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10 Good
  1. Last time I logged on was 2 weeks ago and my sub runs out in 5 days. 1. I tried to finish up my Tattooine star fortress and ran into a bug right before the boss which prevented me from finishing it... I'm never gonna run that again. 2. I also decided to buy my first ever hypercrate after I saw that cool nexu companion.... It was all garbage, $40 worth of cartel coins for garbage. I know it was a gamble, but I didn't realize I'd get nothing of value. I like the new story quest line, so I'll play something else until this fall and sub for a bit to see what I missed.
  2. I just picked up my full set of 208 PVP gear for my sith lightning sorcerer (been playing her since 2.0), and I want to know do I need Accuracy for PVP gear? And if so how much?
  3. Soap box: IMO all content in an mmo should be solo-able (or in my case my wife and I). Once I hit the progression wall where I need to group up with more than the 2 of us I usually leave "the game" (wow, rift, lotro, swtor etc...) for a year until new content arrives. Surprisingly for the first time since being a founder I have a max level character in SWTOR and I've subbed for half a year, and I'm still finding things to do with endgame! If I discover that these nerf's prevent me from enjoying the endgame content, or if future "walls" are erected where I need to group up I will unsub and play another game. The Nerf: I played a star fortress last night with my wife, prior to the patch it was very easy. After the patch it was still easy although we died on the final boss. I realized I couldn't button mash my way through the dungeon anymore, so I equipped some interrupts and damage mitigation abilities. All in all I think the nerfs are a good idea, these companions seemed a bit OP. During the rackghoul event I questioned inviting players to do the heroic quests as it seemed our companions were better than some of the players.
  4. The 3 solo dungeons (at the start of revan but pre Rishi) gives out a set of gear. Rishi/ Yavin gives out another 2 slightly better sets. I wouldn't worry about gearing up for KOTFE, the starter Gear from Revan is good enough. BTW this gear is orange, so you can harvest for mods or wear it... Rishi gear makes you look like a pirate though!
  5. Can't agree more! So far the story quests feel personalized (like pre 50 quests) and the quality of life changes around companions and flashpoints are "Awesome sauce!" I imagine the endgame may not appease some folks, but I've subbed for ~ a year and have never reached max level so for someone like me who loves the PVE story quests, and crafting this expansion is great!
  6. Just got in, I had to wait 5 min at infinite load screen.
  7. I would like to see a future "instanced" of some of the contested planets. Such as the republics victory over Balmora, or the possible Empire's destruction of Tarsis. Did the republic ever gain control over Belsavis's massive prison breaks? Which faction actually won on Corellia? There is so many conflicts on many more planets and space stations that an updated instanced version might be cheap to produce, provide some plot closure, as well as new locations to explore.
  8. I sure hope they extend this 12X exp permanently. It makes old content relevant, and provides a fast track for those who want to do endgame material. I'd rather SWTOR give out 12X exp than a level 60 boost.
  9. The above poster has great advise. From my experience you should pick a power supply with good reviews and pay a little extra for a better model. I've had cheap Power supplies break after a year, and even fry a motherboard and video card (2 separate instances).
  10. The release of 4.0 As per Disney's request... The Emperor opens up a worm hole and players are sucked thousands of years in the future to fight beside Old Han, and Luke and their force wielding offspring. 4.0 will include: Mickey mouse pets Cartel coins can be used to buy RL items such as movie tickets and swag. Tri-light sabers Light saber guns Light saber numb-chicks and a new companion: Chuck Norris with a light saber
  11. Woot! I'm back 12X exp!!! Thanks DEV's!!! I saw this post ~ 1.5 years ago. At the time I was paying Rift, enjoying a new expansion and was impressed by content releases ever 6-8 weeks. Although this is an estimate, SWTOR was earning nearly 4X as much and I wondered at the time why can't they release 4x more material than Rift... Then I looked at Wow (which was making 7x more than SWTOR) and I realized either the developers are wasting their money on ******s and blow, or their earning are not being reinvested back into the game. I believe its the latter. Financially SWTOR is doing great, and I bet if EA would give a larger slice of the pie to the developers they might be be able to do amazing things with this game. With a new set of movies on their way they would be idiots not to invest now. But then again it is EA... http://2p.com/3754474_1/Pathfinder-Online-CEO-Subscribers-Pay-100-Million-Each-Month-On-Western-MMOs-by-Wei
  12. What I like the most about SWTOR is the story missions. What I hate is the grind between them. I've found ways to mitigate this issue exp potions, rest exp, tacticals... But by level 30 I'm usually done. I got a couple 50's, and a ton of lv 20-30's, and every time I get tired of the grind I start a new character or unsub for 6+ months, and then try again. I've played enough MMO's to realize the gear treadmill is the same, and gets outdated at each expansion, so I have no "desire" to get to max level. I enjoy the low level pvp, and flashpoints but I don't want to grind them out just so I can enjoy the story missions.
  13. What hooked my wife and I to SWTOR was the amazing story quest. At launch we played 2 characters to lv 30 and then we realized we needed to do a lot of side quests to get the exp to do our "enjoyable story quests." So we bailed. A year ago we logged on again and we each played 3 characters of different classes to lv 48 so we could at least see 6 of 8 stories (we played tank/ healer, used exp buffs etc...) We're back again but our tolerance of the leveling is getting thin fast. Its not that its hard to level, its just that I want to see every story line through, maybe see some twice through. However inevitably I have to stop the story quests and grind out some levels just so I can do more story quests. If this was a run of the mill MMO with text-quests I'd play 1 or 2 characters to max level and do end game stuff. But that's not why I play this MMO.
  14. You can't rush SWTOR, if you try it will just frustrate you. Saying that when I level an alt I usually focus on the story quests and I don't do side quests. To substitute my xp I do the daily/weekly pvp, and tactical flash points. The que times are short and the xp is good. Flashpoint ques tend to be long but can be worth it if you crank out a quest+daily+weekly with one run. Daily Space-flight missions aren't usually worth your time, but can be fun when waiting for flashpoint ques. 25% xp boost are great! I'd at least start using them after lv 30. Grab a guild for 10% boost. Legacy xp increases are fairly minor, I'd probably only increase the flashpoint xp tier.
  15. I got almost identical specs except my CPU is a i5. 8gigs of ram, 1 gig geforce video card. The game runs great!
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