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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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So, you are saying that Legacy Storage with 400 slots is a "major improvement," but LS with only 320 slots is not.


Care to explain how the last 80 slots radically transforms LS? Or are you just willing to just leave your statement as it is and look like a raving idiot?

The numbers of mats, plain and simple. 4-5 tabs is required to use the legacy crafting function. You simply can't store them all in less, there's too much of them, let alone talking about multiple stacks of the same material or having any room left for something else like legacy armor set lol. Ohh yeah, with 4 you get an amazing price of 30 million, what a difference, how cheaply affordable it is now! Get a grip.


Legacy Storage It's quite the QoL improvement.


This is the first time in this game, that the developers actually give people a long term thing to achieve with credits. Everything, and I mean everything, has been easily obtainable so far. Personally I think the full tabs Legacy Storage is a tad expensive, but on the other hand, it's nice to have something that one needs to possibly work for. :)


And here I was thinking we've been playing a game where experiencing all story is the long time goal (you know, the "4th pillar"), or passing hard end game content, or achieving high PVP skills, or building RP community. Nope, it's a mindless daily grind, GTN fishing, Cartel-to-credits exchange instead!

Edited by Pietrastor
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One the quality of life issue:


I bought a Revan statue early on for like 1 million credits.


I then unlocked it Account Wide for like 600 cc.



The quality of life improvement was massive and I now have a Revan statue on every single character, enabling them to vendor trash far easier and without the cost/cooldown of the vendor droid (which has a 5 minute cd), even my level ones and my level 55's.


Meanwhile for 50 million credits I can have 5 Legacy Storage tabs that are less functional than regular storage and essentially serve as a shortcut to mailing. Since I don't craft enough for it to be super-useful for that (or have enough space in just 5 tabs for all my toons that can craft), nor do I really need another place for Legacy gear, the QoL improvement by actually paying that price is very low.



Hence I won't bother with it and will save my money. Revan statue is infinitely more convenient than just removing the time it takes to mail, and for a minuscule fraction of the cost.



If you could put bound gear inside Legacy Storage and there was no free bays, but it still cost 50 mil it might actually be worth it. But you can't, you can only put in things you can mail.

Edited by Transairion
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People are up in arms because this thing that they don't really need but want, is priced higher than it's worth for them to pay for it... since they don't actually need it.


Yeah, it makes no sense.


But like you say, those who want to use it, will.

Those who don't, won't.


same thinking m8

| really need the legacy storage, but as the price are, i'll by only 2 banks, just to have all my mats in 1 place, so each crafter to take what they want when they want. Rest of items such as stims and mods, ill transfer them via mail since doesnt need any effort.

legacy storage is mainly for mats, so to avoid the seeking to which toon has what mat and how much.

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No butterfly, countering arguments have brought prices of multiple other items and features in the game that show at what level playbase wealth is and what is resonable pricing and what's not. You brought nothing. "Nu uh!" has been YOUR constant response to that.


To whom? Who exactly is the target of this counterargument? Do you think that the folks in this forum have something to do with whether or not Bioware will agree or disagree with your conclusions?


You made your point, let your point stand on it's own merits, and those that do not agree can stand on theirs.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is silly to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

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[On why 400 Legacy Store slots is good, but 320 is bad ...]

The numbers of mats, plain and simple. 4-5 tabs is required to use the legacy crafting function ... You simply can't store them all in less, there's too much of them,

320+ unique crafting mats? No, not hardly. There's about 20 at each of levels 1-6 and 9, and a few at level 7, 8, and 10. Probably only around 160 unique mats. And even fewer that have any real value. And fewer still that are expensive and used across multiple crafters, like Thermal Regulators, and therefore benefit a lot from being stored in shared storage.


Sounds to me like you aren't a crafter, yet you claim to know what crafters need. You are just making stuff up as an excuse to bash a perfectly nice new feature BW is providing us: free legacy Storage, that's expandable at a price.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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same thinking m8

legacy storage is mainly for mats.

Not for me. I already have plans to use it as a weapons locker. Picked up the last Legacy mainhands and offhands for my companions to use today, already have most of the sets for the toons themselves. (Too bad there are no Legacy tech staffs or electroblades tho.)


I envision my toons starting each mission by taking the gear they need out of the storage locker, and at the end of the day putting it back. No more searching for who had a set last, and, each of getting the gear and putting it back will take less than a minute to do. It will be fun role playing. There will be consumables there too.


I'll also keep some mats there, mainly things like MMGs, EEE, Iso-5 (that any toon might want to trade for a 180 mod) and Beryllius and Thermal Regulators that are used by more than one of my crafters. And maybe a reserve supply of some commonly-used stuff.

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The bigger point is the utility isn't worth the price, and it's not even close.


Today I have plenty of cargo hold storage because I bought 3 account-wide tabs from the GTN and spent well under a million credits doing that. 3 tabs x 22 characters (yep) is 66 tabs for under a million.


Now they don't have the utility of legacy storage, which would allow me to place materials in there from one character and use them to craft on another. But I still have to log in the source character, put stuff into the bank, log out, log in the crafter, and run the craft.


The alternative is what I've been doing for 2.5 years. Log in the source character, send 8 stacks of stuff to the crafter via mail for 5 credits, log out, log in the crafter, open the mail, and craft stuff.


Basically, legacy storage saves me a portion of the the mail part of the process.


That minuscule amount of utility sure as heck isn't worth 50 million credits or $80.


Compare that to other legacy purchases:


  • 3 Cargo Hold Tabs on 22 characters for < 1 million
  • Rocket Boost III on 22 characters for < 3 million
  • Speeder Piloting I 15 levels early for 40k each character


This all day every day. I also have 22 slots per server with maxed storage on each. I'll gladly waste 2-3 hours on a starter world to gain 5 more cargo slots if I need to - rather than dump 50 mil .... per server

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First of all, by this point Legacy Storage is a convenience feature. 3 years of having to work around the restriction has meant I already have a good inventory system on hand.


When the game first launched, before legacy 1.2, personal inventory cost about 1 million to unlock to 80 slots on every character. And, there were only 3 bank tabs. The Legacy 1.2 patch added an additional couple of bank tabs, at very high prices (my memory fails me but I seem to recall them being in the millions of credits price zone as well). All of this was a cost PER character.


And, then the Cartel Market landed and cartel coin personal inventory and bank tab unlocks (also available for purchase on the GTN) spoiled us all. Not only could you get account wide unlocks but there was no scaling of cost. I purchased personal inventory and bank tab account wide unlocks for the same price it had cost me to unlock the same amount of space on two pre-existing characters.

Just to reemphasise... All future characters across my account (not just the server I unlocked the inventory on) have 80 personal inventory slots and 5 bank tabs, at about the same credit cost two initial characters had cost me.


Now, to my own system and why I probably won't need to spend the full 50 million on legacy.


I have a suite of crafting characters, they are there to make my life easier when levelling by providing a cheap source of self crafted mods and the potential for churning out mid level items for a small profit (I was never in a position to learn top tier crafting materials, and unfortunately the Cartel Market seems to have scuppered any intention to include more unique Orange gear for crafter... or at least orange adaptive gear players actually want to buy... back in the day bracers and belts were a small gold mine as the price of schematics testified ;) )


1) Each of these crafters has 3 Bank tabs put aside purely for crafting materials, with the option to expand onto a 4th if needed.

2) Any other Alts that are specifically gatherers can funnel their gathered materials to the specific crafter, those mats can remain in mail for upto 30 days if there is a bit of material congestion.

3) I have a specific GTN Alt with all the unlocks for number of items listed, high price items are vendored through this alt and if they don't sell at the time can be placed in their personal inventory and 5 bank tabs. Basic crafted mods and low cost items with high turnover are just vendored through the crafting alt or gathering alt.

4) I have a specific Alt for the storage of legacy bound gear. Initially with the intention to transfer mods between my mains and alts but ultimately now because I've gathered up so much legacy bound gear from events and rep vendors I need to have a central point for it all.

5) All characters have 1 bank tab for personal item storage.


The first free tab of legacy storage will be ideal to centralise those materials that are shared between the various crafters such as the Blue and Purple mats and the additional vendor purchased materials.

I may even open up a second tab to store a few of the legacy bound sets I made for companions. I have a 'healers' set of cunning based legacy bound armour with full augments kicking around for any level 55 healer companion to use, but I always forget which character has it :rolleyes:


But, I won't feel compelled to blow any additional resources on opening up the other tabs.

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I was really hyped for Legacy storage; to the point that I resubbed after a very long hiatus. This is terrible news. EVERYTHING has to be such a money grab - EVEN FOR SUBSCRIBERS! Plain & simple bullsh*t! Edited by GRINnBARRETT
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... a perfectly nice new feature BW is providing us: free legacy Storage, that's expandable at a price.


Please either explain how to get this free storage (all I'm getting is the one tab that comes with the Palace I preordered*) or quit calling it free. And do you really believe that most of the people complaining are really that outraged about the price to *expand* the non-free Legacy Storage that they are calling useless, as opposed to still being upset that Legacy Storage won't let them freely trade BoP items within their Legacy. Because if it could do that, you know they'd be happy with a single slot.


* My understanding is that anybody who buys a stronghold has to do an intro quest which grants a Legacy Storage access point, and thus access to the first tab.

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Please either explain how to get this free storage (all I'm getting is the one tab that comes with the Palace I preordered*) or quit calling it free. And do you really believe that most of the people complaining are really that outraged about the price to *expand* the non-free Legacy Storage that they are calling useless, as opposed to still being upset that Legacy Storage won't let them freely trade BoP items within their Legacy. Because if it could do that, you know they'd be happy with a single slot.


* My understanding is that anybody who buys a stronghold has to do an intro quest which grants a Legacy Storage access point, and thus access to the first tab.


So them giving you a free legacy storage with one tab by only doing a quest is not free?

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The funniest part of this whole situation is that, 3 days ago, if you had told me "Bioware is charging 50 million for Legacy Storage. There will be 3 people who will adamantly defend this decision in every single post made protesting the cost. Name those 3 people." I would have been 100% correct. So sadly predictable.


The cost does nothing to improve the game. Nothing. THAT'S what Bioware should be concerning themselves with.

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I envision my toons starting each mission by taking the gear they need out of the storage locker, and at the end of the day putting it back. No more searching for who had a set last, and, each of getting the gear and putting it back will take less than a minute to do. It will be fun role playing. There will be consumables there too.


This is more or less how I will use it. Store a bunch of armor sets and weapons in there for companions. Whenever the expansion hits and I have new content to play, they can easily suit up and run missions, then put armor back for the next character to use.


I want to get back to crafting and this would be great for that, but it's just too expensive to open extra slots. It usually takes me at least a few weeks to make even a million credits, so I'm not going to waste all that effort on a locker that should be free for subs anyway.

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[On why 400 Legacy Store slots is good, but 320 is bad ...]


320+ unique crafting mats? No, not hardly. There's about 20 at each of levels 1-6 and 9, and a few at level 7, 8, and 10. Probably only around 160 unique mats. And even fewer that have any real value. And fewer still that are expensive and used across multiple crafters, like Thermal Regulators, and therefore benefit a lot from being stored in shared storage.

lolol 160 mats ahhahaha including new additions in Strongholds there will be over 230 mats and crafting components and no such thing as useless mats (especially in Stronghold crafting), everything will be needed from multiple crafting skills and missions. So that's 3 packed tabs already without a single duplicate stack, let alone even taking about storing there something else like Legacy armor sets, unbounded items or vendor tokens. Or the fact that 3.0 will obviously bring another batch of new mats just like 2.0 did that will push the number of non-duplicate stacks even further


Sounds to me like you aren't a crafter, yet you claim to know what crafters need. You are just making stuff up as an excuse to bash a perfectly nice new feature BW is providing us: free legacy Storage, that's expandable at a price.

Sounds to me like you aren't a crafter, haven't even bothered to check what changes in crafting in Strongholds and you're just making stuff up to defend perfectly absurd prices BW is providing us for expanded tabs thar ARE required to utilize legacy aspect of the cargo in a significant degree.
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I really hope this design and these prices are a joke. This game is becoming a nothing more than an enormous cash sink. It's just not worth the time. It's insulting.


It IS insulting! Sub means less and less. Shows what they truly care about... CM money, not sub money. Why not get rid of subs altogether, and make us buy unlocks from the CM?

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Thank you for this valuable contribution to the discussion.


You know, you could just not comment sometimes. Just a thought. :eek:


You seemed confused regarding Subs and F2P, so I gave you that helpful link. I'm sorry if my posting habits frighten you, but it's okay. I promise.


Did you get a chance to read through that link I gave you yet?

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So them giving you a free legacy storage with one tab by only doing a quest is not free?


It's not free because I paid (real money) for it. Also, if you read what else I said, what they are giving me in return for what I spent is in line with what I expected.

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