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A perfect example of the ability delay


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This is a game breaking issue


Unfortunately, we'll probably have to wait until 1.1 to see it fixed (not sure it will matter by then, the game might already be in the bargain bin and free to play)


Don't be discouraged by the KOTOR/Star Wars tryhards, who tell you "IT JUST CAME LOL OUT ON A DAY AGO STOP RUSH"; any competitive player recognizes the issue you've brought up as a serious concern


The solution is simple: don't be competitive.


This game isn't about beating other people, though it has an element of that. It's about beating computer-generated mobs. That's it.


And in PvP, at least everyone else is suffering from the same ability lag you're referencing here, so the playing field remains level.


I don't get why people get so bent out of shape over "competition" in an MMO. Are you playing for money? If so, others who are doing likewise have the same issues you do. If you aren't, you're playing for something, and it's something that most people just don't care about.


I don't care about professional sports (I think the athletes, to the last, are incredibly overpaid, and don't get me started on how asinine it is that they receive collegiate perks like they do...). It doesn't matter to me if a team wins the Super Bowl or the World Series or the NBA Championship or even is the UFC World Heavyweight Champion. Their accomplishments don't affect my life, they don't impact it, they often do little more than provide amusing conversational fodder in the breakroom at work on Monday morning.


Much like my conversation points about video games do to many of the fans of those same professional sports.


Play the game like others are doing, and stop nitpicking over every last element of the game that you want so it's perfect for you. No MMO is ever 100% bug-free, even ones that have 24/7 development teams who have been working on them for nearly a decade. There are always going to be issues with something as complex as an MMO.


What each of us, as players, has to decide is whether the things the game does right outweigh the things it does wrong. If so, we keep playing (and paying). If not, we stop playing (and paying).


Nothing else matters.

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Honey, I can read your text just fine without it being all huge and cyan. Second, I'm an experienced player, too, and have had not a single issue anything like what's being described in this thread, either while out questing, during a flashpoint, or in PvP--every instance where an ability didn't fire off properly was because I was CCed or the GCD was still waiting. Everything is perfectly responsive, and I'm not exactly running this on a computer that was forged in the fires of a star by Haephestus.


Ability damage is tied very tightly to animations. Some skills have animations that are longer than others, but numbers don't pop up until lightsabers swing, blasters hit, or giant rocks smash into your face. I know you're all coming down off your World of Warcraft highs, but you've got to realize that WoW animations were quite short and somewhat normalized--ability damage tended to apply at the same time after button presses, no matter what the animation was doing. This is why you could get smacked for 6,000 by a Fireball you couldn't even hear yet as you ran in the opposite direction, or why you hadn't even picked up your two-handed axe before Wing Clip slowed your target.


This stuff isn't bad, it's just not what you're used to from all your days of playing WoW. It's different. It's not all homogenous. You're like a rugby player who's walked onto an American football field and is convinced that they're doing it all wrong.

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wow's combat was much more precise and responsive than this game on launch, i remember it pretty well.


wow came out in 2004 with a 40 million dollar budget. this game is out in 2011 with a supposed 100+ million dollar budget, there is no excuse for this. bioware knows where the bar is on this and they didnt meet it.


This times plenty.


I get the same horrible feeling I felt when I played WAR. Makes me wonder if it is the same people from Mythic who made the combat in this game. It would make sense why we're having these difficulties since one of the major gripes regarding WAR was its less-than-flash combat system.


Sincerely hope this time it gets sorted out and not left as a 'game feature'.


Just today I witnessed the bug reported in here earlier where my force lightning abiliy channeled but there was no damage (and no, the damage wasn't absorbed, the ability literally did nothing outside of run the animation).

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to be honest while i understand your issue, i'm more worried by the death lag, i kill an npc and 2-3 seconds later it actually dies yet for all that i can't attack it and get spammed this target is dead.....i can clearly see 2-300 health left and it's still freaking moving....ofc i'm gonna try to kill it twice.


that is kinda ruining my experience as i often switch targets at about the 2-300 health range on a mob as i'm not sure if it is actually dead or not anymore.


gamebreaker...not really but annoying enough to slowly lose interest, all in all game is fine, but bugs like that get old really really quickly....especially when you see it on every mob you kill.

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Or you could say that most non WoW players really don't care about DPS or Healz and just play the game for fun? I am not saying this is me or my guild I am saying this is a majority of the casual players that they are trying to attract to the game. these people are having a blast and the game is just fine for them the way it is. They have stated many times the "casual" player is their market hence the companions.


You do not have to be the BEST healer or the BEST DPS (thank god there are no damage meters yet) I think this a mind set that is fueling this whole change and not so much pure PvPers.


Hi, I'm a casual player too. I like to pve and pvp. I also like to know when a cast is going off and not have to guess. This allows me to do my job better.


I do not like to wipe over and over due to silly cast lag. I like to heal effectively. I like to min/max. I like to do well at all I do, in life and games. No I don't post meters unless asked.


If this is not an issue for you congrats, but you do not have the right to dismiss other peoples concerns either.

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AS a sage, this effects me greatly when bubbling and then trying to cc etc... it's very annoying and i'll agree with others it is most pronounced during pvp. All i wanna hear is, we are aware and are working on it.


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Except if they listen to the majority of people complaining on these forums, it will turn into a reskinning of WoW. Everything people are complaining about are things that exist in WoW, go figure.


Ahhh the root of the issue. I for one don't want this to be WoW either. Your fear makes you think that if they change this, what's next? It worries me too.


But I still want it fixed.


Change the tool tip or fix the delay. I'll still have to plan outmy casts but won't get cheated by the delay.

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This issue isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. At first I would semi-rage at the lag between moves, but I learned to adapt, especially as a Jedi Sage. The healing seemed lagged a bit, but that was purposely implemented to prevent spamming.


How about you guys learn to adapt to the current system to prevent WoW try hard spammers instead of crying.


You mean it's not a big issue for you. Don't play down other peoples concerns. It's rude.

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I'm waiting for a Youtube video or something of someone pressing hotkeys (NOT CLICKING THEM YOU CLODS) and displaying this 'delay' in a concrete and non-subjective fashion.


Until then, you're all crazy.


Yes, ignore the info. The link to the problem that was provided twice. It will all go away.

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Aside from the slow animations the first time i noticed any issue with ablities/combat was on my smuggler, I would roll into cover and then fire off charged blast and it would begin it's cast only to be cancelled after about 0.5 secs for no apparent reason. I then had to wait for the global cooldown until i could try again. This happened quite frequently, certainly enough to be frustrating and the long global cooldown time in this game just highlights the issue.


Another issue i noticed was the random lack of cast bar when healing on my IA. Every so often i would cast a heal and the animation would start and complete but no cast bar would appear.

The actual heal pretty much always went off but the lack of cast bar makes you wonder if you are actually going to get a heal off.


Once you start to notice things like this it becomes more and more frustrating every time your ability fails or your cast bar decides it's having a break, for me sorting out faults like this should be priority number one for Bioware. I don't really care if the odd harvest node is bugged out or i have to re-summon my companion every once in a while, fix the combat please!


I just hope they take the issue more seriously than Mythic took it on Warhammer, as it is a gamebreaker for a lot of people and it's a shame because the game deserves better.

Edited by Shellshock
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I'm waiting for a Youtube video or something of someone pressing hotkeys (NOT CLICKING THEM YOU CLODS) and displaying this 'delay' in a concrete and non-subjective fashion.


Until then, you're all crazy.




Please stop trying to derail the thread.

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I'm glad this thread is around, well with the exception of the standard personal attacks that come with a Star Wars community. I was starting to think I was insane seeing this odd pseudo-lag.


It kind of makes things feel clunky, like very clunky. Almost like you have to shake the server to wake it up every time you want to do something. I wouldn't call it a huge deal but it does feel strange.

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Ok, I finally finished reading this long thread, and just had to comment. I play a Jedi Sage. I too, unfortunately, have been tainted with the WoW virus, but I quit at least 5 years ago, and have since moved on to other MMOs. I have played a little PvP and mostly PvE; it's annoying in both. I'm sorry, but it is a serious issue.


My sage will begin a cast to heal my almost dead companion tank Qyzen Fees, without whom I will wipe, and the cast bar completes.... too late, there goes his health bar (anyone else notice that? a health bar will go away but the name will still be colored a little before something dies); .5 seconds later, down he goes, then dialouge pops up saying my heal failed, even though it said I completed it.


Later, I attempt to put up force shield to give myself some leg room to heal myself; oops, my button didn't respond, I'm already dead. Later, repeat, and repeat, and repeat. I'm not that bad of a healer, but the lag is killer.


I know I'll get some dissidents (won't call them trolls, for it will weaken my argument) that responds to my thread and says "Learn to play you noob, go back to WoW" (which I never played a healer on anyway; this is my first healer on any MMO), "get a life", or whatever else, but I don't care, this shouldn't be up for debate; it is a serious problem that was not intended for gameplay, not a "feature" or something was meant to influence "how the game played" and the OP was trying to give a civil argument on why he thinks it should be fixed and how horribly it affects gameplay, but, as with every other suggestion on this forum, it got turned into a heated debate about what, why some people think the game should be left buggy?


As I stressed by the scenario above, it greatly affects casters and healers, and makes PvP and PvE alike that much more difficult. And I already know how to play, thank you very much. I'd appreciate any civil argument against my points, but anyone who rudely responds just undermines his or her own point.


I hate having to get into a flame war on a forum for a game I enjoy very much, but it annoys me that a valid suggestion about how to improve the game gets attacked by people who simply must say otherwise; yeah, it's a public forum and all, but really, it's a tad unnecessary. I hope that you fellow SWTOR players will at least attempt to reason and be civil, but from what I've seen in this thread so far, that's not likely.

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Fanbois are not going to make people think this is not an issue. I am hitting keys going to rotation, only to notice my builder did not go through, and I do not have the energy to do the other attacks I am pressing. This is an issue. It is terrible that this went into game as is. This bug or mechanic ruins melee gameplay. If this is working as intended, then I will not be. Edited by NJoyTheSilence
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