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Hood Toggle has been "in the works" since February, 2012


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Hey Pingonaut,


I know that hood toggle is something we have talked about intermittently at some cantina tour events but I know we haven't made a more "formal" reply about it on the forums. We know that this is a feature that some players really want to have as another method of customization for their characters. As it stands right now, this is not a feature we are actively working on. However, I can tell you that our team also has interest in this as a feature and it is something we regularly revisit to try to fit into our development schedule. Unfortunately it just isn't something that is in the cards at this time.


Hope that answers your question.



I'm happy to hear an official response. While it may not be being worked on at the moment, the developers still have it in their heads and discuss it. That's all I need.


original post:

It has been more than two years since the game launched, and that's two years of players asking for a way to toggle the hoods on their outfits. In this Community Q&A from February 2012 we were told that the hood toggle likely be in the next major patch after Game Update 1.2. Delays are acceptable, this is not.

NiklasWB: When will you make it possible for Force-using characters to pull up/down their hoods on their robes?


Damion Schubert: This is in the works now. It won't be in Game Update 1.2, but should get done in the next major update after that. And yes, we will extend this functionality to your Force-slinging companions as well.

He even goes so far as to say that the functionality will be available for our companions, as well. This means that the feature was being tested and worked on enough to where they could release such information. If there were problems or bugs with the hood toggle option that kept it from being released, why not tell us? Why just leave us in the dark, waiting for a word about it for two years?


Why did they suddenly stop talking about it? Did they forget? Were they hoping we would forget? Just give us some explanation. Be it good or bad news it cannot be worse than knowing nothing at all.

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I don't know if they ever said they stopped working on it or not though.


We would have heard it if they had mentioned ending it at all. I can't think of any mention of it after 2012, which is ridiculous. Say it's delayed, say it's canceled. Just say something.

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This is the reason why they have stopped giving pieces of information like that until they are completely ready to show it and they are certain that it's coming. People always get carried away by it, thinking that it's 100% certainty that it will come when they say things like that. What the probably meant that it was in a planning stage but later had to divert resources.
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This is the reason why they have stopped giving pieces of information like that until they are completely ready to show it and they are certain that it's coming. People always get carried away by it, thinking that it's 100% certainty that it will come when they say things like that. What the probably meant that it was in a planning stage but later had to divert resources.


How is hoping for a hood toggle when they said they were working on it two years ago getting "carried away by it?" The point of the matter is, if you need to use the resources elsewhere and postpone the update tell us. Two years is a long time to wait for any bit of information.

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How is hoping for a hood toggle when they said they were working on it two years ago getting "carried away by it?"
In software development, things can change pretty quickly, new things become priorities, other things are being put on hold, etc.

Around the times of The Great F2P Switch, almost everything was put on hold while EA adopted a waiting pattern to see if the game will resurrect itself. When it did, a lot of things were given green light again. Hood toggle was probably not focused as much, because of many problems with it (drawing new models for every hooded item in game, animate every different kind of hood, etc). So it could be worked on, but it does not have any large priority.

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They might say more if people didn't freak out about every single thing they get told.


I think it can be assumed that other things took priority because people were freaking out about other things more. I mean, they're not going to say, 'sorry, that's on the back burner while we service QQ about x, y,z,' because then there'd be flailing about that too. You don't hand a toddler a bottle then 'enjoy the bottle because we're not going for ice cream.'


Also, Aries_cz is exactly right.

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It's no different than the road map. Players asked for it and so the devs gave an approximate timeline for everything, and anything that didn't go exactly according to plan became a screamfest by some players. It's life, not everything happens as expected or desired, but some people seem to think that because this is a game reality ceases to be.
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How is hoping for a hood toggle when they said they were working on it two years ago getting "carried away by it?" The point of the matter is, if you need to use the resources elsewhere and postpone the update tell us. Two years is a long time to wait for any bit of information.


Why do you need to be told that which has already been implied? By your own admission, it has been over(!) two years now.


If you fall in love with a girl, ask her to marry you and she tells you she needs time, only to go missing for more than two years or so, will you still be considering if she wants to marry you? The fact she went AWOL is not a clue by itself?

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They also said cross server was in the works at the same time and would be coming soon.


They said a lot of crap that didn't hold true. This one is especially jarring when you think of it...



Current projections, he says, show enough success that BioWare is investing in the future and keeping the entire team of hundreds of people together.


"Unlike a lot of other game companies that, once they launch a game, downsize their teams radically, our plan is to keep the team together and continue to focus on building content."


Indeed, Ohlen says his experience has been that, once a game is finished, he always moved on to the next game right away, sometimes even before the game was done. But SWTOR will be different, he insists. (...)

Haha. Right. :rolleyes:

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You know? Thanks for reviving this.


I was like "okay" with it when they said there won't be a hood toggle (even though they had us for 2 years in the dark). Okay, I was fine with it. Because there was so many stuff coming in the cartel market it was really safe to assume and expect that there will be, finally, some new Jedi robes with their HOODS DOWN, because it just can't be that 80% of Jedi robes out there are featuring forced hoods. Yeh, we got one or too. I trusted them when they said, just before month before cartel market, that we're going to see ARCHETYPAL ITEM SETS for for the classes. I've yet to see archetypal Jedi robes on the cm.


If they don't want to make Jedi robes then I am going back to the hood toggle.


And this excuse, which you guys mentioned, about remodelling and re-doing old stuff... THIS IS NOT TRUE. They could have implemented the hood toggle on certain armor sets, ignoring the old stuff.


"Oh no they'd have to bother and make hood up and down models..." Yeah, they do it right now alright! Look at the Temple Guardian chest piece with TWO hoods.


Thx Pingo.


Time for the Second Crusade!


PS: I'd buy hood toggle and traditional Jedi robes even if CC cost was featured four or five zeroes.

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If they release hood toggle options then they cant re-release the same stuff with the hood down on the cartel market. Gotta milk your consumer base somehow.


The game has to be supported somehow. Realistically, this is probably the major reason the toggle hasn't been released, but can you really argue with that? Logically, I mean?


Given the fact that the cartel market gets the cost of at least a sub and often the cost of an entire new game repeatedly from most if not all players on a more than monthly basis, why should they undercut themselves?


F2P is a great example of 'be careful what you wish for.' F2P flipped the table and created an entirely new gameboard. No game gives away more for free than this one so it's a bit disingenuous to complain too loudly about the limitations that come with it.


It may be that they'd genuinely like to add a hood toggle, but doing so would require that they have a way to make up for lost income in that they'd be limiting their own sales.


As was mentioned earlier, things change and they especially change when the entire funding structure changes. I'd have preferred that people had more patience at launch instead howling on the internet in a way that damaged subscription growth and demanding f2p, but we are where we are, with the need to maximize monetization that goes with that.

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Why do you need to be told that which has already been implied? By your own admission, it has been over(!) two years now.


If you fall in love with a girl, ask her to marry you and she tells you she needs time, only to go missing for more than two years or so, will you still be considering if she wants to marry you? The fact she went AWOL is not a clue by itself?

This is not a relationship.

I was like "okay" with it when they said there won't be a hood toggle (even though they had us for 2 years in the dark).

Did they say this?

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This is not a relationship.


That's not the point last I checked.


The point is that people asked them something, they said they were - supposedly - working on it and haven't said anything about it ever since.


Not sure what else do you need.


It's the same with class stories really... They haven't explicitly stated that they will NEVER create more class story content but the writing on the wall IMPLIES as much.

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