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Everything posted by Sir_Galapagos

  1. lol its easy to kill and op healer with one sniper or mara (the two most prevalent dps).
  2. i agreed until the burst part. Although the said they know about our suvivabilty problem, its bioware and they aren't going to do anything and if they do it will be in 2 years. I want more burst because it is more likely we will get it as it requires less effort on their part, which they are all about.
  3. This build is not as good as the full tree of either of the specs. many reasons for this have all ready be pointed out. However i think it is worth mentioning that Wounding shots does extra damage based on the number of bleed effects present not the number of Dots. Shock charge is not a bleed effect it does energy damage over time whereas vital shot and shrap bomb are bleed effects. edit: lol this was pointed out by the poster above me as i as typing this
  4. this game has open world pvp..........i guess i was to concerned with the balance problems to notice it.
  5. first its "fairly significant buff" and thats nothing assassins can't do currently.
  6. mercs (well my commando) do really crazy good damage actually. Their main problem is they are too easy to interrupt.
  7. Man i hat those "stun spammers" all they do is stun its like the average 1 minuet cooldown on their stun is non-existent. oh wait never mind all stuns have a cooldown and can in no way be spammed by one person also you can not be stunned more than twice in a row without having full resolve, if you use your breaker before that you probably suck. Yes they can stun u and wait and then restun not giving u full resolve but that leaves a time during which you are not stunned so learn to use your breaker.
  8. First class i rolled scoundrel dps. second class i rolled operative dps. need i say more?
  9. sorry you were wrong this doesn't happen in all cases so he was still using a valid argument.
  10. Nerf operative dps they killed me once well almost. so we have ONE thing we are decent at and you want to take that away. Roll is literally the only thing that makes us a unique class (snipers can use in repetition). Why not take away our stealth or cover from snipers that would be about the same magnitude.
  11. u want a game where you can succeed in your own way this isnt it. Play league so you can experiment with different builds in every game and the champion pool is so large you are bound to find something original that succeeds.
  12. when i used to play swtor and was at the top of pvp it was the only game i play. Now i play more casusaly and im not beacuse they added more gear to grind. I play league and other games casually, however league is not a grind and people respect me for my skill but i don't have to play hours of grind to get gear to win.
  13. if you want to play a game with a more pvp minded community play league like me (There is no way i could survive on swtor pvp alone with its less than stellar (alot less(yeah i just put a parenthesis inside another))) and actually to be "good" at this game like the "top %" you have to have no life considering the gear grind. U can not casually play a mmo and be in the top percentile. This is a gear game first and a skill game second (sadly). now in league people respect u for having skill and making plays not in a gear grind like this game.
  14. best dps is medicine........the other specs are hopeless i main concealment which is fun but useless and lethality takes so long to set up and is really boring.
  15. speaking of working harder to do less operative dps
  16. i know those operatives be bursting me down in like 37 gcd's need to nerf cuz i don't like to die. You should try out these new things called um uh oh yeah AOE's they can do this neato thing called reveal stealth.
  17. well my schedule has allowed for two years to buff our class they haven't done it yet ........so when.
  18. so what im getting is that everyone is in agreement that shadows are better than scoundrels and we need a buff.
  19. Thats pretty much how i play we cant do damage so have to rely on objects but shadows can do both. I never said the class was unplayable, i do it all the time.You said the class has obvious problems and we should just change our mindset. Well we shouldnt just "change our mindset" the "obvious problems" need to be addressed. and sure we have tools to disrupt the enemy but the shadow has the same plus a knockback a speed boost and a longer range root. Compare the classes in utility we lose. compare the classes in damage we lose. Its not a matter of how you play, although that SHOULD be a factor. There is a certain threshold where no matter player skill one class always wins we are at that point if you take a same gear scoundrel dps vs a pt or marauder. Sure we can play the objective game and let other class to the deeps but why should they get to do objectives and damage. Our class has obvious problems for which many great ideas were suggested but bioware implement exactly none. and no scrappers have mediocre burst at best...........now shadows that called amazing burst 11k crits. You cant call 6k crits amazing when 11k crits happen on a regular basis auto crits at that.
  20. roll isnt spamable lol..........energy the 50% speed after vanish inst a gap closer in the hands of a smart operative that saves it for when you really need it (escape) the shadow speed covers easily more disatance than three rolls in a short time with less resources. And you showed that sins have better utility so i hope thats what u meant to do i got mixed signals.
  21. yeah i posted something in the suggestions thread about listening to all ideas we gave on how to fix our class but i doubt they will listen. who knows next we cant stealth in wz at all and they will still balance our dps with shoot first in mind.
  22. So an adult huh. Get over the fact that US children play games. The fact that you choose to generalize that all children are so insulting just shows us that you haven't "grown up" as much as you think. Oh and while i personaly don't use the term baddie i know guildies and other players over 40 (some over 50) that use it and other descriptive words. Long story short words don't hurt and if you think they do thats your own fault for having that mindset. -child with more maturity than you
  23. oh their damge is a problem tell me why can shadows crit for 11k but if we did that it would be op. Its not like our utilty or cc is better we both have the same duration knockdown, stun, and mezz. Shadows have a speed boost, a knockback, and a longer range snare. Yeah we have roll but our dps takes a huge hit when we use it because of its HUGE energy cost unlike shadow speed. Honestly i would prefer greater damage than shadows and have our survivabilty at its current state. after all we aren't the tank stealth class.
  24. So before update 2.5 you asked every class forum for ideas on how to enhance their class. While scoundrels and operatives were arguable the most helpful and responsive with their suggestions you instead hit us with a nerf and an insulting "buff" to a skill no decent operative or scoundrel uses. Don't ask for feedback and not listen to any off it. Considering that our dps specs have been the worst for over a year and the fact that you haven't done anything about it shows you need help to buff our class. Well we gave it to you ...............shoulda taken it
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