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    Georgia, US
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  1. I actually prefer Nar Shaddaa to Balmorra myself, at least on the Imperial side. Tatooine is better though, and Alderaan is shaping up to be even better than Tatooine I think.
  2. I wholeheartedly agree with the OP. The worlds feel very dull and lifeless to me at times. It's really my biggest issue with the game as a whole. As mentioned earlier in this thread, the game is very very themepark, and very straightforward in its MMO aspects. I think it's actually too straightforward in many ways. Little things like the way trainers often just show up in line, all in the same place for no apparent reason. How the main class areas in Kaas City are all in a straight line in the back of the city, again for no real apparent reason other than simplicity and convenience. It just doesn't feel natural. And in my opinion it does detract from the overall experience to an extent. I know they couldn't realistically put a WoW like capital city on every planet, but even so I hate to think that this was really the best they could do. (Unless it really was their intention all along, which is possible)
  3. There are actually DS/LS vendors at the Fleet, I discovered last night. They sell some gear I believe, as well as a speeder, and even a mini-pet. I've also seen commendation vendors selling alignment gear. And I've gotten some DS/LS gear from lockboxes.
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