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10 Good
  1. No, its never ever been up before, its been 2 and a half years they are still working on finally getting the servers up sorry come back later, gg
  2. Everyone on this server is bad and cannot compare to someone like me, gg
  3. This post is offensive to fellow chubbies like me and healmore and i would ask for this post to be taken down immediately as it is racist and homophobic and highly offensive, gg
  4. Lol conquests, so important, such good, defintely didn't spam SM black talon all day to get points, gentleman gankers so amazing /golfclap, gg
  5. Character Name FOTMdestructor69thousand Class Juggernaught Spec No spec no need for a spec Record Category DPS, prot, and healing Link to Screenshot biowarefixthisunbalancedgame.com/jugg/overpowered/gg
  6. I'm the #1 pvper and pve'er and rper and erper on the server.... but i'm fag2play so bioware wont let me sorry, this game is now ruined for all
  7. I wish i was top 96 so i could show off my AMAZING title that is so great. Maybe i'll work very hard next season so i too can have a title
  8. Rushke

    A PvP a Day...

    Late advice but don't die and don't suck and you'll be fine gg
  9. Its "totally balanced". Juggs dont have 3 lives at all
  10. As a healer and tank i can tell you the guarding serves "absolutely no purpose", why would you waste your health taking damage away from others when you could do some insane deeps in your "highly overpowered" tank spec. I just dont understand this please close this thread now thanks
  11. lol if you think theres no gen chat going on, you've never met me b4
  12. If you nubs, weren't raging on him for winning u the first round he wouldn't have quit... end of story
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