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All the healers that DPS in FP


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I like to throw in some tanking too. So far I've tanked a few FP HM' bosses and level 50 ops bosses on scoundrel. Last boss I tanked on scoundrel was Soa, the idiot pugs fell down and died so I took it upon me to put the boss under the falling "thingis" during the last phase. I healed the few survivors while doing it because I had to keep the aggro up. Edited by MidichIorian
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Flip-side of the coin, ran the new kuat fp yesterday on a dps lowbie toon I'm messing with and got grouped with two healers. 4 deaths later I never got a single heal from either of them, I was never even targeted in fact (since I see group member's ToT). Maybe that was just a misqueue for roles or something but, yeah when I play any of my healers I dps as much as I can and pull the plug immediately when it's time to do my real job. Edited by mokkh
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I've done plenty of flashpoints where I spent more time DPS's as a healer simply because everyone was so overgeared for the content that very little healing was needed. It's been a common thing for years, going back to other MMOs. So don't make a blanket statement. When healing is really challenging, I wouldn't waste my resources and global cooldowns. Most likely, as people said, you're either dealing with DPS queued as a healer, or just really new and uneducated players that aren't really aware of what they're supposed to do. Or maybe they queued as a healer by mistake. ;)
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I did a FP on my operative. The tank and I were at the upper limit of the FP, the 2 DPS were the low end. The only reason wee moved a decent pace was because I was DPSn too. No one died either.


Lol, I may have been there...my then-18 Mara and a level 17 Mara ran HS the other day with the tank/heals around 21-22...ended up being one of the smoothest HS I've ever ran.

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The only time I don't have to DPS as heals is when I'm healing a new, undergeared tank. There is not a current HM FP that doesn't have me twiddling my thumbs between heals.


While there are a few bosses that require I concentrate fully on heals and debuff removal they are the exception and not the rule and I know which bosses those are.


So basically, if you want us to stop dps in between heals in HM's, take off your gear and tank in your underwear. Go ahead, I'll keep you alive...

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I would say the one semi-viable reason not to DPS is illustrated by a recent FP run.


I was tanking an L55 HM FP on my JG (geared in 69/72s). The healer and one of the DPS in my group were all considerably better geared than me (72s, 78s, etc), while one DPS was terribly geared. It took everything in my power to keep aggro off the 78s DPS (guarded), and then I had the 78s healer DPS'ing on top. He managed to pull aggro on one of the bosses while my taunts were on CD, and subsequently die during the execute phase. We still beat the boss, but it could have gotten hairy.


This is of course an extreme example (and probably the result of some bad tanking on my part), but I would have appreciated him holding back a bit.

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I He managed to pull aggro on one of the bosses while my taunts were on CD, and subsequently die during the execute phase. We still beat the boss, but it could have gotten hairy.
For a moment I thought you were talking about me because for the first time I pulled from a tank as a healer the other day, but didn't die. Had to be a commando/bounty hunter because sage/Sor has Force Barrier and sawbones/operative have disappearing act. So Sage is immune from damage and it dumps aggro, sawbones go completely out of combat, so they dump aggro to 0. Don't play a commando healer, so not sure what they have. Thought it was Hold the Line, but it doesn't seem to work like either of the others.


The likelihood of a healer pulling from a tank is remote, but even if they do, there are abilities that work. So to me the risk is zero. Of course you are taking to a sawbones that once tanked SOA under the last pylon back when EV HM was current content. :p

Edited by mikebevo
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Well, not quite useless, but yeah, a decent healer does more than heal and then just sit there and watch heath bars like a hawk to the exclusion of everything else.


We could give the OP the benefit of the doubt (not that his petulance indicates he's worthy of it) and assume he meant healers who spend too much time DPSing.


I agree with this and the OP.


On my Operative healer (Rose) in PvP or PvE I dont DPS at all i just: probe probe cast cast... If anyones HP bar is below 90% im not doing my job... In all honesty I take people using their defensive CDs as a slap to the face thats pretty much saying healer isnt doing his job so i have to use my own $hit to survive...


In a PvP WZ if you ever see me i normally do about 1.5mil-1.7mil healing and 0 DPS if we're getting beat down enough if not i have about 500k-600k healing and 0 DPS...If i have time to dps I have have time to keep people at 100% thats how I take my role.


In operations if im playing around ill let people HP bar drop to 70% but thats my cutt off and when i play around im running circles around the tank and just not sitting still But when i decide to be serious I dont let HP bars drop below 90% if i can help it... as a healer I dont like seeing space between the HP cap and the death spot.


My healer can go in 55 HMs with no tank and people on my server trust my heals enought o go in with a DPS assassin, DPS jug, and a Mara. one of them queues as tank and insta pop go in no deaths because im Healing and not DPS'n..


Now on the other hand as a tank/DPS I hate it when the healer DPS' i cant stand it my HP bar will drop to 30% or 20% and then he'll spam heals to get me back to 90% and then all heals stop again i hate that...I cant trust the healer so I kick everytime and i place on ignore EVERYTIME i see it happen... all that needs to happen one time (which happens most of the time) tank turns boss 1 time cleaves everyone and 2 DPS drop OR off tank didnt taunt when he shouldve and TFB is now screaming and spitting on me for 10k a pop until death... also in FPs ive had healers that wont clanse and say use your shroud or saber reflect, or shield.....***??? i kick as soon as the fights over. I dont tolerate healers that DPS...Kick and ignore on the spot...if you que for a role PLAY AS THAT ROLE!

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There's nothing wrong with a healer doing damage in a flash point, as long as they're healing when healing is needed.


On the other hand, I often will stop healing people who continually do stupid things like stand in the fire. Oh, I'll warn you first. Once. After that warning, if you have a death wish, who am I to interfere with that?

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Yeah, this. If the healer is competent and knows the fight, they'll toss out DPS when appropriate, while keeping everyone's health up at the same time.


I ran the foundry as a 44 merc healer last night; all four of us were absurdly overleveled (thanks group finder!). I was DPSing almost as often as I healed, because it was easier and faster to roll through the content that way. And nobody's health ever dipped below 80% or so.


Next I ran colicoid, and there, my DPSing was much less frequent. In harder fights, the healer should focus on priority #1 first (i.e. healing) and only toss in some DPS when the opportunity arises, as long as it is isn't detrimental to the overall group.


tl;dr - nothing wrong with a healer throwing out DPS as long as he knows what he's doing.


This. No harm in tossing some DPS in now and then if you're up to speed with the heals. I'll only do it in burn phases or if everyone is topped up with heals. Even then it's usually just my basic attack. Any DPS helps though.

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Now on the other hand as a tank/DPS I hate it when the healer DPS' i cant stand it my HP bar will drop to 30% or 20% and then he'll spam heals to get me back to 90% and then all heals stop again i hate that...I cant trust the healer

this part i agree on, when useing gf you never know what you gonna get groupwise and ye 20% hp is very low to a tank if you dont know the healer.

If i know the healer better i dont mind him dpsing cause i know he wont let me die but ye with a stranger its kinda frustrating

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this part i agree on, when useing gf you never know what you gonna get groupwise and ye 20% hp is very low to a tank if you dont know the healer.

If i know the healer better i dont mind him dpsing cause i know he wont let me die but ye with a stranger its kinda frustrating


Trust your healer until said healer proves they can't be trusted.


Because a tank has more HP and better mitigation than DPS, I will often let the tank slide while I top off the DPS then hit the tank with a few big heals. This is especially true when group/raid wide damage takes place.


If it comes down to it, I'll let a DPS die because it is easier to heal a tank than to take the tanks place or heal a DPS taking the tanks place, but you have to trust that the healer knows their job.

Edited by Grayseven
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Sounds like you have been running with DPS that are pretending to be healers then. A good healer will keep you alive while still throwing out a little bit of damage.


What I was thinking too. I heal when I need to and toss dps in when I can. If your healer isnt able to heal while dpsing he/she is either really bad or not in a heal spec.



Your comments show the type of player you are and the knowledge you have. I suggest you run with some real healers before you make comments like that.

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Well you have to understand. Some people are just efficient, fast and have their system down. I can heal and do some dps to help clear things. It works very well. If the person has their own way of doing things and in the end the flashpoint is cleared, it doesn't really matter that they dps along with healing.


Now, if they are chosen as the healer and then do nothing but dps, that is a larger problem and they are either trolling and or mislead as to what class or specialization they are. I wouldn't think somebody would be THAT oblivious but you never know. If that happened to you, I'm sorry.


But again, if somebody is doing some dps scattered hear and there on top of their heals I say that's fine.

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I will continue to throw in some dps as and when I can on my sorc/scoudrel/commando heals for all of the reasons that have already been stated in this thread, but also for the following reasons :-


-The droid boss in Czerka Labs, one of the most boring long fights in the game, I am defo gonna dps a bit on this one because not too much healing to be done, (providing the dps aren't partial to the electrified water), and ANYTHING to speed it up - same goes for the other long, boring low damage bosses/fights :p


-The healer doing dps is a kind of damage mitigation too, mobs dying/not taking as long to die/being stunned all mitigates immediate, short and long term damage.

Edited by Theodrid
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Hope you include dps in that. Because most of the time when I dps it is because I am tanking mobs/adds and seriously in a HMFP if you can't keep everyone at or above 90% and dps something is seriously wrong. ;)


HMFPs are easy i pull in those, however a HM55 (which is what i said) they hit harder and most DPS pull due to tank not moving fast enough and 90% of the time i will allow this (ill send a whisper to the highest geared DPS and tell him to pull) the tank will get pissed but the DPS that pulled is able to hold aggro and a couple of times i just go into HM55s with 3 DPS and my self as heals....its not hard its just i would never do this with a healer that i dont trust... Im in full (72) with only 1 (69) and 1 (Ark) relic, implants and earpice are Ocanina and in czerka labs i tell the group to open all the chambers at start bc i can heal through the damage (if they dont I do) at first theyre like *** but after all of the mobs are dead and theyre back at 100% they say damn Rose "youre a BAU5" and i know this isnt a forum to "toot your own horn" but that one with me not in Full (72) nor a 4 piece set bonus id say im a pretty damn good healer to do that with no deaths and a 55HM with no deaths to get the weekly with 3 DPS and a healer.

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