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Emergency Medical Table


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Apologies if this has previously been mentioned before. A few months ago I saw a Commando in the mid level pvp bracket using the Emergency Medical Table during combat. Today, I saw what appears to be the exact same commando at lvl 50 using the same glitch again. Not sure how exactly this works, if it is something he is doing, or something with the item itself. However, he was repeatedly spamming the item to regenerate his health and ammo while obviously engaged in combat. I've never seen any body else doing this so maybe it is just him.


When I spoke to others about this, they said tickets had been put in before with no response and since he's still doing it today, obviously nothing has been done yet.


Here's a screenshot of him using it in a Novare.

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This isn't the first time this guy has done this, About a month ago I had a run in with the same guy. Doesnt seem like there is being much action taken to stop him from cheating. But none the less I have a few screen shots myself.


First Round: http://dominationswtor.enjin.com/gallery/m/8934263/detail/116013#pid=1601300


Second Round: http://dominationswtor.enjin.com/gallery/m/8934263/detail/116013#pid=1601302

(I brushed out a few of my teammates more colorful language, after the first round.)

Edited by Mordacia
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Well I was just knocked back as the screen shot took but I was hitting him at the time and he most definitely was in combat unless commandos have a new ability that ends combat for them like a stealth. I guess it would be better if I had a video of it. Sadly that is the only screenshot I have from that game.
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Well I was just knocked back as the screen shot took but I was hitting him at the time and he most definitely was in combat unless commandos have a new ability that ends combat for them like a stealth. I guess it would be better if I had a video of it. Sadly that is the only screenshot I have from that game.


This is a clear case of him cheating/exploiting. I would suggest opening an in game ticket and send them your screenshot.

There is no way in hell someone taking damage, as you can see from the picture, and is out of combat at the same time.

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He's got sprint up -- he's out of combat.


Note the damage flytext.


he's out of combat. The cheat, therefore (if there is one), likely has nothing to do with EMT, and you think it does because you don't as easily catch other people's normal resting animations.


Note the damage flytext.


+1 You've reason


Nope. Note the damage flytext.


Also, the resolve bar is white...indicating he just recently got stunned. The timer to get out of combat takes longer to reset than the resolve bar take to drain.

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Note the damage flytext.




Note the damage flytext.




Nope. Note the damage flytext.


Also, the resolve bar is white...indicating he just recently got stunned. The timer to get out of combat takes longer to reset than the resolve bar take to drain.


The 80 damage he is taking doesn't mean he is in combat. You can still have DoT's on you and not be in combat. Hell I've respawned in between rounds in VS/Arenas with DoT's still on me.

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The 80 damage he is taking doesn't mean he is in combat. You can still have DoT's on you and not be in combat. Hell I've respawned in between rounds in VS/Arenas with DoT's still on me.


OK, I'll grant that, as I have (incredibly rarely) been out of combat with a DOT on me. Though, it's NEVER been in the middle of a fight like that, especially after just using a knockback ability.


What I think is pretty interesting (and may have nothing to do with any medical table "hack") is just how many buffs this guy has.


He's got:

Class Mission XP Boost

Flashpoint XP Boost

Warzone XP Boost

Social Boost

(why no valor boost? wimp!)

The "Corellian Cocktail" that boosts presence by like 20...

I don't know what that little "planet" looking one is (closest to portrait, bottom row)

And is the one on the top most left the Sentinel version of "Predation"?


Ashlyn is still targeted, indicating that some type of attack or ability was used against her or that he was recently attacked in the very recent past by her (like several seconds probably). Normally you get popped out of combat when your target dies (or the person you were fighting most recently dies) but in this case, the only enemy present is Ashlyn, and she's targeted...


This is fishy. Would love to see it in action.

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If you need any more proof:




While the OP's commando *may* be out of combat, in this case the Commando is being smashed to no end by you. Dunno what's going on.


Also, there's the fact that this Commando too has Sprint up, which means the commando in the OP's screen could very well be doing whatever this one is.


Finally for those who haven't noticed it yet, both the OP's commando and the Commando is this video are the same person. >_<

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He may have been out-of-combat in that particular picture, but this guy is doing something shady for sure. In fact, I was about to say that he's just out of combat, when I first read this post, but then I noticed his (the commando's) name. A few days ago, I was in Voidstar and I came across this very same guy.


What happened was that a juggernaut on my team was fighting him, and he noticed that this guy used the emergency table right in the middle of ravage. When he said this, we decided to follow this guy around and target him particularly hoping to catch him in the act again. Sure enough, we did. He used it two more times as we were fighting him during that same warzone. I and two other players were beating him pretty bad when he popped it right there on the Voidstar bridge.


All three times we saw him use it, he definitely was in combat. There's definitely something going on with him. It can't just be a glitch because I've never seen anyone else doing that. And he seems to only do it when he's getting hammered. The fact that so many people are quick to rush to his defense doesn't surprise me, as most people like to pretend that hacking doesn't exist in this game. Him having sprint up is just another of his hacks, he's in combat.


While 90 percent of players don't hack, there are some who do, and this guy is clearly one of them. I hope that other assassin and juggernaut I was with in that match who caught this guy see this post and comment on it too. And I really hope I come across this guy again soon and take some screenshots of him this time myself.

Edited by Solarenergy
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