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Hahahaha people with bad computers, 110+ fps fully maxed out over here!! Game is amazing, you people are nuts


Bioware may not like me saying this, but I believe the overall issues with frame rate are to do with compatability issues with the game and it has less to do with what hardware you sport. The game dose not use an in house engine nor dose it use any game engine developed by Bioware or any of EA's other holdings. Bioware has been a sucker for purchasing middleware in the past few years, for instance Dragon Age 2 and the Mass Effect games run on the Unreal Engine 3.0. Why did they pick this engine? Because it was cheaper for them to do so, they had a contract deal with Epic Games which was EA who decided, not Bioware. Reason? Because Unreal Engine 3.0 dosen't require any tweaking or messing with to make it run smoothly on 6 year old pieces of garbage hardware like the Xbox 360, I know Unreal has it's own set of issues mostly to do with how it renders the world since it and causes "stretching" (also known in the industry as Feild of View range) around the edges of the display screen due to the way it calculates enviroments, commonly known as "clipping issues" but in the last couple of years, well I know since Gears of War was released that this issue isn't as obvious anymore as Epic worked out how to reduce it. Why did they pick the Hero Engine? I myself have played around with it's tools, I myself know what it can do. It's very user friendly and allows for even a complete idiot to make a game with it, that's why. Also because it allows people to add and edit assets on the fly while working in a group enviroment or online, it makes building an MMO faster and you can get a lot of stuff into it in a short time, the downside to this is that due to the ease of the pipelining of this engine, means sometimes things can get overlooked. It also allows developers to add content across the internet on the fly.


Also the engine itself has compatability issues due to the fact it only single-threaded I guess... it can not do multi-threading yet, although with many single-threaded game engines, I seem to run them just fine... so that might be a guess on some person's part.


Long story short, For SWTOR, they are using the HERO ENGINE. So if it's an engine related issue to do with game compatability with different hardware and driver software means it's a game engine issue related to the content which Bioware put into the game. Meaning they would need to contact Idea Fabrik Inc who are the current owners and programmers of the engine licence about the issue.


With this aside, my biggest gripe is in the poor customer service, part of Blizzard's success is their unsurpassed customer service, you have an issue, up till 3 years ago a GM would answer you in person in the game and had the unrestrained power to do anything, even manipulate what happens in the world itself, like spawn enemies or remove control of a character from it's player.


It's only in the last couple of years their customer service has dropped in quality, partly due to the extreme amount of overwhelming petitions and also due to the change of support staff thanks to, guess who? Activision.


A community is what makes an MMO strong, without that community it is nothing, also for $15 a month subscription people expect you to get on your hands and knees and clean their feet. And that's what you have to do, if you want people's money you need to provide them with a good reason to give it.

Edited by TrooperStomper
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Fps has with the internet and how much frames you can load at once...

Frame per sec or framerate per sec graphic card + internet infect the FPS i got 45 - 59 fps on all planet but on taris it goes down to 30 - 40 ... its still playable. I got 4g internet so i get great connection.


Can add more things that can afflict damage to your fps. Bad fens in computer or a damager internet card. I had a fen that started to melt (bad fen!) fps dropped lika rock. Wow has bugs that makes people fall down thiere ground and die happen to me 4 times.



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After the first several days of putting up with this game, I am about to.


This game most definitely was NOT ready for release. The bugs are too numerous to list and many are major ones. Bioware is not paying me for my time to generate a proper bug report and so I will not further waste it.


Here are just a few...


1. Numerous archeology nodes on every planet I've been to so far cannot be interacted with. Mousing over the node does not cause the cursor to change and right clicking on the node does nothing. Yet it shows up on the map as a node. A minor thing perhaps, but very annoying when you kill your way through a bunch of mobs to get to it. How did such a thing make it to release?


2. When interacting with a pvp gear vendor, selecting the sort option to show me only gear that is useable by my character does nothing. I am still shown the complete list of gear available even though I cannot use the vast majority of it.


3. I constantly need to dismiss and then re-summon my companion to get him to be with me when I jump off even a small ledge or rock. This is not 100% of the time, but often enough that I wish I had a macro for it.



These are just a few things that I can think of off the top of my head. If I actually cataloged every problem encountered in the game, I could write a book.


Here is the BIG one.


My son's BH has been completely prevented from progressing in the game as he cannot move past a class quests.




This is now known to apply to male BHs as well as my son has experienced it. Right now, he cannot progress his character at all and this condition is going on two full days now. The reply to his in-game ticket took well over 24 hours and it was a canned reply at that.


24+ hours for a canned reply with no specific information about what is being done to resolve the issue nor any estimate of a time frame to do so? This company knows nothing about customer "support".


My gameplay experience is well less than optimal and I am now wondering why I payed for 3-months up front.


I am now about to go see if I can cancel the account for a full refund.




You seriously need to fix this game. It has great potential and there is much to like about it.


However, it was (still is) NOT ready for release. Not even close. I for one would much preferred to of waited another month or three for a more mature product than to be asked to pay a subscription just so that I can beta test it.


Please get it right.


You are incorrect, teach your son impatience and petulance. ALL..games...are...bugged...on ...release.


Console games are sending patches now, MMO's have literally never not had bugs, its part of the absolutly massive gameworld/mechanics. There's lots of room for things to go wrong and if you can't except that then stop playing all video games.

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my FPS is 60 all the time.. buy a new computer


You really have no clue how badly optimized the SWTOR engine is apparently. Just because you have 60 FPS doesn't mean there aren't issues.


This engine is a resource hog compared to the graphics it is delivering and there are quite a few memory leaks as well.

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You really have no clue how badly optimized the SWTOR engine is apparently. Just because you have 60 FPS doesn't mean there aren't issues.


This engine is a resource hog compared to the graphics it is delivering and there are quite a few memory leaks as well.


Ah here we go with the whole memory leak thing again. Nothing I have seen from anyone so far has to do with memory leaks. I hazard a guess you dont even know what a memory leak is. I have checked this game and while yes it is a resource hog there are no memory leaks. If you are having memory issues you either do not have enough or your system needs to be optimized.

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You really have no clue how badly optimized the SWTOR engine is apparently. Just because you have 60 FPS doesn't mean there aren't issues.


This engine is a resource hog compared to the graphics it is delivering and there are quite a few memory leaks as well.


On what evidential basis, we need constructive reports, not baseless statements.


Do a video or run a hardware analysis report whilst playing then supply this on the forums or to Bioware, HELP them improve it if you believe its the engine and not something to do with your PC

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Oh yea! lets complain about this game! yeeeah!

because it doesn't have any major flaws lets complain about the polish of the game!


Pffft, I remember wow launch, was damn unplayable for the first few months with the servers down more than up.


Buuuut, it turned out great... and then worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and so on.


Just give them some time to fix the polish and you will have a great game, but by jumping boat straight away for small stuff like this, meh, you should go back to wow where the game spoon feeds you and wipes your rear >_>

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Yeh i'm gonna cancel due to fps issues getting 110 fps on max settings...oh wait. My pc is a year old and it didn't even cost that much back then, it's not even that good. Get a decent spec pc before crying about fps issues, don't expect to play brand new games on your intel celeron 1.5 ghz with onboard graphics.
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I have two level 20+ characters and my fps has never been below 60 and I've never ever had lag or dc issues.


Honestly, get a better rig and internet connection before the 0.1% of you complain about this game being a fail.


This game has a soul. The cutscenes and choices are always entertaining and the combat is aweosme. Thanks Bioware for another great game!

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I guess it won't help for me to post my FPS then (it runs around 132 in game).. but then again I have a PC built for gaming and not trying to play this on my Tandy TRS-80 with 16k of RAM.


All jesting aside - The prob most like more related to machines running 4gb of RAM as that seems to be the most common denominator across folks having issues. I'm on an NVidia running the latest 290.53 beta drivers and the game runs extremely well on max settings.

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while i'm not having any major issues, there are countless bugs in the game, the vendor usable items option really doesn't work, if you try it with a vendor that sells droid parts they are still listed, as a sith sorceror heavy armour is useless as are blasters and many other weapons the list doesn't change regardless of class.


while i'm not getting the fps issues many get, playing every other game i can happily watch youtube while playing and see no drop in fps, yet if i watch youtube while playing swtor my fps in game drops to 10 from 100, sorry folks but that is a bug and a pretty bad one.


usually i am doing rendering in photoshop and 3d studio while i play my games but that is something i can't do in swtor, so my play time is now severely limited as i need to be able to do that as a priority.


given this is the only game i have ever played that has this effect i'm kinda annoyed, not overly annoyed as i just quit the game and do it and play something else.


but seriously either bioware quite severely underestimated the minimum requirements or the code needs some serious optimisation done to it.


will i quit? hell no i enjoy my time in game to much, but right now there isn't hardware on the market that will net me the performance i need to multitask.


countless bugs though, i honestly think they skipped a step pre launch to see how well the game actually runs with a release client, people that could play the beta finding they suddenly can't play the release version...thats just to close to the mark of we changed some visual coding or turned on something that was previously off.


some bugs are ok and can be worked with, others not so much. i hope to see some quick patching soon.

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I have two level 20+ characters and my fps has never been below 60 and I've never ever had lag or dc issues.


Honestly, get a better rig and internet connection before the 0.1% of you complain about this game being a fail.



This, i hate it when people bash the game because of their crap systems.

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You have heard a small vocal minority. The game is working flawlessly for many hundreds of thousands of players.


SO TRUE! I have personally experienced very few game bugs and no drops in FPS whatsoever. My rig is not exceptionally good and yet I'm running most settings on high. Honestly, whiners and gonna whine like always but in 9/10 of the cases it's their own fault.


To the OP, seriously dude? Your companion disappears when you jump down a ledge? End of the world incoming!

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You could have a computer made for NORAD and this game will still dip below 30's at time, so stop lying ffs.


The engine needs much work.


I re-installed, rolled my drivers 5 months back and now have acceptable frame rates outside of pvp. In pvp right when the ships start getting shot at my frames drop to 15fps. So my pos computer pumping out 110fps drops to 15fps is because it's a pos? Probably, but this game SHOULD NOT be eating this much frames. The looks does not justify its performance.


I am pretty happy with what I am getting till my sub runs out, and if it is still the same well, then I will either have to be content with no pvp battlegrounds, or unsub and find something else to do.


I am happy with only one, you guess. :D

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You could have a computer made for NORAD and this game will still dip below 30's at time, so stop lying ffs.


The engine needs much work.


I re-installed, rolled my drivers 5 months back and now have acceptable frame rates outside of pvp. In pvp right when the ships start getting shot at my frames drop to 15fps. So my pos computer pumping out 110fps drops to 15fps is because it's a pos? Probably, but this game SHOULD NOT be eating this much frames. The looks does not justify its performance.


I am pretty happy with what I am getting till my sub runs out, and if it is still the same well, then I will either have to be content with no pvp battlegrounds, or unsub and find something else to do.


I am happy with only one, you guess. :D


Why if it is truely the engine do I not have the same issues?

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You could have a computer made for NORAD and this game will still dip below 30's at time, so stop lying ffs.


The engine needs much work.


I re-installed, rolled my drivers 5 months back and now have acceptable frame rates outside of pvp. In pvp right when the ships start getting shot at my frames drop to 15fps. So my pos computer pumping out 110fps drops to 15fps is because it's a pos? Probably, but this game SHOULD NOT be eating this much frames. The looks does not justify its performance.


I am pretty happy with what I am getting till my sub runs out, and if it is still the same well, then I will either have to be content with no pvp battlegrounds, or unsub and find something else to do.


I am happy with only one, you guess. :D


That's odd? How come my i haven't dipped below 60 except on about 3 occasions in total when my pc has been on for 2 days straight, and im only using an i5 2500k and gtx480?

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