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Player Housing will be underwhelming


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except we already have it, and it's already underwhelming.


I don't consider my characters ships their houses. More like their winnebegos. Convenient to snooze in while traveling, but not something to live in permanently.


Especially the bounty hunter and smuggler ships, those things are ugly, I feel like I stole jesse and walters old lab on wheels using them :p

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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The defenders only like to blame those who criticize or question their precious swtor.


no "defenders", along with "apologist" are just the names you use in your own twisted version of McCarthyism to discredit anyone who sees so much as a single flaw in your argument. by your logic, someone points out so much as a single flaw in what you say (and there are tons, even grammatical errors I saw in a post from one of your accounts) then they become a "defender".

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Posted this in another thread, but:


Coming from SWG, I've always love player housing, but I have a feeling TOR player housing will be pointless and feel wasted unless EAWare is able to pull something crazily amazing out of their butts. The main reason I think this is just because of the game design at its core. This game isn't set up to promote useful player housing. There's no reason to have housing here. For example, in SWG, housing had 2 fundamental uses that made it unique and necessary:


1) Housing was used to publicly (or privately if you chose) show off your trophies, rewards, unique finds accumulated over years dedicated to the game, and maybe most importantly, your craftiness of creating "scenes" for lack of a better word (for example, I made a wrestling ring in my house out of weapon power-ups and tables with R2 and C3PO inside of it) and decorating ability. It was a roadmap of where you've been, what you've done, and how successful you've been.


2) It was also used (most of the time, in conjunction with #1) as a public player shop/store/mall loaded with vendors, obviously attracting players on the entire server based on what you were selling, and thus, bringing traffic to your house/store allowing people to see all those trophies and decorations from #1. The game was based upon a player-driven economy and player housing was the perfect implementation to supplement that economic system type in a fun and creative way rather than the traditional "auction house" like in every other MMO.


In TOR, the game is designed in the exact opposite way. Because this game is based on the gear grind, there really are no extremely unique/rare finds to stumble upon while out exploring, killing, or doing quests. Therefore, there are no trophies to show off other than possibly displaying the different armor sets you've bought in the CM, which definitely aren't trophies by any means. Also, there isn't a player-driven economy in TOR because there are no crafting classes (not professions) that are mandatory to make the world go around; hence, the gear grind system. Therefore, there isn't a heavy need for player-run stores, which means there isn't a way or good reason to attract traffic to your house. Everything I can think of based on the way the game is designed just points to player housing in TOR functioning exactly like your player ship, a stationary base that will be customizable to a degree and only allow people in that are grouped with you.


EDIT: For anyone who cares, or anyone who's interested and never saw SWG housing, here's my old house from the game. Literally everything in the house (even the small items on the tables) was either crafted, looted, found while exploring, or a reward of some kind. You could also rotate or turn items on any axis when placing them, which made even more possibilities (like those dozens of trees I turned upside down in the back room to use on the ceiling).

Edited by XxHazenxX
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Housing will (only) be great if they have a robust decoration system. Otherwise it will fall flat and be a complete waste of time.


Whether they like it or not, swtor will always be compared to swg...So lets hope they don't aim for mediocrity this time around with the housing update.


Since we can't plant a house wherever we want...and storage is already easily accessible...being able to personalize the house is all swtor housing has going for it.

Edited by Vinak
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no "defenders", along with "apologist" are just the names you use in your own twisted version of McCarthyism to discredit anyone who sees so much as a single flaw in your argument. by your logic, someone points out so much as a single flaw in what you say (and there are tons, even grammatical errors I saw in a post from one of your accounts) then they become a "defender".


Well in truth, I agree with what you're saying, but we all use titles to describe the opposing side. We probably isn't the right word to use, but below are some examples that the majority of posters actually have used.






Special Snowflake

Care Bear




Those are just the ones I've seen in the last week. I'm sure all of us could add to this list. It's funny how name-calling like the above tends to go as far as being used as a derogatory term. Sure, it's human nature to classify all things into different categories, but this is starting to get borderline asinine. Can't we just a have a decent discussion without the name-calling? Ok, did that sound as stupid to the rest of you as it did to me after I read it? :confused:


Btw Sangrar, I wasn't using your post to point out you as a common person who does this sort of thing. I actually don't think I've ever seen you use these terms in all the posts I've seen from you. I was just trying to use your post in order to add on to what you were stating. ;)

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You are going to be disappointed for a very long time then.


Not really. I have gotten quite a good value for my money up to this point, which is why I still have two subbed accounts. I plan on staying subbed as long as I am enjoying progressing my characters through the stories and the ancillary PvE content. I expect that to take a bit of more time. At the point I "finish" the storylines, then I will make the decision on whether the game still offers me the same value for the money, based on my original decisions for purchasing the game, or if I should move on to something else.


Whatever may come from that decision, I certainly won't be disappointed because it was money well spent and it will be the right decision for me.

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The thing is, there are people on this forum, like yourself, who do not offer constructive feedback. It's almost like an alcoholic rehab meeting.


Here's the thing: people do not care for negativity very much. If you are *really* going about trying to alter peoples view of this game, you're going about it all wrong, baby! Lemme offer some advice. Trust me, I'll be gentle.


Would you like to offer posts that are meaningful to people who both like and dislike this game?


1) When you point out a flaw, offer a solution. This generates a response to that solution. Not a retort to your criticism. Alienating people is not as powerful as putting them on your side.

2) Avoid total criticism. The more people begin to recognise you as "Ulle (is that the name?) who is a negative nancy and not worth giving attention to", the less they are likely to become interested in what you are trying to sell. Soften the blow.



I know you weren't blessed with many social graces, but I am more than happy to have assisted you in self-improvement. Sales is all-too-easy once you've worked out the principles. Take care, pumpkin. You've got some good ideas. You're just doing it all wrong.

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I'm SO psyched for player housing! Some things I'm hoping for


- being able to sell crafted items from your house. By purchasing from someone's house you would avoid GTN commissions

- provide some new recipes to all crafters to allow them to craft items for player housing

- recieve trophies from heorics that may be placed in housing - would provide some incentive to roll an alt to replay a storyline to obtain trophies

- allow pets/companions to roam the house

- have mail/gtn terminals

- have some sort of quick travel ability to get to you house quickly


Of course there will be lots of Cartel Market items for player housing, but I also hope they alow players to craft new items too.

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I would think this is a given. I just hope it doesn't have a ridiculous cooldown. It's our house, we should be able to QT to it anytime we want.


Exactly. I'd rather not have to go through 4-6 loadscreens just to get to my house. That would kinda stink.

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Exactly. I'd rather not have to go through 4-6 loadscreens just to get to my house. That would kinda stink.


That would indeed suck.



On a different note. If you're one of those players that picks up random PUGS from fleet chat, why would you spend really any time in your house if it's not tied into fleet chat?


If your house is on coruscant, while you wouldn't miss all the lovely chat that goes on in fleet, you would miss some great pickup dungeon, ops runs.


Would you really find yourself just standing alone in your house (or with some companions)?

Edited by Quraswren
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On a different note. If you're one of those players that picks up random PUGS from fleet chat, why would you spend really any time in your house if it's not tied into fleet chat?



Yeah good point. Hopefully they'll provide a mechanism to 'subscribe' to the fleet channel from your house. I don't think it should default to fleet channel, not everyone wants to see that! But would be nice to have that option for sure.


I think player housing is different things to different people. Some people would appreciate getting away from fleet & its chat. Some enjoy decorating. Some enjoy having a place to 'hang their hat'. If we're lucky it will provide crafters new opportunities to make items for housing. Guilds could have meetings. Some may start a brothel :) Some like to conduct commerce/sell items from their homes. Whatever you decide to do...it's uniquely YOURS. To me that's a big part of its appeal.

Edited by tharbison
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-At most will most likely be 1 place on each planet..AT MOST (maybe different layouts for each planet?)

That's some wishful thinking... I'm pretty sure this is only going to be Coruscant for reps and Dromund Kaas for imps.


-Unlock items that have a set position in the home, and will look exactly the same as everyone elses "home" when they too get all the unlocks. Unlikely you will get to choose the location of these items. Unlock with credits or cartel coins.

I think locations won't be customizable as well but that we'll have an arguably wide variety of items to choose from.


-Companions will be placed in the home too

Probably but I do hope there will be a "toggable" option for that.


-Cartel Packs with banners or lampshades to put inside the home.



-Very limited customization

Depends what you mean by customization but I see it kinda like Skyrim's Hearthfire extension with more choices.

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Lets see my points, that come from a different perspective: We play SWTOR because we like this game, it is a good game, but it could be better. A lot of good options like alignment, starfighter, etc. are here, but we would want more. But developing new features, new options are expensive and hard. And this is why a lot of people see the game underwhelming. Without more time or income it won't be much better.


But predictions based on this experience lack one bit of vital information. Bioware MMO department is built on Bioware Mythic, on Mythic entertainment. We seen how a lot of other games had their housing implemented, and a lot of games like EQ2 was a bit limited in scope. Others don't have housing. We heard that SWG had good housing.


What I haven't heard that Dark Age of Camelot has good hosing. And it is created by Mythic which is part of Bioware now. What I haven't heard was how Bioware parent company EA has a lot of experience with housing (Sims Franchise) and Bioware has experience with player created content (NeverWinter Nights).


I don't see Bioware spending a lot of time and money to make things better, but I don't see them willing to spend a lot to make things worse than their libraries and tools they already have ant that might be compatibile with the SWTOR engine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I agree with you 110% OP. Wildstar/Halo 5/Battlefront III can't come soon enough.


Two of the three games you mentioned are FPS so it seems like MMOs may be more of a time filler for you. The third will have player housing as well, so I guess in the end you will hate it too and leave. I think you're doomed to be a sad, misfit panda forever.

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It would be disappointing if the housing was exactly like our current ships, but as an RP junkie (i'm on a pure pve server thanks to my husband) I like that I have an actual home to go to and maybe decorate. The only things I have been REALLY dying for and wanting more than housing is MORE story content and MORE companion interaction.


I want more fade to blacks with my companion spouses. We got married some behind the scenes nookie would be nice or more smooches. More actual stories. I know back when the game first came out individual stories being expanded was thought of as being costly for the amount of money they were getting on return, but as much as I LOVE LOVE LOVE the cut scenes (the whole reason I'm here is for the cut scenes and voice acting), I get tired of doing the EXACT SAME THING over and over again. Take Makeb for example. JK, Smugg, Trooper and JC all had different cut scenes leading into Makeb, nice. But what happened once I hit Makeb? Same exact dang story. Nothing new and shiny. Nothing ONLY for my JK or Smugg.


Please, bioware, you KNOW we want more individualized story. At least TRY to implement something to that effect in the RotHC-like expansion coming after GSH. Cause, I'm not here just to grind gear every day. I actually like the RP scope in this game, even if I do most of the RPing in my head.

Edited by Eanelinea
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