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10 Good
  1. Okay, I'd like to start by saying I have played WoW for a good 4 years before this game. I loved it during BC, WOTLK, then Cataclysm came and by that time I was fed up. Back in 2008 I heard about this game, and I was so bloody excited. And I kept up with it over the years, checking every Friday for updates. Now the game has released, I'm a level 36 Sith Juggernaut, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I am sick and tired of seeing ignorant people complain on the forums non stop over ludicrous things (though many have good points). Here is where I stand on the game: BioWare delivered almost everything they said. They were smart not to over-hype and they stuck to the point. The story is magnificent, you truly care about what you're doing. The combat is VERY satisfying (people complain about the Sith Warrior a lot, I don't see why. it works very well, though it could use a little damage buff). Companions are a joy to engage and talk to, and learn about their backgrounds. Space Combat is exciting and fun, and never gets old. CRAFTING SKILLS ARE THE BEST THING EVER! No more profession grinding!!! The planets are wonderfully varied in their design and feel, along with the stories and quests. Here are the only things this game TRULY needs to be complained about at the moment (again, this is all my opinion) 1. UI--Macros, more action bar settings, etc. 2. The game is missing the 'massive' feel to MMO--there doesn't seem to be many players around, yet my server is labeled Heavy, and the phasing of zones might be the issue (I'm not talking about phasing of quests, that is WONDERFUL) 3. Lots of bugs--graphical and gameplay alike. Some are insanely annoying. Here is what I feel about people's commentary that I've seen on the forums: 1. People feel "Space Combat is too primitive"--this is true, but it is still very fun and they announced they plan on expanding this (See the post by Game Designer James Ohlen) 2. "UI needs work, especially macros need to be added" which I already addressed. 3. "Planets are too small"--Okay, they needed to make many different leveling zones. If you have rolled a toon on both factions you realize some planets are not available to you than if you were on the opposite. Each planet isn't designed to be an open ended friggin world like Skyrim for instance. Their size is very well thought out and developed well. 4. "I don't care for all the story, I just want to get to the level cap, etc." DON'T PLAY THIS GAME THEN. Of course, there are many, many more. But I am writing this at 1am, so I will retire my case. People need to quit comparing this to World of Warcraft. I don't know if it had occured to some of you, but WoW's launch--and every other single MMO launch, is INEVITABLY GOING TO HAVE BUGS. That's how it is!! It's practically still a Beta! And some of you are ready to quit already, saying things like "Ohhhh so and so hasn't been fixed yet, I had so much hope for you Bioware". BE PATIENT. The game hasn't even been officially out for 2 weeks! It is NOT POSSIBLE for this MMO to be up to par with the polish that WoW has had over 7 years! This game is brilliant, and definitely a revolutionary step in MMOs. You don't like it? Play another game, or at least come up with constructive feedback on the forums (as I am), and don't complain and threaten to quit! If you think that somehow intimidates BioWare, you're dead wrong. Again, all of this is my opinion. I rest my case. Flame me if you wish. I am interested in other's opinions and thoughts.
  2. Graphics: 8.5/10 Gameplay: 10/10 Story: 10/10 Sound: 9.5/10 MY ONLY COMPLAINTS WITH THIS GAME: -Needs superior graphics options for those with good video cards -Quests should be what is phased...NOT ENTIRE ZONES. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one playing this game. To give more of the idea of how your choices and actions affect the world, that would be a good idea to bring from WoW: Have WORLD phasing when completing certain quest chains. -Space Combat is spectacular, but it could be improved by adding PVP elements. Other than that, this is the masterpiece that is the only MMORPG to defeat WoW. And it definitely has in my book. GREAT JOB BIOWARE!
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