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People, it's been two years and I cannot take this level of derp anymore.


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On defense, in voidstar and you're waiting for the bridge to come up, please for the love of all things holy do NOT grab the speed or damage boost until a bridge is actually activated. It's the little things that set me off.
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What about the gentleman who gets killed before the bridges are down, spawns and immediately takes the red wz buff on the little platform while waiting for the bridges that are not yet down. What about that fine gentleman. lol.


EDIT: Oh wait thats what you were talking about and im dumb...I see. :rolleyes:

Edited by Smuglebunny
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On defense, in voidstar and you're waiting for the bridge to come up, please for the love of all things holy do NOT grab the speed or damage boost until a bridge is actually activated. It's the little things that set me off.


But its my damage boost and I need it now!


Also the same logic applies to the damage boosts in mid of ACW. If there are no enemies around, dont fking touch them. :mad:

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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That pisses me off to no end. I am standing in front of the red buff some jerk just runs around me and takes it I've see shadow waste a speed buff CD to get it just for it to run out right before he gets one hit in.
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Also the same logic applies to the damage boosts in mid of ACW. If there are no enemies around, dont fking touch them. :mad:


As a enemy stealther i like to thank you to guarding an leaving it for me to use on you

it is the logic better grab it and waste it then let it be grabbed by the enemy and so he can use it against "you"

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As a enemy stealther i like to thank you to guarding an leaving it for me to use on you

it is the logic better grab it and waste it then let it be grabbed by the enemy and so he can use it against "you"

2 stealth ACs vs. 6 non-stealth ACs. I'd take my chances on not losing it to a stealth.


as a stealth, I do get it sometimes. more often than not, though, I get it w/o stealth while defending. non-issue.

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On defense, in voidstar and you're waiting for the bridge to come up, please for the love of all things holy do NOT grab the speed or damage boost until a bridge is actually activated. It's the little things that set me off.


Hahahahahahah :D


Of all the little things that people do, this one is guaranteed to increase my blood pressure. I've actually screamed 'WHY?!' at the monitor on more than one occasion.

Edited by Jherad
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On defense, in voidstar and you're waiting for the bridge to come up, please for the love of all things holy do NOT grab the speed or damage boost until a bridge is actually activated. It's the little things that set me off.


then start herpin instead of derpin then you will be able to take it some more

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Or people taking the healing buffs while they are out of combat with no enemy to be found in 1000 meters range..


Hands off my buffs. They serve you no purpose, and if I get them I make 100 times better use of them than you ever could anyway. Kthx

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Agreed. Not sure if that annoys me more than the derp in Huttball with 90% life taking the medpack when you're literally one step behind him at 5% health. It's pretty close though...I've yelled at my monitor for both.


this bothers me more than the dmg buff in vstar because 1) it has more immediate/guaranteed impact on the game, and 2) there's a clear priority that would benefit your team.


I have to admit that I've grabbed the medpac on instinct though, just to clear it from an enemy, only to realize as I'm doing it that there's a green plate going for it that could have used it. I apologize when I notice it and get a chance. so the point is that while the hb thing is more frustrating, I think it at least is easier to forgive. the vstar one is just someone being a D-to-tha-B.

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On defense, in voidstar and you're waiting for the bridge to come up, please for the love of all things holy do NOT grab the speed or damage boost until a bridge is actually activated. It's the little things that set me off.


This really bakes my noodle

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I could probably write a 10 or 20 page essay about all the totally stupid things I see people do in warzones. And none of the people who actually need to read it and could benefit from it would ever see it.


Basically, most people have severe mental handicaps when it comes to common sense and nothing we do will ever change that.

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Agreed. Not sure if that annoys me more than the derp in Huttball with 90% life taking the medpack when you're literally one step behind him at 5% health. It's pretty close though...I've yelled at my monitor for both.


this. thisthisthisthis...reason my last mouse died(the computer mouse, dont even..) :mad:

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As a enemy stealther i like to thank you to guarding an leaving it for me to use on you

it is the logic better grab it and waste it then let it be grabbed by the enemy and so he can use it against "you"


If I see it magically disappear I know where you are................. prepare to get revealed.

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It's kind of lkke the sorcs that bubble everybody in spawn where there is still 25 seconds before the gate drops.


It only lasts 30 seconds, and it takes 10-15 seconds to engage the enemy. Now everybody has a debuff and I can't re-shield them.

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On defense, in voidstar and you're waiting for the bridge to come up, please for the love of all things holy do NOT grab the speed or damage boost until a bridge is actually activated. It's the little things that set me off.


We can add to this list:

- Call incoming the moment you see an enemy or engage in combat if he is stealthed.

- Do not try to take someone solo when you are defending objectives. I always see sins trying to do this. "Hey, I am in fully decked obroan. NO ONE CAN DEFEAT ME SOLO." I can't tell you how many times I took objective after I fought and killed someone who thought they can kill me solo.

- Do not go to the your pit in HB as ranged dps. EVER. Even as melee it is not recommended (but sometimes needed).

- Do not try to fight in HB anyone who is not 1) the ball carrier 2) healing/guarding the ball carrier 3) in front of the ball carrier waiting for a pass. Controlling mid is an exception.

- If you are speced dps, do not sit there an heal all game (and vice versa). Yes, you should do some off heal and/or off dps, but fulfill ur spec. I see this too much in arenas.

- In VS defense round the goal is NOT to kill the enemy healer, but protect the door. They can go together, but when there is a conflict protecting objectives, which in most cases is protecting your healer is priority.

- In AH, unless you are a PT with SC loaded, do not stand within 20 meters of pylon. EVER.

- In AH, if you have both pylons (especially if you were losing before that) do not sit middle and run orbs. That is the most f****** dumb thing ever.

- Use the ancient mysterious technology that sell on GTN for 7K called stims. I sometimes see people in fully decked obroan and/or valor 80 and above unstimmed..

- If you are a tank who is not in the respawn room, I expect guard is on an ally and taunts are on CD all the time. Otherwise, *** r u doing in the WZ/arena? I do not need your 300 dps.


And the list goes on and on..

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- Call incoming the moment you see an enemy or engage in combat if he is stealthed..


I would suggest popping reactive shield or some equivalent of carbonize before doing this. you also need to live long enough for help to arrive.

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