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What do the MMO veterans think?


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Graphics: 7/10

Sound: 9/10 - still cuts in and out occasionally at random like in beta

Gameplay: 8/10

Story: 10/10

Content: 3/10 - temporary mmo's can go thru rapid alot of changes in the first year

social element: 1/10 - sorry this game completely lacks this


over all the game is solid and only concern would be content and end game beyond level 50 which you can reach fairly quickly. by end game i mean something for all not just mindless & endless raids and pvp. that get boring quick. the main reason i left rift after reaching max level and got bored of pvp and raid after raid and itonly took 30 dyas for that to happen.


one this i have learned with mmo's over the years is yo can come back to the game 1 year later and find a completely different game. star trek online is good example of this. that game is completely different than when it had launched. everything the fans wanted the game to be is now it only took a little more than a year but now it has more subs than when it was launched 2 years ago.


so this game could also do the same if the dev team listens to the fan base not just coddle to the needs of the pver's and hard core raiders which is a minority of players that happens to be more vocal than the majority of the players which actually spend most of thier time playing.

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Graphics 6/10

Aesthetics 7/10

Story 9/10

Environmental Design 8/10

Music 8/10

PvP 7/10

Instance Design 8/10

Gameplay 8/10


I guess I give it a 7/10 overall. Anyone who gives graphics a 10 is kidding themselves. We are not talking about graphic style, but QUALITY. The cartoony style is fine, but there are a lot of texture, shadow, and other issues with the graphics. I expect these to be addressed soon.

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Graphics 7/10-Not the best, but overall looks good.

Story 10/10

Music 10/10

PvP 7/10-Huttball-ugh

Instance Design 8/10-Some are better than others

Game play 9/10- kill x creature, gather x item. otherwise great. And I like the missions.


I've been playing MMOs since EQ or NWN if you consider the AOL gold box game a MMO.


As far as the launch goes its probably better than you could expect quite honestly.


I'm sure some of you remember Anarchy Online's launch <shiver> it was the launch that nightmares are made of.


For those who do have issues with the game, instead of just blasting the forums with your issue post it with what the issue is. Don't have a threat to quit tucked in the post or talk about how Bioware failed you or any other thing like that. Give the community and Bioware a chance to help you before the threats of a ragequit are thrown.

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Graphics: 6,5/10

Story: 10/10

PvP: 5/10

PvE: 8/10

Questing: 10/10

Sound: 9/10


I feel it has potential, but Bioware need to prove they're up to the task in regards to fixing some of the many, many bugs and solve some of the PvP issues before I believe the game will succeed in the long run.

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My first MMOs were the betas for The Realm & Meridian 59 in 1996. My only real issue with the game is the UI. I love the graphics for giving me the same look & feel as KOTOR. The music is better than most other MMOs out there. Combat is superb. The Story is beyond anything I've played in an MMO.


I give it a 8/10 overall for its current state. Very solid score for a launch version.

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-amazing launch and offerings, yet Guild and Social features are minimal. (besides flashpoint/op)


-won't really be up to speed for 6-12 months with some sub big improvements in features and optimizations needed to cut it as standard


-flashpoints bore me - it was designed to play like a regular rpg except with friends - i think 1990's again


-World zones aren't hugely spectacular in design, but have great visuals and characters (mostly not enough interaction beyond storyline stuff)


-its not a pvp heavy hitter, nor going to be anytime soon but maybe in the distant future but,


-Warzones are EXCELLENT


-not likely subs will continue to astound for longer than 6 months


-many mmo's start magnificintly but don't stand the test of time.

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I've been playing mmo's since DAOC, including WOW, WAR, AION, RIFT, EVE, EQ2, DCUO, AOC, and I probably forgot a couple more. :p


Graphics 7/10 (would be higher if they would enable the hi-res textures and AA)

Aesthetics 9/10

Story 10/10

Environmental Design 8/10

Music and sound 10/10

PvP 6/10

PvE 9/10

Class design 8/10

Instance Design 8/10

Gameplay 8/10

UI 6/10

Stability and performance 10/10


Overall score 8.5/10


Really good solid showing at launch. I haven't been this hooked by a new mmo in years. The voiceovers are making a huge difference in holding my interest and getting me to care about my character. The games weakest points in my opinion are PvP in terms of lack of options for doing it and the lack of UI polish, features and customization.

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Resume, not that any one cares.


Asheron's Call




Guild Wars

Everquest 2




Graphics 8/10 ~ The graphics don't take away anything from the game for me, and I

happen to like this particular style.


Aesthetics 10/10 ~ Feels like KOTOR to me!


Story 10/10 ~ Stupid side quests, stoping me from doing the class storyline!


Environmental Design 8/10


Music 10/10


PvP 6/10 ~ My biggest issue for the game is here. It just feels clunky and almost laggy. it needs a lot of smoothing out.


Instance Design 8/10


Gameplay 8/10

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Graphics 6/10 graphics are a little dated. They still miss some characteristics like anisotropic filtering that we are used to have on a deployed game. The switching from position and delay when talking to some npc break the immersion. There is very few enviromental like there is no night, rain, time of day or object that get destroyed in instance. Graphics were hanging on one of my secondary computer so that computer cannot be used.


Story 8/10 3 choice of answer is sometime limited to choice that we would not have made. I like the codex and the class quest that are over a long period of time.


Music 9/10 I remove a point for voice where the alien say blabla and the text under is more like blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla. They have a very efficient way of talking :p


Gameplay 5/10 Azerty keyboard when you chose french language which force us to remap most of the key , key that we cannot remap, healer interface that could be better , very few thing that we can move on the screen to make it better for the way we play. Left handed people are not think of. waiting list for server where our guild are while new server are opened after people chose on which server to put their guilds. Some cryptic error code like error 1000. This is things that could have been change and make the game so much better for the first day. Things like keyboard are things that you see in a beta and that get corrected before the release. The game is at least stable for now. The bug I encountered were minor.


Installation 2/10 : Setup.exe was not working on my main computer. I had to install it on another computer and copy the installation directory. Only the english was included on the dvd so I had to download 30GB of patch on the first day. Forum that was not working on patch day which make it worse when there is installation problem. Forum that we were not able to post right away when the game was registered. I had to wait some day before I was able to post something. Error of the type you information is not valid without saying what was not valid. I knew some people that got trouble creating their account and they had no idea why the account could not be created.


Social: 4/10 Good point for letting us chose a server of our language without forcing us to chose a regional server of another language and playing with the interface in the language we chose even if we play on an english server. But the game at low level is really a solo game. It is like I am playing knights of the old republic with people in the chat to help if I am stuck somewhere. Quest are very short so there is no point in making a group to play with them for some hours.

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Graphics: 8.5/10

Gameplay: 10/10

Story: 10/10

Sound: 9.5/10



-Needs superior graphics options for those with good video cards


-Quests should be what is phased...NOT ENTIRE ZONES. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one playing this game. To give more of the idea of how your choices and actions affect the world, that would be a good idea to bring from WoW: Have WORLD phasing when completing certain quest chains.


-Space Combat is spectacular, but it could be improved by adding PVP elements.


Other than that, this is the masterpiece that is the only MMORPG to defeat WoW. And it definitely has in my book. GREAT JOB BIOWARE! :D

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Been playing MMOs since Ultima Online in 1998. Basically the game is fantastic so far but I'm holding off final judgement for a few months until I experience the end game and how Bioware plans to deal with it in future updates.


Time was with more sandbox games like UO and early SWG meant that an evening with the end game could be spent doing a variety of things from crafting to world pvp to socializing to decorating. WOW forever changed that. With the necessity of raiding and quickly boring dailies as the primary end game options.


Right now I give it a 9/10 but ask me again in 6 months.

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Graphics never play a part in any game I play. I mean WoW isn't hyper-realistic and it still proved to have its own brand of fun over the years.


Sound, awesome. The music not being on constantly, only coming in at the right times, adds ambiance that I haven't experienced. This was especially shown playing on Balmorra, with the sounds of the battlefield.


Gameplay. Thoroughly enjoyable, the conversations may get old for some, but as a fan of the style I love it, the group conversations are a nice addition to that enjoyment as its always fun in seeing your character get to respond, adding that little extra involvement in the game world.


Story. Loving it, all I can say. I've already experienced a few twists.


Suffice to say people looking for an RPG fix in Bioware style will be right at home. RPers are having a blast I hear because of it. Though, the use of shards does make the lack of players a bit daunting sometimes (people must have someone to show themselves off too, whether it be as simple as sitting on a rare mount in front of the mailbox), but I rarily noticed this myself with the environments and scattering of 'statue NPCs' I like to call them, the ones that you can't click on make the world not as empty as other MMOs, even with the lack of players being present in your immediate surroundings.


i will just repost your comment and agree 100% saves time typing

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Only people who have been playing MMO's for over 10 years reply.



What do you think about this game?



Short version for me is:


Graphics: 7/10

Sound: 9/10

Gameplay: 7/10

Story: 10/10



Overall, it's a solid MMORPG. Great story, music, voice acting, classes are unique...


It's not "next-gen" or ultra different than the standard formula. Does that make it bad? No.... It's a good game. I would rate it a 8/10 or a B+.



Seeing as it's a new MMO, more will be added in time so it can only get better.


Not saying you stated they said this, but Bioware never said it was "Next-Gen" I've been playing MMO's since 1999, (not long compared to others) but I can say I love this game and I think you gave the game a fair review.


I would give it an A though.


The problem with trying for "Next-gen" is that it'll mostly fail or the chances of failure is great. People don't like learning curves, I am talking about the masses btw. They'd get fusturated and go back.

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Love this game.


Finally, a story we can sink our teeth into, engaging gameplay, great video and audio.


this is the foundation for the game I will play for years.

Holds the elements I enjoyed from a myriad of games, and then added it's own touches. (some bold and massive, like the voice overs)

Loved it so much I bought 3 copies for friends for xmas so they wouldn't put it off.



MMO player since the phrase was coined on the box of m59 in 1996

















and, now, finally SWTOR

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Questing and PVE aspects so far 10/10


PvP 1/10



Yes, one out of ten because the delay is horrifying. If you don't have smooth flowing combat in pvp your game will die, period. Look at all the other games that its happened to because of it, Age of Conan, Rift, Warhammer. swtor will sadly be yet another statistic in failed MMO's if they don't fix this fast. PvE raiding is only fun for a couple months.

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Great story, but thats not hard with an IP like this one. PvE is pretty good, a few bumps here and there.


PvP on the other hand is pathetic. A few solid classes, a few op and a few utterly weaksauce. But thats not the issue with PvP because those things can be fixed. Its the total lack of open world pvp with consequences, objectives, and rewards.

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im guessing ppl who dont rate the graphics 10/10 have crappy computers, neither rift nor wow at max settings even come close to this game.


that aside (mmo vet 14 years mind you) this game is leaps and bounds ahead of every other mmo made, this game actually feels like an rpg (no auto-atk). i remember eq1 where combat consisted of hitting A (auto-atk) and hoping you win the battle via RNG. but this game wins because of it's story and detail to classes. graphics and sound are amazing, gameplay is rpg-like (1.5 gcd makes abilities require thought instead of the 1 gcd of wow which is a "who can spam buttons faster" fest), but story is what puts this ahead of everything else. tera is coming out and does not feel like an rpg at all, combat is real-time (think soul caliber 4) and the story is non-existent, the only thing tera has going for it is the political system. but tons of ADD ppl will love the soul caliber gameplay, they will get their controllers out and have lots of fun! but that's not for me, if i want to play a console game ill get my console out, if i want to play an rpg ill play swtor.

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My one major concern is the Sharding, as every MMO I have ever played that followed this ultimately failed. More specifically is the level they have taken Sharding to, in that a new instance is created when about 100 people hit an area, which is extremely sad.


I truly believe that if Sharding isn't removed, or heavily modified, this game will not last the long run. Which is truly sad, because from the RPG standpoint, it is a great game and I am having a blast with it. But as it has been stated before, right now it feels like a really awesome single player RPG with a chat box.


I don't know why BW thought they could make Sharding work when it has killed so many others and the general feeling of most players is negative.


So as a single player game, this is top notch and fantastic. As an MMO, it isn't living up to what it could be.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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Only people who have been playing MMO's for over 10 years reply.



What do you think about this game?



Short version for me is:


Graphics: 7/10

Sound: 9/10

Gameplay: 7/10

Story: 10/10



Overall, it's a solid MMORPG. Great story, music, voice acting, classes are unique...


It's not "next-gen" or ultra different than the standard formula. Does that make it bad? No.... It's a good game. I would rate it a 8/10 or a B+.



Seeing as it's a new MMO, more will be added in time so it can only get better.



Graphics: 4/10

Sound: 9/10

Gameplay: 3/10

Story: 8/10



3 on gameplay due to the overall lack of fluidity of the combat mechanics, and lack of any real cohesion of class abilities. (most of the classes feel like they rushed them through development without any real thought)


4 on graphics becuse well there honestly dated, and i absolutely hate the character models and "stylized realism"

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I agree with the OP pretty much down the line. I've been playing "MMOs" since you had to play Doom via a BBS....yes...I'm old.


The one thing I will say for this game, is that I actually do care about the story and my character. I think for the most part, the writing is fantastic. The story lines are mostly engaging, and seem to push the right buttons.


As someone who has played a billion MMOs, if you would have told me I would care about my character while leveling, I'd say the odds were at least 100-1. That's no small feat to pull off, and one that is appreciated.


I know that Bioware sort of rolled the dice when it came to going all in on story line, and for me it works. Who knows if it will hold up longer that a really deep single player game, but time will tell.


For me, this game is Kotor 3 multiplayer, which is not a bad thing. My only reservations are really what the game is going to be long term in order to justify it as an ongoing subscription. They've done a great job in the initial stage of hooking the player in, but MMOs are all about retention.

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Graphics: 7/10


I like the graphics but they could use some touch up here and there.


Sound: 10/10


Sound is outstanding. All the voice acting is delivered great and is clear and easy to hear. The music is great and is used in a way that really catches the feeling of the films.


Gameplay: 9/10


Gameplay is a lot of fun. Combat in this game is the second best combat in an mmo I have ever played (the first being DCUO). The quests are a lot of fun even if a lot of them are just kill x collect y quests.


Story: 11/10


The story is great. The main stories are just awesome and even the sidequests are really interesting.


I am in love with TOR. It is the first mmorpg I've played, and I've played a lot, that actually feels like an RPG. I foresee myself playing it for years to come.

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