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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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Once again with the breasts = sleaze. If you can't look at another woman, even a pixelated one, without automatically thinking about sex, then that's on you, mister. Stop trying to convince yourself that others have the same issue. Women are not just sexual objects, and having breasts does not automatically make us *****. Go back to the dark ages where you came from, and stop spouting this *********** nonsense.
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I'm not prude. (Or at least not as prude.) But I still think it's ridiculous to see a character rushing out onto the battlefield with practically a bikini.


So, it's not the prudeness talking, it's the lack of seriousness. I know it's just a game, and all, but take some pride in the character you chose to be and try to at least dress for the part. I have a gunslinger who dresses in a jersey and miniskirt. Sure, it looks quite casual, but smugglers are take-cover, extra-lucky types than can pull off that look. Dressing for the part, though, when it was time to go to Hoth, I leveled and leveled the social tier so I can finally get that fur suit so she'll look the part; and not run around the icy wasteland of Hoth in a skirt.


I also have a Commando who dresses in a robe. I know that's not heavy armor plating, but I model her after a pre-meditated character design. At least it looks more serious than running into battle naked.


A poster who gets it. I was wondering if there were any.

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And yet Satele Shan has a kid with Jace Malcom, which is not a secret. And she's the Grand Master of the Jedi Order.


As a Sith, I have to laugh in the general direction of the Jedi hypocrisy.


Not a secret? Maybe to you. Read the book




Tharan Shan's existence was a huge secret.

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Prude, holy water, psychology, blah, blah, blah, blah....


None of that has anything to do with the Star Wars lore or canon. At least read before you post. Read up on star wars lore and read my posts. You don't understand the game you play and apparently the devs don't either. Under no circumstances would any member of the jedi order parade about looking like they just stepped off of a las vegas burlesque stage. The simple reason is the image and reputation of the order and the jedi themselves. If they did, they would be considered the laughingstock of the galaxy.


The worst thing that can happen to an MMO like star wars is to pollute it with popular culture. It dilutes, degrades and ultimately destroys it. What you end up with is an adult version of wow.

Edited by Samaul
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Prude, holy water, psychology, blah, blah, blah, blah....


None of that has anything to do with the Star Wars lore or canon. At least read before you post. Read up on star wars lore and read my posts. You don't understand the game you play and apparently the devs don't either. Under no circumstances would any member of the jedi order parade about looking like they just stepped off of a las vegas burlesque stage. The simple reason is the image and reputation of the order and the jedi themselves. If they did, they would be considered the laughingstock of the galaxy.


The worst thing that can happen to an MMO like star wars is to pollute it with popular culture. It dilutes, degrades and ultimately destroys it. What you end up with is an adult version of wow.


The end is nigh and so forth.

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You want to bring our american culture to star wars. I just want to play star wars.


Tube tops on Jedi? Seriously? How can you defend that?


My kids watched the Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Cartoon Network. Ahsoka Tano comes to mind. And there have been other Jedi ladies wearing tube top, belly bearing armor given as examples.

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Please explain to me how tube tops and string bikinis fit with the canon and lore of the jedi.


Honestly? I, personally, don't care if it does or does not fit "with the canon". I'm a casual player that has no interest in RP, which is why I'm on a NON-RP server. If the game makes some armor available to my character that they normally wouldn't wear(adaptable Trooper type armor for my Sniper, for example) and I like the look of it, I'm going to wear it.


Again, only people you can dictate this to is your fellow RP'ers on RP servers. Sure, we can sit here and ***** and moan about what is and is not canon, but when it comes to the general, NON-RP players, you can't tell us we are wrong for doing it:D

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Posts like this are laughable. If you dont want to see Star Wars dont play Star Wars. If you want to see Sleaze Wars, there are a whole slew of adult MMOs for you to play.


Can you point us to one that has the game play and story of ToR that we like?

Edited by beattlebilly
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Under no circumstances would any member of the jedi order parade about looking like they just stepped off of a las vegas burlesque stage. The simple reason is the image and reputation of the order and the jedi themselves. If they did, they would be considered the laughingstock of the galaxy.


I've used the same argument earlier on in the thread, but I think you're overstressing it. It is important for a jedi to represent the jedi order in a sincere, resolute way. She must not raise the impression that she was driven by desire, took personal favours or was primarily about enjoying herself. But the jedi order also shows a great deal of tolerance towards cultural peculiarities. It's difficult to find an example from the movies other than Aayla Secura because there are relatively few female jedi, none of which was important to the story, but there is one who wears on outfit with a great deal of emphasize and particularly female jedi often wear a kind of dress or robe which has nothing to do with the kind of outfit that Obi-Wan or Mace Windu wear. Luminara's look is as tame and held back as it can possibly be, but it's certainly not a traditional jedi robe (i.e. Obi Wan style) either. Even Anakin's look in Episode III is a very free interpretation.


Regardless of how you look, the important thing is that you may conduct in a way to properly represent the jedi order, but a jedi doesn't reduce another to their appearance, they realize that the various cultures of the galaxy have a very different understanding on what is appropriate and what isn't and they aren't judged by their appearance.


In Episode I Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan don't bother to change their looks, even though they're more or less incognito. None of them seems to be concerned that a jedi might be identified merely by their looks and robes. But Anakin instantly identifies the lightsaber at Qui-Gons belt, even though he cannot possibly have seen one before. The hallmark, the identifying element, the uniform if you will is the lightsaber.


So, considering your point - I don't think it's very likely that any jedi would wear a dancer outfit. It may be difficult to represent the jedi order accordingly. But it isn't completely impossible, and any character created into SW:TOR isn't an element of "lore" it's an own creation on top of it, so it is at least thinkable. Every player invents their character as an element of Star Wars, but not a copy of an existing one but a new addition. "Lore" is consequently of limited relevance here. SW:TOR itself is of course canon by definition. Everything in SW:TOR is canon because it is in SW:TOR, which is itself part of canon.


And honestly, I know worse in SW:TOR. IMHO a Jedi Consular in full tionese is a lot worse than one that puts a bit emphasize on the characters sexuality, the Tionese/Columi/Rakata outfits for consulars are a design shipwreck. I'd rather take a woman in a bikini serious as a jedi than one wearing tionese. The default look of consulars with long dresses for which the term "robe" was used as an euphemism was never a good idea anyway, no jedi in the movies wears such fancy dresses. It doesn't really fit into what we knew about star wars either; the fact that now some outfits display some skin doesn't really change anything, the looks for Jedi in SW:TOR have never been particularly "lore" oriented anyway. And there is worse.


Apart from that, many players just don't really care about all those things, and that's fine as well. They just wanna play a game; one cannot ask every other player to play a character in a way that it provides a scenery for one's own. They are not just decoration, the characters are our proxy to the game, the one element everyone may design as they please. I may find it tasteless sometimes, but people are entitled to have what I consider to be a bad taste.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Prude, holy water, psychology, blah, blah, blah, blah....


None of that has anything to do with the Star Wars lore or canon. At least read before you post. Read up on star wars lore and read my posts. You don't understand the game you play and apparently the devs don't either. Under no circumstances would any member of the jedi order parade about looking like they just stepped off of a las vegas burlesque stage. The simple reason is the image and reputation of the order and the jedi themselves. If they did, they would be considered the laughingstock of the galaxy.


The worst thing that can happen to an MMO like star wars is to pollute it with popular culture. It dilutes, degrades and ultimately destroys it. What you end up with is an adult version of wow.


You overlook the fact that Star Wars IS popular culture. But putting that aside for the moment...


For you to say 'Under no circumstance', you would have to know, intimately, the thoughts and ideas of George Lucas, Vonda McIntyre, Kevin J. Anderson, Timothy Zahn, all the other canon and Extended Universe authors, the authors and editors of all published book and RPG (tabletop) material, the old SWG development teams, and other electronic Star Wars game developers (including this one). And you don't. Because you can't. No one can. It is not for you to say that an Old Republic Jedi would not step out onto the streets of Coruscant wearing a Huttese slave girl outfit, because you simply have no way to tap into the font of author's creativity that may one day have a contemporary of, or a distant descendant of, Bastila and Satele Shan (for example) do just that.


It isn't for you to dictate to others what their interpretation of the Star Wars universe - any incarnation of it - will be when they decide upon sartorial choices for their pixellated otherselves. This is their story - not yours. You have exactly zero business dictating to others what their pixels can or cannot appear as, and you have zero idea what the justification they may have developed for their toons wearing these articles. I do it to offend people who get their panties in a wad over trivial nonsense like this (and I am now going to dress my powertech in an Imperial Dancer's outfit for her daily battles, in continual honor of this thread) - but there are people who, unlike me, may actually have sat down and thought out a really good excuse as to why their Trooper girl is sporting a halter top and several hot pink stripes on her autocannon barrel.


It doesn't even really matter if you're on an RP server or not - either way, it's not your story to tell. You need to tell your own character's story, not someone else's. You haven't earned that right. In all things Star Wars, only George Lucas can say 'this doesn't work', and make it stick (and maybe not even now, in the Disney era).


And you simply cannot argue with this statement: The slave outfits and the tube tops aren't going away. They just aren't. Period. Rail against the Machine until you're Chiss-blue in the face, but you're wasting your time. That stuff (most of it, anyway) draws people to buy Cartel packs, and their money trumps your views - period.

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This thread brings to mind a conversation that I had with my guild. Bring on the butt and **** sliders!! I am not afraid to use it!


As for costumes, or the lack thereof, I have several force sensitive characters that were once part of the Jedi Order but, for one reason or another, are no longer considered Jedi in my RP stories. One even became an entertainer (Cathars are such graceful dancers)


Dearest OP, if you are bothered by how some people RP their characters then perhaps it is time for you to move on. This game is not for you. Just because I rolled a Jedi does not mean she has to remain a Jedi. For someone to basically tell me that I should play my character a certain way is positively ridiculous. This is an RP server. People are allowed to play their character however they see fit. If my Cathar wants to be a dancer, then she will dance if she wants to...and she can leave her friends behind.


Thank you and have a good day!

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This thread brings to mind a conversation that I had with my guild. Bring on the butt and **** sliders!! I am not afraid to use it!


That's technically not possible. The game engine doesn't work that way. The animations, the wearable items cannot adapt dynamically adapt to their characters. While butt and breast sliders do not necessarily require a change of the skeleton which would be catastrophic for the animation, it still might look a bit ugly when a character embraces another or so. And of course, there is all the equipment...


But hey, they could introduce character modification slots and then sell modificationis in cartel packs and consequently make a whole lot of money out of it, who know.

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Prude, holy water, psychology, blah, blah, blah, blah....


None of that has anything to do with the Star Wars lore or canon. At least read before you post. Read up on star wars lore and read my posts. You don't understand the game you play and apparently the devs don't either. Under no circumstances would any member of the jedi order parade about looking like they just stepped off of a las vegas burlesque stage. The simple reason is the image and reputation of the order and the jedi themselves. If they did, they would be considered the laughingstock of the galaxy.


The worst thing that can happen to an MMO like star wars is to pollute it with popular culture. It dilutes, degrades and ultimately destroys it. What you end up with is an adult version of wow.


And yet you continuously ignore proofs that in Star Wars canon, there are plenty things you call "sleazy", even in the "kid friendly" Clone Wars animated series.

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And yet you continuously ignore proofs that in Star Wars canon, there are plenty things you call "sleazy", even in the "kid friendly" Clone Wars animated series.


It's what trolls do, and people are eating it up and asking for seconds. His arguments were addressed and proven false by page 2.

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...ramble ramble....

Translation: 98% probability that OP is a butthurt muslim.

2% probability, that the miniature organic is simply looking for trouble, and needs to be blasted.

That may be a wishful thinking on my part.


Also this:

Thanks for the entertainment, OP.

I will keep an eye out for future posts from you. :D

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I signed up to play Star Wars, not Sleaze Wars. You are appealing to the wrong customer base with the nearly-naked Sleaze avatars BioWare. You are going to lose a lot of good customers who dont want to see it. I know my girlfriend doesn't want me to see it. This may sound a bit coarse but I did not bring the coarseness into this game, you did BioWare. If I wanted to see that crap in an mmo, I would play an adult mmo where you could have your every sick, twisted fantasy fulfilled. I lead a family friendly guild. There is nothing family friendly about sleaze wars.


For the record, I dont have a problem with the following game content or features:


Same sex companion/master relationships.

Skimpy costume wearing club dancers or even club dancer costumes as long as those costumes look like star wars costumes from the star wars canon.


I do have a problem with sleazy elements from pop culture being injected into SWTOR including big hair, jog bras, tube tops, string bikinis etc. I am not interested in playing some cheezy, teasing adult MMO. Those elements just demean a great game and canon. I want EA/BW to show some respect for the game.


To make matters worse, I play on an RP server. I am a rolepolayer, I lead an rp guild. You are turning the game into a joke with this Sleaze wars crap. Half-naked club dancers I can understand but jog-bras on jedi and sith? Seriously? Please remove this crap from the game or at the very least RP servers. I am a star wars fanatic but I am no prude. I have read all of the novels and graphic novels on ToR. There is nothing canon about Breasts butts, big hair, string bikinis and lightsabres.


You are going to lose a lot of good paying customers over this BioWare, me and my guild for starters. Enough of this crap, do something about this BW. We have a profanity filter, how about a sleaze filter? Make it client only, allow us to freaking turn it off or something. And please, please remove sleaze-wars from RP servers.


For the record, I am not alone in these sentiments. I lead a multi-gaming community with over 2,000 members in WoW, Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR. The leaders and officers of our guilds are in broad agreement with me on this. We have a lot of couples and families in our organization. Our organization is a family-friendly organization and we will not support any game that is not family-friendly.


This has to be a troll post. But in case it isn't:


Your argument fails on two fronts.

1.) There are force users such as Darth Talon and Ayla Secura who don't wear a lot of clothing. Force users do not need a lot of armor and in fact many don't wear it. They need to be able to move freely and armor or clothing can hinder that.


2.) There is nothing in the game that couldn't be in a PG-13 rated film which is shown to families. And how would having the dancers in parts of the game where younger players can go be OK, but not OK on fleet? Somehow you say same sex romances are fine for family members of all ages, yet the clothing is a problem? I've got news for you, the clothing in this game still covers more than bathing suits you'd potentially find at public beaches or swimming pools.


You commented on some of the gear not looking like it belongs in Star Wars. That is a valid complaint. Satellite dish helmets, dunce caps, and outfits with bath mats attached to them have been a problem in this game since the beginning. It's loathsome how BioWare basically forces you to buy the better stuff from the Cartel Market because they intentionally put crappy looking gear in the game at multiple stages. Pretty sad when mid-level 30 orange gear beats anything you see end game and it costs above and beyond our subscription fees to make our characters look decent.


So I'm with you on that much of it. But the rest tells me you have an over zealous sense of self-importance talking about you and the community you lead and telling BioWare that they need to cave in to you. This game has been in financial trouble in the past and BioWare has done a good job keeping it viable so that we can continue playing the game we enjoy. You may not like the content because you've got some weird sense of morality that says this game is some how indecent (which it isn't) but the fact is that much of the subscriber base does approve of the content. If you don't like it, you don't have to play. That is certainly your right.


Lastly, RP server? Lolz..

Edited by Spamfritter
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Oh dear God, I lolled so hard, first at OP, then at all the comments :D


And as someone stated, all those things above, is a damn good combo for boostin' sales.



Also, him being a ...a.... I dunno, a "something" ( cannot find a good word to describe him) doesn't make a butthurt muslim as someone stated.


It makes him a dude with -1.2M manpoints, but not necessarily a muslim. I'd watch the religious racism there buddy.


Note: I'm a simple physicist who believes in the absolute power of dark matter. God doesn't bother me, neither do I bother him. We have a good understanding, he and I.

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it's the lack of seriousness. I know it's just a game

What? How do you reconcile those two statements, even in your own mind? When you play Monopoly, do you tell everyone "I know this is just a game, but we have to maintain a certain level of decorum as we pretend to be real estate magnates."


and all, but take some pride in the character you chose to be and try to at least dress for the part

If you want to "take pride" (whatever that means in terms of a game) in your characters' appearances, go right ahead. No one is stopping you.


I have a gunslinger who dresses in a jersey and miniskirt. Sure, it looks quite casual, but smugglers are take-cover, extra-lucky types than can pull off that look.

Rationalization is wonderful tool, isn't it? It's OK for this particular character because it's a Smuggler. Got it. ;)


Dressing for the part, though, when it was time to go to Hoth, I leveled and leveled the social tier so I can finally get that fur suit so she'll look the part; and not run around the icy wasteland of Hoth in a skirt.

And if that's how you want to do it, fine. For you.

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