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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Help Stop Accidental Purchases!


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At least give the option to sell it back for full price if you accidentally buy it. I havent accidentally bought anything real expensive like some of you but I did waste some comms that way once.


That's all they have to do... just give us a window of time where we can get a full refund. I too have purchased things in error (or bought something for my companion that it turns out it can't use).


Rift (even Best Buy) does this and it is a very nice (and fair) feature. It's just good business.

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The problem is that the buy windows with vendors do NOT filter properly whatsoever. The usable drop down is BROKEN and does show an item you CAN NOT USE...its ret@rded really.


I bought a pvp item level 50 at 19 when I did select the SHOW USABLE


why was I shown a level 50 item after selecting show usable when I can not use said item. Yes I was too quick to click the buy button but I trusted that the filter was working...it is not.


Fix this, the stupid dorp down filters for armor class but NOT for level

Edited by Amnolith
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I was browsing the dark side vendor and tried to preview the speeder.... it purchases it instead (by using the keys to preview gear). 99,000 credits for a dark V rank level 50 speeder. I also had the stuff filtered to only show things I could use.


Yea, im still cranky about this one too. Sell back prices are only 10% of value.

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WTB - players who actually pay attention to what they are doing instead of whining at the game because they want everything handed to them on a solid gold platter, right now!


WTB players who dont think an inconvenient game is a hard game. (Or a good one for that matter)

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Agree with OP. I accidentally bought a Strength chest with commendations when what I wanted to do was preview the Cunning chest, and I don't even have a Strength companion. Now I have to wait until I get more companions. Fortunately it was an Orange chest so I can customize it later.


But there needs to be either a confirmation dialog or a grace period sellback or something to prevent this. It's just poor interface design to force such an irreversible penalty for a common mistake.

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Agreed :)


I also bought a 14k item which I couldn't even use by shift or control + right clicking accidentally V_V


At the time I had only 40k or so, so it set me back quite a bit. (And I don't have slicing for easy credits like my filthy rich flat mate does).

Edited by DarkPony
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should just be able to sell back items at full price as long as the window haven't been closed down/finished shopping, problem solved.


And please make companions mission debriefs appear minimized when they return if you have other windows up, last night I was going to buy something at a vendor, my companion came back from a mission and that automatically closed the vendor window down so the debrief window could fit, I closed that down and opened up the vendor agan just in time for my second companion to come back from his mission...GAH!

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I just spent my 28 commendations from belsavis on a couple of new lightsabers. unfortunately I failed to notice that the one I bought was an offhand lightsaber, so I could only use one of them. I had to simply vend the other since none of my companions can use it either... nice waste of 14 commendations I spent the entire day gathering. thanks bioware!


You're not alone here. I bought 2 offhand-only pistols. Ooops.

Not sure why those vendors don't include main-hand weapons.

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Refund, or a warning before any purchases over 10k or something. I had almost 40k for my mount training and decided to go look at some mount before I bought my training. I accidentally purchased 2 8k mounts before I had realized. There is no warning at all and if you have system notices off on your chat window (like for guild chat), you wont find out until you see your bag and the huge hit in credits.

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Someone else already said it, but allow a grace period for sellback. Rift has a nice one in place for both normal items and plaque/mark items... you equip, mod, do anything to change it or keep it, it's yours. You sell back withing the time frame, you get a full refund.
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I don't want to make light of the situation or anything, because I know that losing money or commendations on a bad purchase really sucks. But I am wondering how this really happens.


To buy something, you right-click it. To preview something, you ctrl-left click it. You shouldn't be buying things when you try to preview. I guess, if you get mixed up and try to ctrl-right click, it'd buy something. And it does suck that you can't sell it back, but I'm having a tough time seeing how that would happen more than once.


I guess it doesn't help that the loading screen tooltip says to use alt-right click to preview items.

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Hey - this is a very reasonable request and we're going to look at this topic. Thanks for your feedback.


Thank you SO MUCH for your prompt attention to this! Very much appreciated...


Signed, the guy who bought a 14,000 credit chestguard he didn't need. :D

Edited by Kubernetic
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I started a new thread earlier.


You can get a refund if you send a GM ticket.


Really? cause they just keep telling me to update my video drivers.


I tried to preview some pants....22k poorer!


I've had to submit 3 tickets to keep referring back to the first one because I keep getting a copy paste answer about updating my video drivers or checking my router firmware.

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I'm also a supporter of a buy back option. I'd also like to suggest better filtering options/filtering options that work. When I select Show Usable or something along those lines, it shouldn't be showing me gear for other classes, and definitely not gear that's above my level.
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