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Everything posted by Hostee

  1. very cool, tyvm for taking the time to post.
  2. RIght now I'm a sub because I purchased the rise of the hutt cartel xpack and I have a question.... If I decide to purchase a sub with gametime cards instead of a CC, will I still be able to get the 500 cartel coins per month?
  3. Don't you also get the fleet pass ability? Or did that come with a subscription, I can't quite remember.... I just subed yesterday and added a security key at the same time so i'm not sure whether or not the fleet pass came with the key....
  4. Threatening to leave this MMO for an Elder Scrolls MMO that isn't even available yet??!?!?!? Pure win!
  5. I will NEVER roll Republic. Are you kidding me? I'm a FREAKING SITH! I kill JEDI in my sleep. The dark side of the force gives me FORCE LIGHTENING! I can't believe you asked us this.....
  6. Screw being nice. I'm a freaking Sith PUREBLOOD, I kill EVERYONE just to get what I want and I freaking LOVE IT!
  7. The only person your hurting is yourself. You won't get access to some of the best weapons and gear you can get while leveling up if you don't pick a side. There is absolutely NO BENEFIT to going Neutral.
  8. Obviously this is your first MMO game. Why in the world would they want to change this? You know how much money I make by looting Blue/Green/Orange gear for other classes then selling them on the Auction House? A lot. It encourages you to socialize with other players.
  9. What rotation do you guys use? I've been having a lot of questions regarding the type of rotation I should be using.
  10. You can give you companion stuff? What do you give him food or something? The only thing I've found is those things that increase his affection for him.
  11. So how does your choices affect you later in the game? Do you get any rewards for going all LS or DS choices?
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