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Everything posted by mokarro

  1. I say all Spaniards because friends of friends comment me the same, leaving the game language, it is true that I can not generalize but most think this. Also, I put my opinion it was ^ ^
  2. I do not understand what you mean But if you mean: Hahahaha = Jajajajaja xDDDDD = http://www.moxes.com/forum/images/smilies/xd.gif
  3. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=515420 Read again plz
  4. if one person, but only commented translate subtitles, no voices or anything, just written, and would have to be a group of people, one person is hard work.
  5. Every effort is priceless, but, why not? You believe that the market is small? I guess the option to do a market study was conducted by Bioware, but they can not do a translation for economic reasons? I accept the global crisis, but should open market. (It's my opinion)
  6. Hi all, I wanted to propose the idea of ​​translating the Spanish game. There are very many users wanting this change, apart from the large increase in sales, the expansion to the Spanish world would be grateful for many people. I speak for all the Spaniards who for reasons beyond me, do not know English or have not had the same luck as me and have not been able to study. Not talking about 100 or 200 people, I mean 2000 or 5000 people will be thankful that the game is Spanish. So I volunteer to start this project. Just get in touch with me and when I started faciliteis necessary documents. My languages​​: Spanish (Natal) - English (Natal) - German (High)
  7. Merry Christmas to all, hope you do well in life and prosperous New Year. I Wish That BioWare give us a free year subcription and exp boost! ^ _ ^
  8. Nice idea, They can also create mounts with basic supplies dealers
  9. Kalular, I respect your opinion but think that there are Over Power classes (OP) in every MMO, these classes are the company (BioWare) study more to balance them, but I mention one thing, there will never be a clear balance, and for example the Assasins, this very OP then nerf tomorrow, and another class will remain as OP, so in life, as if they could complete equalization of classes, not would attract people to create or motivate players their friends to create classes missing from a rooster, however, having classes OP. people tend to create classes and try and play with OP classes or classes that can be sought against that OP. Assasins vs Operative, Operative That win i think ^ ^
  10. I vote your idea, but think one thing, the WZ (LvL 10-29 / * / lvl30-54) and the time between WZ is 10-15 minutes (depending on the server). If now filter your WZ lvl team, or rank, or exp, time will rise quite expected and the game shall be divided into two camps, the Free to play (playing against other Free to play) and Subcriber (Playing against other subcriber) since the subcriber is more likely to play and win exp, rank or lvl team, and on servers where there is not much population, possibly leading to the WZ. It's my opinion.
  11. Hello friends, I have seen many complain about the use of hacks, not saying that it is not possible, but the problem may be personal (O server at the time), and to have 20ms latency is not the same as having 400ms, so would expose here a common solution between high latency player: First of all , and in my experience , I recommend TCP OPTIMIZER , and we should configure advanced aspects of your Internet connection . To do this, use a free program called TCP OPTIMIZER As you back up every time you make a change , my opinion is that the OPTIMAL SETTINGS useis , and test and approve performance. To check the performance , not enter the game and see the lag, but try it , play hours and enter WZ / FP / and see the difference in MS . 1º- High latency caused by Hardware! High latency in SWTOR caused by hardware malfunction High latency caused by systems, software and internet connections! I hope to help; Att. Moko
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