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Range classes will have a hard time in PvP in 2.6


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In addition to having Deception/Infiltration as our bane, Concealment/Scrapper will also pin us down hard on the ground with their new DPS buff, which spikes the highest on stealth opening. Then there is Vengeance/Vigilance that will be able to use root Ravage/Master Strike on us every 12 seconds, or rather every 9 seconds because Ravage/Master Strike roots for 3 seconds.


With Orbital Strike/Flyby huge nerf, melee won’t hesitate to stay in the AoE and DPS race Sniper/Gunslinger down.


Take heart my fellow range class pvp friends, dark times are ahead.

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Not worried. There are so many terrible deception players and given that so few play concealment and so many will come out of the woodwork it will probably be the exact same situation but worse. More annoying sure but that's about all it will be.
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I'm not afraid either. Having both a Sniper and Scrapper, I know each one. And on my Sniper, after Shoot First, I KB and begin my high burst pew pew. Most times they restealth, so I pop Entrench, heal up, and cast OS on myself. Win. Not that I hardly see any Scrappers any more, or Concealment anyways. Lowbie is filled with them but they'll never make it to 55.
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I'm not afraid either. Having both a Sniper and Scrapper, I know each one. And on my Sniper, after Shoot First, I KB and begin my high burst pew pew. Most times they restealth, so I pop Entrench, heal up, and cast OS on myself. Win. Not that I hardly see any Scrappers any more, or Concealment anyways. Lowbie is filled with them but they'll never make it to 55.


Yeah each class has tools to deal with a stealth opening up on them, you're not always going to have them available to you but I don't think it's ever going to be automatic. And yeah lowbies are ripe with concealment, I know I'm working on mine but it's more in terms of knowing the ins and outs of the class.

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A sniper complaining about a stealth class, lol.


Try playing a sorc against a PT.


EDIT-oh wait, I forgot we can heal2full, play defensively and make them pay for trying to kill us. Ignore what I wrote above.

Edited by sithBracer
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Scrappers still die in 4 seconds after coming out of stealth, so I don't see the problem here. It might be frustrating for you, because you're the one knocked down. Rest assured, everyone else on your team within striking distance will immediately turn their heads and obliterate that scrapper in seconds. The only people scrapper pose a threat to now are non-stealth players who are guarding a node alone. Scrappers will still get effortlessly torn to pieces at nodes guarded by assassins and probably even leth operatives.


The CC threat of scrappers has always been grossly exaggerated anyway. Flashbang gives you so much resolve that debilitating anywhere near it will cause you to max out and then that scrapper has to cloak away to avoid being annihilated. Even low tier DPS like mercenaries are laughing at scrappers. Jet boost + electro net, and now that scrapper is completely castrated and will be destroyed by your burst. You could double their DPS and scrappers would still be PVP's longest running joke.

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Scrappers still die in 4 seconds after coming out of stealth, so I don't see the problem here. It might be frustrating for you, because you're the one knocked down. Rest assured, everyone else on your team within striking distance will immediately turn their heads and obliterate that scrapper in seconds. The only people scrapper pose a threat to now are non-stealth players who are guarding a node alone. Scrappers will still get effortlessly torn to pieces at nodes guarded by assassins and probably even leth operatives.


The CC threat of scrappers has always been grossly exaggerated anyway. Flashbang gives you so much resolve that debilitating anywhere near it will cause you to max out and then that scrapper has to cloak away to avoid being annihilated. Even low tier DPS like mercenaries are laughing at scrappers. Jet boost + electro net, and now that scrapper is completely castrated and will be destroyed by your burst. You could double their DPS and scrappers would still be PVP's longest running joke.

You Sir, must have never seen someone good at the class.

Yes they have some issues with survivability, but it's nowhere near as bad as you are exaggerating it to be. Also, I don't know any Scrapper/Concealment players that find Lethality/Dirty Fighting much of a threat. With 3 ways to cleanse before a cull, they are pretty much a non issue. As far as Assassins go it's an even fight imo. I don't seem to have much trouble with them. I regularly take offnodes from all classes/specs. I have never been "effortlessly" dispatched by any of them.

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You Sir, must have never seen someone good at the class.

Yes they have some issues with survivability, but it's nowhere near as bad as you are exaggerating it to be. Also, I don't know any Scrapper/Concealment players that find Lethality/Dirty Fighting much of a threat. With 3 ways to cleanse before a cull, they are pretty much a non issue. As far as Assassins go it's an even fight imo. I don't seem to have much trouble with them. I regularly take offnodes from all classes/specs. I have never been "effortlessly" dispatched by any of them.


Not true! I've totally seen that video of that one scrapper in full PVP gear destroying PVE scrubs with no PVP gear who are playing to finish a daily!


The context is taking a node. Lethiality operatives will call for help, dot you from 30 metres back and then troll roll around until someone else comes to kill you. You will not get that node. You will not kill that leth operative. You won't even get into melee range once.


You can pretend that you're the uber-operative and that you stand a chance in a duel against an assassin of equal skill, but no one will believe you. Assassins get giant damage reduction talents. You do not. When they cloak away for a moment, they get both Reckless and Blackout back automatically. All you get is a lousy speed boost which won't save you from the reckless charged Shock+Discharge, now will it? No, it will not. It won't save you from their stuns, and it won't save you from being mauled down in seconds because DPS operatives are made of wet paper.

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Yeah I know for a fact I won't be playing my sniper or sorc for a while in 2.6. Ill still play my merc because it can deal decently with stealth classes.


I mean you can say "lol madness is good it kiting it's fine" but have you ever tried to kill a concealment OP as madness? Their roll removes dots and evasion does too, it's impossible to put any damage on them. Mind you this is a 1v1 problem, but honestly I don't fancy getting targeted by everyone looking for some big crits.

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Not worried. There are so many terrible deception players and given that so few play concealment and so many will come out of the woodwork it will probably be the exact same situation but worse. More annoying sure but that's about all it will be.


The reason for this is because deception is so easy to play now. Spike > maul > force potency > shock > discharge > slash > maul. With these mauls doing like 9k if you are well geared.


Terrible players always flock to classes where big numbers are easy to attain. That's also why I've seen so many terrible Vanguard and Powertech tanks who essentially just sit there and don't die.

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The reason for this is because deception is so easy to play now. Spike > maul > force potency > shock > discharge > slash > maul. With these mauls doing like 9k if you are well geared.


Terrible players always flock to classes where big numbers are easy to attain. That's also why I've seen so many terrible Vanguard and Powertech tanks who essentially just sit there and don't die.


Totally not the point but thanks for the rotation?

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I mean you can say "lol madness is good it kiting it's fine" but have you ever tried to kill a concealment OP as madness? Their roll removes dots and evasion does too, it's impossible to put any damage on them. Mind you this is a 1v1 problem, but honestly I don't fancy getting targeted by everyone looking for some big crits.


Not anymore. I am somewhat concerned about how a Sage will deal with Concealment Operatives, but Madness can whittle them down just as always. It's just now they can fight back.

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The roll absolutely still removes inquisitor DoTs, its the same thing as our evasion skill which removes them


Unless they fixed it, the roll evasion worked as a cleanse. While that will absolutely cure Lightning and Corruption DoTs, I have seen an Operative roll a couple of times and still have Sever Force and Weaken Mind up on him.

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I play mainly ranged classes and in most warzones I find almost a 2/1 ratio of ranged to melee with a ? for pyro and operative dps. Smash has the best tools because of the second leap almost always on cooldown when u need it after getting kb. I recently had a game where I was knocked around 3 time and was then stunned and got one attack in because of lag and gcd w animations.


If you stay in a group most melee are at a disadvantage, because they become separated from their ranged for multiple reason and loose the needed support. Also with stealth especially at the beginning of combat in an arena or guarding a node learn how to target and fight people with your back against a wall because you will cut their opening burst in half and not allow them to position themselves to avoid the KB.


On my assassin my pressure on the opposing team is not in my total numbers, but in the ability to make one person miserable and break up the effectiveness of the backfield who is just destroying the folks trying to get the node. 1 sin plus 1 conc op make a node guards life very short if the are good, but if they pull that trick once get 2 guards for the next time.


Every class I have hated playing against has been very different when I started playing it (except for the OP heals lvl27).

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Having a scoundrel for a long time now I think that if they become popular again it will kind of suck for ranged classes when pugging. Not anything major but it might be annoying at times.


99% of dps scoundrels will never be a threat to someone premading since most scoundrels suck and once they blow their burst most don't know what to do. So just 1 or 2 heals will shutdown many scoundrels. 1 or 2 timely heals shouldn't be exclusive to premades but we all know they usually are :) .


Scoundrels are just very gear based. A min/max scoundrel who clicks and keyboard turns will still take off 50% of your life from stealth if you are a true dps spec'd and geared class and you don't have any way to cleanse/heal/etc. Now to my surprise most don't really do anything after this burst. This is why most are nonfactors even when they are geared.


In fact I am always surprised at how bad many scoundrels are even with gear. When trying to 1v1 a dps spec'd player (non-hybrid, non-tank) it seems to me that it requires the least amount of skill of any of my 8 classes. I mean I take half their life from the start, I have stuns, mez, the element of surprise, a root, and I have the best defensive cd in the game. I really don't understand why so many people have problems. Of course if you attack a hybrid spec that doesn't take much dmg then it requires skill to kill them but as a scoundrel you should pick better targets lol.


This is why I find it funny that people seem to think the players good at 1v1 are skilled. They really don't need to be. The skilled scoundrels/ops (very rare) are the ones that are great 1v1 but are also great in teamplay. This is rather hard compared to other classes. These are also not the kind that wait to attack players until their restealth is back off cd :) .


These buffs will really help out the good ones and make them great at teamplay, however it won't do much for the bad ones. They will just be somewhat annoying to dps spec'd pugging players if there becomes a lot of scoundrel/ops.

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A sniper complaining about a stealth class, lol.


Try playing a sorc against a PT.


EDIT-oh wait, I forgot we can heal2full, play defensively and make them pay for trying to kill us. Ignore what I wrote above.


I have both a Marksman Sniper and a Madness Sorc. Any half decent stealth is bane to Snipers. The stealth detection stacks only work as a cone in front of the character. Good stealth knows how to move around and strike from the back.


I never notice any particular difficult problem as a Madness Sorc against PT of any spec. Stealth can kill my sorc very quickly if I am caught with no cooldowns up. Now that Concealment/Scrapper got a DPS boost to insane level, I better make sure to have 50%+ health at all times or I can go splat any time. lol


And don't forget about Vigilance/Vengeance. With a good team as back up and good heals to keep them up, those endless root master strike/ravage is going to be annoying as hell, and they hit hard too.

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They stunnlock the commandos to death then they restealth and hide away until their restealth isnt on CD anyway. Then same thing again...over and over again.......forcing me to hate them more and more.....


you have this thingy called electro-net.... makes scoundrels and operatives cry trust me

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