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Whats the problem with legacy storage having BoP items (not relics implants and ear)


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The only thing I would like to be able to move between toons is relics, actually. You can craft a more or less decent ear/implant. But relics? Focused retribution can't be bought with comms, can't be won in an op where everyone's needing, and costs ~3mil on GTN. My twelve level 55 alts certainly don't have 70 million to spare.


As for the rest, I don't know. Making that lovely bodysuit effectively BoL would be nice, but wouldn't it make all my collections unlocks useless, and my cartel coins - badly spent?

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No? :confused:


These are the requirements:


1) Kill boss with an ops group.

2) Pray the boss drops the token you need.

3) If he does, pray you win a roll against 7 or 15 other players.

4) If you do, pray that ops leader doesn't have a change of heart and awards it to his guildie.

5) Get locked out from the operation for a week.

6) Repeat.



You're right. Easy by design.


Your kidding right? Lets take relics for example.


-First and foremost for finishing the DF (DP too although I can't remember for sure) Quest you get a relic of your choice as a reward.

-Second you can buy a relic with commendations that have nothing to do with loot drops. You can get them just by doing dailies.

-Third, most groups aren't loaded with newbies so you aren't rolling against 15 players. You roll against 1 or 2 at the most if that. Most of the time just tell the group you need the relic and it is yours.

-Fourth, SM is a cake walk and there are several Ops to run every week.

-Fifth, if you really have to have it naaaooow, you can buy a relic from GTN.

-Sixth, you can use PvP relics and in many cases those relics are preferred. All you have to do a little PvP as those comms rack up fast.


It is easy peasy.

Edited by Rafaman
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You just reinforced why the ability to transfer BoP gear is a bad idea. Thank you sir.


How? Please, tell me, how? Because what I described is already extant in the game itself, right now, today, and has been for a very long time by this point. At this point permitting non-BOL shells to be moved via the LS opens customization options, not an avenue for gear shifting that is already available in game.

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-First and foremost for finishing the DF (DP too although I can't remember for sure) Quest you get a relic of your choice as a reward.


I think you and Slafko are seeing things from different vantages. From what I know of Slafko's posts, he is probably referring to higher level gear than the 162s we get from finishing DF and DP. Just sayin.'


A lot of posts here (and the other topics) seem to go in circles as the posters have wildly different points of reference for their opinions. Raiders doing NiM DF/DP probably aren't too worried about a 162 piece where as more casual players could be.


But I'll butt out of this one now.

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Without bop items in the legacy bank this update became absolutely 100% useless to me :rolleyes: As a raider I wouldn't need it for anything else, mats and everything else can be send via mail so I don't care at all.


I was hoping I would be able to send my shadow's non legacy gear to my assassin but I see that won't happen.

Edited by invertioN
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I think you and Slafko are seeing things from different vantages. From what I know of Slafko's posts, he is probably referring to higher level gear than the 162s we get from finishing DF and DP. Just sayin.'


A lot of posts here (and the other topics) seem to go in circles as the posters have wildly different points of reference for their opinions. Raiders doing NiM DF/DP probably aren't too worried about a 162 piece where as more casual players could be.


But I'll butt out of this one now.


Ah, well, if he is talking BiS well then yeah, you have to work for it. It is after all the best in slot. And that is how it should be.

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One solution that I would be happy with is if they made it so paying the CC fee to unlock a collection item account-wide caused the pieces of that set to be BoL when retrieved via collections. They aren't losing anything at all in terms of CM sales at that point. The only difference is not having to take the time or spend the credits to move the mods in/out of a legacy set to transfer them to different characters who wear the same outfit. Of course there are plenty of non-CM armors I'd want this for, too, but one step at a time. That doesn't have much to do with legacy storage though.


I'm neutral on the implants and earpieces though. It would be nice to transfer them between mirrored classes like the rest of the gear, but if you are in a position that you need those gear upgrades, you shouldn't have any problem doing the content to get them. As for relics, I would like those to be legacy bound, but only because they become vendor-trash the moment you get a higher-tier version of the same relic. I just vendored a Dread Forged relic tonight after winning a Dread Master version of it. It felt awkward being that it's generally a very valuable item that some of my toons could still use, but there's literally no other use it could possibly serve at that point. Earpieces and implants can at least be handed off to companions.

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Without bop items in the legacy bank this update became absolutely 100% useless to me :rolleyes: As a raider I wouldn't need it for anything else, mats and everything else can be send via mail so I don't care at all.


I was hoping I would be able to send my shadow's non legacy gear to my assassin but I see that won't happen.


It'll make organizing things easier, if nothing else. Would be extra perk to be able to put bound item modifications to LS thought. That would remove one money sink so I honestly doubt it. One can hope.

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Ok so what i really wanted to talk about in this thread is the transfer of items which you can all ready transfer with bad looking legacy gear (that's just my opinion on most legacy sets) ie (head, chest, hands, belt, bracers, legs, feet,main hand and offhand) so not mounts ect. So i will edit it to say what i mean. Also i don't get how it makes people more inclined to ninja when they already get 4 free legacy sets in the mail on each character. As someone has already said you could have them let you transfer gear once you unlock it through collections they wont lose anything. For the people talking about class missions, unque items (class or faction specific) and nim and pvp mounts ect they should make these things not be able to be transferred. Btw i only said BoP because Bioware said it and it was late ^^
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Everyone of these post and thread I read I feel there is a hidden reason why people want to place BoP (bound items) in LS?


I don't want to pay collection cost unlocks. I want everything for free.


As someone has already said you could have them let you transfer gear once you unlock it through collections they wont lose anything.


Anyway why do you want to give bioware more money? They clearly don't make content with it. But that's off topic ^^.

Edited by vailingfob
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Ok so what i really wanted to talk about in this thread is the transfer of items which you can all ready transfer with bad looking legacy gear (that's just my opinion on most legacy sets) ie (head, chest, hands, belt, bracers, legs, feet,main hand and offhand) so not mounts ect. So i will edit it to say what i mean. Also i don't get how it makes people more inclined to ninja when they already get 4 free legacy sets in the mail on each character. As someone has already said you could have them let you transfer gear once you unlock it through collections they wont lose anything. For the people talking about class missions, unque items (class or faction specific) and nim and pvp mounts ect they should make these things not be able to be transferred. Btw i only said BoP because Bioware said it and it was late ^^

Okay, thanks for the clarification, that makes much more sense. Since we are already able to send bound armorings/mods/enhancements, this won't change too much. The game already classifies these items as mods, so they would be able to restrict the Legacy Bank to only those items.

However, I see the mod-swapping cost as a major problem. Currently, the trash in TFB/S&V/DF/DP already gives way too many credits, and in SM, groups don't wipe too often. Mod-swapping is one of the only credit sinks left at end-game, and if they remove it, the economy will inflate even faster.

But I think the devs are aware of this, so that's why they are cautious about allowing it.

The only way out of this I see is reducing credit drops from SM trash to like 10% of what it is now, to maybe 30% in HM and keep it at 100% in NiM.


I find it really ironic how everyone takes sending their gear to alts for granted. I remember a time when legacy gear first came out, and people discovered that you could send bound gear. Back then, players thought it would be an exploit and IIRC, we have never received an official statement on whether legacy armor is working as intended. Though I guess now it doesn't really matter since they don't seem to hold any grudges against it.

Edited by Jerba
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Ok so what i really wanted to talk about in this thread is the transfer of items which you can all ready transfer with bad looking legacy gear (that's just my opinion on most legacy sets) ie (head, chest, hands, belt, bracers, legs, feet,main hand and offhand) so not mounts ect. So i will edit it to say what i mean. Also i don't get how it makes people more inclined to ninja when they already get 4 free legacy sets in the mail on each character. As someone has already said you could have them let you transfer gear once you unlock it through collections they wont lose anything. For the people talking about class missions, unque items (class or faction specific) and nim and pvp mounts ect they should make these things not be able to be transferred. Btw i only said BoP because Bioware said it and it was late ^^


But that would remove a rather large credit drain from the game.

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Don't forget that not allowing Bound items into the Legacy bank keeps a credit sink open.


As it is now, the only way to trade Bound mods is through the use of Legacy gear and unless you are going to use the Legacy gear you trade the items with mean you pay twice to pull a mod.


This adds up quick and is a heck of a credit sink, even if it was initially unintended.

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Everyone of these post and thread I read I feel there is a hidden reason why people want to place BoP (bound items) in LS?


I don't want to pay collection cost unlocks. I want everything for free.


Yeah, no.


I don't care about collection cost unlocks. They don't bother me at all. I care about my characters appearance and the utility that comes from having gear stored in legacy shells, allowing me to re-use gear I've accumulated through my play. I already re-use gear, but I'd love to be able to do it in the shells that I find attractive and appealing at a given time. Presently that involves about 50% CM gear, which is character bound.


If they added a stipulation that CM gear cannot go into the LS unless it has been unlocked, I would not be phased in the slightest.

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I'll argue against being able to add BoP items to LS. That's just begging for...


1. There will be even less people queuing for lower level FPs. I honestly don't like the idea of new players coming in and being told "Oh, yeah, that content is basically dead until 50+ because most of the veteran players have zero reason to visit it beyond solo runs for shells". And if people can just shovel their awesome gear they acquired from a previous character in a FP to an alt, they'll have even less incentive to ever run that FP with the alt. Even with some people still going in just for fun, it's still less people in a pool that's already shallow.


2. People WILL start rolling need on basically everything. Hell, people already do stuff like this. Make it so you can send that shiny blaster rifle that just dropped in a FP to your alt? Matter of time until the Vanguard who just tanked the place for you watches as a DPS Scoundrel rolls on it "Cuz his alt is gonna need it soon". The last thing we need is to encourage ninjaing, and this would absolutely do that.


"Only go with guildies and people you know!" someone might say. But I'm pretty confident that mentality would continue to lead to a lack of folks actually playing some of the lower talent.



Only way this would be acceptable in my eyes might (might) be if BW were to finally make it so you can't roll Need on items your current character can't actually make any real use of. Even then, less people running lower content means the game is just a wee bit less accessible and "empty" feeling to new players, which isn't healthy for SWTOR. Again, maybe if BW were to implement cross server queues it'd alleviate that problem some.


So unless BW takes some steps to prevent dead lower-leveled FPs and excuses for ninjaing, it would be a terrible idea on their part to implement it.

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I'll argue against being able to add BoP items to LS. That's just begging for...


1. There will be even less people queuing for lower level FPs. I honestly don't like the idea of new players coming in and being told "Oh, yeah, that content is basically dead until 50+ because most of the veteran players have zero reason to visit it beyond solo runs for shells". And if people can just shovel their awesome gear they acquired from a previous character in a FP to an alt, they'll have even less incentive to ever run that FP with the alt. Even with some people still going in just for fun, it's still less people in a pool that's already shallow.


2. People WILL start rolling need on basically everything. Hell, people already do stuff like this. Make it so you can send that shiny blaster rifle that just dropped in a FP to your alt? Matter of time until the Vanguard who just tanked the place for you watches as a DPS Scoundrel rolls on it "Cuz his alt is gonna need it soon". The last thing we need is to encourage ninjaing, and this would absolutely do that.


"Only go with guildies and people you know!" someone might say. But I'm pretty confident that mentality would continue to lead to a lack of folks actually playing some of the lower talent.



Only way this would be acceptable in my eyes might (might) be if BW were to finally make it so you can't roll Need on items your current character can't actually make any real use of. Even then, less people running lower content means the game is just a wee bit less accessible and "empty" feeling to new players, which isn't healthy for SWTOR. Again, maybe if BW were to implement cross server queues it'd alleviate that problem some.


So unless BW takes some steps to prevent dead lower-leveled FPs and excuses for ninjaing, it would be a terrible idea on their part to implement it.


In regards to #1 - FPs are excellent for experience gain regardless of what gear drops. I almost always have updated mods every 10 levels for my adaptive armor, so I do not run the FPs for gear as much as I do for experience. I don't see this being effected that much at all.


In regards to #2 - people already are mostly rolling NEED even for companions, atleast on POT5. Sad truth. so moot point

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Well what i really want is my endgame pve gear in legacy gear i like the look of. There is no reason i should not be able to do so considering i can do the exact same thing with gear i don't like. The ideal thing is some kinda of legacy kit like augment kits it adds another credit sink in place of ripping mods but i really don't see that happening considering how bioware are about things. So id really like to get the same result out of legacy storage. Would be cool if bioware could respond to this thread but i don't see that happening... :(
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In regards to #1 - FPs are excellent for experience gain regardless of what gear drops. I almost always have updated mods every 10 levels for my adaptive armor, so I do not run the FPs for gear as much as I do for experience. I don't see this being effected that much at all.


In regards to #2 - people already are mostly rolling NEED even for companions, atleast on POT5. Sad truth. so moot point


Thanks ^^

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I have bound armor Id like to use on alts. That is why I would like to see it.


But for me it's not required for me to be happy with Legacy storage. I can live without it...im stoked about the crafting supplies, and hopeful it includes a shared bank.


That would be enough for me to be happy.


Most of the arguments for and against IMO are just silly. The only reputable ones against, again IMO, are the idea that indicate it would disrupt the economy or crafting a bit...I can see that. But so will Strongholds......


The only reputable ones for that I saw was ones similar to mine....armor you cant get anymore from any source that you would like to send to alts.


Most of the other reasons posted for and against are just posturing nonsense IMO. They will decide if they will allow it or not, and It think that all the pros and cons will be considered...in fact, I expect they are having similar conversations in the office over this.


I expect they will likely rule against it....but will be happy if they allow it.

Edited by LordArtemis
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I have bound armor Id like to use on alts. That is why I would like to see it.


But for me it's not required for me to be happy with Legacy storage. I can live without it...im stoked about the crafting supplies, and hopeful it includes a shared bank.


That would be enough for me to be happy.


Most of the arguments for and against IMO are just silly. The only reputable ones against, again IMO, are the idea that indicate it would disrupt the economy or crafting a bit...I can see that. But so will Strongholds......


The only reputable ones for that I saw was ones similar to mine....armor you cant get anymore from any source that you would like to send to alts.


Most of the other reasons posted for and against are just posturing nonsense IMO. They will decide if they will allow it or not, and It think that all the pros and cons will be considered...in fact, I expect they are having similar conversations in the office over this.


I expect they will likely rule against it....but will be happy if they allow it.


Most of those armour sets have come back tho... and the rest will most likely follow.

So when that argument is gone, what's left?

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Most of those armour sets have come back tho... and the rest will most likely follow.

So when that argument is gone, what's left?


When I create a character, I get 4-5 full sets of GSF legacy gear. Legacy gear is already flooding our storage bins. this GSF legacy gear requiers no reputation and is absolutely free. I could technically create a character just to grab the legacy gear and move it to another character.


How again would BoP in legacy storage hurt anyone if GSF legacy gear hasn't hurt anyone?


If this doesn't come to pass, I'm still using my abundance of legacy gear to avoid credit sinks, share gear among mirror classes without having to pull any mods out, and twink alts. Nothings changing, either way. It's already being done, so all the arguements against this are a moot point; still waiting for naysayers to realize this. I'll just have to continue having a large limitation of gear style, a pointless bunch of BoP Collections junk that can only be used on one character at a time. But I definitely won't go back to normal BoP; BoL is so much more effective and dynamic.

Edited by undiess
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