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Stronghold Decoration Suggestions

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Adding to that. Can you also add the bunker/pillboxes you see on Balmorra by the trenches. Those and those turrets on Corellia and Hoth that look like the ones from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. I'll load some images in a bit to show what I am referring too.
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Hello Everybody,


With Strongholds being released soon, the Cartel Market team is looking for suggestions of decorations that players would like to see in their Stronghold.


Suggestions can be general types of decoration like posters, chairs, lamps, giant missiles, etc.


Suggestions can be specific in game objects. An example would be, "I would really like the blood pool from the Blood Legacy quest on Korriban." (The more detail you can provide, the easier it will be for the team to track down the item)


Suggestions can also be objects not currently in SWTOR. An example would be, "I would like to put a Star Forge on my Stronghold's front lawn."


We are looking for any and all suggestions so please don't hold back.


Thanks in advance!


Here are the images of the things I've mentioned.




Holo image of the planet (Can be used for the other planets as well): http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835993.jpg


Deactivated Republic War Droids: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835990.jpg


Bulldozer: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835988.jpg


Defense Turret: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835987.jpg


Shield Generator: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835986.jpg


Republic Walker Transport: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835985.jpg


Imperial Trooper Transport: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835983.jpg


Communication Dish: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835982.jpg


Ion Cannon: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835981.jpg


Heavy Stationed Turret: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835980.jpg


Terminal displaying the galaxy (Located in the Republic Hoth Base): http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2835977.jpg





Bunker/Pill Box: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2836002.jpg


Medium Stationed Turret: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2836003.jpg





Light Stationed Turret: http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2836001.jpg


Anti-Air Turret (This turret has animation to it, so please don't take that away): http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/875716/pics/original/2836000.jpg

Edited by Koichi
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Astromech "watering can wannabe" droid

Location: Black Hole Imperial base

People who are planning to make a garden need someone to help them in taking care of things:



Laboratorial table with microscope

Location: Tatooine, Mos Illa Market



I wouldn't mind adding that box with mushrooms too.


Tatooine shelves

Location: Tatooine base

Lots of shelves with a different variety of objects.

Edited by PavSalco
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Please make the following available:


Tatooine Militia Guards



Tatooine Security Droids (these are at Espelar)



For my Tatooine Stronghold I'd like to have (some of these may already be available):


Defensive weapons, that look like the ones outside of Grommik's place on Tatooine.



A moisture collector (this one is also outside of Grommick's place)



And, some sort of fencing for the farthest area of the Tatooine stronghold. Can't have banthas and other wildlife wandering in willy-nilly. ;)


I'd like the following for any Stronghold:


Banner on Imp Fleet



Glasses on the outside of the Nar Shaddaa Cantina



From the entrance to the Nar Shaddaa cantina


Edited by Nmyownworld
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Here are the things on my wishlist. Admittedly, some of them would be easier to implement than others, but we can dream :)


More rugs of varying shapes and sizes. Round, oval, larger, smaller. With the hook system, I had the most trouble trying to get the rugs to look right, because they were never in the right place (increasing the X and Y sliding range would help with that), never the right shape, or didn't fill the space properly.


Plants that don't have gigantic pots. So far it seems all the plants have pots, probably because the original 3 strongholds are apartments without any land. This is a little disappointing with Tatooine, because it would be nice to have some plants in the ground, though I guess I understand because sand isn't usually great for growing things. Still, why are all the pots so huge? I want the plant to be the centerpiece--I don't want it to be obscured by the enormous pot. Look at all of them, they are all really big. More plants in general would be great. From non-topiary trees to those glowing purple fungi-looking balls that are on Asation.


Other stuff without pots. OK, it's not just plants. You can't get a crystal without a pot, or an electronic safe without a pedestal. I understand that plants at least need soil, but why can't I just put a crystal on the ground? One place where this particularly bothers me is on the pedestals lining the big curving staircases. The things I want to put there (e.g. crystals) all have their own pedestals, which don't match the pedestal built into the stronghold, so it looks kind of silly stacking pedestals on pedestals.


More pretty statues. So I just saw that the Statue of Eternal Grace will be exclusive to the CE vendor. That's fine; it's about time that the CE vendor have something that makes me jealous--so far they haven't had anything I was interested in. However, that removes one of the few pretty sculptures available to most of our strongholds. The Statue of a Noble Beast is not as pretty, but still pretty, but the rest range from dour (Statue of a Cowled Man) to terrifying (Statue of the Burning Skull). Not the stuff that I want to sit on a couch next to to help me relax. This is a big one for me, please, I want nice options.


Prettier rectangular tables. Also larger tables. Basically, I wanted a long dining room-like table, and the only thing I could do was take the rather lackluster Basic Civilian Tables and line them up end-to-end. The only other table that this worked with was the Merchant's Work Table, which is also not too pretty. The prettier tables all were unsuitable for lining up (too small, too round, weird shape, etc.). A nice, long table like the conference tables in places like player ships would also work for me.


Dance floor. This would be like the disco ball "Party Bomb" toy, but it would be on permanent loop. You'd place it on a Large square, maybe a Centerpiece, and there would be glitter effects, a disco ball maybe, whatever, and anyone who stood under it would start dancing, just like with the Party Bomb. I'd probably have the music separate, so you could have a jukebox set up nearby and people could change the song.


Wading pool. So SWTOR doesn't have swimming, but we could still enjoy something knee-deep at least. Not those fountains that only get your ankles wet and look like you'll get in trouble for stepping in them anyway.


More wall art. Just can't find enough options. Pictures from the various planets would be cool--having a landscape from Hoth, for instance. The Tatooine spaceport has a nice sign welcoming you to Tatooine with a pretty design--that would be nice, too. The operation boss trophies are cool but not very...aesthetic, for the most part.


More fountains. OK, there are these fountains on Makeb, like the one in Toborro's Courtyard, that I really like. Also, on the Makeb orbital station, there is a natural-looking fountain, with grass and rocks, and it's so beautiful. That would probably be hard to implement in a stronghold, though.


Decorative rocks. Now I'm kind of getting carried away, so I should bring this to a close, but if I could make a little rock garden on Tatooine...Yeah, OK, that's all for now.

Edited by Mireleni
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Here are the things on my wishlist. Admittedly, some of them would be easier to implement than others, but we can dream :)


More rugs of varying shapes and sizes. Round, oval, larger, smaller. With the hook system, I had the most trouble trying to get the rugs to look right, because they were never in the right place (increasing the X and Y sliding range would help with that), never the right shape, or didn't fill the space properly.


Plants that don't have gigantic pots. So far it seems all the plants have pots, probably because the original 3 strongholds are apartments without any land. This is a little disappointing with Tatooine, because it would be nice to have some plants in the ground, though I guess I understand because sand isn't usually great for growing things. Still, why are all the pots so huge? I want the plant to be the centerpiece--I don't want it to be obscured by the enormous pot. Look at all of them, they are all really big. More plants in general would be great. From non-topiary trees to those glowing purple fungi-looking balls that are on Asation.


Other stuff without pots. OK, it's not just plants. You can't get a crystal without a pot, or an electronic safe without a pedestal. I understand that plants at least need soil, but why can't I just put a crystal on the ground? One place where this particularly bothers me is on the pedestals lining the big curving staircases. The things I want to put there (e.g. crystals) all have their own pedestals, which don't match the pedestal built into the stronghold, so it looks kind of silly stacking pedestals on pedestals.


More pretty statues. So I just saw that the Statue of Eternal Grace will be exclusive to the CE vendor. That's fine; it's about time that the CE vendor have something that makes me jealous--so far they haven't had anything I was interested in. However, that removes one of the few pretty sculptures available to most of our strongholds. The Statue of a Noble Beast is not as pretty, but still pretty, but the rest range from dour (Statue of a Cowled Man) to terrifying (Statue of the Burning Skull). Not the stuff that I want to sit on a couch next to to help me relax. This is a big one for me, please, I want nice options.


Prettier rectangular tables. Also larger tables. Basically, I wanted a long dining room-like table, and the only thing I could do was take the rather lackluster Basic Civilian Tables and line them up end-to-end. The only other table that this worked with was the Merchant's Work Table, which is also not too pretty. The prettier tables all were unsuitable for lining up (too small, too round, weird shape, etc.). A nice, long table like the conference tables in places like player ships would also work for me.


Dance floor. This would be like the disco ball "Party Bomb" toy, but it would be on permanent loop. You'd place it on a Large square, maybe a Centerpiece, and there would be glitter effects, a disco ball maybe, whatever, and anyone who stood under it would start dancing, just like with the Party Bomb. I'd probably have the music separate, so you could have a jukebox set up nearby and people could change the song.


Wading pool. So SWTOR doesn't have swimming, but we could still enjoy something knee-deep at least. Not those fountains that only get your ankles wet and look like you'll get in trouble for stepping in them anyway.


More wall art. Just can't find enough options. Pictures from the various planets would be cool--having a landscape from Hoth, for instance. The Tatooine spaceport has a nice sign welcoming you to Tatooine with a pretty design--that would be nice, too. The operation boss trophies are cool but not very...aesthetic, for the most part.


More fountains. OK, there are these fountains on Makeb, like the one in Toborro's Courtyard, that I really like. Also, on the Makeb orbital station, there is a natural-looking fountain, with grass and rocks, and it's so beautiful. That would probably be hard to implement in a stronghold, though.


Decorative rocks. Now I'm kind of getting carried away, so I should bring this to a close, but if I could make a little rock garden on Tatooine...Yeah, OK, that's all for now.


All this ^^

And many more potted plants pls :)

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Another Throne (like Malgus has in False Emperor or Vitiate's from the JK Story),

A Hutt Barge sized to fit the Starship Hook,

Rugs with faction symbols on them like in Fleet,

Voss Chandelier,

Holo-Tress (in green, yellow, purple, etc),

Fountain inside of Club Vertica,

The other cool centerpiece decoration on the upper floor of Club Vertica, (The really really cool one)

House Organa Fountain,

Dreypa's Oubliette,

Jedi looking statue in the Juran Moutains,

Ominous crystals outside the Dread Fortress,

Oversized protocol droid head to mount on wall,

Two large crossed Vibroswords for a wall hook.

A relatively small sarlacc pit,

Non Holo Tress as centerpeices, like the ones we saw on CZ-198,

The trash bin looking things from fleet,

Full sized animals in cages,

Some droids to place not as npcs, but just deactivated or broken to give a room a workshop vibe.

A medium sized Czerka transport ship for Starship Hook,

A neat Arkanian ship for the Starship Hook, like a smaller version of the Arkanian Legacy,

Antique Mandalorian Starships for the Starship Hooks (From the Mandalorian War)

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Found something else today while running heroics on Voss:


Voss Hanging Lights


These beautiful pieces can function as lighting as well as decorations for well-lit outdoor areas. The above image is from the Shrine of Healing, in the instanced area for [Heroic] The First Commando's Call.


Also, I love the suggestions Mireleni posted!

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I would really like to have a lot of plants available for the strongholds. I'm kind of a plant enthusiast (have lamer words ever been written?) so I'd love to have the ability to put lots of plants in my strongholds. The autumnal trees in the planters I've seen so far have been really nice, but here are some specific ones I'd like to see.

  • Glowing fungi things from DK
  • Big curly orange plants from Belsavis
  • Small ground plants from Belsavis
  • Big leafy trees (multiple planets)
  • Grass patches as rugs? I would explode with excitement if we could have a little area with grass
  • Flowers and shrubberies



I want some kind of water stuff in my stronghold. Ideas in varying degrees of plausibility are....

  • Aquariums (probably not going to happen; but I can dream)
  • Fountains
  • Ponds
  • Reflection pools
  • Pool/hot-tub

I support these suggestions!

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I've been really hoping for this one myself. I love the bulldozer.



I'd also like to see a lot of just plain clutter. Piles of junk, messy tables, half-built vehicles, wrecked droids, crates overflowing with spare parts. Industrial decay.


Also, gritty wall decor like faded posters, old pictures, pin-up girls, postcards, mug shots, graffiti... maybe there could be some large collage-type accumulations of wall decor, like an old bulletin board that's had things pasted over other things for years.


Also, large wall and ceiling panels that show a lot of tangled exposed wiring sticking out like it's undergoing repairs. Maybe frayed wires that shoot off sparks now and then.


Basically I want to be able to make a place look all kinds of grimy.

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I want some kind of water stuff in my stronghold. Ideas in varying degrees of plausibility are....


  • Aquariums (probably not going to happen; but I can dream)
  • Fountains
  • Ponds
  • Reflection pools
  • Pool/hot-tub



I really want all of these. I'm thinking of the Makeb large outdoor fountains would be beautiful to have, as well as the reflecting pools/fountains on Alderaan. A hot tub would also be awesome!


-Those pretty blue lights outside of homes on Makeb


-The star map from Tulak Hord's tomb


-Mannequins for armor displays


-Voss chandeliers


-More crystals to put on display - purple, red, blue, green


-Banners from every single one of the Alderaanian houses (I see Ulgo, Rist, Alde leaked from packs - but what about Teral, Cortess, Organa and Thul)?




-The blood pool from Korriban


-A variety of extra NPCs - not just Sith and Republic Troopers, but acolyte Sith or young Padawans, Mandalorian mercenaries, Imperial and Republic uniformed troops who aren't in armor (think pilots or II agents), smugglers, etc


-those kneeling statues holding rods from the Korriban tombs (the ones you loot for


-Those landscape paintings you can see inside Makeb houses


-The crystals you can see in the underground ruins of Tython (where the Consular confronts Rajivari)


-Shelves with multiple holocrons, like the ones above the Warrior/Inquisitor trainers on Korriban


-a giant sith throne


-Palm trees from Darvannis

Edited by Capella
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Monument of Lord Ergast, the massive engraved pillars in Kaas City (-329, 24 ish)

Corellian flag and banner

Sand people tapestry

Sand people backet/vase

Holocron behind a force field (like on Oricon)

Red padded temple chair

A duct/vent opening for floor or ceiling

Temple chairs styled more after Koror 2

Kotor 2 sith fighter ship

Some non-cube, non-pyramid holocrons, like smaller versions of the one in the Jedi Temple

Onderon styled pillar from Kotor 2

Nullification resin coated artifacts from the Kotor comics.

Juda's desk from BH story with lamp and plant

Nemero'a blonde slave

Sewage looking pipe wall decoration like in the stairway of Nemro's palace

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Overall I LOVE this expansion. Getting decorations into the guild, however, sucks.


1) Allow me to donate a decoration to the guild from the main housing decorations page (in a new button next to the "place" button); that's where I'm looking at it, that's where I know if I want to add it to the guild or not. Why should I have to make it a n-step operation of: - get unlock, drag unlock to guild bank, then decorate as normal


2) Allow me to convert a personal decoration into a guild decoration. Once I click the unlock, I lose the ability to change my mind.


3) Why do we need multiple ways to get unlocks into the guild? (e.g. drag this unlock, pay for this unlock, etc). Just have a single "donate to guild" in the main decorations list when I am decorating, and bring up the appropriate payment mechanism if needed.


It's OK if this is a one-way move (e.g. to guild and not from guild)

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Not sure if it's been suggested or not already (33 pages of suggestions to check seemed a bit daunting), but some Imperial Guard NPCs would be cool - something along the lines of General Heskar, but with the full helmet too. The Imperial soldiers are nice to have, but there's just some places in the DK stronghold that would just look better with those long red robes. :D
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