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The harm PvPers do to PvE


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I wouldn't make such sweeping generalizations. My guild and I enjoy WPvP due to the ever changing battles, landscape, and tactics needed to win agaisnt 2 v 1 odds... or holding out agaisnt 3 v 1 when compared to a handful of repetitive 8v8 wz's. We also have a very strict policy regarding the ganking of lower levels. If they jump into a heated battle against us then all is fair (though why waste time worrying about them) but other than that it's hands off.


I still agree that forcing PvP on a player in this regard is wrong. But viewing a few bad apples as representative of the entire batch is also wrong. :p


You and your guild sound like real PvPers to me, like I tried to explain in my earlier post. A real shame most people think all these tricksters and gankers are what PvPers are about.


Warzones may be repetative, but when it's just gankers and such it's way more competitive. Would have been nice if there was a PvP planet where you could gain control of areas which could give perks like specific gear looks of area based vendors. But I mean a lot larger than Ilum, it would still be more interesting with more than 2 factions.


But I start to drift off. Just wanting to show my respects to you as PvP player, and the guild you're a part of. Keep up the good mentality and spread it around if you can.

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I'd be fine with this if there weren't special PVP gear with special PVP stats that made someone in PVP gear a demigod in open world pvp.


In my opinion, if you're not on a PVP map, PVP stats shouldn't function, just like a lot of PVE relic procs and such don't work in PVP.


Want a fair fight? Fine, we'll have a fair fight. You want to go around with your 2200 Expertise and faceroll people in 156/162 PVE gear that might not even PVP to begin with, and certainly aren't out doing fricken dailies in their PVP gear even if they do (most likely)?


Go set some babies on fire. If that's working as intended, the intention is pants-on-head retarded.

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I'd be fine with this if there weren't special PVP gear with special PVP stats that made someone in PVP gear a demigod in open world pvp.


In my opinion, if you're not on a PVP map, PVP stats shouldn't function, just like a lot of PVE relic procs and such don't work in PVP.


Want a fair fight? Fine, we'll have a fair fight. You want to go around with your 2200 Expertise and faceroll people in 156/162 PVE gear that might not even PVP to begin with, and certainly aren't out doing fricken dailies in their PVP gear even if they do (most likely)?


Go set some babies on fire. If that's working as intended, the intention is pants-on-head retarded.

The only areas where Expertise should even be active are Warzones, Arenas, and the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine. I seem to recall a Codex entry or an article here on the site explaining that Expertise only works in designated PvP areas.


That said, ganking is bad, and you should feel bad. And I've been inadvertently flagged on my Vanguard tank recently when using Mortar Volley. MV affects up to five targets in its AoE, and I was attacking a group of four when an Assassin popped in and made themselves Target No. 5. Might have even been able to hold my own, had I been able to swap into my PvP gear...except you can't change gear in-combat...

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The only areas where Expertise should even be active are Warzones, Arenas, and the Outlaw's Den on Tatooine. I seem to recall a Codex entry or an article here on the site explaining that Expertise only works in designated PvP areas.


That said, ganking is bad, and you should feel bad. And I've been inadvertently flagged on my Vanguard tank recently when using Mortar Volley. MV affects up to five targets in its AoE, and I was attacking a group of four when an Assassin popped in and made themselves Target No. 5. Might have even been able to hold my own, had I been able to swap into my PvP gear...except you can't change gear in-combat...


Recent duels with PVPface friends in and out of their pvp gear suggest that this might not be working, if they've set it up to be as such at some point. When my arsenal-spec'd BH goes from throwing 6k crits to 3.5k crits and the only thing changed with the target is whether they're wearing their 180 pve or their tweaked PVP gear while standing on Korriban, I dunno.


Maybe I'll poke tech support about that. Might have a bug on the loose if what I'm footstompy about above is actually supposed to be an implemented thing.

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I'd be fine with this if there weren't special PVP gear with special PVP stats that made someone in PVP gear a demigod in open world pvp.


In my opinion, if you're not on a PVP map, PVP stats shouldn't function, just like a lot of PVE relic procs and such don't work in PVP.


Want a fair fight? Fine, we'll have a fair fight. You want to go around with your 2200 Expertise and faceroll people in 156/162 PVE gear that might not even PVP to begin with, and certainly aren't out doing fricken dailies in their PVP gear even if they do (most likely)?


Go set some babies on fire. If that's working as intended, the intention is pants-on-head retarded.


That. The expertise system is beyond stupid. Yes, it gives the PVPers something to work towards with their gear, which is fine, but it also means that players new to PVP/Warzones just get wrecked without much of a way to fight back unless they saved their comms during low level PVP to spend at 55 for PVP gear. Sure bolster helps a little bit but you're still going to get rocked by anyone with real PVP gear and losing 87 million times until you have enough comms to get the gear yourself so you can be the one clubbing seals just seems like incredibly poor design and is why I only PVP when Bioware does something incredibly stupid, like make PVP relics that are objectively better in every way to the PVE ones (I'm still pissed off at the War Hero relics being BiS BY FAR whichever patch that was) but that's neither here nor there.


At least with warzones you are choosing to be there, being ganked while running around trying to do dailies or whatever when you are not on a PVP server is incredibly frustrating (if you are on a PVP server, tough luck, you signed up for that). It should be that you have to manually flag yourself to even target another flagged player/for your AOEs to hit another flagged player when you're outside of a PVP area. That way the only people flagging are those consciously doing it and not getting autoflagged for whatever reason on accident.

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That said, ganking is bad, and you should feel bad. And I've been inadvertently flagged on my Vanguard tank recently when using Mortar Volley. MV affects up to five targets in its AoE, and I was attacking a group of four when an Assassin popped in and made themselves Target No. 5. Might have even been able to hold my own, had I been able to swap into my PvP gear...except you can't change gear in-combat...


Interesting. some people claim that AoE does not flag people unless they are targeting a players, some say it does. More research should be done by people from PvE servers, while we on PvP servers are free to gank whomever we want

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Interesting. some people claim that AoE does not flag people unless they are targeting a players, some say it does. More research should be done by people from PvE servers, while we on PvP servers are free to gank whomever we want


Folks on PVP servers should always get the 'PVP happened on a PVP server?' treatment if they're fussing about ...well. PVP happening on a PVP server. Totally agree here, on both stated points.

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It's not really a "trick". It's people not paying attention to who they're aiming a (virtual) weapon at. Never a good idea in either the virtual or real world. :cool:


Think of it this way: it's also a good lesson for PVE (raids), since auto/tab-targeting and hitting the wrong target can result in a wipe (ie hitting the shield generators on the tanks in EC).


It is a trick if you purposefully place yourself in another player's group of pve mobs in order to try to get them to make that mistake.


It's not a good lesson because people don't learn that from it. I personally see how it works because it's happened to me that enemy players tried this on me and I recognised what they were trying to do and how. Perhaps it's because of my raiding experience that I didn't fall for it, but I have therefore seen players purposefully doing this.


A lot of players don't actually do operations. Now I've played a game called Aion for a couple of years where this was commonplace with their rifting system . The game is f2p in the west now because of it. People aked for pve servers but NcSoft was afraid to get lower server populations so they didn't...Guess what, people left in droves because it was just getting silly so lower pops were a reality anyway. You'd have pvp specced people attacking lower level, lower geared people. It's just a sad commentary to how people are. Luckily in most places this isn't possible here in SWTOR but I am not even talking about how the flagging system is bad. I am talking about people actually pro-actively trying to bypass it. That's just sad.

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Hehe, I have played on both PVP and PVE server. And for players that provoke for PVP attacks on a PVE server is just a numbers of chicken players. I have be in a situation on a PVE server where several player did an attack at the Imperial base on Illum. Few of us got that under control and forced them back and they run like chicken back to the republic base.. That was fun..Well let them try, all of them that have been on a PVP server will not let them go unpunished away from that. If that is any comfort. Edited by IngeDanielsen
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You and your guild sound like real PvPers to me, like I tried to explain in my earlier post. A real shame most people think all these tricksters and gankers are what PvPers are about.


Warzones may be repetative, but when it's just gankers and such it's way more competitive. Would have been nice if there was a PvP planet where you could gain control of areas which could give perks like specific gear looks of area based vendors. But I mean a lot larger than Ilum, it would still be more interesting with more than 2 factions.


But I start to drift off. Just wanting to show my respects to you as PvP player, and the guild you're a part of. Keep up the good mentality and spread it around if you can.


Thanks! That's very nice of you. A few other guilds on Jung Ma have similar policies. (I really love the community here)


Off topic: Yeah I had hopes that these "planetary conquests" would bring some kind of WPvP elements to the picture... I mean, that's like a golden opportunity!! :confused:

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Wait seriously, AOE flags people?


Wow, chalk one thing I like about WoW over ToR.


Apparently it does when you target an opponent (from what I gather). disabling auto target (which we can do) would help people greatly, I assume. But I have no idea if it would work, as I always have my flag on at PvP server.

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As far as i know, on PW International servers there was a "magic button", that fully protects you from ANY interactions with flagged players.




I think this kind of system is perfect for PVE servers.

Been asked since launch.


I wouldn't make such sweeping generalizations. My guild and I enjoy WPvP due to the ever changing battles, landscape, and tactics needed to win agaisnt 2 v 1 odds... or holding out agaisnt 3 v 1 when compared to a handful of repetitive 8v8 wz's. We also have a very strict policy regarding the ganking of lower levels. If they jump into a heated battle against us then all is fair (though why waste time worrying about them) but other than that it's hands off.


I still agree that forcing PvP on a player in this regard is wrong. But viewing a few bad apples as representative of the entire batch is also wrong. :p

Most PvP are really nice guys who enjoy sparring with worthy opponents.


World PvP is really lacking in this game, that's sad for the health of the game.

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Apparently it does when you target an opponent (from what I gather). disabling auto target (which we can do) would help people greatly, I assume. But I have no idea if it would work, as I always have my flag on at PvP server.


I got ganked by a PVPer not too long ago. What happened was that he would swarm around me incessantly in order to trigger my flag. Just standing in my AoE didn't and doesn't trigger this. But because his character kept getting in front of my quest objectives and enemy targets, EVEN though my mouse icon had indicated the 'loot' symbol, right-clicking still initiated a basic attack and that's what triggered my flag.

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Its not really an issue anymore because most people dont go there but on ilum where you need to destroy some cannons for one of the dailies i used to see the other faction hang around and heal the turrets that you need to destroy for the quest and this was on a non pvp server.


In terms of the aoe thing, im not sure if its that way anymore but it most definitely used to be if you used your aoe near the other faction in pve it would flag you. I thought they fixed that but i could be mistaken. If i need to kill mobs and i see the other faction lurking near them i never use aoe and make sure my companion has all aoe turned off. Also in most cases its would be a group of them just in case they might come across someone who could actually beat them. Must be tough to be always picked last in kickball when you were 8.

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It's not really a "trick". It's people not paying attention to who they're aiming a (virtual) weapon at. Never a good idea in either the virtual or real world. :cool:


Think of it this way: it's also a good lesson for PVE (raids), since auto/tab-targeting and hitting the wrong target can result in a wipe (ie hitting the shield generators on the tanks in EC).


and you would be wrong about that. there is an exploit that works.

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I got ganked by a PVPer not too long ago. What happened was that he would swarm around me incessantly in order to trigger my flag. Just standing in my AoE didn't and doesn't trigger this. But because his character kept getting in front of my quest objectives and enemy targets, EVEN though my mouse icon had indicated the 'loot' symbol, right-clicking still initiated a basic attack and that's what triggered my flag.


A pair of pvpers (that might have both been 5-10 levels over me? don't remember) did this to me in the bonus series area on Nar Shadaa once. I saw them. I was very careful to avoid hitting any area attacks. They were nearby running all around and through my fight but I was killing my NPC opponents without giving the idiots the satisfaction of getting me flagged so they could kill me. And... then I get flagged because they ran through while I was looting and the game registered that as right clicking on one of them. So the game decided that I had attacked them and was now flagged. No matter how careful you are to avoid getting sucked into their ****, all it takes is one little mistake and you're going to be waiting for****ingever at the med droid for the stupid flag to go away before you can return to what you had been doing.

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AoEing a flagged person doesnt flag you on a PvE server? Is it just that you cant have the targeted while you do it? So, could someone just target themselves or their companion, etc., and, for example, flame sweep some pubbie to death?
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AoEing a flagged person doesnt flag you on a PvE server? Is it just that you cant have the targeted while you do it? So, could someone just target themselves or their companion, etc., and, for example, flame sweep some pubbie to death?


No if you are not flagged and you are not targeting them than the AoE will do nothing to the flagged player.

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There is a difference between doing PvP in Warzone and PvP on a planet Oricon or CZ-198. If I enter a WarZone I know I am going to be attacking Other Players. If I am on a Planet I am there to do PvE Content. Unless I am in an area like Outlaws Den on Tatooine.


Don't feed the troll, please. :D

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With Gree event starting tomorrow, should I switch off my healing comps each time I see a PvP-flagged player of the same faction, then? I mean, if Malavai or Treek heal him, I'll be flagged, right?


(And no class boosts to PvP-flagged players, if I remember correctly).

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