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So level 50's within one week of launch, what now? Announce freeform space combat.


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I too would enjoy a free form space exploration/combat addition but I am wholeheartedly enjoying my alternate characters as well, immensely so at that.


For years I longed for a KOTOR3 and now get KOTOR3through12 all in one game. Each character story so far is great and I've even gone as far to make a few doubles to experience the other side of the class.


This isn't like the majority of other MMORPGs where making other characters accounts for little more than time filling, there is genuine quality here with each class story ... I may not have each to the end of their respective stories but I have one of each well into their respective second and third "chapters" and have loved every minute of it.


There is a whole lot on the plate here in front of us, dismissing most of the plate and asking for seconds already is borderline ridiculous. You don't have to enjoy everything, heck you don't even have to try everything but a few bites of your green beans and carrots won't kill you while you wait on a second helping of steak ( and who knows, you might find you like them more than you expected - prior to realizing just how great the stories were I had no interest in a Sith Inq , a Trooper, or a Smuggler because I just looked at them as "other classes" ... I was wrong ... turns out I love green beans and carrots and seconds of them as well!).

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I dont know what server you play in but the Tomb of Freedon Nadd has a very healthy lvl 50 population.


Remember I am not griping, I am concerned that asking us to do what we were bored to the back teeth with in other MMO's is not going to maintain the amount of subs required to fund the content we need to see.



Tomb of Freedon Nadd was pretty much full and had queues on day 2 of early access. Its the most populated server in the entire game and I have no doubts that a lot of hardcore people rolled on that server because of how fast it filled up.


I've only seen 1 level 50 on my server hanging out at the Imperial Fleet. I'm sure there are more out there, but I'm nowhere near level 50 and don't hang out in level 50 zones. The point is though, I'm not bumping into them right and left, so I doubt Bioware is going to lose hundreds of thousands of subs after this first month.

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How could anyone actually space bar through ALL the content? I don't believe this is possibly true. Sometimes you have to at least pay attention to the conversation choice you pick in regards to what the NPC said to you (companion affection gain). Sometimes listening is faster for quests too...


I don't believe that there are actually players who literally spammed space bar for EVERY single conversation cinematic.


If you just skip trying to get companion affection how do you max out their affection?

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The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included


Oh really? Thats the one thing? So I guess being the only MMO completely voiced by 900 plus voice actors with cuts didn't count?

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


Any post saying "Why did you rush to 50 , take your time." or the like does not understand the point, I am not talking about adding content like questing or even operations.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)


If this game had so much space content I would never have bought it. Just saying.

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I have under 4 days played time. Granted a lot of that is semi-afk crafting while I'm doing IRL stuff at home. I'm level 35.


If you are complaining about being level 50 and bored - you are spending all of your free time on the game and even more likely are unemployed or using vacation/personal time to bolster your in game time.


The majority of players are not taking time off of work to play this game 20 hours a day. Guess its time to roll another character.

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I'm level 45 and I hate it when I get accused of "rushing through the game", or "power leveling" These people fail to take into account two things. First, I've been playing since the first day of early access. Second, I've been playing a LOT, that doesn't entail power grinding or any way of cheating the system. I just am really in love with this game, and because I'm on winter break from school, I have extra time to play.


I agree that freeform space combat should be the number one priority, and that minigame should be dumped completely. To be fair to the developers who worked on it, I would have no problem if there was something you can click in your captain's quarters for your character to "look back and remember", which allows you to play the old (current) space system missions for people who still want to do them. But the main space game needs to be scrapped and redone completely. You just can't give space the short end of the stick in a STAR WARS game.

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I've played 5 days straight each with at least 12 hour days play (I had an extended period of days off due to holidays) I'm only level 22. On a good day I average 2 levels per. I have not done any of the heroic flashpoints due to the fact the groups I find usually bail after a few attempts, I'm still on Taris and have been from level 17-22 because just as I think "Oh I'm done on this world, I find some new area with world missions and say to myself "oh good more missions" I've found a relitivley good group of people on my server minus a few not so much, that I'm willing to help out for missions or whatever and stick with the group of players and not power level past them, I've still got Nar Shadaa and the various other planets I plan on going to equivelant to my level. I am enjoying this game immensly.


Space combat albeit is neat is not something I want to see as a core supplier of missions. I'll be honest first time I tried a space mission I thought to myself "*** is this, how do I quit"


Now what would be good to see is the ability to speed through the taxi/speeder travel. I fall asleep while waiting.


Also World bosses with 333,999 HP, if they have the ability to group groups so 4 groups of 4 can fight at the same time and not worry about losing loot.


I'll be honest with you, nobody will be happy about everything all at once. As an exxample, you have people complaining about the glitches and how they need to be fixed, and then when servers went down Dec 27th those same people who complained about the glitches SCREAMED at bioware because the servers were down.


Come on people this is like a fat kid at a smartie factory screaming because he's eaten all the smarties and the machines can't make more fast enough.


TIME is what is needed here.

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Did you plan to have so many people at 50 so soon?


I know people that are not completely hardcore but with christmas holidays have been able to hit 50 within the first week of launch, they did not space bar through voice acting.


Now I know we could reroll, play the other faction, do some PvP or just farm.


But this is NOT a brand new style of game, asking us to do exactly what we were bored with in other mmo's is not going to retain your subs.


The one thing that would have set you apart from the other mmos is freeform space combat. This game would have stood out in front of all other games of its genre had you included this.


But asking us to reroll or pvp (most hate pvp that play mmo's) or just farm will stagnate the player base faster than you can spit.


Either announce something so mouth-wateringly tantilizing that we all continue to prepare for it (farming cash for the freeform ships and weaponry) or watch while hundreds of thousands of subs get cancelled.


Im not whining, I am concerned for our future.


Any post saying "Why did you rush to 50 , take your time." or the like does not understand the point, I am not talking about adding content like questing or even operations.


(Ignore the first few comments, they will be the fanbois that come out in defence no matter what and almost certainly do not understand the points being raised)


Allow me to sum this up for everyone who is allergic to textwalls.


"I Ni-Hao'd & poopsocked to 50 and now im bored, clearly this game is sub par and boring Moar Content Preeze"


My advice:

Actually play the game next time or get a job as a powerleveler...

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I especially love:


"• PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis."


Cannot wait..WOO!

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It seems a bit crazy to me that I might be a "fanboi" in this conversation, but I have levelled to 50.


I teach little kids and at the moment I have a bit of time off over this season. My friends and I are avid MMOers as well and as such we have spent WAY too much time levelling up to 50 to get our raids started in short order.


That geekish admonition dispensed with - are you serious? Nothing to do?


Man, I have a TON to do. Yes, one thing that I have done is make an alt but that was because I wanted to cover more crafting skills for my companion characters. There are two major chains of daily quests to unlock as well.


At 50 there are 3 Flashpoints to run and a further slew of Hard versions of these as well. All of which are fun and a push forward in challenge.


There are Two Operations at launch which are rather challenging and both have Hard modes for greater challenge.


There are TONS of quests that I KNOW you didn't go and do.


The crewskills are so vast and complex that I doubt you have even scratched the surface of these.


Now... if you have read all of this and thought to yourself, "I see nothing here to do" please admit to yourself that this game just isn't for you and move along. There are many here that really like this game and enjoy the activities that I have listed. I don't really see value in your trying to convince us that there is nothing to do in this game or that it is unrealistic to have been able to race to 50 so quickly. It's pretty par-for-the-coarse if you ask me.


In short time they will release even more content to play with and our experience will just get better. Maybe you'll be there. Maybe you won't. But please save us all the grief and just go if you don't like it. We understand it's not your cup of tea. We respect that. Just please don't try and make us feel inferior for having a different opinion from you.

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It really aggravates me when I read these type of posts. So you demand NEW content because you SKIPPED most of the existing content by speed leveling.


At this point, the meat of the content is the leveling experience and not endgame yet. They put a lot of effort into the leveling experience. It's not their fault you sped thru that.


They will get to more endgame content... when a majority of the player base actually GETS to 50. When you are ahead of the curve, expect to wait for the curve to catch up.

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We're just over one week from the official launch, and as already stated, many people ain't even 50 yet. I can't believe that anyone could really be bored at 50, there is almost as much to do as there is in any other MMO at max level.


The only thing I can imagine holding anyone back is the lack of 50s to group with for raiding and flashpoints.


Anyone complaining about being bored already are the same people that are bored in all MMOs they play as soon as the shine wares off. They devour the top layer of content and are too lazy too dig any deeper to explore the rest of the game. You can't please these people, and other ignorant players parrot what they say as if it was their own conclusion.

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Sort of agree with the OP. I don't really see anything innovative about the game. Heck I thoroughly enjoy questing in the game although I'm not 50, but I'm worried what happens when I do get to 50. Is it just the same old stuff as other MMOs? I could imagine this game would've done just fine as a single player RPG with multiplayer options. Unfortunately it didn't meet my expectations for a MMO, especially near 2012. Guess I'll just have to wait and hope for some new goodies in the next few months :)
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