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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will Galactic Starfighter ever be PVE?


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Who cares?


As long as there are other players to shoot at, and more maps to shoot them on, why would I ever want some ******, brainless AI to shoot at?


If I want that, then I can grind another toon through a dozen planets of mobs standing around every ten feet picking their dingleberries.

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In light of this I would ask people posting, would you rather see new features added like, card games, swoop racing, maybe event pet battles (why this interests me I don't know) that are pvp oriented or a massive investment in Space PvE?


I'd like to see them split their team. Their coding team works on PvE AI for GSF, and their graphics team works on things like swoops. Then they can use their existing tunnel shooter 'space' combat code for the swoop racing, as well as deliver on GSF PvE.


Card games and the like already have rules out there, so it shouldn't take too much effort ona programmer's part to craft them into workable minigames.

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Will it ever be PvE? I hope so.


That been said I am enjoying it regardless, but I'd love to see some PvE content for it, solo group and raid :D


Can you imagine how awesome the PvE raids could be for space content? We would probably be going up against things like the Star Forge!

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If it ever is PvE, they would not likely tie it to the story. They won't force players into something that they may not like. Players who don't care for the gameplay will not like being forced to play enough to upgrade ship and things like that.


I could see something like PvE warzones (Ops?). But not for a long time.

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The Galactic Starfighter game seems to have a lot of potential for PVE content. Have the developers given any hints about this ever going PVE?

They haven't really said one way or the other. They've talked about why they went the PVP route....because it would take a lot longer for them to develop suitable AI for free-flight space in PVE content. I'm sure they'll be considering adding PVE content but that's not something they are going to commit too at this point. Keep in mind, this is just early access to GSF. There are more ship types, more ships, more maps and more play modes. It's not even officially releasing to everyone until February. So, even if they wanted to add some PVE stuff, that would be a long ways away.

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Galactic Starfighter is fun because it's constantly changing and dynamic because there are people behind those other spaceships, not A.I.


It would get dreadfully, painfully dull and boring if it were pve and nothing was switching is up at all. I prefer this to actually be pvp stuff in GS because it's fun and better that way. If I want to smuggle some stuff to a different system and get paid credits for it, I'll play eve ;)


But maybe in time when we see them figure out more things and how to make it more fun, we could see pve concepts slowly making their way into it. Ya never know!

Edited by Sarfux
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I personally "Would" like to see Starfighter or at least a variant of it (Using our Class ships) for PvE. The current "Space Mission" system for PvE frankly Sucks.. I didn't like it in Beta, nor at release. Its way too "Star Fox'ish" as it stands now.. which was a great game.. in the 90's.. But not now.. to use it was a mistake by Bio Ware. So it would be nice to see the current space missions revamped into a open-world free roam mission to make it better, mind, I and many others here are biased as we played the old X-Wing, TIE Fighter and X-Wing vs TIE Fighter games.
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at the ea event where people played it prior to release on the open PTS, they said they had no plans for PvE, since it would take a lot of work for scripting, but they said if it is successful, they will expand on it, which could mean PvE.


not sure what they mean by success and whatnot. if they can program turrets to fire at stuff, and bomber drones to chase after people, they can prolly make a space flashpoint or operation...

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Wheres your proof the devs have said this? Because as far as I have seen it IS a PvP only addition. Besides, how about I tell you that I am mainly a PvEr and I don't want starfiighter changed to PVE. So before you make some bogus claims show me some evidence. Oh one final thing who cares how many PvErs there are as opposed to PvPers that makes no baring on content whatsoever.


Oh and your passive aggressive insult towards people who play PvP is ridiculous. Grow up.


like you are being so respectful towards the pve player base right? And news flash clueless joe.... on one of the updates during the GSF ramp up it was stated that GSF was pvp only to start... that pve was not out of the question but would take more time to do since pvp was easier to code. So you are infact just saying what you think will cause a arguement on the forums to derail a thread.


To get the thread back on track... I would think they'd have to do something like one instance every 3 months or so or every other major release because of the time it would take to code something so big. So if they do follow thru and make a pve GSF I wouldn't expect much to begin with.

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