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What made you choose your Class?


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This was my first MMO, so I had no idea about anything going into it. I picked the Merc because the missiles looked cool. The only thing he cares about is money, which I thought fit the BH quite well. Have max dark alignment, due to the money grubbing choices being dark.
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I'll be honest, when they first annouched TOR, I hated the idea of them not making a KotOR 3 (And I pretty much ignored TOR.) That was, until the 'Return' Trailer was shown at E3 in 2011. I remember watching that, and seeing how awesome Captain Nico Okarr looked with the coat, and the hat, and the dual blasters. I knew I was going to play SWTOR, and that I'd play a Smuggler.


Of course, two years later, I have a bunch of alts, but only my gunslinger, and my Marauder are at the cap, and I still use them for dailes.


In the game, while my Smuggler loves Money (I mean, who doesn't) He had a "Heart of gold" and always tries to stick up for the little guy. He always flirts with women, unless they are Jedi, then he can't. (His two younger sisters are Jedi), but the flirting stopped when Risha 'officially' joined the crew and married my Smuggler.

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I rolled a Sentinel because of what I remembered from Force Unleashed II (once you got over the lore breaking force powers and boringly repetitive "strong" enemies, you have to admit, it was fun killing the Stormtroopers in >9000 different ways :p )


So I thought I'd roll a class with 2 sabers purely because I associated that with Starkiller-type damage.


So glad the class does exactly that :D

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I stick to force users because light sabers are too cool not to use them.


And ranged weapons never work, for me, in an MMO. I can suspend disbelief about magic Space Swords easy enough, but there's just something about Sci-Fi firearms that have all the range and power of a rubber-band gun that make me think they are just beyond stupid and I can't get into them.

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My main is a Light Side Trooper Commando.


I love the Clone Troopers from the prequel movies.

In particular, I love the Republic Commandos from the video game and novel series.

I also always thought that the autocannons wielded by certain ARC Troopers and Clone Commanders were especially awesome.


It's like Commandos were specially made to press my every button.

Edited by DaxCalvo
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I started playing in open beta and because I wanted to play a Jedi in the live game I chose a smuggler for "beta" (so it wouldn't spoil the Jedi story for me). I ended up loving smuggler so much that there was no question about what my main would be when the game went live. I didn't mind at all replaying all the parts I had already seen before, to the contrary, I loved every minute of it.


I chose Republic because Empire to me was the celebration of ugly, inside and out, and I couldn't connect to that at all. I didn't choose trooper because I don't like heavy armor and following orders. (By now I have both Imperial characters and trooper characters, but none I enjoy playing as much as I do enjoy playing my smuggler.)

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Since Darth Maul was so cool in the movie, I rolled a Sin. Of course my idea and Biowares idea of the class has seen a love/hate relationship with the amount of nerfs and 're-balancing' made since launch.


Recently, I rolled a Commando and enjoying it but like the post above, rolled a Mara and actually having bags of fun. Unless you have a good healer behind you, you can get burnt down pretty quick but it's actually a good class and no, I am not a LOLSmash!


I always found the marauder a better match to Maul over the sin. Maul also uses dual blades on several occasions. I have both marauder and sin as my main characters.


First rolled a sin for the the stealth, lightning, and double blade. Later I rolled a marauder for the force choke the assassin lacks.

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Jedi Guardian because while I typically always make my main a DPS, I wanted to have a single lightsaber and not dual-wield, especially when there's no lightsaber shotos in game (as of yet). As time wore on I began to really dig the feel of the class and the character and it really suited my personality had I been raised a Jedi and in the end, a light side Jedi but with romance towards a girl like Kira (who is like any smart guy's dream girl really), it was too many wins to say no to, so I chose it because it feels like me and what I aspire to be.
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Before the start of the game, I was thinking about rolling agent, because of all his spy thingies. But when the game was released, I installed it and got into character selection screen, I suddenly realised how much bounty hunter (light-side) suits me, not the one fond of credits, but the one with pride an honor. Was a hard decision of making it whether mercenary or powertech, but finally chose mercenary (that was a new year night) and rolled black talon with random friendly marauder. Actually, I knew nothing about the game that time, but I'm playing this toon for more than 2 years as main and still ain't bored. Edited by dan_the_man_
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Which class? I've played them all, and for most of them I've played both specs.


About what I was thinking too when I saw this topic.


I'm typically more of a single player kind of guy, and when games have multiple classes / multiple gameplay styles I like to run a character of each type if I can. This is the first MMO I've cared to get into and I am so very much not the type of person to pick only one and never give any others a chance.


Let's see, technically my first character and the most obvious candidate to be called my "main" was my Marauder. I don't think there was necessarily too much thought process in picking that or going with the obvious "strictly dark side" approach with him. I think the next one created might have been a Sentinel, which of course had to be obvious and go "strictly light side". At some point I realized that they were playing very similar and I learned about how the classes on each side mirror each other. To get the other type of Warrior/Knight gameplay represented, I deleted the Sentinel and recreated him as my Guardian.


Before too long after I had my Marauder and Guardian I also had an Assassin and Sage. It may not make much sense in-character but I had them take on the opposite alignments (light side Assassin and dark side Sage) to be more different from the others.


This was before free to play launched, and if I remember correctly the max number of characters (per server) was 8, so my remaining 4 slots had to be from the non force user classes. I have no idea which was made in what order but I ended up with light side Operative, dark side Powertech, dark side Gunslinger, and light side Commando. The alignments were chosen on a "I thought it made sense at the time" basis.


I think the limit was raised to 12 pretty soon after that, so then I expanded to include the other force users and I created 4 female characters (the rest had all been male) which were light side Juggernaut, dark side Sorceror, dark side Sentinel, and light side Shadow.


When it became possible to create up to 16 characters I created 4 more female characters to fill out the remaining spots: dark side Sniper, light side Mercenary, light side Scoundrel, and dark side Vanguard.


Currently, my Marauder, Operative (healer, enjoyed healing for groups in many flashpoints), Assassin (tank, but hasn't tried much group play yet), and Powertech (DPS) are all past 50 while my Guardian (kind of started as a tanky DPS (didn't know better yet, I guess) but then switched to be a proper tank) and Sage (healer, hasn't tried much group play yet though) are in the mid to high 30s, my Commando (healer, also hasn't tried much group play yet) is in the high 20s, my gunslinger is still in the low 20s and almost everything else is somewhere between 15 and 25. The Vanguard is in the high 20s though (and dedicated to only playing with a full group of friends).


I also have a Mercenary healer on a different server that I played all the way to 55 with a friend. (We played many flashpoints while leveling and I ended up enjoying that type of healer too.)

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I picked my main class (TK Sage) because I generally like to play "mind over matter" classes in RPGs (mages, tech-geniuses and things like that), and I never second guessed my choice, even though it is not the most powerful or durable class (which I hope will change)
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I knew as soon as I saw the progression smuggler video, even before the game launched, that I was going to be a gunslinger.


Just me and my wits and my two blasters against a world of crazy lightning throwers.


Awesome cape and cowboy hat? Check.

Rolling into cover on top of tables and balanced on railings? Check.

Kicking baddies in the nuts when they deserve it? Heck yeah, check.

Wise-cracking one-liners? Getting out of trouble by the skin of my teeth? Not afraid to talk back to Sith? Check, check and check.


I love my gunslinger.


I've played one of every class now to at least 50, and I love a lot of the other classes too actually. My other favorites are my operative (agent story is stellar and I love being the underdog), my marauder (oh my gosh, she even growls), and my shadow (nothing like twirling a double-bladed lightsaber.)

Edited by CloudCastle
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I wanted to unlock SIth Pureblood so I made a Sith Warrior. Went marauder because I asked in general chat and everyone said Juggs sucked (they did at the time). Hated every moment of it besides the story (sith warrior has a good story) but got my race unlock.


Then made a (sith pureblood) commando because Jennifer Hale. Loved it, the story was perfect for a mix of light and dark choices.


Made a sniper because I heard the story was good - was blown out of the water, loved every moment. Also felt super strong!! Wow big numbers yay!


THen made a scoundrel because ew Jedi, but I wanted a republic character. Was okay, not the best, not the worst. Hated every companion besides Bowdaar.


Now I'm playing a bounty hunter because I made a sorceror and hated it. Powertech is fun - set things on fire with punches woo!!!

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I leveled a Merc Bounty Hunter and Commando Trooper sort of at the same time. I like ranged and Mandalorians are cool. I ran into survivability issues, but figured it was part of the learning curve to this game. I leveled a Powertech BH for a while and enjoyed the survivability but got sick of working for The Empire. I went back to my Commando and have been pretty happy. So far my Commando is in the early 40's. Having the tank droid, 4X, as a companion really helps. Once I max my Commando, I plan on playing my Vanguard more. Edited by rlafferty
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My wife and I (we play together)I chose our classes for the story: BTW we have no interest in post 50 content.

Started with Gunslinger and Jedi counselor... The jedi story was terrible and the 2nd act of smuggler was the nail in coffin for those guys.

Next: Operative and bounty hunter, had a blast!

Currently Sith marauder, sorcerer lv 45ish: full blown evil, having a ton of fun!

Our backup pair (switch off with to let the others gain more rest exp) Trooper and Jedi knight lv 18ish: Having fun playing fem-Shepperd and a pain-in-the-butt jedi!

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When i heard the game was about to launch i pre-ordered and started playing on Dec 19th to sadly find out i could not play on the Republic side as a Sniper....so I joined the Imperial Army as an agent and became a Sniper. Im still holding out for class defections because i wouls love to move my sniper to the republic and work for the SIS...


**Off Topic**

Gunslingers are too flashy...Snipers are supposed to pick people off at a distance without being noticed a bunch of blaster fire fron 2 pistols is not ideal to the Sniper way...PLUS what dual weilding pistol character do you know of that can hit cross map with accuracy??? it makes no sense..... IMO snipers should have the advantage of range in my book...also my argument reenforces the need for class defections or at least make a neutral class like trooper and agent... SIS agent/Imperal agent...Republic trooper/Imperial Trooper Id be happy.


**Back on Topic**

I was on a COD MW3 binge and it was a smooth transition from 50cal sniper on COD to Imperal Sniper. Lethality since Beta!

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My first class ever created was a guardian because I came over from

Wow and this advanced class was very much like a arms warrior from bc wotlk only much cooler


Every other class I have made since has been from watching other players succeed and having fun whilst playing

Their chosen classes


Guardian is still my fav above All

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