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Can you skip a planet in the storyline?


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Okay, I don't know if this sounds newbish or not, but I wanted to know if it was anywhere possible at all to skip a planet in your storyline. Specifically, Nar Shaddaa. I don't like the clubs, "hostesses", and extremely suggestive holograms, not to mention the Red Light Sector. I did my best to avoid stuff with the first character going through that planet, but even though I guessed there would be some suggestive stuff on a Hutt planet, I really didn't know what I was in for. She's getting close to the end of that planet, though, so I figured I would just treat her ordeal as my test run- though I still don't really like it. So I want to know if there's a way to skip it for my other characters. I don't care if it's a bug, glitch, or if a new planet in the storyline will pop up after a certain amount of experience. I'll do tons of flashpoints and mob grinding if I have to in order to get the experience I need. I'll even be fine with not getting the new ally at the end of the planet. Just, if it's in any way possible, does anyone know a way to skip a planet in your storyline?
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Okay, I don't know if this sounds newbish or not, but I wanted to know if it was anywhere possible at all to skip a planet in your storyline. Specifically, Nar Shaddaa. I don't like the clubs, "hostesses", and extremely suggestive holograms, not to mention the Red Light Sector. I did my best to avoid stuff with the first character going through that planet, but even though I guessed there would be some suggestive stuff on a Hutt planet, I really didn't know what I was in for. She's getting close to the end of that planet, though, so I figured I would just treat her ordeal as my test run- though I still don't really like it. So I want to know if there's a way to skip it for my other characters. I don't care if it's a bug, glitch, or if a new planet in the storyline will pop up after a certain amount of experience. I'll do tons of flashpoints and mob grinding if I have to in order to get the experience I need. I'll even be fine with not getting the new ally at the end of the planet. Just, if it's in any way possible, does anyone know a way to skip a planet in your storyline?


You can just...not look at the holograms when you run by them...


Granted, I personally do not care for Taris and Tattooine that much (because I always just have to run through the bonus series for the XP)...but wanting to skip a planet because of the hologram dancers?


I think you are overreacting here.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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You can not skip planets in your class story. They are all mandatory. That said, you can just rush to them, ignore any other quests along the way and be off the planet 2 hours later.


But that does offer the option of simply abandoning the class story. Theoretically once on the fleet station at level 10 or so, one can level a character and never touch the class story again. This however does have significant consequences:


- you will never get a full compliment of companions (if you run your class story until NS you may have three companions)

- this in turn means that doing anything with crew skills is more difficult (fewer companions means fewer bodies to send out on missions and/or craft)

- you will be running the same content (flashpoints, or warzones, or whatever), over and over and over again in order to level.

- stuff I cannot think of off the top of my head :)


So the question is posed: are those consequences worth being "uncomfortable" on one planet?


My advice, level up to the top end of NS via other means, ignore the "scenery" while your there, and get through the planet as quickly as possible by just doing the class story quest line.

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You can just...not look at the holograms when you run by them...


Granted, I personally do not care for Taris and Tattooine that much (because I always just have to run through the bonus series for the XP)...but wanting to skip a planet because of the hologram dancers?


I think you are overreacting here.


Well let's face it: as a Hutt planet Nar Shaddaa is very sexist. Which is sort of strange when you think about it, because Hutts are Hermaphrodites:confused::confused::confused:

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There is another solution for you. If you don't like the outfits in the clubs, don't go in there. By the time you reach that planet, you have a ship and you can log in your ship and still get rested xp.


I would also caution you that what you see on the holograms in the clubs is actually quite tame considering some of the outfits the players can come up with for themselves or their companions.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Yea, I have to agree. The depiction of Nar Shaddaa isn't even all that seedy, it's all extremely toned down. A few holo dancers, one funny/suggestive ad in huttese (oompa woompa something), that's it.


I know, I'm a little stricter-minded than most other people. It's not just the holograms and adds, though- there's also the mandatory class quests with barely-dressed hostesses running around, and the multitudes of neon silhouettes of ladies on the walls. It's kind of hard to "just look away" when they're everywhere you turn. I know it's toned down a lot, and I'm grateful for that- I'd just be teensy bit more grateful still if I could skip it completely. But... I guess that's Star Wars for you. I'm going to run into this stuff at some point in the series.

Edited by Fairyhaven
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I am leveling to 50, slowly, with all my characters through every means save for the class quests because I want to experience them in one continuous go. You can definitely go to any planet.


In fact the very first character I took to 50 (very quickly after launch), was my commando, and for every character so far as I can tell, after Coruscant or DK you get a quest that says go to one of these two planets...so I went to Nar Shadaa, I finished it before I realized Taris was the lower level planet that I should have gone to first.


So, there are options, I don't plan to ever do anything on certain planets save from my class story the second time around. Some of the world arcs are very good though.

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I am leveling to 50, slowly, with all my characters through every means save for the class quests because I want to experience them in one continuous go. You can definitely go to any planet.


I hope you understand what you are doing to yourself.


The side missions/planet missions are great for being in-line with your class quests.


While the class storylines are great...you're going to be spending 90% of your time traveling if you only run the class quests.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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Okay, I don't know if this sounds newbish or not, but I wanted to know if it was anywhere possible at all to skip a planet in your storyline. Specifically, Nar Shaddaa. I don't like the clubs, "hostesses", and extremely suggestive holograms, not to mention the Red Light Sector. I did my best to avoid stuff with the first character going through that planet, but even though I guessed there would be some suggestive stuff on a Hutt planet, I really didn't know what I was in for. She's getting close to the end of that planet, though, so I figured I would just treat her ordeal as my test run- though I still don't really like it. So I want to know if there's a way to skip it for my other characters. I don't care if it's a bug, glitch, or if a new planet in the storyline will pop up after a certain amount of experience. I'll do tons of flashpoints and mob grinding if I have to in order to get the experience I need. I'll even be fine with not getting the new ally at the end of the planet. Just, if it's in any way possible, does anyone know a way to skip a planet in your storyline?


You're kidding right?



If something as tame as these "complaints" are, maybe you should cancel your subscription and just play solitaire.

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OP, I understand your discomfort, I feel it in some locations as well. Though to some extent I do agree with the other posters in that you should make sure this game is for you, as player characters can wear much much worse things, and though you'll never get anything particularly explicit, and you won't get anything much at all unless you hit "Flirt" on a conversation choice, you do get hit on occasionally, and this isn't the only planet where dancers appear, just the only one that has nearly this many. I guess it just depends on how uncomfortable "uncomfortable" is for you, and you're the only one who can answer that.


However, while you can't progress in your class story without doing the quests on Nar Shadda, it is perfectly viable to do everything else. What I would recommend is to do all the missions (including bonuses and heroics, if you can manage it), and then using PvP and/or flashpoints to make up the rest of the levels. When you're somewhere between level 24 and lvl 26, then you can speed through your class story on Nar Shadda and head off to Tatooine. Happy questing!

Edited by Mirdthestrill
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If you are on the Jedi Covenant server, I would be willing to help you fly through your class storyline with my 50 (Republic) or 55 (Empire), so you can continue the story, but with minimal exposure to the planet. PM me here if this would help you.

Edited by Polisciguy
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So murdering your way through thousands of people with fire, lightning, guns, missiles and mind control powers: Quality Entertainment


Holographic female aliens dancing? Disgusting and unacceptable!!


People's priorities never cease to amaze me.

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If you are on the Jedi Covenant server, I would be willing to help you fly through your class storyline with my 50 (Republic) or 55 (Empire), so you can continue the story, but with minimal exposure to the planet. PM me here if this would help you.


Thread needs more posts like this, fewer posts taking the OP to task.

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So murdering your way through thousands of people with fire, lightning, guns, missiles and mind control powers: Quality Entertainment


Holographic female aliens dancing? Disgusting and unacceptable!!


People's priorities never cease to amaze me.


This is a straw man. The OP didn't construct such an argument.

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This is a straw man. The OP didn't construct such an argument.


True. However, to advance at all in the game it's necessary to kill hundreds of sapient beings, so the OP must find murder and mayhem far more acceptable than mildly suggestive outfits and silhouettes to complain about the latter while saying nothing about the former. Both are equally fictional, but one is fictional pain and death and the other is fictional (and rather sexist) sexiness. Then again it's pretty clearly implied that the sexist and suggestive parts are indicators of how sleazy and immoral the planet is while murder and mayhem are shown as being the right and proper way to advance.


Which is fine. Some people find murder to be perfectly acceptable and any sort of overt sexuality unacceptable. So it goes. Sadly there is no way to avoid a planet while doing your class' storyline, so you will have to be exposed to some mildly suggestive images while engaged in the virtuous infliction of pain and death.


Edit: However, getting a high level character to help you through the planet as quickly as possible is an excellent way to get through it as quickly as possible and back to ickyness-free killing.

Edited by NyxNoxNothing
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You also have to take into account that Nar Shaddaa is themed after Vegas in most respects. The casinos, clubs, dancers, etc... On top of that all of it is controlled by the Hutt cartel which is a crime family which is similar to the mafia in a way.

I find Nar Shaddaa one of the best planets in the game. It was well designed.

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I hope you understand what you are doing to yourself.


The side missions/planet missions are great for being in-line with your class quests.


While the class storylines are great...you're going to be spending 90% of your time traveling if you only run the class quests.


That sounds a bit too dramatic.


I leveled my operative (my 2nd agent, cuz the story is that awesome) from 15, once I got my ship, to 50 or so with Treek (my "only" companion from story was Kaliyo ofc) without doing any class quest,nor planet story, just heroics, pvp and flashpoints. That way I got rid of the of the stuff that derails you from the story. When I was done with the leveling, I just play exclusively the class quests. It was probably the best run I made.

Edited by wainot-keel
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This is a straw man. The OP didn't construct such an argument.


Hardly a straw imho, very relevant and I would really like to hear the OP's reaction to that. Violence and death is considered entertainment while a nipleslip is a national scandal. Posting here about your "strict morals" leaves you open to such a counterargument.

Edited by MickyJuulke
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True. However, to advance at all in the game it's necessary to kill hundreds of sapient beings, so the OP must find murder and mayhem far more acceptable than mildly suggestive outfits and silhouettes to complain about the latter while saying nothing about the former. Both are equally fictional, but one is fictional pain and death and the other is fictional (and rather sexist) sexiness. Then again it's pretty clearly implied that the sexist and suggestive parts are indicators of how sleazy and immoral the planet is while murder and mayhem are shown as being the right and proper way to advance.


Which is fine. Some people find murder to be perfectly acceptable and any sort of overt sexuality unacceptable. So it goes. Sadly there is no way to avoid a planet while doing your class' storyline, so you will have to be exposed to some mildly suggestive images while engaged in the virtuous infliction of pain and death.


Edit: However, getting a high level character to help you through the planet as quickly as possible is an excellent way to get through it as quickly as possible and back to ickyness-free killing.


Its American Culture..


Killing, explosions and massacres in entertainment = good.

nudity, close to nudity sells = good.

Entertained by nudity, close to nudity = bad person.

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Its American Culture..


Killing, explosions and massacres in entertainment = good.

nudity, close to nudity sells = good.

Entertained by nudity, close to nudity = bad person.


And people wonder why the USA has been at war with SOMETHING concurrently since the mid-late 1960s.


As for the OP, let's not hold her morals to task, as she is merely asking for advice. I'd say get with that high-level fella and let him help run you through your Nar Shadaa class quest in record time. Failing that, overlevel like a fiend before you go there and blow through the class quest in an hour.

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That sounds a bit too dramatic.


I leveled my operative (my 2nd agent, cuz the story is that awesome) from 15, once I got my ship, to 50 or so with Treek (my "only" companion from story was Kaliyo ofc) without doing any class quest,nor planet story, just heroics, pvp and flashpoints. That way I got rid of the of the stuff that derails you from the story. When I was done with the leveling, I just play exclusively the class quests. It was probably the best run I made.


I wasn't being dramatic...just truthful.


90% traveling time might be a bit high...but it's damn close.


At such a high level you easily run through the enemies...and then have to travel across the planets hitting only 3-5 spots scattered out on the planet since you're only doing class quests.


I ran only the class quests as an Inquisitor, teamed with a level 50...traveling definitely took up nearly all the time it took to finish the chapters.


The only reason I ran only the class quests with such a high level was to unlock the class buff. I would never suggest doing it if you actually wanted to enjoy the story.


To each their own I guess.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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I know, I'm a little stricter-minded than most other people. It's not just the holograms and adds, though- there's also the mandatory class quests with barely-dressed hostesses running around, and the multitudes of neon silhouettes of ladies on the walls. It's kind of hard to "just look away" when they're everywhere you turn. I know it's toned down a lot, and I'm grateful for that- I'd just be teensy bit more grateful still if I could skip it completely. But... I guess that's Star Wars for you. I'm going to run into this stuff at some point in the series.


If that bothers you, this may not be the game for you as I can't think of the last time I ran a flash point where somebody wasn't dressed up in skimpy clothing.

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