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What are your favorite legacy perks? Least favorite?


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I'm a huge fan of the unlocks to allow companions to return from selling junk in 5 seconds. It makes inventory management in the field a lot easier without having to slow down any daily quests I'm working on, and it also provides a great way to get a companion's health back to 100% quickly.


Field Respec is a must have in my opinion.


The unlocks to reduce the cooldown on Rocket Boost is a big help as well.

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In terms of most useful earned Legacy perk? Unity. I use it almost every time I fight an Elite while soloing. Having all eight Legacy Skills at my disposal during Heroic Moment is nice. But I use Unity much more often than Heroic Moment.


In terms of bought Legacy perks? Yeah, probably Speeder at level 10. But, for the cost, Persuasion and Altruism are good values (the perks that increase Companion affection gains for convos and gifts, respectively). Because increased Comp affection is what unlocked all 40 Companions faster, which gave me +400 Presence ... which makes my Comps pretty much unbeatable. Also, unlocking one each of each type of Comp extended the duration of Heroic Moment and reduced its cooldown, making it a much more useful ability.


Regarding how Presence affects Comps: I was doing Athiss this weekend on a 24 Sage and our tank DC'd and never came back. I popped Qyzen out and we all realized he had more than twice the HP our tank had. We used him until we got a replacement tank off Group-Finder, and Qyzen tanked much more effectively than the tank we lost (for the record, the replacement tank was great ... wish we'd had him through the whole FP).

Edited by Thoronmir
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I'm a huge fan of the unlocks to allow companions to return from selling junk in 5 seconds. It makes inventory management in the field a lot easier without having to slow down any daily quests I'm working on, and it also provides a great way to get a companion's health back to 100% quickly.


Field Respec is a must have in my opinion.


The unlocks to reduce the cooldown on Rocket Boost is a big help as well.


Pro-tip: you can get their health back to 100% just by mounting/unmounting.

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Pro-tip: you can get their health back to 100% just by mounting/unmounting.


I know. Dismissing and recalling them works just as quickly. However, neither of those remove junk from my inventory while also restoring the companion's health at the same time. :)


I was meaning for that to be more of a bonus than a reason to purchase the unlocks. The real perk of the unlock is in regards to inventory management in the field.

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10 minute QT. Heroic Moment is pretty nifty. Force Choke and Dirty kick FTW.

OMG, can't believe I forgot about 10 minute Quick Travel. Yeah, that's definitely the one I use the most. I also bought up all the reductions for the Fleet Pass cooldown, which makes Fleet Pass now instant cooldown. I can spam Fleet Pass over and over and over without any cooldown, and that's pretty handy too.


Force Choke and Dirty Kick are great for stuns. But there's nothing like unloading Orbital Strike on a group of mobs. It smells like victory! ;)

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OMG, can't believe I forgot about 10 minute Quick Travel. Yeah, that's definitely the one I use the most. I also bought up all the reductions for the Fleet Pass cooldown, which makes Fleet Pass now instant cooldown. I can spam Fleet Pass over and over and over without any cooldown, and that's pretty handy too.


Force Choke and Dirty Kick are great for stuns. But there's nothing like unloading Orbital Strike on a group of mobs. It smells like victory! ;)


I agree.


I know it isn't popular to say this, but Rocket Boots are overrated (I still love them and use them). The reduced fleet and pass and quick travel passes are way more useful.


Need to get to the other side of Alderaan? Your option is to take a 10 minute taxi ride or quick travel. Quick travel please! I just got done with my quest on the other side of Alderaan? I think I will quick travel back. Need to get off planet? Fleet pass! That time savings is much greater I would argue than whatever you might do with rocket boots.


Rocket boots is most effective before you have a speeder. After you have a speeder, it's real use will be inside instances. Once I'm at the deep end of a large instance I'm not going to rocket boost back, I will use quick travel. Again, I love rocket boost and I use it, but 99% of these types of posts tend to have everyone saying rocket boots is the greatest and ignore everything else. Having a revan holo, reduced fleet and QT passes, and a holo trainer saves me more time than the rocket boosts.

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For my many crafters, I got the ship mailbox, GTN and fully unlocked field repair droid for the extra crafting mats.


I can pretty much avoid Fleet completely unless I want to add augment kits to armor. (And with that coming to strongholds, I can avoid Fleet altogether.)

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Most: Rocket Boost, shorter QT, Repair Droid


Mid. Unity is also really good especially in doing the acid bath in BH. Get all four with 1 shot. This would be higher on my list, but really don't use it much anymore at 55 with gear,


Least: Heroic Moments - only use it now on healers soloing Oricon Heroic, on DPS it just feels like a cheat to me.

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Improved Rocket Boost

Companions come back from selling junk in 5 seconds

Reduced Quick Time cooldown to 10 minutes

Unlock mailbox on ship

Unlock GTN terminal on ship

Unlock repair droid on ship

Repair droid

Boosts to companion affection (especially through convos and gifts)


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Improved Rocket Boost

Reduced Quick Time cooldown to 10 minutes

Unlock mailbox on ship

Unlock GTN terminal on ship

Unlock repair droid on ship

Repair droid

Boosts to companion affection (especially through convos and gifts)



Having every crafter the ship unlocks & Maxxed Field Repair Droid are necessary. The added bonus of being able to avoid the Trolls and Douchebags on the fleet make them worth every credit.


I usually get alts the Class Story, Exploration, Convo Affection gain, and Regular Space mission XP bonus as well. Combbining those with the legacy presence bonus, unity, and all 8 heroic moments makes for much easier alt leveling. And yes I also get speeder training at 10. Sure as a sub you get it at what 15 or 20... but Im sure as hell not hoofing it accross Dromund Kaas/Coruscant, so I'll pay the 40k to get it at 10. :p

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