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the games pvp is indeed dying nearly all the competitive pvpers have left

if you want to either smash the other team or be smashed depending on who has 3 or 4 decent players then swtor pvp is for you

TBH wow,TESO,Wildstar and even (cant believe im actually saying this) but final fantasy pvp is going to be a lot better than swtor they had a really strong pvp player base but a year of neglect and poor game managememnt dwindled the population and the release of GSF was the final nail in the coffin 55 pvp is full of pve hero's or premades

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Your coming in at the tail end of a lot of die-hard swtor pvp players leaving due to lack of change. The game has some seriously fun pvp, which for me has lasted around two years. Lately though, and I dont seem to be alone in this sentement, the game has started to feel old.


Class balance is way off for this game, most notably between dps classes. In response Most people have already leveled a smasher, a Vangaurd, or an operative healer, and have either decided, they arent having fun with it, or even though they do worse, they would rather be playing the class they started off with, and just play in regs


Currently exceptional gameplay is dominated by competent healers and tanks. Being the best DPS is the world isnt going to win you games, and a lot of people who pvp, dont like to play a healer or a tank. So a lot of people have just resorted to just playing in regs.


Meanwhile all of these veterans are getting paired up against a F2P crowd, or new subscribers. The difference in skill level is so great that many new players dont have a chance to really learn anything, as when they make mistakes, there is little room for forgiveness, and usually find themselves in the spawn box.


Meanwhile the developers try to come out with new arenas(and Im assuming this is because its easier for the developers just due to size, which might explain the format). Unfortunately arenas maginfies the difference in skill, and class balance by a large margin. This unfortunate set of events has led a lot of people angry, as they see new stuff coming out, but they either cant be a part of it, because they chose to be a commando healer and comando healers suck, or they dont want to be a part of it because theres no reason to partake in it, and losing repetetively isnt fun, nor do many people have the patience to "learn" from it.


Long story short: the game lacks the community size, and the Developer insight to sustain a truly competetive pvp enviroment. New playerrs are quickly turned away since they lose on a constant basis, or are carried to such an extent they feel they need to learn nothing(why fix something if it isnt broke). meanwhile the veterans who are still playing slowly dwindle off, and with no new blood to replace them its only a matter of time before the games pvp is a shell of it former self.


Some would say its already a shell of its former self. I can remember more pvp players that "used" to play than are currently playing.


So in summary, you can have fun in pvp, the game has some awesome pvp setups, just dont expect it to last forever.

Edited by Haystak
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Hey really been enjoying SWTOR pvp lately and i want to spend some time here for sure. But i hear some people saying that this mmo is dying and it makes me think its not worth spending the time here. So can i ask is it worth it?


Well... PVP here has always been dying, and people have always been saying such. But 2 years later it's still going. The answer really is a matter of perspective. Is what you're looking for here? Then maybe it's fine. If you wanted OW to be enduring and well-supported, or 8-man ranked, or, or... then maybe it's checked out already.

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So can i ask is it worth it?


Depends what you are looking for. I'd say no, PVP in this game is not worth your sub.


1) Ranked solo seems to have a design flaw in matching team players of equal score, THEN pitting them against teams of lower/higher score.


2) Unranked is a unbalanced mess. Premades vs pugs. So few balanced and fun games. It's usually roflstomp or be roflstomped


3) Open world PVP is a joke. It's limited, seperated and have no balancing.

Edited by vennian
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Hey really been enjoying SWTOR pvp lately and i want to spend some time here for sure. But i hear some people saying that this mmo is dying and it makes me think its not worth spending the time here. So can i ask is it worth it?


Don't listen to the people that keep saying pvp is dieing my que are just fine I don't wait more then a few min in que before a que pop. What happened is a few Cry baby PVPers have left because they can't do pvp turtle feast like they want to any more since things like 8v8 ranked were removed. Those that say this game is dieing just want it to do so becasue of there distaste for this PvP system. They like to spread there shenanigans to fool people into there point of view. Has there been some issue with PvP yes do the players that have been pvping since launch of this game have fun every night yes I do. Owning people nightly from the time i log on


If your not having fun at PvP your doing it wrong the above sound worth it?

Edited by Neoforcer
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Your coming in at the tail end of a lot of die-hard swtor pvp players leaving due to lack of change. The game has some seriously fun pvp, which for me has lasted around two years. Lately though, and I dont seem to be alone in this sentement, the game has started to feel old.


Class balance is way off for this game, most notably between dps classes. In response Most people have already leveled a smasher, a Vangaurd, or an operative healer, and have either decided, they arent having fun with it, or even though they do worse, they would rather be playing the class they started off with, and just play in regs


Currently exceptional gameplay is dominated by competent healers and tanks. Being the best DPS is the world isnt going to win you games, and a lot of people who pvp, dont like to play a healer or a tank. So a lot of people have just resorted to just playing in regs.


Meanwhile all of these veterans are getting paired up against a F2P crowd, or new subscribers. The difference in skill level is so great that many new players dont have a chance to really learn anything, as when they make mistakes, there is little room for forgiveness, and usually find themselves in the spawn box.


Meanwhile the developers try to come out with new arenas(and Im assuming this is because its easier for the developers just due to size, which might explain the format). Unfortunately arenas maginfies the difference in skill, and class balance by a large margin. This unfortunate set of events has led a lot of people angry, as they see new stuff coming out, but they either cant be a part of it, because they chose to be a commando healer and comando healers suck, or they dont want to be a part of it because theres no reason to partake in it, and losing repetetively isnt fun, nor do many people have the patience to "learn" from it.


Long story short: the game lacks the community size, and the Developer insight to sustain a truly competetive pvp enviroment. New playerrs are quickly turned away since they lose on a constant basis, or are carried to such an extent they feel they need to learn nothing(why fix something if it isnt broke). meanwhile the veterans who are still playing slowly dwindle off, and with no new blood to replace them its only a matter of time before the games pvp is a shell of it former self.


Some would say its already a shell of its former self. I can remember more pvp players that "used" to play than are currently playing.


So in summary, you can have fun in pvp, the game has some awesome pvp setups, just dont expect it to last forever.


Wow. This sums it up pretty well IMO.

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Meanwhile all of these veterans are getting paired up against a F2P crowd, or new subscribers. The difference in skill level is so great that many new players dont have a chance to really learn anything, as when they make mistakes, there is little room for forgiveness, and usually find themselves in the spawn box.


This is the problem I see as well.


Without Bolster it would be even worse, though.


But most PvP players deny that this problem even exists.



Meanwhile the developers try to come out with new arenas(and Im assuming this is because its easier for the developers just due to size, which might explain the format). Unfortunately arenas maginfies the difference in skill, and class balance by a large margin. This unfortunate set of events has led a lot of people angry, as they see new stuff coming out, but they either cant be a part of it, because they chose to be a commando healer and comando healers suck, or they dont want to be a part of it because theres no reason to partake in it, and losing repetetively isnt fun, nor do many people have the patience to "learn" from it.


Long story short: the game lacks the community size, and the Developer insight to sustain a truly competetive pvp enviroment. New playerrs are quickly turned away since they lose on a constant basis, or are carried to such an extent they feel they need to learn nothing(why fix something if it isnt broke). meanwhile the veterans who are still playing slowly dwindle off, and with no new blood to replace them its only a matter of time before the games pvp is a shell of it former self.


This is more or less how I see it nowadays, too.


And ... especially Ranked players still deny that new players are scared away by this.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Your coming in at the tail end of a lot of die-hard swtor pvp players leaving due to lack of change. The game has some seriously fun pvp, which for me has lasted around two years. Lately though, and I dont seem to be alone in this sentement, the game has started to feel old.


Class balance is way off for this game, most notably between dps classes. In response Most people have already leveled a smasher, a Vangaurd, or an operative healer, and have either decided, they arent having fun with it, or even though they do worse, they would rather be playing the class they started off with, and just play in regs


Currently exceptional gameplay is dominated by competent healers and tanks. Being the best DPS is the world isnt going to win you games, and a lot of people who pvp, dont like to play a healer or a tank. So a lot of people have just resorted to just playing in regs.


Meanwhile all of these veterans are getting paired up against a F2P crowd, or new subscribers. The difference in skill level is so great that many new players dont have a chance to really learn anything, as when they make mistakes, there is little room for forgiveness, and usually find themselves in the spawn box.


Meanwhile the developers try to come out with new arenas(and Im assuming this is because its easier for the developers just due to size, which might explain the format). Unfortunately arenas maginfies the difference in skill, and class balance by a large margin. This unfortunate set of events has led a lot of people angry, as they see new stuff coming out, but they either cant be a part of it, because they chose to be a commando healer and comando healers suck, or they dont want to be a part of it because theres no reason to partake in it, and losing repetetively isnt fun, nor do many people have the patience to "learn" from it.


Long story short: the game lacks the community size, and the Developer insight to sustain a truly competetive pvp enviroment. New playerrs are quickly turned away since they lose on a constant basis, or are carried to such an extent they feel they need to learn nothing(why fix something if it isnt broke). meanwhile the veterans who are still playing slowly dwindle off, and with no new blood to replace them its only a matter of time before the games pvp is a shell of it former self.


Some would say its already a shell of its former self. I can remember more pvp players that "used" to play than are currently playing.


So in summary, you can have fun in pvp, the game has some awesome pvp setups, just dont expect it to last forever.


Very good summary.


PvP is dying, but if you're having fun now you should keep playing. Many of us are feeling super-jaded with the game but I'm sure it can still be very fun for newcomers.

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Hey really been enjoying SWTOR pvp lately and i want to spend some time here for sure. But i hear some people saying that this mmo is dying and it makes me think its not worth spending the time here. So can i ask is it worth it?


I don't know whether the game is dying, or PvP is dying. But if you want to PvP in this game, then get used to the idea that it's BW who decides which class you play. They promote 2 or 3 speccs to be much better than the rest and if you don't play one of these speccs, you'll find yourself collecting deaths without being of any use to your team.


I've played BW's game. I gave up my beloved DPS sorc and have been playing a vanguard successfuly for a while now. But fact is that I find vanguard boring. And since I don't want to play smash monkey or operatard healer, there's no alternative for me here. I will quit this game soon and play a game where a caster is an option.

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Don't listen to the jaded and bitter players on the forums man, they have been at it for 2 years now. I took 15 months off the game to play all the other popular MMOs and ended up back here and am loving it again. They just need a break and to realise it's not all roses in the MMORPG PvP of other games. Queue times are tiny as, game play is fun and class balance is well and truly acceptable and within limits. I see high performers of every class and role and I'm on a PvE server.


The only thing lacking is cross server tech for the ranked scene, but outside of that its fine. Just mix up your ground game with some space PvP so you don't burn out, get in a good guild and rock some pixels.

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For the lovers.


Class imbalance


Ability delay

Same 1000 bugs from beta

Stuns, slows, roots are waaaaaaaaaaay over the top while resolve (diminising returns) only affects stuns, badly.

Small player base (as in ull play with or against the same players over and over and over)

Ranked is a joke and I wont even explain why



We have talked about pvp dying for 2 years because, it has. Imagine pvp being legendary bad from the start. I came back from a 1+ year break and its even worse. And the pvp community is almost non existant. If the lovers out there claim that pvp is still here, they are right, kinda. Even when we are teamed up with the same 4 ppl in a 8v8 WZ and also fighting the same 5 ppl over and over, pvp still exist.

Edited by Beeteel
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Don't listen to the people that keep saying pvp is dieing my que are just fine I don't wait more then a few min in que before a que pop. What happened is a few Cry baby PVPers have left because they can't do pvp turtle feast like they want to any more since things like 8v8 ranked were removed. Those that say this game is dieing just want it to do so becasue of there distaste for this PvP system. They like to spread there shenanigans to fool people into there point of view. Has there been some issue with PvP yes do the players that have been pvping since launch of this game have fun every night yes I do. Owning people nightly from the time i log on


If your not having fun at PvP your doing it wrong the above sound worth it?


Are we playing the same game? Or did u make this game?

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Hey really been enjoying SWTOR pvp lately and i want to spend some time here for sure. But i hear some people saying that this mmo is dying and it makes me think its not worth spending the time here. So can i ask is it worth it?


Trust me a lot of this is exaggeration. Do you know how many people said this game would be dead by now last year? and now? its still alive. From what I hear Star Wars Galaxies has many issues yet they lasted 8 years. It is worth it, don't let all the negative people get you down, the SWTOR forums as well as general chat of fleet are full of downers who can't enjoy anything and want everyone else to feel the same way. This MMO contrary to what people believe will survive at least 3 or 4 more years, at very least. So keep on playing, the fact this is the only Star Wars MMO out there assures there is going to be people playing. Don't let the downers spoil your fun, and find people who enjoy pvping like yourself.

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For the lovers.


Class imbalance


Ability delay

Same 1000 bugs from beta

Stuns, slows, roots are waaaaaaaaaaay over the top while resolve (diminising returns) only affects stuns, badly.

Small player base (as in ull play with or against the same players over and over and over)

Ranked is a joke and I wont even explain why



We have talked about pvp dying for 2 years because, it has. Imagine pvp being legendary bad from the start. I came back from a 1+ year break and its even worse. And the pvp community is almost non existant. If the lovers out there claim that pvp is still here, they are right, kinda. Even when we are teamed up with the same 4 ppl in a 8v8 WZ and also fighting the same 5 ppl over and over, pvp still exist.


if you don't like it so much why you still here? Now your answer will be either A: you do enjoy it still that's why you are playing which playes to the "lovers" point, or B: you will have to explain why you play something you don't like at all, and worse why you pay monthly for what you supposedly hate.

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if you don't like it so much why you still here? Now your answer will be either A: you do enjoy it still that's why you are playing which playes to the "lovers" point, or B: you will have to explain why you play something you don't like at all, and worse why you pay monthly for what you supposedly hate.



And u know me how?


How about Ive learned to enjoy PvE for the first time?


Ive also been back for a short while?


Ive also canceled my sub because ok PvE just aint enough?


U pick

Edited by Beeteel
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Trust me a lot of this is exaggeration. Do you know how many people said this game would be dead by now last year? and now? its still alive. From what I hear Star Wars Galaxies has many issues yet they lasted 8 years. It is worth it, don't let all the negative people get you down, the SWTOR forums as well as general chat of fleet are full of downers who can't enjoy anything and want everyone else to feel the same way. This MMO contrary to what people believe will survive at least 3 or 4 more years, at very least. So keep on playing, the fact this is the only Star Wars MMO out there assures there is going to be people playing. Don't let the downers spoil your fun, and find people who enjoy pvping like yourself.


I think u are missing the point. Ofc pvp is still here but the current state of it is just pathetic and the vast majority of pvpers have already left as a result.

Edited by Beeteel
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Your coming in at the tail end of a lot of die-hard swtor pvp players leaving due to lack of change. The game has some seriously fun pvp, which for me has lasted around two years. Lately though, and I dont seem to be alone in this sentement, the game has started to feel old.


Class balance is way off for this game, most notably between dps classes. In response Most people have already leveled a smasher, a Vangaurd, or an operative healer, and have either decided, they arent having fun with it, or even though they do worse, they would rather be playing the class they started off with, and just play in regs


Currently exceptional gameplay is dominated by competent healers and tanks. Being the best DPS is the world isnt going to win you games, and a lot of people who pvp, dont like to play a healer or a tank. So a lot of people have just resorted to just playing in regs.


Meanwhile all of these veterans are getting paired up against a F2P crowd, or new subscribers. The difference in skill level is so great that many new players dont have a chance to really learn anything, as when they make mistakes, there is little room for forgiveness, and usually find themselves in the spawn box.


Meanwhile the developers try to come out with new arenas(and Im assuming this is because its easier for the developers just due to size, which might explain the format). Unfortunately arenas maginfies the difference in skill, and class balance by a large margin. This unfortunate set of events has led a lot of people angry, as they see new stuff coming out, but they either cant be a part of it, because they chose to be a commando healer and comando healers suck, or they dont want to be a part of it because theres no reason to partake in it, and losing repetetively isnt fun, nor do many people have the patience to "learn" from it.


Long story short: the game lacks the community size, and the Developer insight to sustain a truly competetive pvp enviroment. New playerrs are quickly turned away since they lose on a constant basis, or are carried to such an extent they feel they need to learn nothing(why fix something if it isnt broke). meanwhile the veterans who are still playing slowly dwindle off, and with no new blood to replace them its only a matter of time before the games pvp is a shell of it former self.


Some would say its already a shell of its former self. I can remember more pvp players that "used" to play than are currently playing.


So in summary, you can have fun in pvp, the game has some awesome pvp setups, just dont expect it to last forever.


1) the game felt old 1 month after release already. instanced objective ******** pvp does exactly that.

2) the bolded part made me giggle. doesnt matter if a guy is new or not. if some1 aint good at this game he either a) is mentally handicapped or b) has no arms. the skill ceiling of this game is lower than super mario....

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MMO players come and go, some play for a while and leave, they may or may not come back. And there are always new players influx.


The good thing about SWTOR PvP is gearing up for new players in this game is relatively easy, which is a smart thing for BW/EA IMO. It is pretty fun as is like you found out though. By the time you find it boring, then by all means move on or come back later when there are new updates.


I think SWTOR is still doing pretty well, no worry for closing down any time soon. If you enjoy it then play, eventually all MMOs will close down any way, no need to worry about that.


Hey really been enjoying SWTOR pvp lately and i want to spend some time here for sure. But i hear some people saying that this mmo is dying and it makes me think its not worth spending the time here. So can i ask is it worth it?
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