is a lot more likely to sell.

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The only profession I don't have is Armormech, and I haven't purged my cargos of Crafting mats since launch.

Heh. I know what you mean. I've got a few too many cargo holds filled with unused mats that have been gathering dust for a long time.


Maybe someday the legacy bank will have more than 5 tabs available and I can put everything in it. :D

Edited by Khevar
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Sounds like an opportunity to me. If you believe they are priced below market value, then buy them and flip at the price you think they should be.




They sell fast, you sell slower and make a profit treating them as cheap labor.

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How exactly is it "harmful"? Buy them up and relist them...there's no timer. They'll run out of resources or they've discovered a secret you don't know...either way, there's no "harm" being done to anyone.


I wouldn't... Just too much competition right now, and the markets are flooded. Part of the issue is that there were a ton of people trying to cash in. The difference between this and Augs/Aug kits is that we could "prefarm" because the mats already existed and the players like myself sitting on 5 stacks of Radioactive Paste (purple grd6 Diplomacy, not easy to get). Plus couple that with the time to craft being low by comparison, the ease of entry is making the price bottom out.


I don't think these are the products to be attempting to price fix at this point. Either pull your off and relist, or pull then off and wait. Don't buy nobody else's ****....


Just my opinion though...

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This tends to happen any time a new item hits the market and is part of finding the price point that makes it worth it for buyers and sellers, alike, but I have to agree, people are fools, lol. If an item isn't selling, don't go straight to the bargin bin, try taking 500 credits off and whittle it down.
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This tends to happen any time a new item hits the market and is part of finding the price point that makes it worth it for buyers and sellers, alike, but I have to agree, people are fools, lol. If an item isn't selling, don't go straight to the bargin bin, try taking 500 credits off and whittle it down.


If you think its bad now, wait til the weekend when the kids are out of school.


I would normally agree with you, but that is assuming the price is stable. With every one crafting this stuff, you could do this, which is pretty much what I do, and come back two seconds later and 20 other people undercut by 50-60%. Do you buy all of that? I won't. It's a bad trend on the market, and I ran like Jesse Owens. When stuff drops 100K+ in 30 mins, you better abandon ship, at least temporarily.

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If you think its bad now, wait til the weekend when the kids are out of school.


I would normally agree with you, but that is assuming the price is stable. With every one crafting this stuff, you could do this, which is pretty much what I do, and come back two seconds later and 20 other people undercut by 50-60%. Do you buy all of that? I won't. It's a bad trend on the market, and I ran like Jesse Owens. When stuff drops 100K+ in 30 mins, you better abandon ship, at least temporarily.


Lol, yeah, I pulled out for the day and am crafting/gathering instead. It's a bit too crazy right now and it's quite likely that it will be in wild flux for at least a week. Still, the general principle applies--don't pee in your bed.

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Looking at the new items selling on GTN I see A LOT of dumb undercuts...


Prefab MK-3 selling for 400k then I see a 50% undercut, then another 50% undercut, 2 people made the price drop from 400k to 100k. :confused: :confused: :confused:

They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:


This wailing of the self-appointed guardians of correct price always makes my day. Is it too low? Then go and guy it, right? But the problem is that I undercut you by 25%, force you to buy my stuff and post the same item again for the same damn low price. And guess what, I keep making the items faster than you manage to buy them out. So you have more and more listings for you dream-price, and I'm the only one selling. Thank you, Mr. Self-Righteous.

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