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Daily Runs and money totals


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But it sure pokes a hole in the "PvE'ers make millions every day by doing dailies" argument that some PvP'ers use :rolleyes:


Not really.... PvP'ers can make 100-200k in the same time when they are lucky, and no double creds even is running.. same with GSF'ers. 4 hours. One warzone (GSF match) lasts 15 min. Without any event, considering you did well, you get 5-10k a warzone (GSF match). Considering insta pop, which rarely happens on most server, you get 16 matches in 4 hours. 16*5k = 80k 16*10k = 160k. Add to this the dailies you get something around 100k-200k in 4 hours... Far from your 500k+ in the same time.

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I don't enjoy it, and I don't find this profitable anymore. But if you lack 500k or million and wanna get them fast - that's it. Because running chests or bargaining GTN is too long.


I guess I am just a bit more patient then. I can wait a few extra days to get something ^^

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Not really.... PvP'ers can make 100-200k in the same time when they are lucky, and no double creds even is running.. same with GSF'ers. 4 hours. One warzone (GSF match) lasts 15 min. Without any event, considering you did well, you get 5-10k a warzone (GSF match). Considering insta pop, which rarely happens on most server, you get 16 matches in 4 hours. 16*5k = 80k 16*10k = 160k. Add to this the dailies you get something around 100k-200k in 4 hours... Far from your 500k+ in the same time.


Yeah, but you're doing something you enjoy... you're playing the game the way you like to... while we are doing something mindnumbingly boring.

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I still don't get why people ignore Makeb for credits. Well at least Imperial side makeb that is. Republic side Makeb dailies are such a pain in the *** between their quest items, out of the way locations, and how few GSi missions are paired together with makeb dailies


From a Imperial run, I make around 80500 credits (more because I rounded down some of the credit payouts) in about 25 minutes between the 5 makeb dailies i do and the GSI missions there on makeb. That does not include the 6 13k payouts missions you get from the Weekly. Nor does this include loot or the sold rep trophies.

Edited by Nickious
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Very good writeup. I can post my personal findings, no where near as precise.


I do all of the dailies listed in the terminal in order of how fast I can do them, so that I get the quick ones done first in case I lose interest.


I average around 70k per daily set.


First comes Black Hole, the quickest of the bunch for me. I can do it in 12 minutes without the heroic, using a particular pattern.

Next would be CZ, again, using a pattern, can do this one in 20 minutes. A few of the higher level mobs slows this one down a bit.

Next is Illum, again, a pattern, about 35 minutes or so max, the quickest has been 22 minutes.


Section X is the first of the long ones I do.....45 minutes. Its big, and the building in the back of the map is slow going sometimes.

Next up would be Makeb, often I do a bit of farming for high level materials here, so times can vary, but the quickest I ever did Makeb was about 50 minutes.


Finally Oricon, the longest due to some very strong mobs, challenging normal missions and mob density....at around an hour. I do not do all of the dailies available here, as a few of them are pretty difficult to do solo.


So, in order of average time for me....


Black Hole - 10 to 15 minutes

CZ - 20 to 25 minutes

Illum - 30 to 35 minutes

Section X - 40 to 45 minutes

Makeb - 45 to 50 minutes

Oricon - 55 to 60 minutes


Around 60 to 70k per daily including loot and cash drops, my total sits at around 430k per character after just under 4 hours. Being able to do the dailies using patterns is very important to keep the times short, and the best one for this is Black Hole IMO....that one can be done VERY quickly if the pattern works out.

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I am reminded of an episode of Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. The topic was the disparity of the economics of the wealthy and the not wealthy.


Running dailies reminds me of the not wealthy - one earns a wage by doing something and then spends what they have "earned" on stuff they (feel they) need.


I have not done daily quests for in-game currency for years, starting in WOW. I ONLY do dailies for things I want other than credits: reputation (even then this is a means to an end nothing more; I do not build rep just to max it), schematics (via rep), items, etc. To me the credits are just a bonus.


That being said, it is good to know that one can spend 4-6 hours doing all the dailies and make significant credits doing so. So thank you OP :D

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Oricon can be fast if you get a pattern down for it as well. The key is to ignore most mobs and simply focus on the mission objectives. Pay attention to the path you take as it is possible to avoid most everything even with the mob density.


Mine approach is take all missions, then speeder out through the ship pods area, only stopping to AOE the groups without Strongs or Elites in front of the pods.


As I finish pods I head towards the area with the tentacles, again stopping to AOE groups without Strongs or Elites that drop the items to open the cave with the beast. Collect enough items, go to cave, interrupt, kill a tentacle, interrupt again and its dead.


Head down to tower, speeder past all trash to portal, AOE anything that doesn't leash. Top area same thing, speeder to door for Commander, AOE anything that doesn't leash. Heroic moment Commander, he'll die in seconds.


Head back out and find unguarded terraforming nodes (or ones that can be ninja'd without agro'ing the trash). Collect enough to open the beast cave. Kill beast.


At this point you should have enough kills to complete the Area mission and can either head to the Heroic area or QT back to base and turn in.


If you decide to do the Heroic area, focus on knowing where the easiest Champs are to kill based on your class / comp.


I tend to run double dps, so like to kill the tech user Champs as I find they do very little damage. I can kill any of the Champs if I use a healer companion, especially on a tank, but I find many super annoying and take forever to kill so rarely bother unless I find a quick group.


Anyways, I rarely do any of the daily areas unless I'm doing the Weekly and collecting extra Basic Comms while waiting in queue or for others to come online to run an Operation, but done here and there they aren't bad.


Never however, could I see myself spending upwards of four hours on one character doing all the dailies in a single sitting. I think I'd rather go watch paint dry.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Doing a full run of dailies takes more time than most people are willing to spend but if you need "X" amount of credits you can easily do just enough dailies to cover you.


No one in their right mind would run all of the dailies every day.


In all honesty, I like grabbing the Makeb weekly and doing that along with the Makeb dailies and GSI dailies. The reward for a couple hours work is too good to pass up but too boring to do more than once a week.

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Man, Oddball, you really are in a bad mood this weekend.


@OP: Thanks for the calculation. Such a pity that I cannot force myself to play any of these dailes ever again. (Luckily, I don't need to.)

he is always in a bad mood because he cannot bare anyone criticize TOR, the messiah of all MMOs

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he is always in a bad mood because he cannot bare anyone criticize TOR, the messiah of all MMOs


Way to be a hypocrite after saying all the stuff about being here for the game in the other thread and then turning around and insulting.


It is obvious that you are not here to have a serious and civil discussion about how to make the game better.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Way to be a hypocrite after saying all the stuff about being here for the game in the other thread and then turning around and insulting.


It is obvious that you are not here to have a serious and civil discussion about how to make the game better.


You'd do just as well trying to explain Schrödinger's cat to an aardvark.


Hasn't it occurred to you that he posts here only for attention and to get a rise out of people? Every time you respond he wins. :rolleyes:

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You'd do just as well trying to explain Schrödinger's cat to an aardvark.


Hasn't it occurred to you that he posts here only for attention and to get a rise out of people? Every time you respond he wins. :rolleyes:


Actually I win because I'm one of the game's biggest defenders and nothing he says can change that. :cool:

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On JC I have 15 55s and 2 50s so I just run 4 quest on each side on Ilum so it is about 16 mins per. Nice to have a few chrs. I have 4 55s on EH but haven't made time for them. I am glad TV sucks so I don't watch it. Nice thread though. I might also see about doing first 3 on Bel since they are all pretty close.
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Regarding Oricon dailies:

At this point you should have enough kills to complete the Area mission and can either head to the Heroic area or QT back to base and turn in.

The pattern I use finishes the non-Heroics at the The Tower’s Core. I then use the pyramid at the Tower to go back to base, and then take the taxi-speeder at base to go to the DF Bridge to start the Heroic. Quick and Easy. I use my Quick Travel to turn in after finishing the Heroic.

Edited by BuriDogshin
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There is a faster way to PvE farm credits in this game if you have the gear and skill to pull it off with two friends.


You can make between $5,500 - $6,300 per minute. That's 165% - 184% of the highest per minute total given in Post #13 from Section X. It also only takes about 15 minutes to complete.


  1. Create an operations group with your two friends.
  2. Set the phase to 16 man story mode.
  3. Enter The Terror From Beyond operation and clear all the trash pulls up to The Writhing Horror.
  4. Exit the phase, pass lead to another group member and have them reset the phase.
  5. Reenter the operation and repeat the process.


I tracked the results when I did it last month with a couple friends. The trash provided $85,000-$95,000 to each of us, and each clear took approximately 15 minutes. We farmed for just over an hour and made a bit less than $500,000.


The more people you bring, the less money you get as each trash pull's credits are divided evenly between the number of group members in the phase.


It's not easy, but if you can pull it off, I don't know of a faster way to farm credits through PvE gameplay.

Edited by Levram
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Honestly - if I spend 30 minutes a day on dailies - I feel the game-hate growing. Usually I'll switch to another game for a couple of months soon after.


I can take a grind (classic wow furbolg exalted, baby - as a horde - on an alliance dominated pvp realm!). I wouldn't have done that if it was wrapped in dailies FORCING me to a) log in and do them EVERY DAY and b) stop doing them no matter if I'm too drunk to walk anyways and might as well do a grind.


Dailies... that's just work without getting paid. Should stay out of every game concept as much as possible.


But thanks for the data. Something to confirm me in my attitude of daily quests are WASTING time NOT having fun instead of doing something amusing.


If they at least TRIED to make them somewhat plausible!

Patrols i.e. are repetative. Add random encoutners -> daily with story.

Bountyhunting random oponents on random planets would make sense.

Getting 10 litres kolto a day (and not being allowed to get another 6000 even if totally easy) makes NO sense.


Killing the same boss again on another day. Or saving the same freakin crashed pilots AGAIN... GAH! Or hunting the same unique boss for the 4th time (with the first three 'captures' bein lethal...)....


I'm spoiled. I want to see story archs and connections and smart play of situations and quests that are interconnected! Something that proves some wit and brains and story and does not feel like "kill the single one and only one and unique evil overlord... again!"

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Honestly - if I spend 30 minutes a day on dailies - I feel the game-hate growing. Usually I'll switch to another game for a couple of months soon after.


I can take a grind (classic wow furbolg exalted, baby - as a horde - on an alliance dominated pvp realm!). I wouldn't have done that if it was wrapped in dailies FORCING me to a) log in and do them EVERY DAY and b) stop doing them no matter if I'm too drunk to walk anyways and might as well do a grind.


Dailies... that's just work without getting paid. Should stay out of every game concept as much as possible.


But thanks for the data. Something to confirm me in my attitude of daily quests are WASTING time NOT having fun instead of doing something amusing.


If they at least TRIED to make them somewhat plausible!

Patrols i.e. are repetative. Add random encoutners -> daily with story.

Bountyhunting random oponents on random planets would make sense.

Getting 10 litres kolto a day (and not being allowed to get another 6000 even if totally easy) makes NO sense.


Killing the same boss again on another day. Or saving the same freakin crashed pilots AGAIN... GAH! Or hunting the same unique boss for the 4th time (with the first three 'captures' bein lethal...)....


I'm spoiled. I want to see story archs and connections and smart play of situations and quests that are interconnected! Something that proves some wit and brains and story and does not feel like "kill the single one and only one and unique evil overlord... again!"


I agree with your ideas there.

I don't like the dailies either.

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I still don't get why people ignore Makeb for credits. Well at least Imperial side makeb that is. Republic side Makeb dailies are such a pain in the *** between their quest items, out of the way locations, and how few GSi missions are paired together with makeb dailies


From a Imperial run, I make around 80500 credits (more because I rounded down some of the credit payouts) in about 25 minutes between the 5 makeb dailies i do and the GSI missions there on makeb. That does not include the 6 13k payouts missions you get from the Weekly. Nor does this include loot or the sold rep trophies.



Makeb (Imp side, never done Rep) is an excellent source of both credits and comms imo. I run all of dailies (inc GSI) in approx 35 mins earning around 150k in loot - its my starting point for my daily run.


After that I focus on Sec X, Czerka, Oricon if I want comms or Ilum, Black Hole if I want quick creds.


All 6 areas will probably net me 500k and take around 2.5hrs - do that for a week though and you need a week off :p

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Ah yes, the flawless argument.

It's like saying someone likes torture because they are breathing, and everyone likes breathing... :rolleyes:


No it's not, and this analogy is just moronic. If you consider PvE to be torture, why the hell are you playing this game? Wouldn't it be absolutely foolish to do something you compare to "torture"? I love PvP, but plenty of matches absolutely suck!!! If you can't stand what you're doing, why do it? PvE or PvP?

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...I embarked on a fact finding mission of my own...


AMAZING work!!! Thank you so much for doing this for us.


It's very common that people claim you can make 750k per Ilum run (or some other nonsense) - thank you for proving their asinine assumptions wrong with actual FACTS!


I'm bookmarking your research :) Thank you!!!!

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