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I cant stand this anymore


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I try to play arenas and this just keeps happening over and over. Some days, I cant even get a single normal arena in.


3 games in a row, someone on my team INTENTIONALLY quit to throw the game.


Teammates constantly arguing amongst each other, calling each other names and swearing. Just play the game people.


Its pathetic, its disgusting. Is this against the terms of service or something?


Why do people even behave like this?



(Yes, the other team was missing a player. But doesn't change the fact that this guy intentionally left to anger another player on the team.)


Edit: This is a serious issue, there are several players on The Bastion who queue for arenas only troll them by intentionally throwing/quitting every game they get. Some nights makes solo arenas nigh unplayable.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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Expertise requirement for arena.


After 2 leaves/disconnects per day player is not allowed to join arena.


Both are needed.


This doesnt stop the trolls who dont leave but just run in and let themselves get killed. I havent seen that one but I hear about a guy doing that all over gen chat.

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Advanced class

Full expertise and PVP gear

Quit twice and 24 hour lockout


Now what do you do about people purposefully playing 'dead weight'?


Normally in games there are reporting tools, and if person is reported during the event, special team checking reports, then warning and then banning people for few days, weeks, or even can permanent ban them.


In SWTOR I doubt anything like this will ever be implemented, so answer is "nothing", I afraid.

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Advanced class

Full expertise and PVP gear

Quit twice and 24 hour lockout


Now what do you do about people purposefully playing 'dead weight'?


I think these could go a long way in improving arena matches in general.


As for combating the "dead weight", there really is no way to go about it other than report them and hope for the best.

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Edit: This is a serious issue, there are several players on The Bastion who queue for arenas only troll them by intentionally throwing/quitting every game they get. Some nights makes solo arenas nigh unplayable.


Group Ranked brother man. It's your only hope.

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1) Replace arenas with normal warzones for ranked. IF arenas "must" be kept then reassess their ranking mechanics and/or drop their frequency to about half their current chance in the general queue.


2) Have rating gain or loss be determined by the number of medals you earn in the match depending what percentile you are currently in. Ex: if you lose but still score silver medals and are in the bottom third of the leaderboards you won't lose any rank. Jobbers will sink to the bottom, everyone else will at least float at mid-tier.


3) Add a few new medal types for Huttball (since the traditional medals -- healing, DPS, tanking -- don't mean as much there. I would suggest awarding medals for completing passes, scoring touchdowns, assists (passing to a player who then scores within X seconds), interceptions, stopping the enemy ball carrier, and controlling the ball spawn.


4) Allow players to award additional MVPs depending on what grade of medal they earn. Bronze can vote once, silver can vote twice, Gold can vote three times. You still can't vote for yourself or the same person more than once. MVPs count for your medal total; they can push you up a medal rank but won't grant you additional votes.

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1) Replace arenas with normal warzones for ranked. IF arenas "must" be kept then reassess their ranking mechanics and/or drop their frequency to about half their current chance in the general queue.

I agree WZ should be part of YOLO queue. I think they should have been from the beginning; it would have been the common sense thing to do, and I still don't understand why they didn't do it this way. There should also be an Ob gear lock. I think it would make the YOLO experience better for most people, and my encouraged NormStars to give ranked a go.


Team ranked should be both, depending on the size of the team obviously. Without cross-server, though, the queue times for 8v8 might be a hard sell--even more so than they were back in the day. Teams would probably have to take it upon themselves to prearrange game times.


Really, I think it should look like this:


Norms. Bolster. No gear requirement. Solo and group queue. WZ and arenas both.


YOLO: No bolster. Ob lock Solo queue only. WZ only.


Team: No bolster. Mostly Brut lock* Team queue only. Arenas only. Or possibly WZ and Arenas both.


*Maybe have a required total armor rating equal to X number of Brut pieces.


Cross-server would be nice, but it's not necessary.


To me, this is strikingly obvious as to the way it should have been done in the first place. But then, I guess I'm not EA,


2) Have rating gain or loss be determined by the number of medals you earn in the match depending what percentile you are currently in. Ex: if you lose but still score silver medals and are in the bottom third of the leaderboards you won't lose any rank. Jobbers will sink to the bottom, everyone else will at least float at mid-tier.
This could work with some tweaking. It could also backfire.


3) Add a few new medal types for Huttball (since the traditional medals -- healing, DPS, tanking -- don't mean as much there. I would suggest awarding medals for completing passes, scoring touchdowns, assists (passing to a player who then scores within X seconds), interceptions, stopping the enemy ball carrier, and controlling the ball spawn.
Well the 2500 Attacker you get from scoring almost always gets you a medal anyway, at least for three or four goals. The passing definitely needs a bit of refinement though. Like some kind of Assist thingy that gets 1000 attacker points. I know you get 2500 if you throw it to a guy and he scores, but he pretty much has to be standing on or in the goal for this to happen. But then this is something that should have been addressed in beta an wasn't.


Maybe 1000 points for solo defense too.

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I don't remember the last time I played a wz with a full team. Last night we started one 3 players short, they left before it even started. Quite often start arenas with less than a full team. I figured this was normal. Republic loses 9 out of 10 anyway...
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I think these could go a long way in improving arena matches in general.


As for combating the "dead weight", there really is no way to go about it other than report them and hope for the best.




Can't remove them for the whole season, but my above thread is a pretty good way to remove them from a period of ranked PVP that would actually matter.

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playing queshball with PUGs as ranked game? no thanks
Will be pugs on the other team too so it's no different than ending up with a sin who does 5K in an Arena round. 5K? How's that even possible? The opener alone should give a person more damage...and yet it happens...way too often.


With Queshball, regardless of how *********** terrible that map is, you'll atleast get to play more than you spend loading in to the map, which is the case when you get stuck with complete tools in Arena. I'm here to play, not sure about the rest of you. Half the time ya'll seem more interested in rewards and ratings.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Will be pugs on the other team too so it's no different than ending up with a sin who does 5K in an Arena round. 5K? How's that even possible? The opener alone should give a person more damage...and yet it happens...way too often.


1) what about "problem" pugs vs premades? if its soooo big issue in regs (who cares about regs anyway?), then in ranked it would be game-ending issue for half of players (as if ranked could take at least few more game-ending issues...).

2) two days ago i've played with dps jugg in soresu form, 1 round 0 dmg 0 protection, 2 round 1447 dmg (1 force choke), 0 protection. and that even wasn't final form of YOLOs that day.


With Queshball, regardless of how *********** terrible that map is, you'll atleast get to play more than you spend loading in to the map, which is the case when you get stuck with complete tools in Arena. I'm here to play, not sure about the rest of you. Half the time ya'll seem more interested in rewards and ratings.


yesterday i was waiting almost 4h to pop (TOFN, time 8 - 12 AM GMT)... queing as tank, because everybody hates hybrids... yeah, i WAS here to play, right now i don't know what to think about it. i pay for game to play, not to derp on the fleet. and everyone who wants to say "play dps" - don't tell me how to live my life :-P i want to play as tank, as game let me to (or at least it should let me to). if i can't because of ****ed up meta, that isn't my bad, and i shouldn't pay for it.

and if pvp in this game would be top-notch, devs actively works on quality of it, removing issues or bad development...

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I try to play arenas and this just keeps happening over and over. Some days, I cant even get a single normal arena in.


3 games in a row, someone on my team INTENTIONALLY quit to throw the game.


Teammates constantly arguing amongst each other, calling each other names and swearing. Just play the game people.


Its pathetic, its disgusting. Is this against the terms of service or something?


Why do people even behave like this?



(Yes, the other team was missing a player. But doesn't change the fact that this guy intentionally left to anger another player on the team.)


Edit: This is a serious issue, there are several players on The Bastion who queue for arenas only troll them by intentionally throwing/quitting every game they get. Some nights makes solo arenas nigh unplayable.


I assume you'tr talking about Ranked Arenas? I can agree that some form of penalty is in order for repeatedly leaving/ruining such matches, but not in regular warzones/arenas. Ever.

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