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Everything posted by Mugo

  1. HAHAHA, Dread Masters in golden masks. ROFL! Worst design makeover ever....
  2. Man, you are talking about infrastructure specialists, not architects. Please, just go to The Open Group and study a bit about IT professions before writing such nonsense around... Big Boy IT... lol
  3. Why do you need high level infrastructure architect in "maintenance" phase? What is this guy going to architect when all high level setup of data center network is already in place? Guys, stop talking about things you don't understand.
  4. We all are going to have a good laugh when ArenaNet sells 4 or 5* more copies than SWTOR was sold. Just wait for it. BW is not going to have so much revenue with fees included...
  5. They had a job for last 4 years. That was paid by purchasing a game. So, I see monthly fees as ability to access new content, which doesn't come. We see good PR every day, but not the release date...
  6. Yes. This. I mean, we have 50 people on fleet on both side during peak time. Add planets, add instanced people and you come max up to 1000 players per server, which is nearly not enough for serious MMO. And if you know your server population by names, it means it's closer to 500 players... Sorry, this is not "standard".
  7. I love ********es like you. Well I do keep paying my electrical bills, telco bills, and computer upgrades, which alltogether allows me to play this game. You see, buying this game, without electricity and Internet connection would be just like buying a car without pouring a gas. Maintenance on the other hand is something optional on car, as you pay when something breaks, and mandatory to play this game. You might see the difference. Plus, if you buy your car for 20k EUR, you don't pay monthly maintenance fee of 2k EUR for it. Do you? I think this is the best comparison you can get today.
  8. Because I love MMO's and atm I'm really reconsidering getting back to RIFT. At least they didn't open zillion of servers in first rush, so you actually have communities left on server level. And it's dynamic. Even if you are bored as hell, you have something to do. SWTOR is more RPG than MMO. And that's it!
  9. This. I think that miss-usage of given votes in democratic society from politicians, which is so nicely presented in SWTOR Republic, is the main reason why people these days don't trust politicians anymore. Democracy is marked with constant battle for power and that's all there is.... For this, politicians do as less as possible. On the other hand, liege needed to take care of his property and people. Without his people, peasants, slaves, he was a big ZERO. And he was doing everything to protect what he owns. I think there are some nice and clear analogies between this and SW universe. At least as it's presented in SWTOR.
  10. About backstabbing inside Empire. Sith isn't so naive as some would think.
  11. Well you see, this is exactly the viewpoint I don't agree with. Republic - Modern democracy. Yes, Senate in this case is just a body of galactic federation of planets. It's pretty much made similar to U.S. system. But transitionally, it is a democracy. Or it depends on planets themselves. But, you see, if one of the planets is feudal, this doesn't make Republic less republic. In fact, Alderaan looks more like feudal system. Empire - Feudal system of the past. Well, you can't exactly say that countries in past were weak. In contrary, read up on French Revolution and you'll get what was needed to do in order to establish new ideals. Every political system starts to crumble under it's own weight, because small part of society think they are better than common people (Populi) and that they have every right to exploit those with less power. When this comes to the edge of knife and people start to rebel and riot, political system changes. I think we are slowly coming to this point today. However, Empire and Republic aren't something we already seeing right now, or in past. It's just, Republic is more close to our understanding than Empire. God knows what our children will think about it in 50 or 100 years, maybe living in totally different political and economical system.
  12. Darth Vowrawn is very interesting. He doesn't look like a evil Sith, more like someone who is very powerful and has great knowledge about dark side of the Force.
  13. Corrupt leaders? Some of dark council members are light side Sith, practicing "dark side of the Force" which gives them full power. For example, you can encounter such Sith at the end of Sith Warrior class story. Also, Emperor himself involved as someone who wants to save Dark Council from it's own member corruption. Interesting, isn't it?
  14. I'm not sure if I should consider lucky or unlucky fact that I started playing this game with IA. Republic. Senate. Full of corrupted and dirty politicians who are taking care only to satisfy their own interest. They don't care about "Republic". In fact, some of them would probably sell Republic to Sith Empire right away. They fight each other. On the other hand Sith Empire is feudalistic state. Ruled and governed by Sith, who take on eachother, but Empire remains their true allegiance. All they do, they do in the name of Empire and their Emperor, whoever this guy is!? This makes Empire at least one step better than Republic. Jedi Consular class story. Bad. Very illogical, emotional. Jedi who are constantly preaching serenity and logic above emotion, sending their only weapon against Sith Plague out there to shield some Jedi Masters. Despite a BIG warning that every shielding takes away part of Jedi strength, they send him to shield Jedi Masters around galaxy. Instead of finding Plaguemaster and destroying him. No, this is not logic, this is emotion. And a stupid one. I'd expect such foolishness from Sith, not from Jedi.
  15. Yes. We all were expecting great game, and got disappointment. Great marketing, great PR before launch. But let's face it, all games are like that. However, there were people who were really concerned about this Bioware's first MMO, saying "don't expect too much because they aren't experienced in this area". There were people who were saying bad things about Hero engine. Unfortunately, a lot of us thought they are just trolling. I'm not proud, I was one of those who really believed that SWTOR will be great game, and didn't stop believing all the way through open beta.
  16. You are incredibly wrong about GW2 launch in 2 ways: 1) RIFT already showed that launch can be perfectly smooth without zillion of bugs. 2) ArenaNet is not some wannabe MMO company. I would definitely put them side by side with Blizzard. Years and years of MMO experience is on their side. Do you really think that next generation MMO from Blizzard is going to have same problems as they had with Vanilla WoW? After a years of MMO experience they had? Not a chance. As the same time this is Bioware's first "MMO". If they survive and decided to remain in this genre, their second MMO will be much better I guess.
  17. I mean, "potential" has very wide definition. Star Wars universe has really big potential. But not this game. They blew that opportunity by choosing totally inferior game engine, not able to deliver that universe in any MMO form. This game is nothing more that KOTOR3. On the other hand, you put GW2 as opposition. Come on, we are talking about most innovative MMO game up-to-date (as we still need to see what will Blizzard create with their project Titan). It really insults comparing SWTOR to GW2.
  18. No, relics aren't. And complaint is totally valid. As you approach level 50, more and more items are marked as L3 or D3 and above. What about having neutral items?
  19. RIFT was better than this. Way better!
  20. During GCD, now I don't see what will be available resource wise once GCD finishes. Disaster!
  21. You know what I find bad about dark side? Beside going to dark4, 1/3 of answers are heavy jerking off, 1/3 of answers are "kill it", and 1/3 of answers has to do with evil choice. So, basically 2/3 of choices are just plain... crap. Jerking off on weaker one.
  22. Sir, please stop writing things like that. You don't have any facts in this post, nor your post have any correct conclusions. In fact you are so damn wrong simply because OP is having smaller delta to correct answer from you; Hero engine at state where EA/BW took it was in horrible state and they didn't improve it very much further. So, from development point of view it was work done very poorly. Kisses, your Mwanga Btwanga.
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