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Dumb undercuts


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Buy them and resell them if you're so certain they're priced too low. Whomever listed them seems to be happy with the price they listed them at.


This. Players are providing you with easy inventory. Last night I was buying mods placed on the GTN at 3K and reselling them for 6K.


Prices are bottoming pretty low across the board on crafted items due to an influx of inventory, but there are still opportunities to turn stuff over.

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This. Players are providing you with easy inventory. Last night I was buying mods placed on the GTN at 3K and reselling them for 6K.


Prices are bottoming pretty low across the board on crafted items due to an influx of inventory, but there are still opportunities to turn stuff over.


This is true.It's a great opportunity for those with the funds to stock up onstuff that's really underpriced right now.The market hasn't been lower since before the server merges.

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The prices were in the 400s and I got a little action on JC. It has been slowly dropping its around 170 mark . It didn't drop fast though. It was over 200 plus about 4 hours ago. Still it slowly crept down. It doesn't really effect me because I don't sell my mats very often. I am still making a good profit. Sure I would like to have the big credits but you have to go with the flow or hold them till later. Just wish I could sell those Invasion Force. Still a nice price though even they have lowered.
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school started at the beginning of the month for me. I am still smart enough not to ruin the market value with dumb selling decisions.


Well I just logged, and I saw mats for prefabs selling for triple digits. I was selling red crystals for 20K each yesterday, I bought like 50EA from different players and only spend like 40K.


Suffice to say, the market is going to continue to drop, but I ain't mad... I collected enough sales to buy my own guild ship if I wanted.... LOL...

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Looking at the new items selling on GTN I see A LOT of dumb undercuts...


Prefab MK-3 selling for 400k then I see a 50% undercut, then another 50% undercut, 2 people made the price drop from 400k to 100k. :confused: :confused: :confused:

They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:


I find your confusion odd. This is the free market at work. I would expect you are aware of that.

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Seeing some funny undercuts now that the new pack stuff is starting to circulate now. Walkhar Auspice's (the new really rare mount) started at 10 million which was quickly undercutted by the next person down to 5 million. Person who posted the 10 million one dropped theirs down to 4 million. Gotta love the impulse sellers :rolleyes:
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I find your confusion odd. This is the free market at work. I would expect you are aware of that.

Your expectations are a bit high. What happened here is very common among people who like to think they are capitalistic. Most people are not like Warren Buffet and because they are not, they don't understand the value of pricing. Selling supplies and Conquest + Stronghold related things is an amazing example. Few items on the market. People are not buying those because of extreme stupid-factor on pricing. Then someone comes in, sells with reasonable, if still really high price, making massive profits, leading to entitled, self-righteous and blood sucking leeches crushed by people who know how to trade.


Run, you fools = Cash flow, you fools

Edited by Ruskaeth
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Undercutting is one thing, pricing to sell over your competition makes sense....pricing so low that you would have made 2x as much if you had sold the mats you started with is STUPID! Today the price for Dark Projects on Harbringer had dropped to as low as 400k..... The Rakata Energy Nodes alone are 300k on the market, 90-180k each for the other blue/purp mats for the final stage, plus 400k for the Invasion Force alone..... Basicly these idiots are saying "Hey I've got the mats I will make stuff for you with them and then give the finished product to you for LESS than the value of the original mats...."


A real world example...Say a jewler goes out and finds a spot to mine gold, he gets enough raw gold together, takes it back to his shop, smelts it, then takes the purified gold and works it into a beutifull ring. Then he takes a huge diamond and sets it into this ring. He then sells this ring to someone he does not know FOR LESS THAN THE VALUE OF THE GOLD HE ORIGINALLY MINED!.......Can anyone see this happening in real life?


That's what these idiots are doing by dropping the prices of crafted goods to below the value of the mats involved in making them.

Now having said that, I understand undercutting, I do it as well, but if something is selling for 300k I will drop at most to 295k, I've seen fools today doing 50k or bigger drops to undercut.... Sure you will be more likely to sell that way but you would have done just as well with a 50 cred undercut and still had 49k more profit.....

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Looking at the new items selling on GTN I see A LOT of dumb undercuts...


Prefab MK-3 selling for 400k then I see a 50% undercut, then another 50% undercut, 2 people made the price drop from 400k to 100k. :confused: :confused: :confused:

They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:

If you think they are priced too low, buy them and re sell them.



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Don't you think the only reason why there are undercuts, is because the highly inflated prices for what it actually is, I mean, the items are only worth what people are willing to pay for them.


I regularly undercut folk, why, because I don't want the item, and so I put it on less than the original post to sell it


If it don't sell at that price, I then reduce it again, and so it continue's


I really want a Bantha, I can't afford 8mil to buy one, so I'll wait, eventually by undercuts. it will eventually come down so I can get one, let undercutting continue I say..


It's just the way finance works in gaming and RL..

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I really want a Bantha, I can't afford 8mil to buy one, so I'll wait, eventually by undercuts. it will eventually come down so I can get one, let undercutting continue I say..


Except your example is flawed... there's not an infinite supply of Banthas, or other top-ticket items, due to the way Bioware "embargoes" the packs after a period.


That isn't the case for Crafted items, there will always be new ones being created, so prices will vary wildly until they reach a more stable level. once both initial demand and stockpiled materials have passed -- but prices will continue to drift downward even from that level over the longer term.

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Except your example is flawed... there's not an infinite supply of Banthas, or other top-ticket items, due to the way Bioware "embargoes" the packs after a period.


That isn't the case for Crafted items, there will always be new ones being created, so prices will vary wildly until they reach a more stable level. once both initial demand and stockpiled materials have passed -- but prices will continue to drift downward even from that level over the longer term.


Ok, my example wasn't great, apologies, however....


The point is, it's only affordable if someone is willing to pay the price being asked for, if someone does it cheaper, then that's the way it goes, 400k to 100k, is a huge difference for a lot of folk.


If crafters, for the point of reference put something like a high end mod up at a reasonable price, then they'd make more money from the increased business, I don't understand some of the prices for high end mods for instance,. are they really that much to make, what's the actual cost in money/time, how much profit is made, these day's your supposed to trade for the mod, give the crafter the mats, then etiquette dictates you give him 20% as a goodwill fee.


I did a little check into the trading of mods from crafters, to buy a 180 mod for instance, on GTN it cost 3.5 mil, by buying the mats required for trade + 20% you were looking at 5.5mil, Can someone educate me on this, why is one mod, worth 3.5 or 5.5 mil, why not a lot less?

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Define "most. The Bible Belt shortsightedness never ceases to amaze me.


As in the majority of Public school systems in the United States. School starts either the second to last or last week of August, if not sooner.



Bible belt, holiday?.... LOL... U smarmy bastard, don't even know *** ur talking a-boot.:rolleyes:

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Looking at the new items selling on GTN I see A LOT of dumb undercuts...


Prefab MK-3 selling for 400k then I see a 50% undercut, then another 50% undercut, 2 people made the price drop from 400k to 100k. :confused: :confused: :confused:

They say "it's to sell fast.." :confused:


You know what's dumb? Undercutting by 1 credit. You won't sell anything like that. I'll pay the extra credit to buy from the next person, or someone will undercut you.


You can set a price, but you can't set the value. I will not pay much over what I value an item to be. When I sell, I sell at what I think others are willing to pay for it. I don't set my price based on how high you decided to list it for. For all I know, you set it very high hoping everyone else would list theirs just slightly below, but still way overpriced, so that you could secretly drive up the price and sell much lower on another character.


Nope, I will list my items based on the highest amount I think I can sell it for. I don't want it returned to my mail 2 days later.

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Ok, my example wasn't great, apologies, however....


The point is, it's only affordable if someone is willing to pay the price being asked for, if someone does it cheaper, then that's the way it goes, 400k to 100k, is a huge difference for a lot of folk.


If crafters, for the point of reference put something like a high end mod up at a reasonable price, then they'd make more money from the increased business, I don't understand some of the prices for high end mods for instance,. are they really that much to make, what's the actual cost in money/time, how much profit is made, these day's your supposed to trade for the mod, give the crafter the mats, then etiquette dictates you give him 20% as a goodwill fee.


I did a little check into the trading of mods from crafters, to buy a 180 mod for instance, on GTN it cost 3.5 mil, by buying the mats required for trade + 20% you were looking at 5.5mil, Can someone educate me on this, why is one mod, worth 3.5 or 5.5 mil, why not a lot less?


Errr, because of the material costs? At 5.5/1.2, the material costs are approximately 4.6 mil. So in effect, what you just said is that crafters lose 1.1 mil in value every time they sell the mod on the GTN instead of simply selling the mats, not accounting for criticals(which duplicate the item in question).

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Errr, because of the material costs? At 5.5/1.2, the material costs are approximately 4.6 mil. So in effect, what you just said is that crafters lose 1.1 mil in value every time they sell the mod on the GTN instead of simply selling the mats, not accounting for criticals(which duplicate the item in question).


And I agree with that but we have to keep in mind these mats for prefabs take nowhere near the time or effort to collect. We can't really compare the prefab market to any other market because the mats are already abundant for most of them with the exception of a few key ingredients.


A prime example is grade 6 green(!) Quality color crystals from Archeology. They were worthless before the patch, and to get the good stuff, you had to farm and farm and farm. When you have stockpiles of "worthless", it becomes much easier to undercut the market because you are carrying zero cost with those materials. Even now that the mats are somewhat coveted, it still would be shrewd to get whatever you can get for them, while you can get it. I'm not saying this is the hard strategy in this, but I personally feel this market uptick is "limited time only". You only have so many hooks in your crib....


TBH the truly dumb ones were not people undercutting, but the ones that bought those things at astronomical prices for the mats. The have nots really inflated the market by buying at those prices. Now that time has enabled people to bring their products to market, the floor is about to fall out.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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You know what's dumb? Undercutting by 1 credit. You won't sell anything like that. I'll pay the extra credit to buy from the next person, or someone will undercut you.


You would be surprised by how many people apparently disagree with you (in my experience of putting quite a bit of stuff on for 1 cr less, unless that price I'm undercutting is significantly lower than the next price).

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