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2 Years of sub... where is the box sized expansion?


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I dont mean this with arrogance. I love playing this game, i merely want more.


It's been 2 years now and i made the math. Its above 300 euros i have payed Bioware for this game and the ability to play it. I'm sure others payed even more with all the cartel shop stuff.

Now in comparison, i spend 50/60 euros on a mass effect game and maybe another 30 for the DLC totalling in about 80 euros, and i get a new Mass effect every 2 years.


So, this is simple. I have payed triple for this game, and still theres no box sized expansion announced. This wont do at all Bioware. We the players who love your games are here supporting you and paying, but were not getting nearly enough for what we are paying.

An expansion with 1 planet (wich btw i payed for aswell), a space mini-game and a couple of daily areas and raids do not account for all the money we're forking out.


Its time to support us back. Announce that expansion already! Both your fans and the game need it!

Edited by Nemmar
people are debating the term used instead of the topic
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But when you buy Mass Effect, you get a specific amount of content and no more, right?


In the last two years, you have gotten a lot more content with TOR. Consider how many new ops (or modes), new flashpoints (or modes), new dailies, new planets, achievements, gear, 5 more levels, new PVP, space pvp... They could have saved that up and put it in a box for you, but personally I do think there is enough content there to be worth my sub.


But of course I am always on board with more content :)

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How do you measure a "box sized" expansion? Does it need to be 10x8 inches? :p


I'm fairly certain that with this type of model, boxed expansions may be completely off the table. We are going to get smaller, more frequent digital downloads, most cases for free, rather than waiting 2.5 years and paying $40-$60. If you would rather wait a couple of years to pay more money, maybe you're playing the wrong game.

Edited by chuixupu
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How do you measure a "box sized" expansion? Does it need to be 10x8 inches? :p


Yeah.. really. :)


I'm fairly certain that with this type of model, boxed expansions may be completely off the table. We are going to get smaller, more frequent digital downloads, most cases for free, rather than waiting 2.5 years and paying $40-$60. If you would rather wait a couple of years to pay more money, maybe you're playing the wrong game.


Yeah.. the entire industry is moving toward digital only. So that only leaves ranting about size. Rather then get all worked up about a huge expansion every 2-3 years.. I'm fine with smaller expansions every 9-12 months to be honest. The net effect (size per unity time) is about the same.. except we don't have to wait three freaking years for the expac.

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I dont mean this with arrogance. I love playing this game, i merely want more.


It's been 2 years now and i made the math. Its above 300 euros i have payed Bioware for this game and the ability to play it. I'm sure others payed even more with all the cartel shop stuff.

Now in comparison, i spend 50/60 euros on a mass effect game and maybe another 30 for the DLC totalling in about 80 euros, and i get a new Mass effect every 2 years.


So, this is simple. I have payed triple for this game, and still theres no box sized expansion announced. This wont do at all Bioware. We the players who love your games are here supporting you and paying, but were not getting nearly enough for what we are paying.

An expansion with 1 planet (wich btw i payed for aswell), a space mini-game and a couple of daily areas and raids do not account for all the money we're forking out.


Its time to support us back. Announce that expansion already! Both your fans and the game need it!


You don't speak for anyone other than yourself.

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This model of business is so 2001...


I was thinking more like 2008, but close enough.


Personally, I'd prefer to have smaller, more frequent mini-expansions on a semi-regular basis than one giant expansion every couple of years.


Welcome to the future of MMO's.

Adapt or get left behind.

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An expansion with 1 planet (wich btw i payed for aswell), a space mini-game and a couple of daily areas and raids do not account for all the money we're forking out.

You do however realize, that a "box sized" expansion would also come with a box-price additionally to the subscription cost?

So why exactly is your "continued support" (actually you are paying for a service, you are not supporting anyone) any reason to bring out an expansion that will only cost you more money and that countless players will ***** about anyway?

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The Galactic Starfighter thing seems pretty cool. :rolleyes:


But yeah, I understand the charm of a box expansion - or at least, an expansion like Rise of the Hutt cartel which not only gave new levels, but a new planet, new items, the works. Of course with class balance one should not raise level caps all too often... but it's just I can't get enough SWTOR! :)

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Seems to still be working for WoW.


This is true isn't it?


I imagine they have a group dedicated to making expansions and one for making regular game content. I don't think they have that luxury at bio Austin. We never really get a good peak into the future now which makes me believe all their man power is always being put towards the next update rather then having a crew working on the next big thing after that.


I personally would love to see a huge expansion even with a large pricetag, it would be a good opportunity to do a refresh on the classes, fix the crafting system (Because F2P and makeb pretty much ruined this), give us some more class stories and maybe do some big adjustments to the game engine?


Regardless of what people want though big expansions are not likely to ever happen with this game. This game is on money drive mode now, EA is trying to get the most money they can out of this game before population falls too low. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game is almost on its way out, but the population is not growing. I of course don't have the numbers because no one does but just playing the game you can tell the population is shrinking slowly.


Now as far as these mini-expansions I really wish they wouldn't call them expansions at all. This space update we are getting is hardly worth being called an expansion. A game expansion should have a little bit of everything, this update is adding the space stuff, a very little amount of class balance and what else? Its just like how makeb came out and gave absolutely nothing to pvp player and hell they had to pay for that!

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This is true isn't it?


I imagine they have a group dedicated to making expansions and one for making regular game content. I don't think they have that luxury at bio Austin. We never really get a good peak into the future now which makes me believe all their man power is always being put towards the next update rather then having a crew working on the next big thing after that.


I personally would love to see a huge expansion even with a large pricetag, it would be a good opportunity to do a refresh on the classes, fix the crafting system (Because F2P and makeb pretty much ruined this), give us some more class stories and maybe do some big adjustments to the game engine?


Regardless of what people want though big expansions are not likely to ever happen with this game. This game is on money drive mode now, EA is trying to get the most money they can out of this game before population falls too low. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the game is almost on its way out, but the population is not growing. I of course don't have the numbers because no one does but just playing the game you can tell the population is shrinking slowly.


Now as far as these mini-expansions I really wish they wouldn't call them expansions at all. This space update we are getting is hardly worth being called an expansion. A game expansion should have a little bit of everything, this update is adding the space stuff, a very little amount of class balance and what else? Its just like how makeb came out and gave absolutely nothing to pvp player and hell they had to pay for that!


I agree with you for the most part. They are calling this an expansion, and it is clearly NOT an expansion. Introducing a new form of space PvP and no new planets, quest hubs, gear, etc, counts as DLC, not an actual expansion. I'll begrudgingly give BW expansion credit for RotHC because it contained the necessary content to actually count as an expansion, but G. Starfighter IS NOT an expansion.

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I think it is fair to ask if this sort of thing is coming. In the lead up to release no indication was given how expansions would be handled. From my past experience and understanding of MMOs I did expect larger expansions that would give me more of what I wanted.


Makeb was good in that regard though while it might be great GS doesn't move the PvE game I play forward in any way. So after two years am I thinking "where is this going?" Yes, and I don't think that is something I or anyone else with the same thoughts is wrong to do.


Bioware should give a clearer map of its vision and let me as a subscriber know what is on the horizon. If it won't we large PvE focused expansions that many expect of this genre, that is fine. It doesn't have to be to keep me subscribed, but I would like some idea of their plans. I say this because once I stop playing an MMO I do not come back. With several interesting MMOs on the horizon I would like to have some information that I can used to stick with SWTOR and not move on to something else. GS didn't do that for me (and I only speak for myself!).


Those are just my feelings on it. I don't know what this game is trying to be any more and I am not seeing a strong reason to stick with it if something else that offers more should become available. Then again the next batch of MMOs might suck and its all moot anyway... never know.

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but G. Starfighter IS NOT an expansion.


It is "expanding" current gameplay beyond what it is now buy adding something new and not scene before in game. It is an "expansion" by the most basic definition of the word.




Edited by agamemnon-
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I think it is fair to ask if this sort of thing is coming. In the lead up to release no indication was given how expansions would be handled. From my past experience and understanding of MMOs I did expect larger expansions that would give me more of what I wanted.


Makeb was good in that regard though while it might be great GS doesn't move the PvE game I play forward in any way. So after two years am I thinking "where is this going?" Yes, and I don't think that is something I or anyone else with the same thoughts is wrong to do.


Bioware should give a clearer map of its vision and let me as a subscriber know what is on the horizon. If it won't we large PvE focused expansions that many expect of this genre, that is fine. It doesn't have to be to keep me subscribed, but I would like some idea of their plans. I say this because once I stop playing an MMO I do not come back. With several interesting MMOs on the horizon I would like to have some information that I can used to stick with SWTOR and not move on to something else. GS didn't do that for me (and I only speak for myself!).


Those are just my feelings on it. I don't know what this game is trying to be any more and I am not seeing a strong reason to stick with it if something else that offers more should become available. Then again the next batch of MMOs might suck and its all moot anyway... never know.



Yeah it would be nice to know what they have planned. I generally feel no information is a bad thing in these situations. I know they have been busy with getting everything ready with 2.5 but even before that the dev tracker is almost empty everyday and outside of cartel market updates and maintenance schedule we really don't hear from the community team. I'd like to know when we get some new raids!

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It's not the size of the box that matters but.....nvm, I can't finish this sentence without making it worse ;)


If you have been subbed for 2 years, are you seriously telling me that in those two years you never read the forums and developer comments about this subject?


Seriously, we've been over this and they have said already that a full size expansion in a box was not what they were going for. Things can always change of course but they've been clear that as far as they're concerned this is not in the planning.

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How do you measure a "box sized" expansion? Does it need to be 10x8 inches? :p


I'm fairly certain that with this type of model, boxed expansions may be completely off the table. We are going to get smaller, more frequent digital downloads, most cases for free, rather than waiting 2.5 years and paying $40-$60. If you would rather wait a couple of years to pay more money, maybe you're playing the wrong game.


The problem is, what they are missing.. When this this game first started.. I got the collectors edition.. I have my Darth Malgus.. I thought that when the next collectors edition came out for an expansion, we would get a Satele Shan.. I am saddened by the prospect of that never happening,..


I agree with the OP.. I would like my expansions to come in a box with the option for a collectors edition.. To me these low cost digital downloads cheapens this game.. Again that is my opinion..


They need to have a proper expansion.. One that comes in a box.. One that extends our story, A new planet, A new mount for the collectors edition and or a new pet.. New warzones, new flashpoints, and new ops.. Oh and did I mention nothing for the Cartel Market.. This expansion will have to be purchased and not given away..



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If you have been subbed for 2 years, are you seriously telling me that in those two years you never read the forums and developer comments about this subject?


You do realize that 70% to 80% of the people that play video games, never see or read the forums.. Let alone developers comments..


It took me almost 3 years to become active in the forums at Blizzard for WOW.. I started using the forums when I joined the PTR..


Just thought I would mention that.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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And how could you know this for certain? Or are you as guilty as the op in your assumptions? Pettyness of this kind ruins this forum


While others may agree with him, he does not speak for the community. He speaks for himself. There really isn't any assumption there. It's petty (and sadly common here) for people to try and add weight to their opinion by asserting the supposed backing of the community for their opinions, when they are in fact nothing more than their own opinions.

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