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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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Population doesn't matter, the US is much wealthier than many EU countries. Meaning its population is more prone to buy things such as Swtor.


Okay, this is frankly an insanely stupid and ignorant statement.

Please. Do yourself a favour and leave the topic.


@ Other guy claiming "NA moar players and thus EU shouldn't recieve our level of service":

I don't care what you say. Either you're trolling, or you are literally advocating Europeans being stepped on is a good thing, rather than both regions receiving the same treatment.


And to be totally honest, I paid more for this game than you(Provided you are American), and pay more for my timecards/subscriptions.

In the very least you can not put a maintenance in the middle of my damn holiday.


On a whole other note, I would wager all the Americans against the notion of this thread, to be 14-15 year olds having gotten the game from their parents, not having to pay a cent even. They don't worry about anything, so it makes sense for them to come on and say "Lol u r eu u don't deserve same treatment as us, lol, and btw go get a job it is mid-day rofl".


It's just a joke.



Great thread, I really hope Bioware take note.

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I'm startin to wonder what am I paying for...

  • (1) SWTOR has the most expensive subscription (at least the basic 2months card in my country)
  • (2) I have to wait in queue for 30-40 mins
  • (3) I can't play in Tuesdays couse they decide to bring down the servers the time I come back from work, so I have to wait 3 hours for the servers to open and if I'm unlucky, something extra in the queue...


All the aboves are too harsh when you got a real life and not whole weeks full of whole days of free time. :mad:

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But how hard is it to at least start the patching earlier, for example at 0:00 rather then 4:00 so we don't have to wait until 5 PM but rather 1 PM.



If you have to hurt players based on location, hurt them all equally.

Or go ahead and reduce subscription for europe(of course, you can't do this without region lock or some other form of control), since we can't play for 1/14 of weekly play time.


Even during avrage working week, more people work from 7 untill 15 than 9-17.



Also, there is option to leave it as it is.

There will be such thread each week.

Obviously, their amount will decrease, since people will simply quit.



Someone mentioned that different off times would mean queues on other zone during offtime - that's hardly true. European offtime would take place during/close to US peak hours, but most of them would be asleep anyway, and others wouldn't wait in queues, but instead join severs that aren't full. US offtime would take place during EU standard load, so even those insomniacs wouldn't hurt server queues.

And you may think that people prefer to can't play than have new content later, but it's probably not true - go ahead and make pool or something, and find out.

IMHO better to have patch half of day later(since first half you won't be playing anyway) than less play time.

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While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


If it's such a good time and there are not many people online, why not do it during US day, not EU? Eh-eh? I'm sure same people who are crying "deal with it EU slaves" will be raging all over the internet if they get shafted like we (EU) do.

Edited by QuantumDarkness
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Hey, what about alternating maintenance times so that US and EU get *** every other time? :D


Service quality would be equal. EU will win some US will lose some, but I would accept that.


Shifting US downtimes to when it would be ideal for EU would place the downtime right in our primetime....whereas your downtime is now not in EU primetime...just in the primetime of SOME EU customers....who are in the minority. No way would that be equal. Use your brain and learn timezones.

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Just to make this clear, is there gonna be WEEKLY changes during this time?

Causs I got tuesday, the afternoon and evening of, I get home at 2:30, that would mean me being a european, I'd be well screwed out of my playing time, causs I have places to be after 5.


But as always I believe in the digital jesus team that is BioWare, my faith lies with you guys.

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Just thought I would add my 2 cents worth.


As an MMO I can appreciate you have to update the world servers at once. However as many other players in here who are not kids 30-40yr olds (real age) and as other mention in UK we have to booked our last hols to cover the xmas period. So like today, I have been at home with klids, son in particular wanted to spend his xmas time playing his new game with his dad and he cant.


As we are talking about a software patch to a newly released game, why on earth would you patch it smack bang in the middle of the xmas period. A) because if anything happens you will have limited to staff to investigate and resolve due to the period and B) you will hinder all your new players whom only got the game 2days ago for xmas.


I'm loving the game as is my son when we are on, but today (27th Dec) was our last day together over xmas when we was not out at family or friends.


Hoping Bioware/EA listen and come up with a better way or shorter patching periods.

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So explain how Trion managed it with Rift then??


They had some weird system so they could do all sort of changes on live servers. They bought someone really smart. I NEVER SAW any maintenance windows or nothing alike. Just 10-15 mins of shard restarts...


I really must admit to Trion their customer support and how they managed their community. Add all these WoWs, SWTORs, EQs and MMOs together, Trion still did it better...

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Most people from the EU joined after december 23, and have been unable to play for most of the day, today. I am withdrawing my subscription if they do fix the damage that has been done here, I refuse to pay large amounts of money for a game I thought was going to be the best MMORPG ever made, yet dissapoints me on day 3 of playing with an entire day wasted. The EU is larger than america, wealthier aswell, none of this matters anyway, bioware/EA did not give a clear answer on what base their decision was made, but they should know 1 thing, favoring certain players will not end well, and they certainly cannot afford losing large amounts at this point. Maybe WoW can, but SWTOR can't, many people left their shooters, their mmorpg's for this one, causing issues like these will only make them cancel their subscriptions and return to their old games, not giving SWTOR a second thought.
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We are in debt, but we have money because we refuse to pay for debt. It's great being the big kid on the block. I got a quarter from little billy. Little billy asks for his quarter back, and I say no.


It's actually this attitude to debt which has thrown the world economy in to hell. People borrow what they can't afford then don't pay t back.

In addition your attitude that you think your a big boy is the same reason why you have no money.

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It has been a big nuisance today. Right in the holiday season, a day when most of the U.K has a holiday, and the servers have been off all day. Me and my brother had planned to spend the day playing now that all the family business has quietened, was very disappointed to learn we would not get to chance, especially as I am working tonight. I'm not going to pretend that I will quit over this because frankly, I love the game. However I think it has been a really bad public relations exercise by Bioware, and annoyed a lot of people. I'm looking forward to them rectifying this a.s.a.p because it will alienate so many people if this continues long term. Thanks.
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Population doesn't matter, the US is much wealthier than many EU countries. Meaning its population is more prone to buy things such as Swtor.


Do you know about the magical places Western Europe and scandinavian country's ? They have the best education in the world. And probably are more whealthy then any other place on Earth .

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I'm a bit upset about this... Honestly do the maintenance really have to be on the same day?

For US this is normal to time, but here its the entire day.

It's like playing on US servers, and what sucks most about that is the middle day maintenance. This sucks...

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I agree.


I am so tired of all the lame excuses being posted on the forums about how complicated tnis is. Bottomline , consumers DO NOT care. We want an excellent product and a great service. Some companies are obviously better at providing this than others


I have to agree with this post and about TRION. It seems to me that Trion always took the view of keeping the customer happy regardless of which server region they played on and set server maintenances with this in mind. I mean they do their EU maintenances usually at 1 or 2 am GMT, can't get much more off peak than that :)


Though I expect that this policy will cost Trion a little more money in the short term (tech costs for out of hours work and so on) it is better for them as a company in the long term, more happy customers = more long term subscriptions and therefore a better long term income which is what sub based mmo's need to survive.

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Population doesn't matter, the US is much wealthier than many EU countries. Meaning its population is more prone to buy things such as Swtor.


give it a rest sith we all know you are favoured by bioware so it does not matter witch server you are on 75% items on the GTN is empire use only or fallen Republic people

so you have the advantage atm but can you keep that position for eternity We will see

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Had to LoL at the americans posting replies here.... It means they´re awake as well and bored stiff while waitin to be able to play again.


So apparently the "off" hours during the x-mas holiday was kind off a "BIG" mistake by bioware.


I agree with alot of ppl, both on the american as well as on the european side. But as I live in the Netherlands, and the patch is slap-bang in the middle of the day, I also don´t agree with the time picked to deploy the first patch in the eu.


People sayin that we have to respect working hours, i agree, but in this bussiness there´s are no normal workin hours. This industry "works" 24/7/365, so company´s gettin involved in this industry better prepare to have to work 24/7/365 as well. And when your truly prepared for this, then you can also patch in the eu at different times.


Anyways, I like the game, hope it comes online soon, and i´ll see you all running around in there later!



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