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NAR SHADDAA: One of the Worst MMO Zones Ever?


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I went to Nar Shaddaa before Balmorra, and Nar Shaddaa is MUCH better. I really liked Nar Shaddaa and its layout. Glad I got my vehicle for the hugely spaced out Balmorra. Unfortunately, nearly everything on Balmorra is now a gray quest. Oh well, I can rush to each part.
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Clearly you can't please everyone. Had they gone the other route, we'd have topics like "Why is a city planet like Nar Shaddaa so small?"


Even if there is more running around, I'll take planets like that than ones that make me feel like the galaxy isn't so big.

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If you hated Nar Shaddaa, just wait until you get to Corellia. It has a large and more spread out city layout that just makes travel take forever. That's even factoring in the fact that most will have 100% mounts at the time they are there.
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The missions (mainly the class mission as I quickly ignored all the others because I hated the zone so much) were such that 90% of my time was spent simply running from place to place.


Let me just say that all MMOs have you run around for missions. However, SWTOR is the first instance where the running around feels like it makes sense, like driving across vast dunes on Tatooine, not running up and down Elwynn forest again and again on a dozen consecutive errand boy quests.

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Am I the only one who prefers the city-planets? It reminded me of space - last vagas


That being said, I hate open space, completely despise it, if I wanted a sandbox game I would play skyrim, or one of the older mmos.


I want the star wars experience, which most likely entails that I am forcefully handed one heroic quest after another.


I see nothing wrong with his.

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The problem with Nar Shadaa IMO is everything looks the same. You are indoors, the little mission hubs all look the same as the last one you were in. Dromund Kaas was linear as hell but at least the different areas all had their own distinct personality. Nar Shadaa is just "here's rat's maze #1, and it looks just like rat's maze #2 but the mobs have different names."
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I skipped Nar Shaddaa entirely. I did all the quests on Taris (Consular), then just went around doing the class quest on Nar Shaddaa and none of the side quests. Went straight to Tattooine. It was set up too much like Coruscant for me to be interested, plus everything was green to me.
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Not much of a "planet" eh? More like a station lol. It sure is perdy though.


^^ This. I agree with this comment.


Nar Shada doesn't feel like a planet at all when compared to say, Taris. Taris feels/looks more like a planet. I find it interesting though that I see lots of people complain about Taris in chat and that they are glad to get off of it. I personally liked Taris.

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[*]The missions (mainly the class mission as I quickly ignored all the others because I hated the zone so much) were such that 90% of my time was spent simply running from place to place.


Not even close to that bad in running around, was pretty strait forward for me.


If you think Nar Shaddaa is bad, you'll hate Tatooine (even though I was fine with it also, but its bigger and there is more traveling).

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I love the game overall, so don't get me wrong here...


But is this not one of the worst MMO zones ever? And I mean from a playability standpoint.


Visually, it is gorgeous, interesting, incredibly detailed, and rich in theme.


But for playing it in a game.... wow. It is just so bad.


  1. It is unnecessarily enormous.
  2. The missions (mainly the class mission as I quickly ignored all the others because I hated the zone so much) were such that 90% of my time was spent simply running from place to place.
  3. There was no real rhyme or reason for why you went one place or another. It was just a confusing criss cross of an enormous zone.
  4. I never encountered trainers, bank, or any clear "hub" of activity that would have made it convenient.


Maybe I am being a little too harsh, but I really am just marveling at how bad this specific zone is. In fact, my sheer surprise at how terrible it was actually played a role in helping me tolerate long enough to finish it.


I am told the next planet, Tatooine is tons better. I can't wait. :)


because you ignored all other quests is why you felt like you were walking a ton


nar shadda isnt any different than any other planet. there are quest hubs and quests around those hubs. if you only do your class quest you are going to feel like you're running all over faster than your hearthstone thing recharges.

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