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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Producer's Road Map 2014


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A new hutball is content on PvP? Is this a joke? On most PvE server raked/solo arena PvP is dead, World PvP is DEAD, and so on. And a New WZ annunced 4 months ago for you is an update? For you is a roadmap?


QoL MUST be a highlight.

NEW Ops MUST be a highlight.

Guild features MUST be a highlight.


It's a pvp update no matter how small you think it is. Open world pvp is probably going to be only during events


I still hop into pvp matches on the Ebon hawk quite frequently so Idk how it is on your server


They NEVER talk about new ops until 2 months before it's release they have done nothing different than how they done it before.


QoL is something that can be mention in patch motes and development post not a road map for the year.

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Please confirm sources because I'm pretty sure they said 2.8 was going to be one of the biggest and that they'd share more details later?


Because 2.8 will contain NiM DP, and 2.7 is NiM DF with a new tier of gear, and we can assume that NiM DP will drop the same tier (otherwise the tier would be incomplete). If a new operation comes at the same time as NiM DP, in hard mode it would need to drop:


A. Gear at the same level as DF/DP HM

B. Gear at the same level as DF/DP NiM

C. Gear superior to DF/DP NiM


None of those options are really viable for a "new" operation.

Edited by NoFishing
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Because 2.8 will contain NiM DP, and 2.7 is NiM DF with a new tier of gear, and we can assume that NiM DP will drop the same tier (otherwise the tier would be incomplete). If an new operation comes at the same time as NiM DP, in hard mode it would need to drop:


A. Gear at the same level as DF/DP HM

B. Gear at the same level as DF/DP NiM

C. Gear superior to DF/DP NiM


None of those options are really viable for a "new" operation.


My guess there's a new mini game mode coming or maybe a new galaxy wide storyline like the macrobinocular and seeker droids questslines.

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If you would at least release both nightmares at the same time it would have been okay to wait 2 months, but 2+2 is just stupid.

They make more of the one thing they care about this way.


It's actually even more amusing to see PvErs who get content on a regular basis complain that there's not enough content.


Goes to show which crowd is easier to satisfy and should be catered to more. :rolleyes:

Yeah because it's not like every single "balance" change is made because of PvP whiners. Oh wait, they are.


Remember my words, it will happen like this.

If that way makes EA the most money, then yes, you are correct.


with your digital expansions you will be spoiling us!

With what we got in the last 2 "expansions" I would say it's us who are spoiling them.


or good reasons like your feedback

Surely you are joking Bruce. You've had over 2 years to show you guys care about our feedback. Why start now?

Edited by Bugattiboy
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Just like that $150 SWTOR CE was totally worth it for that VIP pass and dumb collector's content that nobody cares about, right? ;)


If you don't care about collectors items why would you buy a collectors edition? The CE was in line with the price and in box offerings of other MMO CE packs. Its not like you had to spend extra to play Empire.

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Lol! And this is what happens when devs release a roadmap. Well... I can understand the delay and the reticence.


So, first, I would like to point out that these are broad strokes. It doesn't mean that they are not going to introduce your fave "QoL" feature. It doesn't mean that they wont add more specifics. It doesn't mean that they wont add new features that are not mentioned here.


Second, 2 digital expansions a year is a pretty good cadence especially if the expansions introduce new features.


So... everybody up in arms calm the hec down. This is a tease of what is to come. If you don't like that they didn't go into more detail or that you didn't see your cause dejour, too bad. They aren't giving everything away in this "roadmap". It is only a starting point based in no small part because we asked for a very general overview.

Edited by Rafaman
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I'm looking forward to the new storyline, and the idea of revisiting Tython and Korriban is pretty cool. Being able to track your stats in GSF is also pretty sweet.


However, as long as you keep using NiM Ops as a separate content release, and dividing up a single tier of gear between two releases at that, endgame PVE gear progression will continue to be screwed up. Since HM Ops require the gear from the previous tier of HM Ops, the guilds that run NiM Ops will outgear the new content on day 1. This last tier, HM DF/DP dropped 78 and required 72, but guilds who ran NiM TfB/SnV were already in 75 gear, and generally had the content on farm in the first two weeks. That trivializes the content and means those guilds are bored until the next NiM Ops come out. Meanwhile, anyone who doesn't do NiM Ops (aka the majority of endgame players), don't get any Operations content at all when the NiM Ops are released.


The lack of new ops (actual new ops, not just higher difficulties) is disappointing. If you're not in a guild that runs NiM, you'll be stuck grinding the same Ops and gear for at least 8 months. The current tier was released back in October, and we're not going to see new ones before June. Apart from Relics/Implants, a lot of guilds that do this content have already finished grinding this tier of gear. Waiting more than 4 more months is just waayyy too long.


For GSF, looks like 2 more months before we get a new map. The new game mode should at least help keep it interesting, but we've already been playing on these 2 maps for 2 months.

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Lol! And this is what happens when devs release a roadmap. Well... I can understand the delay and the reticence.


So, first, I would like to point out that these are broad strokes. It doesn't mean that they are not going to introduce your fave "QoL" feature. It doesn't mean that they wont add more specifics. It doesn't mean that they wont add new features that are not mentioned here.


Second, 2 digital expansions a year is a pretty good cadence especially if the expansions introduce new features.


So... everybody up in arms calm the hec down. This is a tease of what is to come. If you don't like that they didn't go into more detail or that you didn't see your cause dejour, too bad. They aren't giving everything away in this "roadmap". It is only a starting point based in no small part because we asked for a very general overview.


^This x100. I couldn't agree more. It seems everyone here has short term memory lost and not realize they did this with their Summer of SWTOR update where they didn't reveal everything they had plan until a month before or when PTS was open. I am not sure why people are so shock and up in arms when they have been consistant with how they handle releasing content info.


People beg and ask for a roadmap and when they finally get one they are up in arms. /shrug

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I'm very Happy they released a road map. Not happy with PVE timeline for end game. Two more months of farming DF & DP HM is fine I guess, but boring.


For the love of common sense please 100% drop Implant in DF NIM. Fire whomever thought that was a great idea.


I'm not planning to play much in 2014 at this rate myself. I'm not some hardcore player either, but will use a weekly pass from preferred if nothing new until august for PVE.


No PVP or GSF interest either so it limits my excitement.

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I'm looking forward to the new storyline, and the idea of revisiting Tython and Korriban is pretty cool. Being able to track your stats in GSF is also pretty sweet.


However, as long as you keep using NiM Ops as a separate content release, and dividing up a single tier of gear between two releases at that, endgame PVE gear progression will continue to be screwed up. Since HM Ops require the gear from the previous tier of HM Ops, the guilds that run NiM Ops will outgear the new content on day 1. This last tier, HM DF/DP dropped 78 and required 72, but guilds who ran NiM TfB/SnV were already in 75 gear, and generally had the content on farm in the first two weeks. That trivializes the content and means those guilds are bored until the next NiM Ops come out. Meanwhile, anyone who doesn't do NiM Ops (aka the majority of endgame players), don't get any Operations content at all when the NiM Ops are released.


The lack of new ops (actual new ops, not just higher difficulties) is disappointing. If you're not in a guild that runs NiM, you'll be stuck grinding the same Ops and gear for at least 8 months. The current tier was released back in October, and we're not going to see new ones before June. Apart from Relics/Implants, a lot of guilds that do this content have already finished grinding this tier of gear. Waiting more than 4 more months is just waayyy too long.


For GSF, looks like 2 more months before we get a new map. The new game mode should at least help keep it interesting, but we've already been playing on these 2 maps for 2 months.


You do know they release operations every 6-8 months. So its not too far from the timeline they release ops in general.

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No class continuations, no new roles, no new species = NO INTEREST!


Listen to your fan base and get with the program, I am getting sick of this same old same old mentality. I couldnt give 2 ***** about the stupid starfighter mini-game. seems absolutely pointless to me.


This game had so much potential...........

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No class continuations, no new roles, no new species = NO INTEREST!


Listen to your fan base and get with the program, I am getting sick of this same old same old mentality. I couldnt give 2 ***** about the stupid starfighter mini-game. seems absolutely pointless to me.


This game had so much potential...........


They have said time and time again they are not doing Class Stories anymore, they are not going to move from that. They have moved on, and I think its time we need to let it go and know it's not gonna happen anymore.


There is another species in the works but no ETA on it.


You may not like GSF but I and many others like myself love it and play it all the time.

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DF/DP came out in October. The earliest we will see a completely new operation will be August. That's 10 months, MINIMUM.


And there has been a new event with an ops in itself (repeatable), new flash points that are coming and we know there is a new expansion coming down the road this year.


The point I am trying to make is that even though there maybe 10 months before a new ops there are still tons of things to do in the game PvE wise besides ops. So there's at least something to do PvE wise.


PvP on the other hand didn't have anything content wise between AH and Arenas that was pvp focus and that time gap was well over a year.


We have new conent of all aspects coming. NiM is something and it's better than nothing. which have been the case for certain groups of people for quite some time. There's at least something coming for everyone in the next few patches.

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Unfortunately, I will still get civil war 90% of the time. Ugh. :(






I hope you guys continue adding new content to GSF!

i.e New weapons, and abilities in minor patches every now and then.


I should probably give GSF a whirl at some point...




Sad thing is the Devs probably categorize the GSF stuff as PvP content. lulz



Not a word about PVP... not one thought even.


New Huttball Map (which is potential awesome).

New PvP Season. Not sure what the new season entails, but there you have it.


Also, I think BW considers GSF to be PvP content. If that's the case, (and I'm not agreeing that it should be), then PvP is getting love in every update. lol

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The point I am trying to make is that even though there maybe 10 months before a new ops there are still tons of things to do in the game PvE wise besides ops.


Not at end game there isn't. FPs, events, etc. can all be fun distractions, but the only form of PVE progression at end game is ops. And those require a change of scenery a lot more often than 8-10 months. New ops every 6 months at most, with NiM released half way through that 6 month period, would be an acceptable frequency. Anything longer than that is causing people to leave the game for months at a time, and it's a gamble every time how many of them will come back. I love this game, but with such a slow ops schedule, I'm just getting bored and finding it hard to justify a sub or to find a reason to keep logging in.

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