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A perfect example of the ability delay


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This issue is the biggest problem right now in SW:TOR.


If developers think that its linked to ability queue, its not.


This needs an engine overhaul and its hard work.


Do I care?

No. It should have been fixed in beta.


Will I quit if this doesn't get fixed?

Yes, because timing is everything.



Competitive Player

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PvP in general is horrible the way the combat delay works right now. Especially as a Sniper where literally ALL of my abilities have a cast bar, and I cant cast ANYTHING unless I actually see the spell go off, even if the cast bar says finished, if the animation doesent begin, it wont cast and i just wasted 3 seconds casting it. Almost unplayable. Edited by thestackshow
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the videos are much appreciated, totally visualizes for the "non-believers".


I think the long animations in conjunction with these bugs have made a big mess. The (damage) animations while long on certain abilities will effect the HP of the target when the cast is complete but you dont see it hit from the watching the animation but will notice it on the UI, if they want animations that way its not gonna change. All of WoW's animations are extremely short, so it causes the combat to feel crisper. While I like the animations in TOR it effects the fluidity of combat and least from a visual standpoint even if the ability is hitting at the time ability is used or cast is complete.

Edited by samdbtto
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This issue is the biggest problem right now in SW:TOR.


If developers think that its linked to ability queue, its not.


This needs an engine overhaul and its hard work.


Do I care?

No. It should have been fixed in beta.


Will I quit if this doesn't get fixed?

Yes, because timing is everything.



Competitive Player


Sounds like armchair developing to me.


The game isn't perfect, and I'll never say it is, because I have the presence of mind to note that an MMO will never be perfect. From a programming standpoint, they're too large and complex to ever work 100% like the designers hope they will. Development resources being limited, priorities have to be given to certain things over others. I don't know if this will be a priority from BioWare or not. It may, or it may not.


The issue I have is with players not knowing the difference between making intelligent, helpful suggestions and sounding like self-entitled, whiny, spoiled brats who make threats in the vain hope that it'll motivate BioWare to do something they may already be doing, even if it isn't on a given player's preferred schedule.


I particularly take issue with someone calling themselves a "competitive player". The people who say this need to learn a few things:


1) This game doesn't have an achievement system. World firsts, server firsts, or class firsts don't matter here.


2) This game doesn't have a tournament system. You can think you're being competitive against others all you like. While you're out there leveling to cap, you aren't competing against anyone other than AI foes.


3) You aren't paid to play this game. Without that, your only real incentive is to somehow get a sense of justification out of playing for yourself. Nothing wrong with wanting to feel proud of playing a video game well. There's something lacking, however, the instant you think anyone else should ever think it matters to them. Your success, or lack thereof, doesn't affect other players in any fashion. It merely gives you bragging rights over something any sensible person is just going to chuckle at you feeling the accomplishment is important enough to brag about to begin with.


I play just fine. My enemies die. I use my class abilities. Sometimes there's server lag, sometimes there's UI lag, and sometimes there's local lag if something's wonky with my home network. Either way, I'm having fun, and don't have to threaten BioWare with cancellations thinking it's going to get them to do what I want. Look at their latest press release: this is currently setting a record for MMO growth. People aren't leaving, people are coming in droves.


If this persists after the free month is up (we should be able to start judging around the end of January to account for players who are getting into the game for the first time due to receiving it as a Christmas present), then the proof's in the pudding.


At that point, to the people who whine at BioWare and say "Make it how I want, or I'm leaving!", my response is simple: "Good riddance. The realms will be better without your complaints, and so will the forums."


Learn how to make constructive, intelligent, sensible suggestions for improving the game. The way most people here make suggestions shows that regardless of their chronological age, they have the emotional maturity of a kid who just had pimples pop out on his face, and discovered those growing lumps on the chests of the girls in his classes are actually pretty neat-looking; his requests to Mom for a few boxes of Kleenex will be incoming shortly.

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Sounds like armchair developing to me.


The game isn't perfect, and I'll never say it is, because I have the presence of mind to note that an MMO will never be perfect. From a programming standpoint, they're too large and complex to ever work 100% like the designers hope they will. Development resources being limited, priorities have to be given to certain things over others. I don't know if this will be a priority from BioWare or not. It may, or it may not.


The issue I have is with players not knowing the difference between making intelligent, helpful suggestions and sounding like self-entitled, whiny, spoiled brats who make threats in the vain hope that it'll motivate BioWare to do something they may already be doing, even if it isn't on a given player's preferred schedule.


I particularly take issue with someone calling themselves a "competitive player". The people who say this need to learn a few things:


1) This game doesn't have an achievement system. World firsts, server firsts, or class firsts don't matter here.


2) This game doesn't have a tournament system. You can think you're being competitive against others all you like. While you're out there leveling to cap, you aren't competing against anyone other than AI foes.


3) You aren't paid to play this game. Without that, your only real incentive is to somehow get a sense of justification out of playing for yourself. Nothing wrong with wanting to feel proud of playing a video game well. There's something lacking, however, the instant you think anyone else should ever think it matters to them. Your success, or lack thereof, doesn't affect other players in any fashion. It merely gives you bragging rights over something any sensible person is just going to chuckle at you feeling the accomplishment is important enough to brag about to begin with.


I play just fine. My enemies die. I use my class abilities. Sometimes there's server lag, sometimes there's UI lag, and sometimes there's local lag if something's wonky with my home network. Either way, I'm having fun, and don't have to threaten BioWare with cancellations thinking it's going to get them to do what I want. Look at their latest press release: this is currently setting a record for MMO growth. People aren't leaving, people are coming in droves.


If this persists after the free month is up (we should be able to start judging around the end of January to account for players who are getting into the game for the first time due to receiving it as a Christmas present), then the proof's in the pudding.


At that point, to the people who whine at BioWare and say "Make it how I want, or I'm leaving!", my response is simple: "Good riddance. The realms will be better without your complaints, and so will the forums."


Learn how to make constructive, intelligent, sensible suggestions for improving the game. The way most people here make suggestions shows that regardless of their chronological age, they have the emotional maturity of a kid who just had pimples pop out on his face, and discovered those growing lumps on the chests of the girls in his classes are actually pretty neat-looking; his requests to Mom for a few boxes of Kleenex will be incoming shortly.


I can't be positive but I'm sure he dropped $60 to sound off however he pleases as does the rest of the community. Most are just making threats so that the devs will take notice and improve upon a game EVERYONE here wants to be as great as we hope.

Edited by samdbtto
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No game is ever finished in the manner that you're speaking. Go ask any game developer, and they will always be weeping about something that didn't get in or didn't get done.


I can agree with that but combat is the most essential mechanic in the game imo.


Also like to add that I feel this game is VERY close. Voicing our concerns could push it over the top.

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I can't be positive but I'm sure he dropped $60 to sound off however he pleases as does the rest of the community. Most are just making threats so that the devs will take notice and improve upon a game EVERYONE here wants to be as great as we hope.


If most are making empty threats, how does that represent the players well?


Consider that you've made a game lots of people want to play, and you provide a convenient method for participant feedback. You get two responses to an element of the game:


1) I'm having difficulty with <insert element>. I try this, it doesn't work well, and it's affecting game play. I'm paying hard-earned money to participate, but if it reaches the point where I don't feel the money yields at least equivalent return, I might have to head elsewhere.


2) I want to be competitive, and you're keeping me from being competitive. Fix the game, because it's unplayable right now. I can't believe how you thought this game was ready for release. You're stupid, and I'm taking my money away from you if you don't fix it for me now.


The latter, while ultimately communicating the same as the former, does so in a fashion that would make any sensible person want to completely discount what was said. Take it from me: delivery matters. Attempting to blame the developers for a person being unable to play in a particular fashion that doesn't seem to line up with the game's stated goals is pointless, and ultimately just reflects badly on the one doing the whining. Pointing out the method one wants to play the game, and indicating that its current paradigm doesn't allow it, but showing patience and being willing to open up intelligent dialogue, however, gets thoughts flowing.


Sure, we paid $60 for the game. That $60 guarantees us the game, the forums are provided as a courtesy that can be revoked at any time for any reason. We're fortunate to be playing a game made by people who are interested in hearing what we have to say. Me, I'd rather let them know about issues and point out the things I like rather than whining that I can't be "competitive" in an environment that isn't designed to foster real competition to begin with. It's like playing skeeball at the local arcade and whining to the arcade owners that because the ball return didn't give them a new set of balls soon enough, the guy next to them got more points. The sensible arcade owner says "We aren't running a competition. You're playing for tickets to get yourself the stuffed bunny. Don't worry about the other guy. He ain't playin' against ya."

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If most are making empty threats, how does that represent the players well?


Consider that you've made a game lots of people want to play, and you provide a convenient method for participant feedback. You get two responses to an element of the game:


1) I'm having difficulty with <insert element>. I try this, it doesn't work well, and it's affecting game play. I'm paying hard-earned money to participate, but if it reaches the point where I don't feel the money yields at least equivalent return, I might have to head elsewhere.


2) I want to be competitive, and you're keeping me from being competitive. Fix the game, because it's unplayable right now. I can't believe how you thought this game was ready for release. You're stupid, and I'm taking my money away from you if you don't fix it for me now.


The latter, while ultimately communicating the same as the former, does so in a fashion that would make any sensible person want to completely discount what was said. Take it from me: delivery matters. Attempting to blame the developers for a person being unable to play in a particular fashion that doesn't seem to line up with the game's stated goals is pointless, and ultimately just reflects badly on the one doing the whining. Pointing out the method one wants to play the game, and indicating that its current paradigm doesn't allow it, but showing patience and being willing to open up intelligent dialogue, however, gets thoughts flowing.


Sure, we paid $60 for the game. That $60 guarantees us the game, the forums are provided as a courtesy that can be revoked at any time for any reason. We're fortunate to be playing a game made by people who are interested in hearing what we have to say. Me, I'd rather let them know about issues and point out the things I like rather than whining that I can't be "competitive" in an environment that isn't designed to foster real competition to begin with. It's like playing skeeball at the local arcade and whining to the arcade owners that because the ball return didn't give them a new set of balls soon enough, the guy next to them got more points. The sensible arcade owner says "We aren't running a competition. You're playing for tickets to get yourself the stuffed bunny. Don't worry about the other guy. He ain't playin' against ya."


I see nothing wrong in stating your dissatisfaction for this game in really any matter. Every post on these forums isn't a letter to the developers and every statement shouldn't be viewed as such. We are talking to each other and if Bioware happens to notice than so be it.

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Its not an issue at all since it affects everyone equally. Learn to adapt or be eaten. Sounds like you have been the prey one too many times.


Actually it does not. I played a bounty hunter as well as a trooper. The cast times for trooper are about twice as long. People like you that spout this l2p crap are most likely terrible. Otherwise this would concern you as well.

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If it's the same for everyone, how is it game breaking for competitive PVP?


It'd be game breaking if some people mounted faster than others.


I guess its like playing basketball with a bunch of people who also only have one arm. Sure its even ground but how competitive is it really.

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I see nothing wrong in stating your dissatisfaction for this game in really any matter. Every post on these forums isn't a letter to the developers and every statement shouldn't be viewed as such. We are talking to each other and if Bioware happens to notice than so be it.


Productive, constructive discourse vs flaming argumentation.


As a communicator, you are responsible for not just the message you deliver, but also how others interpret your message. If you want others to argue with you, by all means, flame on.


If you actually want to potentially change someone else's opinion, you're doing it wrong. People respond to hostility with either hostility or indifference and ridicule.

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I guess its like playing basketball with a bunch of people who also only have one arm. Sure its even ground but how competitive is it really.


I think what you're trying to say is that the skill cap of the game and it's players could be increased if this issue weren't present. Your analogy doesn't work, because both are equally competitive in their set, but not competitive against each other, because one group has an inherent advantage.

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In Preferences->Controls scroll down and under Combat there is something called Ability Action Queue Window which is set to 0.5. Has anyone tried to change this setting and see if resolves the problem?


it doesnt, that's an ability que. we're talking about ability execution

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If it's the same for everyone, how is it game breaking for competitive PVP?


It'd be game breaking if some people mounted faster than others.


It does not affect everyone the same, Melee classes have to be in range to use abilities. My skills do not go off when they are needed, and people get out of range. It is also terrible for any class that has to backstab. It is gamebreaking, and pisses me off to no end.


Also, if I hit my defense skill about a thousand times while in melee range of the enemy line to get it to go off, it is a problem. Range people do not have this much of a problem because they are range.


also, if it affects healers, then it affects me even more. I take more focus damage than range players. This problem needs to be fixed.

Edited by NJoyTheSilence
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This is a game breaking issue


Unfortunately, we'll probably have to wait until 1.1 to see it fixed (not sure it will matter by then, the game might already be in the bargain bin and free to play)


Don't be discouraged by the KOTOR/Star Wars tryhards, who tell you "IT JUST CAME LOL OUT ON A DAY AGO STOP RUSH"; any competitive player recognizes the issue you've brought up as a serious concern


just curious how much is Blizzard paying u? cuz if its a lot i might have to ask them to hire me to spam on fourms to trash this game

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I think what you're trying to say is that the skill cap of the game and it's players could be increased if this issue weren't present. Your analogy doesn't work, because both are equally competitive in their set, but not competitive against each other, because one group has an inherent advantage.


Everyone has one arm in the analogy including yourself. If it came out different I apologize. Keyword was "also" as in they have the same ailment.

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